Chapter One: The Golden Age [Interstice]

Amilar Blefuscu

As Garda seems to warp in to existence beside him, Blefuscu shakes his head and laughs. "Anything you can do, sunshine, I can do better!" Somersaulting up and forward, Blefuscu corkscrews in mid-air, the scarf shielding his face whipping in the winds his anima generates around him. For a moment, he hangs in front of Garda and above in mid-air, seeming to float gracefully down... until he lands, gentle as a feather, toe-first on the Solar's chest. Coiling himself up in to a spring even as Garda's essence fuelled movement accelerated, he threw his friend a roguish wink and weightlessly kicked away, using the Solar's own momentum to slingshot him forward.

"Catch me now!"

Rolling Dexterity+Athletics to make this work., 3-die stunt awarded(!) Effectively by doing this I use your (Flashing Passage-enhanced) dash distance as my own, and then triple it by leaping thanks to my anima power being made of win.

Results for 10 dice: 8 successes [ 4 8 0 2 9 2 9 7 0 1 ] (TN: 7) 1xp gained.
To Garda and Amilar

Along the road heading north from Kokito Village, a soft wind blows through the grass and wildflowers. A gentle breeze from the east, suddenly shattered by a gale-force wind come crashing from the south, the grasses and flowers parting like the seas before the whirlwind that is Amilar Blefuscu. Just behind, but lagging, comes the shadow of the Sun, desperate to reach that whirlwind, much like one would chase a shooting star, hoping to catch it.

For several miles you run, not even looking back or feeling particularly winded. Reaching the crossroads in under an hour, Amilar hops off the crossroad sign and propels himself eastward to keep ahead of his travelling companion. For weeks afterward, the people inside the inn there will claim their inn was graciously visited by a wild Huraka on its way to the Glemnye Wood.

The race takes you into the hills next to the road, dashing along until, in the distance you both catch sight of a dust trail rising into the morning sky. Come to think of it, you did pass a rather large camp site a little while ago.

A caravan!

Soon enough, you'll be pacing up a hundred yards from a modest little caravan heading along this road...what was it called? Ah, the Wailing Road.
Amilar Blefuscu

Blefuscu leans nonchaholantly against a signpost, waiting for the Solar to catch up. A gentle breeze blows around him, stirring the long grass at his feet.

"Well, wasn't that bracing?" Idly, he studied the caravan ahead.

"Hahahaha, good show my friend, none save my wife have ever matched me, much less outpaced me. It seems you may have been given an unfair portion of the Dragon's blessing over your kin. Well, we've found a caravan, now we need to find whos running it, and whether they'll let us barter a ride."
To Garda and Amilar

It'll take a few moments of light jogging to catch up to the caravan, one of the porters huffing a travel pack on the back of one of the wagons catches sight of you. "Ahoy!" You'll see him speak to another man beside him, who'll leap down and head up front to retrieve one of the bosses, you assume.

Too small to be a Guild caravan at all, just ten wagons.

A large gent swaddled in the finery of the upper middle class of Nexus comes walking down the caravan line with the scrawny gent who had fetched him. Waving away the dust rising from the road, he'll nod to you both, doffing his cap to you. His red beard has turned a shade pale orange in the dust and sunlight.

"Morning! How can we help you? I am Ten Times Ox. Ox, for short." He holds out a hand.

“I don’t think it’s all of them,†Anju mused before clenching one fist in front of her, “But you can never be too certain with zombie rabbits! They have to be bad for your stomach.â€

Dead meat was one thing, but undead meat was entirely different matter. How long until it was just a rotted corpse digesting in a person’s stomach?

“Ah, speaking of-! I don’t skip meals!†Anju retorted Adair’s remark while waving her fist emphatically in the air, “Not unless there are zombie rabbits, which we dn’t have.â€
Amilar Blefuscu

Nexus?!? Mela!

Glad his scarf hid his expression, Blefuscu shook the man's hand. "Morning! Sorry about the mask, I don't like the sun, you see. My name is Blef, and my friend here is Garda. We're just travelling through Shale."

"We were headed to Shalebridge, and wondering if we couldn't hitch a ride with you fellows. Typically I offer guard services in exchange for this, but I'm not sure if that is as necessary in this part of the hundred kingdoms. So I'm not sure I have much more to offer other than our gratitude."
Amilar Blefuscu

Blefuscu nods. "Well, we have a little coin, and I can play the flute well enough if you want some musical entertainment... but aside from that, bodyuard duty is pretty much what we have to offer."
To Garda and Amilar

Ox holds his hands out, weighing them. "Honestly, guards would be nice, we have few, and a bit of good music at night would be nice compared to that baleful damned wail from Siren. At least until we leave the area. We're heading north as well. Please, come with me, I'll introduce you to Grin, our man in charge." He'll turn on his heel and head off to the head of the caravan, waving away the dust and motioning for you two to follow.

"Excellent, 'Grin' you say?, He must be a cheerful fellow." I'll say following behind the large man.
To Grin

Ox is calling for you, heading up the line of the caravan toward you wagon, has two new faces with him you've not seen yet. Hmm, maybe wayfarers of some sort?
To Lyrik

When your prayers are done, you'll notice Saeka watching your prayers, leaning on a tree nearby with some of the children. They do so love to imitate Madam Saeka. She'll nod to you and head back into the camp.

To Anju

You'll hear Saeka's voice easily engulf your own: "Enough, Anju, it was just a dream. And if there were such creatures, I doubt they'd last long. Jonas, I believe we will be moving on soon. In an hour to be precise. I wish to be moving west and on toward the Stone Road soon. We'll be moving past the Salt Stretch and onto Shalebridge immediately. I like this area not."

With the sleep freshly scrubbed now from her face, her skin still damp, she walked back towards Adair. "If you could lessen the bruises by twenty percent the next time we spar, that would be good indeed." She used her wrap to dab at a drop of water still on her cheek. "I am not going to tell you that I am sorry for your pain, or the bruising. I do not go too easy on people. How else would you learn then?" For once, Kaya seemed completely serious.

Another slap landed solidly on Adair's back. "Come now. You know Saeka likes to get moving in the morning. Let's eat while we still can."
“Oooh,†Anju’s breath came out as her enthusiasm burst. She knew it wasn’t an important dream, but was that so bad? She drooped as she went off to pack up her tent. Well, first find her blanket and then pack her tent.

Maybe Saeka was more bothered by that feeling last night? Anju wondered why that hadn’t featured in her dream and a bloated tree had. Was there intent? Home? It’d spoken at least, while Siren just wailed.
To All in the Gypsy Camp

The folks begin collapsing tents, gathering lanterns and all manner of things laid out on the ground. Soon, little but indentations in the dirt and footprints will all be that is left of your presence.
To Anju and Kaya

The caravan will be on the move before the sun has barely cleared the trees in the distance, shining against the distant hump that is Cloudcap Mountain.

You're on the move!

Unhitching her mount, Kaya let Athar walk around as she led him by his rope for a bit. She patted his neck, then his flanks. "We'll get you a good run sometime today," she promised him. The sun shone on the horse's black, glossy coat as she led him away from the rest of the horses. Spotting Anju, she hoisted herself smoothly onto its back and grabbed the reins firmly in one hand. With the smallest pressure against Athar's sides and a shrill whistle, they cantered over to the young Lunar. Looking down from her lofty perch on her mount's back, she smiled and held out a hand. "Want a ride today, little one?"
Impetuous Grin

Noticing Ox, he walked forward to be introduced to the two new men, wearing even more extravagant clothing than Ox was, the golden snake coiled around his neck.

"You summoned for me? What do we have here, a few more travelers?"
Amilar Blefuscu

Blef stands with his hands clasped behind his back, somehow attempting to look mild-mannered as a masked man can in spite of the light breezes constantly blowing around him. "Name of Blef. A pleasure."

Extending a hand in greeting, "You may call me Garda, we were wondering if we could barter passage for a bit. We're trieing to make our way into Shalebridge."
Impetuous Grin

"Greetings, Princes of the Earth, it's my humble pleasure to assist you...what do you wish to barter with?"

"All I can offer is my aid, guardsman certainly but if the need arises I have a few other skills in my repertoire."
Amilar Blefuscu

Blefuscu shrugs. "Protection, primarily. We have some experience in combat, we could be useful as bodyguards."

It was kinda funny being offered to ride a horse when she could be the horse. She knew about running fast and free- without having to strap on restraints and take training to make sure she was dumped off. Guess it was impossible for most people to understand- Lunars were gifted. Of course, that form was a bit too rich, but if she ever needed it, it was there.

Anju peered into the heavens as she considered, and then shook her head. “I going to walk, or if I get too tired I can ride on one of the carts.â€

Perhaps it wouldn’t matter to the leader, but Anju didn’t want to risk more ire from Saeka. Taking it too easy when she had a perfectly good set of legs (and was supposed to be a mighty tough Lunar) may or may not earn it. Time to figure out where the line was again.

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