Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]

"Ninjas? Seriously? Damn, Max." There was a bit of a chuckle that quickly faded and was replaced by a serious and sympathetic tone. "So the poor guy is dead? Man, that's just... Terrible."
Fu Shen,

He calmly walked away like nothing ever happened. His stride was sure and confident as the tiger walking through the jungle.

Toshio rose to his feet and brushed himself down, looking suddenly somewhat self-conscious.

"What is the word from the others?" he called, slipping a black shuriken away into one of his jacket pockets.

"Aye, well, alive or no we're gonna get whoever's responsible. We'll be there in a few minutes. Stay in the light if ye don't like bein' ambushed. Fuckers can walk through shadows."

He hung up and spoke over his shoulder to the others.

"They're at the next nearest area, they said someone's interfered with the rozzers' cordon. No ninjas yet, but all the same let's be quick, eh?"

He began to jog.
It won't be long before you see the others in the middle-distance, standing beneath a street-light and haloed by the rain.

"Lena?" The Ginger looks at his, well cousin quietly for a moment. "Memories are funny things....Tragedy can be associated with anything. But so can life, Hope, love. Lets find a way to make this one of those, and im sure it wont be easy " he smiles softly and gives her a little wink. "The others are here....." he nods his head in the direction of the others.
"I said earlier that good ol' dad has some... Collateral... To motivate me to work. He took my best friend." Sheila muttered quietly. Bitterly, even. Her faded blue eyes finally looked towards the three men coming their way. "At least the others are alright."

Stepping away, Sheila waved over to the others with a rather convincing grin. "Yo, big guy, Toshio, dangerous." Oh, Sheila came up with a couple of nicknames. Well, she was still thinking of one for Toshio.
Fu Shen

He looked over the others. "Next?", he said as these others seemed very good at finding clues and leading on the hunt to greater kills. The same trait that his grandfather had hinted at several times. The marks upon his flesh a reminder.
The crime scene ahead is older than the first you visited, but judging by the cut wire, it's been visited recently.

Perception + Investigation rolls, folks.
Sheila, despite being an ammature when it came to playing detective, keenly observed the scene with her faded blue eyes. Smirking in her usual cocky manner, she knew coming here was probably going to be dangerous.


Perception + Investigation: [4,10,5,9] = 3 sux
Fu Shen

He looked around and then back to them. "My strength lies in tracking prey down and then bringing them down." Nonetheless he used his Predatory Focus to analyze the different scents as they might be important later.
((Ronan, that dice roller isnt working for me. my pool is 6 + 1 epic perception, where should i roll this))


((7 7 5 4 2 2 = 3 suxx [2 + 1 Epic percep])
To Kenny

You and Shannon notice it at the same time. The charcoal line here is scuffed and broken in places, and the yami kanji is smudged and distorted from weather, but the scene looks much like the other. The cut tape flickers in the wind.

Beneath the kanji is a small bouquet of flowers.
"This one's just like the last. 'Cept all weather worn." Kenny spinned her camera around her finger by the neck cord, frowning. "Someone left flowers. Better not touch, memorial site."

Max glared at the shadows, almost daring those shinobi bastards to try attacking again. The senseless death of the boy Joshua had not put him in the best of moods.

"I'll remember this, sure enough. Titanspawn pickin' on them as can't protect themselves. Tryin' ta ambush an' assassinate them that can. Cowards. Maybe there's a name or somethin' on the flowers. No touchin', but if there's a lead to be had..." He knelt by the bouquet, looking for same.
The flowers are fresh, and wet with rain. They can't have been here long. Black roses and a strange yellow flower. There is indeed a note. Written in black ballpoint and smudged from the wet, it reads:

"Black roses for loss. Trefoil for vengeance.

You tear up the sacred root before it can flower.

For this crime, I shall garden with your blood.


"Huh. This wasn't left by a mourner, it basically says 'Take that ye bastard.' Anyone know what trefoil is..?"
Sheila shrugged. "Some kind of plant, maybe? I'm not quite sure myself. And what a way to rub it in. What a bastard."

Even Sheila had her morals, and apparently this was against her's.
Shannon cocks his head to the side and chews his lip in thought. "Let me see those."

Taking the flowers, he brushes a strand of red hair behind his ear. "Black roses and trefoil, for vengeance... this is Bird's-Foot Trefoil, I think. It symbolises revenge in the Language of Flowers... I didn't study that much though. Most of the symbology I looked at was much older, and floriography is primarily Victorian... I know it was unusual in that it had such a negative, violent meaning. The Language of Flowers is a lover's code."
"Hah. No wonder I didn't know... Wait.." The daughter of Manannan Mac Lir quickly caught herself, grin fading. "That didn't come out right, I mean, I can be romantic if I wanted to... (I think.) I meant the Victorian part, honest."

Sheila scuffed the ground beneath her feet, sighing. "Anyone got any ideas as to what we should do next? Get a hotel room and have a friendly sleepover and maybe a pillow fight?"
Toshio shrugs.

"I don't know about that, but I do know we should get out of this rain. I don't think we're going to find anything else, and if we do I'd rather were better prepared. Let's get out of here."

Chapter 1 is finished! Good job everyone, take 15 experience.

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