Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

To Lyrik and Amilar

A number of folks begin singing with the song, soft and clear.

" evening.

Could you get behind a slow marching band? And join together in the passing of all we shared through yesterdays in sorrows neverlasting.

Take a hand and take a bow. You played for me; that's all for now, oh, and nevermind the words just hum along and keep on going. Walk on slowly --- don't look behind you. Don't say goodbye, love. I won't remind you.

Pointing at the Zenith, Kaya turned to Garda with a smile. "That man travels with us, the one with the sanxian. He's quite good too." Her booted foot tapped in time to the music though she refrained from singing along. There were certain things people should not be subjected to, her voice being one of them.

Finding himself nodding his head with the rhythm of the music, Marcus keeps an eye on the musicians. Genuinely impressed by their performance, he rises from his finished meal and walks toward the trio. He grabs an empty chair before standing in full view of the table. A weather worn traveler stands before the group, short blonde hair stuffed under a cloth hat. A dusty cloak is worn over a previously-white shirt and tan breeches, and onlookers are greeted with a slightly lopsided smile.

"If you'll pardon my intrusion, you folks don't look like you're from around here. If you've got the time, I was wondering if perhaps I could fill your mugs and you could tell me a little bit about what's happening outside the kingdoms. That is, if you have any news of interest."

Her head swiveled over towards the stranger that approached their table and gave him an assessing glance. Skinny, so he was no immediate threat to her, and smiling - always good. "So, you're saying we stick out like a Northerner walking the sands outside Chiaroscuro?" Kaya returned his smile with an easy one of her own and gestured for him to join them at the table. "Anyone that offers to buy drinks is free to sit with us in my estimation," she said amiably.

Pointing at Adair, she continued. "We've been traveling with a caravan for a while now, as guards mainly. The most interesting thing we've seen so far is a damned loud wailing at a camp we made before we got here." She grinned at the mention of the siren and winked at Adair. "Been meaning to get a chance to find out what that place is like." She took a good swig of her wine, wiping at her lip with the back of her hand. "What about you? You don't look like you're from around here yourself."

Without a moment's hesitation, Marcus swings the chair into place and plants himself face to face with the smiling woman.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm not from around here: I'm not really from anywhere, specifically. But I've been traveling through this area for a while and haven't had much outside news."

Pausing to clap for the musicians and chance another gulp of his mug, he continues.

"So where are you from? Where are you going?" He motions to the same server for another round.

"She's certainly right, free drinks are always welcome. You can call me Garda, stranger." He'll say extending his hand in greeting. "What can we call you? and what brings you through this little corner of the world?"

His rather evasive answer made her slightly uneasy, but she chose not to show it and kept the smile pasted on her lips. Kaya figured that a general answer would suffice. "Ah well, me? I'm a Southerner, but I've been traveling wherever the caravan takes us. Which seems to be Shalebridge at the moment." She was fairly certain that it wouldn't be too bad telling him where they were heading. The other caravan was going the same away anyway.

He seemed to be asking questions without saying much in return. She leaned back and wondered if he was hiding something. Following Garda's example, she gave her own name. "And Garda here beat me to it. You may call me Kaya." She gestured at the Eclipse beside her. "And this is Adair."

Results for 2 dice: 1 success [ 8 2 ] (TN: 7) - Yeah, I only have Wits, no Socialize, so BAH!

"Garda, Kaya and.. Adair. Lovely to make your acquaintance! Folks call me Marcus. I'm a traveling scribe. Not quite as.. exciting.. as guard duty, but it puts food in my stomach. Most of the time."

Another smile and he looks each of them over. His gaze will level on Garda, and linger for a moment longer than Kaya and Adair. A trace of recognition passes over his eyes, but is quickly wiped away.

"To answer your question, Garda, my purpose here is no greater than this meal, or this conversation. I am simply passing though. Though, it would be nice to find some work soon, my purse is starting to feel light..."

Easing back to lean in her chair, crossing her long legs at the ankles underneath the table, Kaya chuckled. "You're looking for work? Garda over here came in with a rather rich looking young lordling. Maybe he'd need a scribe of some sort."

"Aye, to be truthful I don't know Grin well, I've just been working in exchange for passage. Actually I've been hoping to find some work in Shalebridge myself, or perhaps I'll sign on with one of the mercenaries companies fighting in the neighboring nation. I heard the crier speaking of it when we entered town. All I really know is that this is where I'm suppose to be, but I do not yet know why."
Amilar Blefuscu

One of the few simple pleasures, Blef often reflected, was the joy of performing. He'd made a weapon of art before, but for its own sake he still loved it.

"Thank you! Another one, I think..."

Raising his flute to his lips again, he once again starts up a tune, energetic yet somehow mournful.

"I wish I was a fisherman, tumbling on the seas, far away from dry land and its bitter memories..."
To All in Shijumi

The music carries on like the river flow for a time when it all begins to change.

Slowly, like a painful keening wail from a sharp tap on glass, the

starts to seep through stone and settle into your bones. From somewhere in the south it calls. Your teeth start to hurt. Each of you and everyone around feels the sound more than hear it. The entire town, for that moment, stops. The singing in the inn, once joyous, now prattles out as people go silent and listen in shades of fear and awe. Some of you will even hear a few folks pass around a phrase solemnly, some jokingly: "When the sun goes down, Siren sounds."
The wail lasts only a minute, maybe two, and then it’s gone. A hollow feeling embraces the whole of the town. That odd aching feeling leaves your bones with whispers written into your muscles and minds. All that’s left is silence.

And an insistent whispering in your minds.

"Come home...please...I just want to see you."

Perception + Essence, everyone, please.
Amilar Blefuscu

"With light in my head, and you in my arms..."

Blef's singing falters to a halt. The sick feeling comes back, stronger.

Results for 6 dice: 5 successes [ 0 0 5 2 5 9 ] (TN: 7)

Her hands pressed against her eyelids, trying to block out that unsettling feeling. Kaya's jaw worked from side to side as the pain in her teeth surfaced once more. More than that, the tiny voice bothered her the most, making her sullen and withdrawn.

Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 3 1 2 2 0 9 ] (TN: 7)
"...Cryptic, my southern friend. Though, if you're joining a mercenary company, well, I don't suppose I should take too much time getting to know you. ...No offense," he stammers, realizing too late the rudeness of his comment. Shifting his attention back to Kaya, Marcus attempts to avoid an awkward silence.

"Work would be excellent, or at least its prospect. More appealing, honestly-"

Marcus' hands immediately move to his ears, trying to block out the piercing tone.

6 dice: 3 successes [ 5 3 4 1 0 8 ]
To Garda

For a moment, and just a moment, you're reminded of your master's/father's chains, yanking your head back. The sensation washes over your for a mere second before dissipating. Odd...and something else whispered, but just on the edge of consciousness.

As that feeling washes over him and the memory of his chains resurfaces. His face will grow dark and sullen, nothing like the warm demeanor he's known for. Reminding himself that he's somewhere else now, he'll take a long drink of wine. "Did you guys feel that?"
To Amilar

Your head pounds for a split second before you feel something akin to your whole body on opium, languid and dreamy. You'll see yourself drawn to some odd, dim light that shines through even the walls of the inn. Like a moth to flame. You'll only stop when you feel someone's hand on your chest. "Friend, you okay?" Some young kid with peach fuzz on his lip is looking at you oddly, as is most everyone else. You were wandering to the door...

"Come home, son."

To All

Amilar's music stops suddenly and you watch, in amazement, as he just stops and starts wandering to the door until some young man stops him at the door.

After spending a semi-peaceful time wandering around Shijumi, Anju started to head back towards the caravan. She hadn't found anyone else and it was getting dark. Plus she didn’t want to be gone for too long. That’s when the wailing began, and Anju clenched her jaw and started running back to the caravan.

She hated that sound, she hated the over whelming pain in her teeth and she hated that whisper that wasn’t sound. Anju didn’t think she heard it, not after the hunting-night. It was still there, though, asking her to come home. Even if she’d left her mother behind, her mother couldn’t send her voice crawling under the skin of others.

Anju hoped Jonas or Saeka had a better idea of what happened this time.

Results for 6 (3 Perception, 3 Essence) dice: 5 successes [ 6 1 9 3 0 0 ] (TN: 7)
Amilar Blefuscu

"Yeah, I just need to...wh... w..."

Staggering backwards, Blefuscu stumbles into a vacant seat, clutching his head. Lightning arcs visibly across his fingertips for a few moments before stopping.

"C... can I get a drink?"
To Amilar

A chorus of yessir's go up at seeing the little sparks. You'll be presented with ten different shots.
Amilar Blefuscu

Picking up the most alcoholic-looking, Blefuscu knocks it back. Then he realises everyone is staring.

"Oh, stop that. You'd swear you'd never seen a Prince of the Earth before."
To Marcus

"There once was a man with a crooked stick,

Who walked a crooked mile..."

You feel an undeniable tug in your mind, heading south. But to what? Siren, is it called?

"Even little starry-eyed children are welcome here. There was a hole here once, did you know?"

"It's filled now."

"Haha, don't worry Blef, they still havn't." He'll say regaining his normal demeanor and attempting to lighten the mood in the tavern.

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