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Fantasy Character Registration

Ok nvm ill edit it to long lost son hidden away , no home( hell) all that fun stuff will that make any one happy?
You guys still accepting characters? I just want to join an rp that isn't dying/dead for once.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]You guys still accepting characters? I just want to join an rp that isn't dying/dead for once.

well as long as you're patient, there's a fairly consistent character base, and yes the RP is still accepting.
Do Trees Die of Old Age? | RealClearScience[/URL])

So really, for someone like myself, I can wait for a week or so, maybe a month. But to trees,

Who am I kidding, I'm patient as hell. I'll start my sheet.
Lumina said:
I like you already.
I know right? I'll make sure to leave a character open if you wanna interact once you get done. Just tag me or message me xD
Lumina said:
I like you already.
Do I respond with self inflation of my ego, or a complement for noticing the minimalist researching on the significance of trees?

The world may never know! God I love those Tootsie pops.

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]I know right? I'll make sure to leave a character open if you wanna interact once you get done. Just tag me or message me xD

Just a little hint, i'm going to create the unswattable mosquito. No forms, no anime super-saiyan wait-a-million-episodes or anything like that.

Just, just wait. It'll be funny. A literary masterpiece.
Wicked Jester] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14908-lumina/ said:
@Lumina[/URL] can we keep him? Can we?!?!? Please!?!?!?
I think she'll say yes. Papa Roman is always watching (OuO)
[QUOTRomanman, post: 6446271, member: 29050"]I think she'll say yes. Papa Roman is always watching (OuO)

Papa roman!!! You owe me a reply you git!!!!
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Roman said:
I think she'll say yes. Papa Roman is always watching (OuO)
Papa roman!!! You owe me a reply you git!!!!

Don't talk to your papa like that! You know better!
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Name: Leo Valkas

Nickname(If Applies): Unswattable Mosquito

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterotrophic (This means that a species of bacteria eats other bacteria, just incase you were confused with Heterophobic, or Heterosexual)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, 'cause I'ma force a' nature!

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Sadly, I don't have a real set place of rest, so I just make do and teleport somewhere useful. Occasionally it's a closed down shopping mall (I get a new change of clothes as well from the place.), or i'll crash with one of my friends if I had any.

(Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Leo actually has no set sleeping spot, besides from a mall in Arizona, where he has built a rivalry with the night time security guard there. He happens to be a portly fellow named Steve.)

What Year of highschool your in: Junior Year.

What kind of being you are: What the hell is this crap? Uh, clearly i'm awesome. Pure, high-flyin', run-and-gun, amazing! Oh? What was that? There's other species at this place? I really should pay more attention instead a' keepin' to myself like the edgy kid I am. Anywho, I'm a human. Pure blooded, an' whateva.

(Leo is 100% Human)

Powers/gifts: Teleporting, Materialization, an' other stuff. I'll explain.


So, it's kinda like that one guy who has the tail and only has 3 fingers? Nightcrawler, that's the one. I can teleport wherever I can see, or wherever I can remember. So, my childhood room, yeah. If I got a picture of the place, I could go there as well. Just, don't show me any pictures of mountains, because I really hate the pressure drops. It makes my ears pop. I hate it when my ears pop!


His teleporting powers work in a very specific way. Leo has to know exactly where he is going to be, and he will be there the second he decides so. He must have a memory or a picture of the place to go there. A clear sight is also helpful as well.

If Leo is currently being held, when he teleports, the piece of clothing he wears is left in the hands of his captor, so he always brings an extra set of clothes, and wears a inner layer as well. He does get incredibly hot when it is 80+ degrees outside.)

Materialization and crap

Okay, so you might think, "Leo! Materialization is really inspecific and sounds just like teleporting!" Shut up dumbass! I'm the expert here! You stupid dumbass. Dumbass.

So no, I don't materialize myself somewhere, I materialize other NON-LIVING THINGS! So don't go asking around "Hey Leo! Can you teleport me to-" SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! I really hate that, because I don't make things outta thin air! So, I take whateva's around me, dirt, metal, crap, whateva. And I make it into cool guns! Or whatever suits me right then and there.

Bear traps, arrows, swords, chainswords, cards, figurines, tables, stools (both),etc. You name it, i'll make it! (For a price you cheapskate.)


Leo takes whatever is from the enviroment, and converts it to something else. The material must be in direct contact with Leo in order to be converted, and Leo cannot use living tissue for a non-living thing, and vice-versa. He can transport living tissue into a new form, just not on himself. Also, he can transport consciousness from form to form as well.)

Oh and I also am I a bit more durable than the average human, so I don't die as quickly in this place.

This is really helpful for falling 600+ heights as I normally do. So, whoop-dee-doo.

Likes: Easier said than done. Me! Boom! Done? Done.

Dislikes: Uh... Where do I start? The stupid asshole that seems to keep doin' shit to me. Yeah, you know who you are. I'm watchin' you mall security guard! Screw you man.

I really hate it when people try'n make fun'na my accent. Really, it's nothin' too special.

People ask me all the time if I can teleport them, and here's the thing. I really can't. It's so annoying though because people ask me to do it all the time, so I just materialize some stupid oversized hammer or somethin' and tell 'em to piss off, wanka.

Personality: You've already got plenty of it, so I really don't need to elaborate now, do I? That was a rhetorical question! Don't answer that!

(Personality: Leo is a joker at best, a mosquito at worst. He is almost always upbeat, and has plenty to brag about, and more to mock and make fun of. Thankfully, his ability to teleport allows him to avoid his target more often than he gets hit. Which is almost never.)

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: What the hell do you creeps want from me? A book? Documentary? I'll give you a brief, and I mean BRIEF synopsis of my life as of now.

Ahem. Settle down, as the Ballad Of Valkas is sung!

I eat, I sleep, repeat!

Short and sweet.

Oh, and I also happen to dissapeared from my parents a while ago, but the government can't really catch somebody like myself, so i'll take a guess that they're content with a mentally stable person such as myself regularly going somewhere with people who can also deal with my genius.

(Bio: A runaway ever since he was 15, he learned his powers through a freak lightning strike, which after regaining consciousness at the hospital, he teleported a few times away, making sure he was to leave everything he knew, and start a new life for himself. He even adopted a new name to completely wipe the slate off what little personality the previously quiet boy was. Nobody knew why he ran away, but everyone knows who he is now.)

Dating/lover/crush: Uh, screw you, both literally and metaphorically. Wouldn't mind screwin' you if you know what i'm- I'll stop myself before this gets too far, alright?

Anything else: But seriously though, just hit me up if you up for some screwin'. Yeah? Okay i'm not sorry.

@Fukushima Akira
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Yeah, I know, BBCode should've been used there, but I really don't want to waste my time on that, because I have better things to do.
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]
Everything seems to be in place. Though, I'm not too sure about the fourth wall breaking. The only instance of that that's being allowed is through a character that's already been created. That should be taken out, so that it doesn't get confusing and convoluted.

Aside from that, I think you're good.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]I'm older than both of you! Why the hell am I the kid? XDDD

You did this to yourself.
Lumina said:
Everything seems to be in place. Though, I'm not too sure about the fourth wall breaking. The only instance of that that's being allowed is through a character that's already been created. That should be taken out, so that it doesn't get confusing and convoluted.
Aside from that, I think you're good.

I'll just create a addon character sheet!

With hookers and blackjack!
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]
Cleanup and Specifics Character Sheet: Leo Valkas

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Leo actually has no set sleeping spot, besides from a mall in Arizona, where he has built a rivalry with the night time security guard there. He happens to be a portly fellow named Steve.

What kind of being you are: Leo is 100% Human



His teleporting powers work in a very specific way. Leo has to know exactly where he is going to be, and he will be there the second he decides so. He must have a memory or a picture of the place to go there. A clear sight is also helpful as well.

If Leo is currently being held, when he teleports, the piece of clothing he wears is left in the hands of his captor, so he always brings an extra set of clothes, and wears a inner layer as well. He does get incredibly hot when it is 80+ degrees outside.

Personality: Leo is a joker at best, a mosquito at worst. He us almost always upbeat, and has plenty to brag about, and more to mock and make fun of. Thankfully, his ability to teleport allows him to avoid his target more often than he gets hit. Which is almost never.


Leo takes whatever is from the enviroment, and converts it to something else. The material must be in direct contact with Leo in order to be converted, and Leo cannot use living tissue for a non-living thing, and vice-versa. He can transport living tissue into a new form, just not on himself. Also, he can transport consciousness from form to form as well.

Bio: A runaway ever since he was 15, he learned his powers through a freak lightning strike, which after regaining consciousness at the hospital, he teleported a few times away, making sure he was to leave everything he knew, and start a new life for himself. He even adopted a new name to completely wipe the slate off what little personality the previously quiet boy was. Nobody knew why he ran away, but everyone knows who he is now.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Cleanup and Specifics Character Sheet: Leo Valkas
Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Leo actually has no set sleeping spot, besides from a mall in Arizona, where he has built a rivalry with the night time security guard there. He happens to be a portly fellow named Steve.

What kind of being you are: Leo is 100% Human



His teleporting powers work in a very specific way. Leo has to know exactly where he is going to be, and he will be there the second he decides so. He must have a memory or a picture of the place to go there. A clear sight is also helpful as well.

If Leo is currently being held, when he teleports, the piece of clothing he wears is left in the hands of his captor, so he always brings an extra set of clothes, and wears a inner layer as well. He does get incredibly hot when it is 80+ degrees outside.

Personality: Leo is a joker at best, a mosquito at worst. He us almost always upbeat, and has plenty to brag about, and more to mock and make fun of. Thankfully, his ability to teleport allows him to avoid his target more often than he gets hit. Which is almost never.


Leo takes whatever is from the enviroment, and converts it to something else. The material must be in direct contact with Leo in order to be converted, and Leo cannot use living tissue for a non-living thing, and vice-versa. He can transport living tissue into a new form, just not on himself. Also, he can transport consciousness from form to form as well.

Bio: A runaway ever since he was 15, he learned his powers through a freak lightning strike, which after regaining consciousness at the hospital, he teleported a few times away, making sure he was to leave everything he knew, and start a new life for himself. He even adopted a new name to completely wipe the slate off what little personality the previously quiet boy was. Nobody knew why he ran away, but everyone knows who he is now.


I honestly just hate making up rules on the fly, it seems unfair to me. I'll condense these two into one thing.

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