Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]


He'll approach Marcus quietly, "I thought I'd find you stargazing, Dozima, its all you ever did in our time in the desert. When you told me to journey to these lands I didn't think I'd find you here old friend. So what do the stars tell you is our next move?" "Oh and next time you're trying a disguise, change more than your face friend, your dress and mannerisms gave you away."
To Marcus

The reply is relatively quick and blunt:

From: Convention of Essence Wielders

To: Marcus Aquinas, Chosen of Secrets

You and the other essence wielders you're clearly with are experiencing the unknown by-product of Siren, a former Shogunate-era facility now long abandoned. Activity has been recorded and collected there since ten years after abandonment. Unknown source and cause. The entire region is locked under the Seal of Jupiter, our hands are tied, Aquinas. We can't give you more advice other than get the hell out of the region. The effect, whatever it is, affects only Exalts. Seventh Legion hardly garrisons Terrestrials around the area anymore, just their normal units. Everyone who is touched by an Incarnae or of the Dragons who goes near always feels a tug to the city. Many say it calls to them. Literally. Be forewarned. It's looking for you too.

--Chang Lo Kai

A little nervous at having Marcus write their names down into a little book before he left, she gave Adair a small glance before flicking her eyes slightly at the man's retreating back. Keeping her demeanor calm, she said her goodbyes to Garda. Leaning into Adair, she whispered urgently. "I don't like the way he was writing our names down. Let's get out of here while we still can, maybe head back to the caravan." She seemed a little edgy, her eyes scanning the tavern before grabbing Adair's shoulder. "Let's go, Falcon."
To Anju

All that will earn you is some odd looks down the alley, a few people in the building beside you calling down for quiet, and amazingly some people coming to see if you need help. Jonas still stares up at the sky, face flecked with mud, whispering.

Anju straighten, her eyes wide. That. That always worked!

Oh, no.

Hearing the sound of approaching people, Anju jumped up. Focusing her concerned expression on the closest person, Anju began, “I’m really sorry! That always work, he’s not feeling well. Can you help me? We’re from one of the caravans that came today. He can be looked at there, but he won’t get up.â€

Obviously, such a small slender girl couldn’t haul around a grown man.

“Could one of you help me get him there? Please?€

Marcus stands, speechless, unsure whether to grin or gasp. Indecision is especially problematic in such circumstances, but he quickly regains his composure and meets Garda's pointed gaze with a slightly deranged look.

"Dozima... ah. I'm sorry, but you do me too much honor in your confusion. He has spoken to me of you, A'amakualae, but I never thought to meet you." His eyes will widen, brilliantly flashing green, "You have my respect Lawgiver, but I must ask you to keep my cover intact: my duties here deal with the fate of the Hundred Kingdoms, perhaps more. Though... tell me, Wokish Dozima told you to come here? He is the reason for your cryptic purpose? This is beginning to make more sense."

Feeling a slight warmth radiating from his satchel, he quickly scans the reply, before starting to lead Garda toward the tavern. "Perhaps we should be moving out of this region. It seems much less safe, suddenly."
To Anju

A few large looking men will gladly help, easily hoisting Jonas' thin frame and hefting him toward the wagons with little issue. You'll tap along behind them, Jonas is seemingly out of it now, eyes closed and maybe unconscious now that he's been moved. They'll simply want to know where you wish to put him when you finally reach the parked wagons.
To Kaya

You and Adair will traipse outside and arrive at the wagons in time to see some large carpenters hoisting Jonas' unconscious self onto a wagon with little Anju not far behind them. Other gypsies are approaching, Kinos, Golgo and Lima among them. The old Southerner Golgo is speaking in a string of rapid Firetongue--swearing up a storm most like--gesticulating and tugging at his own shirt as he looks over Jonas.
Amilar Blefuscu

Any distractions aside, Blefuscu is going to drink himself unconscious until the tavern closes, at which point he'll make his way back to the caravan.

As the men lowered Jonas onto the wagon she’d gestured to, Anju shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Was unconscious a good thing? It was good the whispering stopped- it’d be hard to explain. She couldn’t say it was gone though; it could be in his head the way the tree was in hers.

“Thank yousomuch,†She made a rough dip, purely a bend at the waist, to the two men who’d carried Jonas.

She glanced at Golgo. Fire-tongue was the next language she’d learn.

“Kinos,†Anju touched the man’s arm, “Would you get Saeka?â€

If the elder didn’t somehow already know.

She caught Golgo's words first as she and Adair approached, it was still easier to pick out Firetongue over the other murmurs voicing their concern. Something was wrong for him to be swearing that much. The person being loaded into the wagon, was that - Jonas?

Exchanging a look with Adair, they both sped off towards the wagon that Jonas was carried to. Finding Anju in the small gathering of people, she stood next to her. She had just asked for Saeka. Not good at all. Laying a gentle hand on the young girl's shoulders, she asked, "Anju, what happened?"

She looked up at Kaya, and didn’t feel relieved. Being nice and wielding swords with august beauty wasn’t going to help. Anju looked back at Jonas and rubbed the side of her face.

“Did you feel it last night?†Anju pitched her voice low, “The voice that ‘calls us home’?â€

She nodded back once, firm. "I did. Adair and I were at a tavern. Lyrik was there along with some people from the other caravan. They felt it too." Kaya's gaze wandered over to Jonas while her hand did its best to comfort Anju, patting her shoulder. Her mind's eye brought forth the image of the Dragon Blood inside the tavern and his odd reaction to what they all felt. "I saw a Prince of the Earth there as well, acting so strangely right around the time when I heard that small voice." She bit the inside of her cheek while contemplating how still Jonas was. "Was that what happened to him? Were you there, Anju?"

“No, I wasn’t.†Anju stated flatly. Would that have made a difference? “Last night I was, it wasn’t this bad.â€

Loath as she was to admit it, it seemed strange that the teacher suffered before the student. She couldn’t be more resistant to… whatever it was.

She looked up at Kaya, “Do you still want to go there?€

Her hand strayed to her throat, idly rubbing the spot where a collar would have gone. Perturbed, Kaya replied slowly. "I'm not sure. I would like to know what is causing this and why." Sighing heavily, she slipped her hand off Anju's shoulder. "If it has something to do with what happened to Jonas, then perhaps not...for now." There was curious and there was foolhardy. Kaya tried hard not to be the latter.
To Marcus and Garda

You'll both hear and see the hubbub starting at the wagons just a few yards away. Kaya and Adair are moving over to the crowd, something gone wrong, perhaps?

"Well it seems I'm only mostly mistaken, I didn't realize how similar star children could be, but no worries your secret's safe with me."

Hearing the sudden commotion, he'll turn and start off in that direction, "I wonder whats happened?"

"Yes, yes, I believe we have much to discuss, but that can wait. If any of your friends are similarly "gifted," then I suggest you convince them it's time to head north. Tonight."

Taking up a brisk walk behind Garda, Marcus keeps his eyes on anyone still in the street.
To Garda and Marcus

You'll see the man who had approached the caravan earlier--Jonas--unconscious in the back of one of the wagons, lying on bolts of cloth and what not. A young girl seems to be unduly fretting over him and speaking with an older Southerner, asking him to fetch a woman named Saeka.

Soon, she arrives. An old stooped back wise-woman, probably the gypsy elder of this group. She quickly looks over the young man, checking his eyes, even tracing his forehead and chest for his chakras.

To Anju

Golgo will quickly find the elder Lunar, bringing her over in a much calmer state, though a flash of worry falls over her face like a shadow, and departs just as fast. She quickly goes to work looking him over.

To Marcus "If they're similarly gifted?, why would that specification matter?" "The only one i know of that is blessed is the Dragonblood Blef."

Briefly flashing his second sight, "are only essence users affected?"

"Only those who wield essence are pulled by Siren's call. I believe anyone affected in a like manner (to you and I) will yearn to go south."

Moving closer to the man, he'll lower his voice to a whisper. "You do not know the nature of those here?"

The essence flash happening so fast and assaulting him so fully, it briefly blinded him. "It seems you're right they are so persuaded. I can't believe this many are in one place, I guess Dozima's advice was correct, I am supposed to be here."

Approaching the commotion at the Caravans, "whats going on is everyone alright?"
To Garda

The old woman looks at you briefly and then back to the unconscious Jonas, looking him over and seeing what she can see do for him.

"He is unconscious. Striken by the event taht recently occured, we need to leave this region and not come back for a time. That is all I know." She rasps out.

"Well my new found fellows I couldn't agree more, I want head north as soon as I can, would you mind a few more hanger-on?" He'll say laying a hand on Marcus' shoulder.

Noticing the arrival of Garda and Marcus, she sidled over by the dark skinned warrior and jerked her chin up in a wordless greeting, her face grim. Hearing the old woman's words, she addressed Garda. "Adair and I were thinking of exploring around here a bit, but after what happened to Jonas, it does seem best to leave. I hope you tell that lordling of yours about this."

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