Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]


Shannon draws the bow but holds the arrow firm, ready for attack but unsure of when it will come. "Be careful Toshio. Things aren't always what they seem..."

Toshio's gaze whips around sharply.

"If dreadful things are lurking about, I will happen to them. This man needs help. Will you help me, or not?"

Shannon's eyes narrow slightly,"well excuse me if thinking all of this is just a little too convenient. Oh gee, the second we step into a warding circle and alert this ass to pur presence a new victim spontaneously appears...." Shannon's sarcasm fades and he calms slightly, "Look, I'm not a doctor, if I tried to help I'd do more harm than good, as both my hands are occupied why dont you call an ambulance? I'll stay alert for danger. Does that work for you?"

"Yes. I am not a fool. This is almost certainly a trap. But if it is not, then I will not let him bleed to death or suffer blindness."

Toshio turns back and continues examining the injured man.
"Yeah, I'm no help here... I'll just keep my eyes peeled..." Sheila paused and made a face. "That expression sounds rather unpleasant in this situation."
Fu Shen,

He seemed the least phased by the young man's situation. Nodding in Shannon's direction he kept his senses alert and his body primed to grip either weapon should a fight occur.

Max followed Toshio to the bleeding student, flexing his hands around his new weapons, getting used to the feel. He kept glancing about, waiting for an ambush from the kid, or the shadows. Almost wanting an ambush. This investigation stuff wasn't his thing.

"It wouldnae happen to be a shard of mirror jammed in there, ye think..?" he asked.

"Almost certainly. Like I have said, it is also almost certainly a trap, but even if it is, leaving him to his fate is unacceptable."

Toshio has the youth sitting down, and reaches forward to pull his hands away from his face.
Waiting for trap to spring in three, two, one... Sheila silently watched Toshio reach out to the student, she was obviously waiting for her Amatsukami companion to 'spring the trap'.

Better him than me, poor Toshio... He's cute in a dorky way, hopefully this Mirror Man doesn't change that. At least he has back up from that Magnus guy, and boy is he big! I bet he could lift a cow or something. Oh, and Shannon is backing Toshio up, too. With his bow and all. Maybe he could blind the guy with his prettiness instead? Damn, I thought I was hot stuff. It's weird to be less pretty than a man. Oh well, he's the type that I could tease easily. And I probably will tease him, it'd be amusing. Now, that quiet guy is hard to read, what was his name again? Fu... Something? Sheila thought all of this as she looked around, at all of her companions as her mind was on them.

The woman then popped a Tic Tac into her mouth, something she always did when she's nervous.
Whimpering, the boy will let Toshio move his hands away from his face.

His round face is clean-shaven and pale where it's not stained with dirt and blood. There's a lot of blood. He looks so scared it makes him seem younger than he is. He's clearly early twenties, but he could be fourteen.

His eyes are a ruin.

"I... I can't see... I..." The sockets are full of blood and worse, jagged shards of mirrored glass protruding from the atrocity of his face. He's bleeding heavily, weeping blood in streams down his face and shirt.

Suddenly, he recoils from Toshio as though his touch burned. "What the fuck are you?!?"

He's looking at you. His eyes are damaged beyond use, but he is unquestionably looking at you. In increasing panic, he frantically looks around him, blind though he is. He's visibly slipping out of shock toward hysteria.

"No concern over what I am, I am just here to help."

Toshio says this as he quickly but firmly pins the youth's arms down and lowers him to the ground, holding him still.

"Could one of you call an ambulance, please?"

Max took out his old battered phone and dialed 999.

"Aye hallo? Yeh, I just found a kid in SoHo, he's all cut up about the face, somethin' stuck in his eyes... Oh, it's right by the cordoned off area by the... Yeah, the mirror man thing, that place... Look, he's bleedin' a lot from his face, and I'm not a doctor, I'm not touching him... yeah... yeah, ok. Thanks."

He Hung up. " They're sending someone." They'll be a while though. Plan?"

Shannon keeps scanning the area, his bow drawn. "I say we calm him down" indicating the injured man. " and then get to the next location. I want to see if they al have these warding circles or if it specific to this site. It might give up a chance to get the upper hand on this monster."
"Why don't we split up to save time? Toshio and Max can stay here and protect this man until he gets help while Shannon and I go check out the other scenes to take some pictures and see if there's any more wards. Fu Shen can choose which group he'd rather be in, I wouldn't mind the extra protection... But so would the guy with the glass in his eyes." Sheila then takes out a pen and some scrap paper from out of her coat pocket, quickly writing down her cell number a few good times, passing a piece to each of the men. "My cell number, you guys are lucky, I don't give it out often. Just to guys I'm interested in... But I guess you guys are a special case." There was a hint of mischief in Sheila's voice, maybe she was teasing them?

Toshio remained crouching by the youth, holding him steady, restraining him in case he should freak out. He glances back over his shoulder, his now damp cigarette half finished and hanging from a corner of his mouth.

"I am ok with this plan. Please, do be careful though. Without Max and his general burliness along, there may be greater risk to you."
"Like I said... I know how to get out of trouble." There was the slightest grin on her face as she looked to the others.

"Jes' try not ta get IN trouble to begin with, it's easier."

Max copied the girl's number into his phone and gave it an experimental ring. "Now ye have mine. Call us if ye find somethin' needs a smack."

He knelt by the bleeding man and patted him lightly on the shoulder. "And you, lad, try an' keep calm. We got an ambulance on the way for you, we'll help you best we can until they get here. Keep your mind busy, and talk us through what happened you, it'll help both you and us."

"Darkness and light...aside from the obvious, what is the connection. Does a mirror hold the key perhaps.... What do you think?" he asks Sheila as they walk away from the scene, his arrow put away and bow slung across his back.
"A mirror?" She kept up with Shannon pretty well for a girl as short as she happened to be. "Maybe. Though, I don't think holding up a mirror to everyone we pass to see if their reflection is a monster or something will do any good."

Sheila looked around, seemingly thinking about something. "You know those protective eye goggles they make you wear when you handle chemicals? I know they sell those at certain stores. Anything to protect our eyes would be a good pre-caution. Don't want my beautiful blue orbs to get stabbed!"
To those staying with the injured man

The footsteps of the others seem muffled too soon, swallowed by the heaviness of the night. The man groans softly, feeling blindly at his pockets. "M'... m'wallet... I.D..." He shudders. "You're all made of light. I'm going mad."
Shannon to Sheila

"We wouldn't want that at all...But.....What if we put a mirror up to reflect the warding circle? or the symbols at them. You're right, reflecting people probably wouldn't do any thing too many rogue factors, but the location... that's an idea..." Shannon walks guardedly with the woman keeping alert eyes to his surroundings as they had to a store that might have protective glasses.
"Hmmm, now that's an idea. Let's pick up a small hand mirror as well. Anything is worth a try as long as it won't attract unwanted attention. I have enough of that already." For once, Sheila's voice lost the feeling of half-heartedness. Her faded blue eyes betraying a sense of seriousness. "Any stores that sell harware supplies will have them. I used to help my grandpa with repairs on his ranch."

Max checked the boy for I.D.

"I wouldn't worry about it lad, there are bits of glass in yer eyes, I think I'd be seein' shit like that too."

OOC: Sooo. I.D. Who is this poor chap?
The wallet contains about £50, a picture of the man with a pretty, red-haired girl, as well as a couple of I.D. cards. His name is Joshua Carter, he's 20 years old, and he's apparently a college student at University College London.

Judging by the picture, his eyes were brown.

Aside from that, there's some receipts, a small turtle carved from bone, and an organ donor card. Most of the receipts are from a Sainsbury's in Camden, presumably where he lives.

The flow blood from his eyes is slowing. His skin is becoming increasingly ashen and slick with sweat. And he's clutching at his gut as though it pained him. "I can'see... bu you... you're all light..."

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