Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

To Garda

She'll nod and leave the bottle with you.


The Eclipse will make an exaggerated face over the whiskey. "Oh, man...woo. Wild stuff. And yes, Kaya is certainly...a different sort." He chuckles a bit, waving his hand to mean no offense.

Glaring slightly at Adair, she downed her shot without even wincing, slamming the glass down on the table. She raised at eyebrow at Garda, a mirror image of the expression he gave her. "It is partly the Delzahn culture, I suppose, that made me this way."

"Among my people, our men and women alike are strong and fierce warriors. We choose mates who we want to stand beside us in battle. Until meeting you the other Delzahn women I've met have always played a submissive role. But you set yourself apart. Something I respect, but I have to ask. Why?"

Chuckling, she replied. "And as you've observed, among my people, women are treated differently." Pinning his gaze with her dark amber eyes, she lifted her chin proudly. "I do not possess a submissive bone in my body, so I chose another way." She helped herself, pouring a glass of wine from Garda's bottle. Raising the glass in a mock toast, she said in a steely tone, "I fell in love with the blade. I wasn't allowed to learn it though. The only way I could learn how to wield it is by becoming Dereth. And so, I am." She took a sip of the wine. "Mmm. Good. Better than what I asked for."

"Hahaha, your demeanor is well met, I raise my glass to you Kaya, a fierce warrior indeed." he says with a broad and enrapturing smile.

Warmed by his good-natured words, and to a certain extent, his smile, Kaya raised her wineglass at Garda before taking another sip. "And your demeanor is certainly a lighthearted one for a fierce Tokitari, Garda. Always good to share a drink with people like you."

Adair pours himself a few fingers of wine and downs it in a heartbeat. Ah, rich, a bit smooth with a hint of strawberry. Very fine. It may not be his, but damned if he'd let wine pass by without a tasting. The smile he gave was wide, another bit of wine made him feel a bit warm inside. Always pleasant. Though, he found himself frowning some, unable to get a word in edgewise between the two mighty warriors sitting next to him. Adair mumbled something about 'motormouths' and drank more wine.
To Marcus

You'll sigh and read the missive again...

From: Convention of Oversight, Directive 3403599.

To: Marcus Aquinas, Chosen of Jupiter, Maiden of Secrets.

Threads of fate are in ascension with the region of Creation known as Shale, specifically the town Shijumi. You are to investigate the possible formation of a Solar Circle for the first time in nearly a decade since the death of the Bull of the North's Circle. It is to be watched and noted upon. Information you send shall be relayed to both Kejak of the Bronze desk along with Ayesha of the Gold. Look also into signs of alterations in Fate, notation has been made of undercurrents unseen within Fate in the whole of the region. Most likely due to interference from the Jade Leaves freehold.


You seem to be in the right town. It's near sunset, but that sign surely said Shijumi Town. Unless there are two in this damned place.

A shudder. Nothing more or less is an appropriate when that name is presented. "Oversight."

"What could I have possibly done to deserve this?" the young vizier mutters, passing into the small town. It was one thing to investigate a Solar. It was quite another to be ordered by Oversight to investigate five. This would be no small matter, and could prove quite dangerous.

With a long inhale and a longer sigh, Marcus begins his leisurely circuit of the town, getting to know buildings, voices and faces, trying to catch hints of conversations. After finding something or nothing, the setting sun will catch his eye, and his steps will carry him toward whatever hostel or inn this place supports. A small dinner should be in order.

"Perhaps things won't be so terrible..."
To Marcus

So far, nothing of note in town, save the news from the town crier, some of which is already weeks old. Pity. That's how things are, one imagines. The prompt on this town was short enough, known for textiles, as you've noted in the two great looms in the western part of this town, lies on the Stone Road, collects tolls for the local government, supports a population of 1,942 souls inside the wall, and another 700 in outlying and lesser communities.

There does to seem to be a bit of wealth rolling around this nation though. Paved square, nicely roofed and stout stone masoned buildings, actual waterworks, there are aqueducts all over the countryside north of here, impressive in its own way. A pale glimmer compared to just the poor districts in Heaven though. Ah well.

There are several inns and taverns in town, most along the Stone Road, one of note seems to be rather busy tonight: the Draconic Night.

With a slight smile, pleased that his stay might not be so unpleasant, Marcus shifts his idle pacing toward the Draconic Night. He breathes deeply, enjoying the slightly sweet smell of the cool evening air before the wet, warm air of the tavern washes over him. Another slow exhale, and his gaze begins to pass over the faces and eyes of the room. After a short moment in the doorway, he moves toward an empty chair, motioning to the nearest server.

"A drink and something warm to eat, please."
To Marcus

You'll be seated in a nice booth in the corner, away from the majority of the noise. Mostly locals in here, though you do see a few new faces from the two caravans that pulled into town a little under an hour ago. Two Southerners and what looks like a man of the Confederation. They stick out a little around here. One is clearly from Harborhead, and that's just by skin tone. The're not entirely sure.

A pint of dark ale and a steaming plate of cooked beef with a side of vegetables will be set down before you. Just a few silver. Actually looks appetizing and the beef may actually have a glaze. A rarity.

Giving the odd trio another momentary glance, he will finally turn his attention squarely to the meal in front of him. After a long swig of a very earthy ale, he contemplates his vegetables, picking through them absentmindedly. After finding his favorites and setting them alongside the meat, he begins eating, sparing occasional looks and listens, seeking out morsels of conversation.

Perc+Awareness: 8 dice: 7 successes [ 9 6 7 4 8 0 2 0 ]

If nothing interesting is heard, he'll keep an eye on the three.
To Marcus

You'll catch almost the whole of the conversation, talking of the roles of women in Southern society. The Harborhead man is talking on how women are brought up to be strong and independent in their society, comparing the woman across from him as more Harborhead than Chiaroscuran (ah!). She says she's rather proud of that, she is Dereth. Memory holds that Dereth in Chiaroscuran society are men and woman who take up the mantle and roles of the other sex in their society when they 'take the gray' as it's called.

Curious. The third party is mulling over his wine, looking rather anxious and perhaps a little perturbed. Can't get a word in edgewise. Ha.
Amilar Blefuscu

Blef arrives in the tavern with the bard, greatfully removing his scarf. "It's good to get out of the sun..."
To Amilar

Ah, Garda's claimed a table with that woman from earlier. Curious. They seem to be chatting and sharing wine with another you saw only briefly. Blue haired fellow, stands out nearly as much as you would. Maybe.

To Lyrik

This tavern IS fairly bustling, no music but plenty of chatter and Kaya and Adair are here as well!
Lyrik Evensong

"I'm going to go see if music is allowed. First round's on me." Lyrik approaches the bar, looking for the proprietor. Catching the man's attention, the bard gives him a broad grin. "Good evening, sir. My compatriot and I are musicians, and we were wondering if you would object if we plied our trade. Nothing too raucous, but we would be most appreciative. What say you?"
To Lyrik

He'll shift the weight of dirty dishes in the container he's holding and nod toward the center of the room. "I have no mind for it, play up, friend. Play well and there'll be coin in it for ye."
Lyrik Evensong

Lyrik grins insouciantly. "Have no fear, good sir. We will play well. The name's Lyrik Evensong, and my companion is Amilar Blefuscu. If you could send over two mugs of your finest ale, that would be very much appreciated. We'll go set up now. Thank you, sir."

The musician walks back to Blef. "We can set up over there. If we play well, there'll be coin in it for us. So. Shall we?"
Amilar Blefuscu

Blef nods. "I'm good with that. How's your repetoire of River Province folk songs?"
To Garda, Adair and Kaya

Huh, Amilar and Lyrik are setting up in the center of the bar. Time for a show!

To Marcus

Two men walk in, one swathed in black, loose clothing with a moon-white face walks in with a young looking bard. They talk to the owner and start setting up in the center of the floor. Everyone starts clapping regardless. Looks like it's time for music. Hmm, flashes of recognition on the trio's faces. They all know each other at least.
Amilar Blefuscu

Blefuscu grins. "Excellent. You'll know this, then. Shall we?"

Blefuscu bows to the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen! A song from home."

He raises the flute to his lips and plays the intro, sweet and sad. Then he begins to sing, his voice not his finest instrument but melodious and low, carrying the tune beautifully.

"Would you join a slow-marching band, and take pleasure in the leaving, when ferries sail and tears are dried, and cows come home at evening..."

Results for 6 dice: 4 successes [ 7 8 9 9 6 6 ] (TN: 7)
Lyrik Evensong

Lyrik joins Blef in the intro, and adds his voice in contrapuntal harmony when the other man sings. His sanxian seems to ring with the music, and he keeps a beat with his hand on the skin.....

Charisma (5) + Performance (4) = Results for 9 dice: 6 successes [ 8 8 0 6 6 7 7 1 3 ] (TN: 7)

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