Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]


Turning to regard Kaya "I assuredly will, if he does not wish to leave soon however, I would much prefer to ride along with you and your fellows, I will lend my aid in anyway I can along the way."

She gave Garda a ghost of a smile, reaching out to clasp him firmly on his shoulder. "I'd feel better with a Tokitari warrior to fight beside. What happened here has made me uneasy. Another fighter is always welcome. From where I stand, I say it would be good to have you traveling with us. " Kaya emphasized her last words, glancing at Saeka to let the old woman know where she stood on the matter.
To Kaya

You'll feel a pair of sharp silver eyes nearly strip the mettle of your soul in a single glare, but Saeka will go back to observing Jonas.

"He shan't wake soon."
Lyrik Evensong

Sorry I'm so late to the party, ladies and gents. I wish I could have stayed up longer last night, but I was falling asleep.

Perception (2) + Essence (2) = Results for 4 dice: 0 successes [ 3 4 3 6 ] (TN: 7)

Facing the old woman squarely, Kaya tried not to flinch under Saeka's stare. The old bat did have a way of looking right through a person. The only thing that gave away her unease was a slight thinning of her lips. She nodded back, acknowledging her assessment of Jonas' condition. "All the more reason we need others to travel with us then."
To Lyrik

Your music wanes as the same feeling from last night invades your senses...yet quickly passes. Only the barest hint to move or venture somewhere crosses your mind. Suddenly gone now. Blef tries to leave and the whole places goes wild when he lets off a few sparks and a small arc of lightning. Now he's quickly drinking himself into oblivion and Kaya and Adair are going outside, what the hell?
To Kaya and Garda

"We must leave soon. Stay if you wish, I don't care. But my people and I will be leaving this place come sun up. With or without you. I say it now and leave it to be debated later. Make your minds up come the sunrise, but I will be leaving this place for points north." Saeka is wiping her wrinkled old hands and shaking her head. "I've told Jonas to avoid this region with all haste for years and he does not listen. This is what it gets him, though I understand it can be worse. This caravan will be gone come the morn."
Lyrik Evensong

Lyrik continues playing, sad at losing Blef but, given his current state, it's understandable. He finishes the set, thanks the audience, then grabs a seat by the Dragon Blood. "Everything OK? I haven't seen a man try to drown his sorrows like this in, oh, a week. And that's saying something." The utterly bland look on Lyrik's face gives lie to the humor inherent in the words....

Keeping her voice low, she turned to Garda. "That woman tries my patience, but this is what I do best. I protect people. Jonas, the man who is unconscious, has always been easy to get along with, and so with his young charge, Anju." Her eyes flicked towards the younger girl nearby. "I feel bound to protect her at least, and the children, now that Jonas can't. I'll be going north with them."

"Very well, early morning it is." He'll extend a hand to Kaya, "Thank you Kaya, lets get everything packed and ready so we can leave post haste in the morning."

Silent and inconspicuous, the young traveler sticks close behind Garda.

"If you don't mind a shadow for a few days, I would appreciate a chance to stick close. I travel light and have a pointed interest in these events. This group may very well be the focus of whatever is happening."

Would it have made a difference if she’d been there when Jonas heard the Siren call? Anju fidgeted and gently crept closer to Saeka. Jonas was her teacher; did lessons default to the older Lunar now? Would being away be all that was necessary for him to get better?

“Saeka,†Anju began gently, “Is there anything I can do to help?â€
To Anju

Saeka nods before looking to you, "Stay with him, you and Nell will watch over him, make sure he stays asleep...I think it would be best for him. Don't you? He does not seem to be dreaming. His eyes don't move under the lids." She'll pat your shoulder. "Just watch over him and be wary of your own dreams. Do you understand?"
To Marcus

The old woman will look at you with sharp silver eyes and the crow's feet scrunch up as she looks you over. "You may join my caravan, but you are not one of us. Remember that." She'll place a blanket on this Jonas and look back at you, nodding.

Turning towards Adair, she whispered in his ear. "Be ready early tomorrow, get your things and I'll do the same." Kaya was about to walk away when she looked over her shoulder once more. "Sleep with your blade nearby," she cautioned before heading to check on Athar.
To Kaya

"Okay, I can be ready...yeah. Just get some sleep." Adair will run a hand through his hair and shrug, muttering something about interesting times. "Sleep well if you can. Good night." He'll go off to his bed roll in the back of the last wagon of the gypsy line.

Anju nodded and took it as an order. Maybe a dream could bring answers, but it was just as easy to not risk it. If the tree had used its roots to burrow into their fates, Anju didn’t need to know. Careful of Jonas, Anju hopped onto the wagon. Saeka was better at settling fusses.

A few words from her aged lips and a glance from her wizened eyes…

After I finish getting bits of the caravan together, I'll be off to a highest point I can find to make a Midnight prayer to The Most High and then head off to my bedroll for the night.
And thus the night ended, with the group setting out in the first ray of dawn. North they went, along the Stone Road and as far from the reach of Siren as they could. In a mere two days, they no longer heard nor felt a thing at sundown. They had gone beyond the reach of the Fell City. Off they went toward the city of Shalebridge. Their meeting was hurried, yet quiet, and only now are some of them coming to grips that they all share a similar touch of the Incarnae and the Dragon amongst them all.

Soon, it will be something that can never be hidden. For events are unfolding in Shale that will force the hand of our Exalts and bring them to the fore very soon. The stars are right.

Chapter complete, everyone take six experience!

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