Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

To Garda

You'll catch sight of the woman who was on horseback standing with some blue-haired gent you saw only briefly. They're over yonder by their caravan, laughing and talking. The rest of the...what's the word in this region...gypsies, are trading and talking like mad.
Amilar Blefuscu

Readjusting his scarf to shield his face again, Blefuscu winces. Bards and pomposity...

"Please, less formal. You can call me Blef. A pleasure to meet you, and that sounds like a fine plan indeed."

They are certainly an interesting bunch, I'll case them awhile see what they get into, and find out a few more details about them. It's a good way to stay in practice at any rate.

Results for 11 dice: 6 successes [ 7 2 4 4 8 8 2 7 0 3 5 ] (TN: 7)

"See if you find any landmarks going north. I have a fondness for that direction. Going that way saved my skin a few times." Cautious still despite her cheerful mood, Kaya looked over her shoulder before following Adair, another habit she couldn't rid herself of.

Perception + Awareness

Results for 5 dice: 0 successes [ 2 5 6 3 5 ] (TN: 7) - I never make these rolls, I don't get to see Garda.
Pardon me, thac0, but in the interest of keeping things rolling.


Turning toward Kaya, Adair is beaming. "Let's try out the other side of the square where the speaker was. I thought I saw a few shops and maybe somewhere to eat!" He'll cross the street and weave through foot traffic easily enough, looking past the crowd around the speaker. "Huh, they got a big fountain and statue in the center of the square!"

Once they stop at the square, I'll make my approach behind them. "So my fellow travelers, what inspires you to walk the lonesome road?"

Pausing briefly by the fountain, Kaya peered up at the statue. "I wonder who that is?" She gets distracted by the slight gurgle in her stomach though. Patting her belly, she grinned back at Adair. "Sorry, ever since you mentioned food, it's been on my...mind."

The voice behind them started her, making her reach of her blades. She turned soon enough to find herself face to face with the man from earlier. Recognizing him, her hand relaxed, dropping back down to her side. "It isn't wise to come up on me from behind." Her smile softened her words. "You could have been greeted by a blade. But you're a silent one, aren't you?"

"Hahaha, I apologize, your's is not an ire I wish to gain." "I'm curious to know where all of you are from, and what has carried you on this path?"

Remaining slightly sullen for a bare second, Adair will shrug a bit, "I'm mainly here to see the sights and sounds of the world! See perhaps another, more interesting place in it. Nexian, originally. You?" He didn't seem...too bad a guy, really. But something about him Adair just didn't care for. And he couldn't say what. Ah, well. It'd come clear in the fullness of time.

To Adair, Kaya and Garda

You're standing before a large marble fountain, one that surprisingly works, even in a smallish town such as this. Little towers of water leap into the air in an odd rhythm. The statue is bronze and of the man who had the Stone Road built years ago: Power Viers.

What never got old was watching everyone go into merchant mode. Leisurely talking speeds became lightning, and no one seemed able to move fast enough. She loved the sales pitches, and she grinned every time a sale was finished. Jonas was just as busy, and Anju’s grin crept up further on one side.

She’d just sneak of for a bit. No reason to bother the other Lunars, and if she ran into another member of their band, maybe she’d stick with them! It would, theoretically, be safer that way.

Hmm, since the people here were so interested in their wares, maybe it’d be fair to see what was in the local shops? Or she could just view the sights, as it was.

The dark skinned man's laughter put her at ease. "Introductions, then." Bowing formally, she intoned. "Kayadin Reeyeh. I hail from the outskirts of Chiaroscuro. My wanderings have led me here. I suppose I'm searching for an old friend, though I'm not sure if I'll really find her." She pointedly inclined her head back at the man. "And yes, may we know your name, fellow traveler?"
Lyrik Evensong

Lyrik grins. "I'm afraid pomposity is expected in the throne rooms and, since my purse is often predicated on said magniloquence, it's my first instinct. However, I must say that I am feeling very concupiscent. So the sooner we can get to performing, the sooner I can coax a local that the wonders I perform with my tongue on stage are nothing compared....well....I'm fairly certain you don't want to hear anything more I have to say on that subject. So. Shall we?"

"I am A'amakualae, but you may call me Garda. I hail from Harborhead, of the Tokitari people, we herd the savannas in Ahlat's lands. I'm here because a trusted friend pointed me in this direction. And frankly the southlands are not as welcoming to me these days."

"Well met then, Garda of the Tokitari. I, myself, am Delzahn." She jerked a thumb back in the general direction of the caravans. "You travel with interesting people."

"Delzahn?, your city is very beautiful, but I"m afraid I can never return to Chiarascuro, but thats a story for another time..."

"As far as the caravan goes, I and Blef have only been with them since the corssroads where our caravans met. He joined me in Nexus, and we've been traveling since."

A small thread of pain flashed across Kaya's face at his words. "I understand all too well how you feel, Garda. I cannot go back either." She stared at the ground for a while, remembering.

Forcing herself into cheerfulness, she gestured at Adair. "We were just going to find something to eat, or drink. Would you like to join us?" Her grin was back in place once more, infectious.

"Aye, I'm quite hungry, and we've been on the road a long time, I'm due a few drinks" " I believe Blef wandered that way into the bar, with your troubadour."

Adair chuckles, shaking his head, running a hand through his blue hair. "I think Lyrik makes friends with everyone really quick. Drinks it is?" He looks to Kaya.

Grinning back at Adair, Kaya hauled him companionably to her side, by his neck mostly. "You know how Lyrik is. It's what he does. We should go find them and all have a drink." She nodded towards Garda. "Shall we?"
To Garda, Adair and Kaya

You three shall enter a lively tavern with wooden floor covered in spots of sawdust. The bar along the far wall is full-up of locals, dyers, outlying farmers, loom workers, merchants, even a corner booth filled with what looks to be a gaggle of nobility by the odd fashions they wear (imagine 16th century billowing shirts, vibrant color and those bizarre collars) mulling over wine. The tavern is lit well, little candle chandeliers hanging every few feet, the noise level not too bad. All around pleasant. Sit anywhere you like. Booths are open.

A young girl in an apron and a ragged dress will come up, "What'll you all be drinking?"

Kaya seemed both puzzled and amused at Garda's actions. Turning towards the serving girl, she placed her order. "A shot of something really strong for the three of us, please." She pushed Adair down into the seat Garda offered and took the one next to it, smiling cheekily at both men. "I hope their local wine is good around here."
To Kaya, Adair, Garda

She'll come back in five minutes with a round of three shots of rather horrifyingly strong smelling rotgut. "Strongest we have, it's basin whiskey made out in the Baronies of Chudor. And as for the wine, we got some old 754 from the Golberio Vineyards outside Nexus. Have a try after your shots." She'll leave a sample for Garda to try and see if he likes.

He'll raise an eyebrow at her refusal of his courtesy. "Hmmm, it seems I still do not grasp Delzahn customs." he'll say with a smirk. Quickly downing the shot. He pauses a moment before taking a sip of wine. "The spirit left much to be desired, but the wine however is exquisite."

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