Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

To All

The gypsy caravan will be well on its way down the Stone Road as Grin's own caravan begins on the same route with the oxen lowing and pulling the tons of wagons behind them. Rather nice to not have all that dust stirred up now that you're on the flagstoned road.

"Haha, aye, you probably would."

"Good they've made the turn maybe we can get this caravan back to its slow crawl. I think I much prefer the back of a claw strider. Remind me to steal one if it comes up."
To All

The day grows longer, sometime past noon now. The Sun hangs high in the sky, little heat reaching you, seeing as it is Ascending Air. The majority of the trees as you crawl northward are growing barren, their dead leaves scattered about the fields of red poppies. The way goes smoothly, though, as you begin to wend your way into the hills, amazingly carved through the hills, presumably to give barriers against the harsh winds that kick up out here from time to time.

Lovely countryside even in winter. All maps point that you're not terribly far from the Demeter Hills, some twenty-five miles away, you'd arrive there tomorrow most like along a road nice as this.

Within two hours, your wagon train will break through this small set of hills and onto a vast flat plain stretching for miles and miles north and west. To the east, you can barely make out the beginnings of the Forests and the dim outline of Cloudcap in the haze (hurray for Creation being flat, seeing for dozens of miles in either direction is zero issue).

The old track of the Lesser Rock river stretches out in its own winding path to the east, a wide and sloping path in the earth. A bizarre victim of the Fae during the Contagion.

Myriad clusters of buildings and villas dot the landscape for many and more miles around. Patches of wood and patchwork farms stretching between them. Along the Stone Road you're on, you can see what looks like a village not so far up ahead. Maybe five more miles.
To All

Two hours later...

You'll pass a sign as you approach the village that says, "Shijumi."

The town brackets both sides of the Stone Road, looks fairly sizeable as well. At least a thousand people. All of you can hear the sound of a town herald even over the din of the wagon wheels, oxen and conversations. Guards in rather fine chain hauberk stand outside the arches of the town.

With a twist and one last knot, the long strand of braided leaves was complete! It was a bit hard to get all the right leaves, some were too dry and brittle, and she couldn’t go too far from the caravan (at all). Somehow she'd still managed to gather a nice variety or reds, oranges and yellows. Her favorite leaves were the yellow with scarlet veins. Anju finished just on time too, but now she didn't know what to do with the garland.

Maybe she could attach it to one of the wagons before anyone noticed.
To Anju

Hmm, the third wagon in line has some hooks on the outside... And no one but Milly's kids are around that one.
To Kaya, Adair, Anju, Lyrik

The caravans will slow outside the gates of this Shijumi town. Jonas'll ride forward to talk with the guards, telling them your five wagons are not part of the larger train behind. The walls are thick stone, set together with no mortar and covered with ivy creeper vine. The arches are old, carved things etched with looks like odd pictographs (Old Realm for those who speak it, "Here Stood The Fifteenth Legion Against Fae Tide").

The rest of the guards at the arches look over the caravan, a few men with halberds walk down the line, speaking little, usually greeting the children. Archers pace the crenelated battlements. Other wagons from outlying farms and travellers on foot are coming and going around you, given quick inspection and let to pass.

Minutes later, Jonas will come back smiling, motioning you on. Soon, the gypsy caravan will be rolling under the ornate and carved arches.

That settled that! It’d be silly to give the garland to someone –at least in the city- and the wagon had empty hooks-! Anju eased over to the third wagon and attached the garland. It looked very festive.

Now what.

Oooh, looks like it was time to go into town! Towns were always good places to have fun.

Though somewhat excited by the fact that she would get to see a new town, Kaya, for the moment, had her eyes on the armed men that were inspecting their caravan. She couldn't help but notice the archers either. Old habits, really, ones so ingrained in her - to keep an eye out, watch, be ready. At least they were rolling again. It only took a small click of her tongue to get Athar moving, the horse whickering softly before he got going.

Adair walked alongside Kaya and Atha- looking carefree and idle once more. He tucked his hands behind his head to look at the sky as they moved forward, looking up to the sun and winking. May he always live in interesting times...
Lyrik Evensong

As the caravan rolls into town, Lyrik pulls out his sanxian and starts playing a lively tune. One appropriate for a gypsy caravan entering a new town. One meant to put smiles on faces and to get toes a-tapping. The musician's foot keeps time, tapping out a rhythm to accompany the song, and his mouth adds additional percussive sounds, all blending to create a tune reminiscent of a festival celebration, a summer evening, a lively dance. The music is joyous and infectious...
Amilar Blefuscu

...joined by a laughing flute playing counterpoint. Blefuscu stands at the edge of the caravan's roof, playing joyously on the flute and not seeming to notice the bumpy road at all. The flute's music threads perfectly through the sanxian's.
To Lyrik and Blef

People clap and find a smile for the joyous music reaching their ears as the gypsies pull into the town and the larger caravan comes to a stop outside the gate.
To Garda, Grin and Blef

Ox takes care of speaking to the guards, paying a small toll and letting the caravan roll through the main road with little trouble, you'll be following the gypsies shortly. The pleasing music of Blef and the bard in the gypsy company carries you into the town.

It's near the end of daylight anyhow. The caravan will be allowed to wait in the city walls for the evening and set out before noon tomorrow.
To All

As the caravans pull into town, down the main avenue and through the impormptu town square, the herald you heard minutes ago can be heard loud and clear here. He stans upon a raised platform, tolling out the daily news. The portly fellow raises his hands in clear gesture for any who could not possibly hear him.

"The mass this week with Cardinal Ulim is canceled due to a small outbreak of plague in Koka. May your prayers be with the cardinal and pray the plague does not spread beyond Koka and Midland's borders. Law has been passed by the Congress that a 50 silver additional levy shall be placed upon all shipments of wool, be aware!"

He'll look at the tablet for notes, then continue: "Two ships belonging to the river pirate Ulgar Sharp were sunk today just outside of Rostock! And the mercenary order of the Silvermasks has struck a mighty blow against the Jade Leaves Freehold in the Barren Hills, north of Shalebridge! Almost one hundred hobgoblins slaughtered and rumor of one Fae itself being killed in the skirmish. A day of celebration has been called!"

A rather scattered cheer will go up at that bit of news.

"Our neighbors across the Cloudcap in Midland call for mercenaries in their continuing war with the Empire of Chudor! The Order of the Temple of Hesiesh calls for swords, as do the Band of the Hawk and the Hundred Spears! Details can be gathered with the town constables."

The rest of the announcements are little of news abroad.

But, seeing as you're in a very populated and bustling town, there seems plenty to do. The gypsy caravan will be veritably swamped with people looking to buy any exotic goods the gypsies have to offer.

The young Exalt's interest seems to be piqued at the mention of the Fae- but it seems to pass quickly. Shaking his head, as if to free it from dust, he looked to the others.

"Hey you think you'll be needing our help today, or...?" He smiled, hoping to be set free to explore the town.
To Adair

Jonas chuckles, shaking his head, he'll stop the trader he's speaking with in rapidfire Airtongue. "No, no, feel free to be about it, Adair. You're not my charge, haha, you're a free man." He'll go back to rapid trading terms with this man over a load of furs in the lead wagon.
To Blef and Garda

Ox will shout up at you men on top of the wagons: "Take the night off! Lock the top hatches on the wagons and go get a drink or somethin'! We'll most likely move out in the morn unless Grin wants to stay!"

Adair's eyes lit up with joy, and he thanked Jonas profusely. He wasted no time, turning to Kaya. His face was lit up by boyish glee as opposed to a caste symbol or golden essence.

"You want to come with me Kaya? A new town means plenty of new things to see, right?" He grinned. "I'll even buy you lunch- think of it as payment for the training you gave me."
Amilar Blefuscu

Nodding brusquely, Blefuscu gets to work locking the roof hatches down, hopping lithely from one caravan to the next.

"How can I refuse an offer of food and exploring a new town? Maybe we can find a tavern too." Her grin was bright as she slid off her horse. Leading Athar towards the rest of the horses, Kaya hitched him with the rest with a few words to the old Southerner about taking care of him for a while.

Grabbing Adair roughly around the back of his neck, the pair walked away from the caravan like two old friends setting out for adventure. She laughed. "I think we need to see as much as we can of this place and then find a suitable tavern to have a drink in, eh?" She called out to Jonas over her shoulder, "We'll be back, hopefully without too much trouble behind us." With another cackle, she shoved Adair ahead of her.
Lyrik Evensong

Lyrik puts his sanxian in its case, slings the case over his shoulder, and nods to Jonas and Saeka as he approaches the other caravan. He approaches the musician on top of the wagon. "Good day, sir. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lyrik Evensong, and I would consider it an honor to know your name. Perhaps, if you are so inclined, we might find a tavern where we can make some beautiful music, meet some beautiful locals, and drink some beautiful spirits. Not necessarily in that order. What say you, good sir?"

"Oof!" Adair stumbled a bit from Kaya's push, but he managed to correct himself before doing anything too embarrassing. He too often forgot how strong Kaya was, it was probably a good thing she reminded him so often. "Sounds like a plan. Besides, the walking will make us work up an appetite!"

He brushed a bit of his blue hair from his face, taking a good look around. "Whenever exploring a new place, I like to look at the local landmarks first, if there are any. It helps me get a good feel of a place."

"Failing that, we could always pick a direction and walk that way." Carefree, as usual.

Seeing the two musicians getting on, I'll hop up and disappear into the crowd. I'll wander a bit keeping eye out for our fellow travelers, they were the most interesting people I'd seen since entering this land.

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