Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]

"Well, I dunno. But whatever we do, we should be very careful." Sheila rattled the keys in her pocket. "Those guys are pretty strong, I am sure they could take care of it. Maybe we should go to the next site? But be care not to step on or in the ward."
OOC: Rest of Sheila and Shannon's conversation has been moved to the side thread.

Also, I've added Chen Fu Shien and the Shinobi he was fighting (hereafter known as Shinobi 5) to the tick list.

For a being of utter darkness who can make no sound and show no emotion, the shinobi somehow manages to look rather consternated as his fellow disintegrates off his sword. Frozen for a moment, he frantically redoubles his attack, slashing at the child of the storm-god once again.

Meanwhile, the other shinobi neatly twists and hops back slightly as Max swings for him, though not quite fast enough; the blow connects badly and seems to have no impact. The shinobi studies the Scion of Thor for a moment before deciding to change tactic. Flourishing his blade, he steps backwards in to shadow... and disappears.

Jim, Toshio's getting a 1-die stunt for that, so your Parry DV is 6. Also, regain a legend point.

Shinobi 4 Attack:Results for 10 dice: 2 successes [ 3 3 9 1 8 2 6 5 3 4 ] (TN: 7) Miss.

Shinobi 3 rolls to establish surprise against Max: Results for 13 dice: 7 successes [ 9 7 8 2 7 4 9 8 5 4 5 6 9 ] (TN: 7). Surprise is established.

Shinobi 3 rolls to attack. Max's DVs are inapplicable.

Results for 9 dice: 3 successes [ 4 4 6 9 6 3 4 0 3 ] (TN: 7). Hit.

Damage: Results for 9 dice: 5 successes [ 0 4 6 5 7 2 9 8 8 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra). Soaked.

Toshio's expert strike neatly deflects the blade, and the point digs home in a crack in the cobbles about an inch to the left of his ear with a lack of noise that's deafening.

Max frantically scans his surroundings for the Shinobi, but fails to see the new angle of attack... from above. The shinobi leaps down from on high, his blade lashing down the length of the biker's back. The point of the sword penetrates jacket and shirt beneath, the very tip running along his skin as white fire. However, the leather and his own supernatural toughness takes enough of the blow, and while he is now bleeding slightly, he's essentially unharmed.


Lying on his back, Toshio attempts to regard the incoming sword serenely and dispassionately. This lasts for less than a second, before he lashes out with a fist, striking for the flat of the blade, aiming to deflect it into the crack in the cobblestones left behind by the breaking neck of the first ninja.

Parry DV of 7, reduced by 1 for the action I took, reduced by 1 for the attack I've already evaded, so 5.

Ah. His Da had mentioned they could do that. Things were getting interesting.

OOC: Wits+Awareness- Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 8 2 9 1 1 9 ] (TN: 7) +1 for epic Wits

Total 4.

I am going to drag you down to my level. Then I'm going to beat you.

Toshio seizes the wrist of the ninja's sword arm and, from lying on his back, spins, his hips whirling as he scythes the legs out from under his attacker, moving to drag him down to the ground and ruin him. If he catches him, he's going to sit on him and drive his fists into the shinobi's face until his knuckles hit stone.

I'm making a combined attack here, a sweep followed by a clinch. This is one roll at -4, and it's the lesser of the two dicepools which I roll, so, that's a pool of 8, reduced to 4. I am spending a point of Willpower to activate Valour, because this is an act of courage, fighting on while outnumbered and knocked to the ground, and spending a point of Legend to add my Legend score in automatic successes. That's a dicepool of 7, with 5 automatic successes. Making two attacks reduces the target's DV by one against both attacks. (I love taking systems for a test drive.)

Results for 9 dice: 2 successes [ 4 4 2 3 3 1 0 1 3 ] (TN: 7), plus 5 autosuccesses, 7 successes.

2 die stunt restores spent point of Willpower.

Hits shinobi, drops him to floor, grabs him with 3 successes over his DV, and proceeds to beat his face in with his horrible Strength Knacks for one point of Legend. Shinobi have an effective soak of 2 from armour against Agg damage, right, reduced by half because clinches are P? I got 5 levels of raw agg damage, soaked by 1 down to 4.
Take a two-die stunt. The Shinobi's DV is 4 against both attacks. Edit damage and such in to your post.
Fu Shen

With liquid ease his hands slipped the claws from their shoulder holster and into and onto his hands turning them from simple fists to a feline extension of his heritage. All the while he was moving forward, and hand spread out wide from his chest to simultaneously block and strike the shinobi's arms out even wider and away soon letting Fu Shen into even close reach within split second. Faster than the beat of a hummingbird's wings his clawed fists punched forward alongside where the solar plexus would be, backs of his hands facing downward, only to be wrenched up like some kind of uppercut, or the eviscerating tearing of internal organs and ribs from an enemy's body. All while legs were splayed to maintain his stance, posture, and defense of his lower body, while his arms were easily readied to be moved to protect the upper body within seconds.

Claws of Xiwangwu, Spd 4, Acc +3, Dmg +3L

Fu Shen rolls 11 dice to Attacks the shinobi (Diff 6) 2,5,9,5,7, 2,7,5,9,10, 4 (1 success); +1 auto success from Epic Dex 1= 2 successes

Dmg: Str 4 + Wpn 3, + 2successes...

Fu Shen rolls 9 dice to Attacks the shinobi (damage roll) 5,3,3,1,1, 1,6,3,4 (failure), + 1 Str auto success.... = 1.

I hate this damned online dice roller. It really sucks. For a combat guy he is starting off horribly.
1 die stunt for Chen. Shinobi's DV is 6, and the lethal soak is 4. Please edit combat rolls into your post when ready.
Seeing Max nearly get bisected by its compatriot, the wounded shinobi holds his ground, clearly watching for an opening. Similarly, the shinobi locked in combat with Chen drops back a step and crouches in to a ready stance. Clearly they're debating a change in tactics.

Shinobi 1 and 5 both take Guard actions.

Tick 10. Chen and Max are both up.

"Ow! Ye little hoor!"

Max spun around quickly to knock the sword aside and spin the shinobi around. He charged into the creature, grabbing the sword arm in a lock and knocking it over with Max on top, whereupon he grabbed the thing's head with his free hand and started ramming it face-first into the ground.

OOC: Str+Brawl-4 for clinch and attempt to do damage. Spending a WP for auto suxx. Shinobi just attacked, so DV 5.

Results for 9 dice: 3 successes [ 3 3 6 6 9 8 5 6 9 ] (TN: 7) +1WP +2 for Epic Str.

Total 6. Hits with 1 extra. Clinch does piercing, so armour is halved. Holy Rampage makes clinch damage lethal, so shinobi's soak is 2L

Damage: Results for 6 dice: 6 successes [ 2 0 8 4 8 0 ] (TN: 7) +2 for Epic Str

Total post-soak = 6L

If Shinobi 3 is still alive he's now in a clinch. Hooray!

Clinch is Spd 6, for the sake of keeping track.
One point stunt.

It isn't long before your hand meets cobble. With a final spasmic jerk the shinobi lays still and disintegrates. There's a faint metallic clang.
Fu Shen

Seeing the stance Fu Shen smacked the shinobi's right arm inward with his own right hand. He used the momentum to roll along the shadow's arm, left hand further keeping the arm inward and unable to strike until Fu Shen was behind the shinobi. His claws soon raked down the dark creature's spine, with his other arm upraised in defense.


Fu Shen rolls 12 dice (5, 10, 9, 1, 6, 7, 1, 9, 2, 5, 10, 1) +1 auto success = 8 Successes.

Damage: 10 dice (10, 5, 4, 10, 7, 7, 2, 2, 10, 3) + 1 auto success = 6L dmg
Two-point stunt. DV of 6.

It's actually 9L, since 10s count as double. -4L soak, you inflict five levels of lethal damage.

The claw digs in deep and rakes along the shinobi's back, clearly injuring it. it staggers forward under the impact, twisting around to face you. It lurches a little drunkenly on its feet, but remains upright.
Clearly deciding discretion is the better part of valour, the two shinobi still standing (one is still reeling under Toshio's assault) attempt flight, hobble-running in total silence toward the nearest available shadows to make their getaway.

Victory! We drop back in to normal time, the one shinobi still around is helplessly pinned by Toshio. You can make Dex+Athletics rolls to try to catch the other two before they flee. Otherwise, combat's over.

Toshio is trying to remember a joke once told to his adoptive father by an American.

Smack. Smack.

Something about workplace motivation.

Pound. Crack.

Oh, yes. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Smack. Thud.

His morale is improving already.
It doesn't take long. The shinobi melts away in your hands, with the same faint metallic clink as before.

The rest is silence. The other two clearly aren't coming back.

Max wasn't going to kill a fleeing opponent, it was bad form no matter how evil they were. Mocking now, that was different.

"Aye, that's right, piss off ye nancy pillocks! When ye scamper off back ta yer boss tell 'em Max sez get fucked!"

He turned to the others, rubbing his hands and grinning. He was about to crack a joke when he remembered the poor kid that vomited those creatures up. He knelt by the body to look for any sign of life.
Joshua lies face-up, the bleeding having finally stopped from his eyes. His skin is pale and clammy, and there's no sign of life.

In the distance, the wail of sirens. Ambulance, you think.

Max swore softly. The lad had fought it to the end, he'd even managed to warn the group about the ambush. Wherever he was now, that had to count for something. Max patted him on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, kid. You deserved better'n this. I'll remember your name, Joshua Carter, and when we find the bastard that did this, I'll make sure he remembers too before we kick his arse. I swear."

He stood up and turned to the others. "Sirens coming. We probably shouldn't be here when they arrive, lots of awkward questions. Let's catch up with the others."
Fu Shen,

Having already cleaned his claws and holstered them away he check the rest of his clothes as he walked along to make sure the evidence wasn't, well, evident. He was too practiced with this given dealing with police in Hong Kong, and a few instances in England already.

He approached the others, making sure to avoid the bodily fluids of the dead man. "Yes, time to go indeed."
Getting louder now. A soft rain starts to fall, washing some of the blood from Joshua's face and making the black ichor on the ground melt away.

Max's phone starts to ring.

Max made sure that Joshua's wallet was left near him for the ambulance before picking up. "Aye?" he said, as he began to walk from the scene.
A voice was heard on the other line. It was the only female of the group. "Hey, big guy, you guys alright? We're nearing the next crime scene, but I got a bad feeling about going any further. Some police tape is fluttering through the wind. Looks like it was cut or something."

"We're grand, yeah. Bit of a fight, fuckin' ninjas no less. I think the kid is dead, but the ambulance is almost there so we'll see. We're on our way, sit tight."

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