Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]


"Hey, hey, stay with us!"

This wasn't right. The kid was only 20, promising future... He didn't deserve to be dragged into this shit.

He passed the items over and turned his full attention on the boy. There was a fire in his eyes, a hint at his disgust and anger over the injustice this kid had gone through. He needed to kindle the same fire in Joshua.

"Now you listen ta me, Joshua. I see you got a girlfriend, you're in college, you're still young... You got everything ta live for. You took a beatin' tonight, aye, a bad one, but that don't mean you give in. You get the fuck back up and spit in death's eye, you come away tougher! Now we got an ambulance on the way, you got a pretty girl and a whole big damn future waitin' for ya. You live through this and we can find the bastard that did it. You gonna let all that go? Like HELL you are, so stay with us!"

OOC: Spending a point of Legend for Inspirational figure. +1 willpower for the lad, should help him hang on that bit longer.

8 Legend left.
Joshua seems to regain a little colour. "Sarah..." He struggles weakly up to a sitting position, leaning against the building wall. Breathing heavily, he reaches up and gently touches the blood on his face. He seems oddly calm now.

"I'm blind, aren't I. That bastard got me."

"Yes. That bastard got you. You may not be fully blinded, though. We have yet to see the full extent of the damage, and it may not be told until doctors see it."

Toshio pauses a moment. Mmm, no. I'm not that much of a bastard.

"In time, we will need to know everything that happened to you, but we will not ask you now. You see us as figures of light. That may be a hallucination. You may also be seeing the truth.

We are here to help."
He's visibly calmer, almost sad looking. "I remember what happened now. What he did."

He looks you straight in the eye. "You can't help me. It's too late. He said that it was beginni-augh!" His body is wracked by a spasm, bringing a fresh flow of blood from his wounded eyes. He clutches at his belly as though he'd been stabbed.

"Run. RUN!"
With surprising energy he pulls himself to his feet, doubling over like a man with a stomach wound. "No... no.. you need to get away from me! He hid them inside me!"

Joshua falls to his knees and howls. It's an unearthly sound, a sound no human throat should ever make. Then he begins to vomit up the night.

Gouts of pure darkness splash on to the pavement, pooling around him rapidly.

Oh. Hid what, exactly? Well, we'll find out.

Toshio rapidly rolls back onto his feet, standing beside Max.

Between us, we can handle this. We can handle this...

He glances up at the big man.

"Max, this is a trap, the other sites, the others must not trigger them."

"Ah, Shite."

Max whipped out his phone and dialled his colleagues with one hand, adopting a defensive posture. "C'mon, c'mon, pick up ye hoors..."

OOC: ready to use Opening Gambit to make the first move as soon as there's something to punch
Apparently Sheila had the time to give Max his own ringtone, because The Beer Song started playing as her pocket vibrated. "Well, crap, I'm vibrating. Looks like we might be needed." Sheila said in a rather snarky tone as she flipped her phone open. "Kennedy here, need something, big guy?"

"The kid here just puked up a gooey blobby... Something. Ye might want ta keep an eye out fer that if you head on to the other sites. Or ye could come back and have a look at this one. Gonnae hang up now in case I need ta punch it."


He hoped Joshua was still in there, but he didn't want to have to hurt the lad. He silently cursed the titans for the situation they were in.

Well, he couldn't well punch a puddle, no matter how evil it looked. Curious, he kicked a pebble at it.
Sheila frowned as she placed her phone back into her pocket. "Apparently the victim started puking out some gooey blobby stuff, Max's words to describe it, and that we should be on the lookout for something like it at other sites. Or just go back and take a look."
With a final heave, Joshua collapses backwards, his head bouncing off the footpath.

He lies still.

A puddle of tenebrous ichor spreads across the pavement, thinning to a mirror sheen. Then it starts to bubble frantically, like fat on a griddle.

Humanoid figures rise from the pool completely silently. Three, four... five of them rise in total silence out of the ebon stain, and rapidly spread out to circle you. Black swords appear in black hands, and they drop in to a ready stance in perfect unison.

Time to roll Join Battle, folks. Also, anyone who's there and wants to can make a Wits+Occult roll to try and figure out what you're dealing with.

The big man looked non-plussed. It was a pretty trick, to be sure, but he'd seen better. "Who ye tryin' t'impress wi' yer fancy dance moves?" He took a final drag on his cigarette, before flicking the burning remains at the face of one of the figures. With startling speed he launched himself at a different figure and swung a large steel-clad fist at it. "Ye wanna dance, ye blobby pansies? Then let's fuckin' dance!"

The shinobi tried rolling with the punch, but he was too slow and the uppercut connected cleanly, half meaty smack half metallic clang, sending him flying almost a good 4 yards back into a tree trunk. The slippery bastard landed on his feet of course. "Fuckin' ninjas." Gods, he hated ninjas.


Wits+Occult- Results for 5 dice: 4 successes [ 1 7 7 8 8 ] (TN: 7) + 1 for Epic Wits = 5 successes!

Spending a Legend for Opening Gambit. Max goes first.

Dex+Brawl (+2 stunt, +1 acc for light unarmed)- Results for 11 dice: 10 successes [ 7 6 9 7 9 7 8 7 5 9 0 ] (TN: 7).

4 suxx + 2 for knuckledusters + 4 Str +1 = 11 raw damage

Results for 11 dice: 7 successes [ 5 7 7 3 7 1 9 5 0 0 0 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra) +2 auto suxx for Epic Strength

Total 9B, less soak of 6 = 3B

11 raw damage = 3-4 yards knockback \o/

Assuming he went on tick 0, next action on tick 4.

Oh, and using the stunt to get back to full Legend points.

To Max

You remember hearing about these from your dad on a particular night out, describing the events of a drinking binge on Okinawa. Shinobi. They can make no sound deliberately, and are deadly hand-to-hand combatants. Or they're deadly hand-to-hand combatants when their noses haven't been introduced forcibly to their brainstems. It would appear that whilst they can make no sound of their own volition, their facial bones shattering make a rather pleasing sound indeed.

DV is 6, so 3 successes over. Gonna give you +2B considering what you've got wrapped around your hands. 7B soak. Feel free to edit the rest of the attack information into your post. Also, take a 2-die stunt.

The rest of you, roll JB as normal and we'll get this show on the road properly.
OOC: Coyotekin's still away, so I'm going to go on narrative a little for him. The Shinobi Sarky hit is at -2, and will be referred to as Shinobi 1 from here on out.

As Max begins to lay a most righteous of beatings on one of the shades, another ghosts through the darkness toward Chen, sword outstretched. Chen neatly sidesteps, grabs the thing's wrist, and sort of half-turns, catapulting the shinobi down an alleyway on its own momentum. "I'll take this one!" Without another word, he leaps into the darkness after it and is gone.

The others get ready to strike at Toshio and Max.

One JB roll for all!

Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 5 7 4 5 7 7 ] (TN: 7)

Tick 0: Max

Tick 1: Toshio

Tick 2: Shinobi 3, 4

Tick 3: Shinobi 1

Tick 4: Max

Tick 5

Tick 6: Shinobi 3, 4

Tick 7: Chen, Toshio, Shinobi 1

Tick 8: Shinobi 5

Tick 9

Tick 10:Chen, Max, Shinobi 1, 4

Tick 11: Shinobi 5

Tick 12:

Tick 13: Toshio

I'll maintain the Ticks here, editing them as appropriate. Completed ticks are in
red. Note that projected future ticks after your next action are based on the assumption you'll make the same Speed attack again; I'll change them as necessary.

From standing back to back with Max, Toshio bounds forward on the balls of his feet, ducking and rolling his shoulders as he grabs the nearest shinobi by throat and elbow and flips it, to slam it to the ground so hard he feels cobblestones through its neck.

Attacking Shinobi 2, grapple check 8 dice, 8 successes.
Using Divine Wrath Knack at 1 Legend, dealt 6A.

Stunting and soaking and dicepools sorted out in person with Chaka.
Cobbles crack from the force of the blow, black blood spurting across Toshio's fingers. And yet, the shinobi continues to struggle. Meanwhile, the shinobi Max punted across the street is already getting ready to get back in to the fight.

The remaining Titanspawn split away from one another in perfect choreography. One streaks toward Max; the other toward Toshio. In unison razor-edged blades lash out, seeking the blood of Heroes.

Shinobi 3 is heading Max's way. Shinobi 4 is heading for Sato. Please state your defenses, and i'll edit this post to indicate damage and such.

Shinobi 3's attack: Results for 10 dice: 5 successes [ 9 2 8 6 3 6 7 7 3 8 ] (TN: 7)

6 dice of lethal damage. Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 9 6 0 1 0 4 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra). Thanks to 6L soak, damage is negated. It slices your leathers, but that's about it.

Shinobi 4's attack: Results for 10 dice: 4 successes [ 1 6 6 5 1 3 5 8 0 9 ] (TN: 7) +2DV from stunt (take a reward), 7DV easily defeats the attack.

Toshio neatly avoids this attack, and what's more manages to bring the other shinobi neatly in to the line of the blow. Already heavily injured, it simply decays into black dust and disintegrates as its fellow's blade neatly impales it. Something small and metallic clinks to the ground.

Settling into a comfortable brawling stance, Max did his best to stay out of the blade's reach...

OOC: Spending a legend to add [athletics/2, rounding up] to Dodge DV, bringing it to 6. I dunno if that's a miss or a close hit, but either way, fewer successes for the shinobi.

8 legend left

Elegant rolls require the centre of gravity to easily flip and rotate, becoming the centre of the wheel. This is an inelegant roll, and part of the problem is that Toshio is using a half dead ninja as his centre of balance, rolling forward over his shoulder without relinquishing his grip on throat and elbow, dragging black and broken flesh across cobblestones to move mirroring him until Scion and ninja resemble some demented wheel of bruises, with the ninja on top, serving as an inhuman shield.

My Dodge DV is 7, reduced to 6 when armoured, and reduced to 5 for this because I've already taken an action, so my DV ha'nt refreshed yet.
Even as the blade slices across Max's back, scoring his favourite leathers, the shinobi he blasted across the street pads forward to attack again, although limping slightly this time. Its sword-hand seems steady enough, however, as it lashes out toward Max.

Shinobi 1 attacks at a -1 penalty.

Results for 9 dice: 8 successes [ 7 3 8 9 2 8 0 0 3 ] (TN: 7) Current DV is 3. 5 over.

Damage: 11 dice of lethal damage. Results for 11 dice: 2 successes [ 2 2 2 4 3 8 1 4 3 9 6 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra). Easily soaked.

The sword shears home through Max's coat... but completely misses the skin. Max feels ice-cold steel along his side for a moment before the shinobi pulls clear.

Tick 4. Max is up.

Oh, so THAT'S how it is, eh?

Surrounded, most people would try and break away, regain an advantage. That wasn't Max's style. More bar fights than he could recall had taught him that the fuckers never expected you to wade even further into the thick of it. As far as he was concerned, being surrounded just made it easier to hit someone.

Max leapt straight at the shinobi he'd already punched, grabbing him tightly by the throat and sword arm, before spinning and hurling the hapless goon at the bastard who tried to backstab him.

OOC: 2 attacks, so rolling Str+Brawl at -4, channeling courage for +3, +2 stunt so- Results for 10 dice: 8 successes [ 0 3 4 8 0 2 1 0 7 6 ] (TN: 7) + 2 auto suxx = 10 total

Shinobi 1 attacked and was at -1 from earlier, so DV is 4. 6 extra suxx.

Shinobi 3 is unharmed, so DV is 6. 4 extra suxx

Damage for 1: Results for 12 dice: Results for 12 dice: 6 successes [ 7 3 3 2 3 0 8 8 4 2 7 9 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra) +2 auto = 8B. 1B damage.

Damage for 3: Results for 10 dice: Results for 10 dice: 3 successes [ 2 2 8 1 4 8 3 2 9 5 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra) +2 auto = 5B. Soaked.


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