Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]


"Well then. No time like the current, yes?"

Toshio stands up and wanders off onto the platform, heading upstairs to go to the street. Along the way, he idly bites his lip, trying to remember where the last such murder took place...
Sheila jumped out of her seat with a grin. It was just getting interesting... And maybe she could do a number on this serial-blinder.

Max followed the Asian guy up to street level, hiding his new weapons in his pockets.

"Bloody mysterious messengers. Why can they no' just phone? Anyway, you got a plan?"
Fu Shen

He seemed to move across the platform with a feline grace. His eyes moved automatically to take in every detail he could while his nose picked up the scents of pleasant as well as unsavory things. "Perhaps starting with the location of his last known victim may be a good start. So perhaps the local newspaper", he said the last bit as he wandered to the newspaper box to retrieve the paper.


OOC: Keep in mind I am American and have what I have to go off of. LOL. Othewise Germany is bout the only place in Europe I have been...

He glances back towards Max and Fu Shen. "I think we should figure out where each attack happened and look at a street map to see if there appears to be any correlation. That will take minutes at most. If you have... you have gotten the newspaper. Excuse me."

Toshio pulls out a phone from his pocket, a shiny slab of electronics looking incongruous with the battered, antiquated bomber jacket, and pulls up a street map of Soho, holding a stylus ready to mark out the sites as Fu Shen calls them.

((really sorry for the huge delay everyone, moves from texas to Savannah and still getting stuff sorted out))

Shannon Follows quietly behind the others lost in his own thoughts, but doing what he can to help.

(Intell+ awareness roll: Results for 6 dice: 5 successes [ 7 7 0 9 1 6 ] (TN: 7))

To Sheila: "nineteen, sorry. This mess has me Distracted. And Something tells me that not everything is on the up and up, nothing ever really is you know?" He then turns to Max and opens his quiver. "I'm a pretty good shot with the bow if that helps. Who wants to bet that this will blow up in our faces though, before we get it fixed that is."

Max snorted. "Bets? It's probably already gone ta shite. Those parents of ours just cannae be trusted, they never let on the important stuff. Keep yer arrows handy, we'll get ambushed soon enough. Or not. Best to be ready anyways, aye?"
"So a year younger than me!" The only female of the group grinned. "I'm guessing everyone else is a bit older, though."

"When you're the child of a mythic gods of a forgotten era is age even a footnote in our grander story?" Shannon strings his bow and slings his quiver onto his back with a sly smile to Max. "Forgive my nervousness earlier. After i met my mother i havent exactly had to do much, i was... unsure of what to expect with all of this. Now, if i can be so bold, what can all of you.... DO. I've noticed i have a host of abilities because of these tools my mother gave me, but It might be prudent to discuss our capabilities...right?" He blushes again but his smile that accompanies it is warm as the first touch of spring.
"What we can do, huh?" Sheila tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I'm good at getting in and out of trouble."

"Well. I can pass my exams, drink a lot, get into trouble and out of it again."

He frowns. "I am not sure if that will be all that useful in this case."

"Young women mostly. I believe he has also attacked a priest. Where did the attacks take place, does the newspaper say?"

"Maybe there is some sort of pattern, or symbol the police are missing....Let me take a look" When handed the paper Shannon studies it for a bit and traces various patterns with his fingers over the locations of the crime." It might be... no.... well..maybe...."

( Boss id like to Roll Perception + occult if possible to see if these crimes are beginning to form any sort of ancient or occult symbol that might point us in a good direction for investigation :) )
No obvious pattern. Of the three most recent one took place off Bridle Lane, one in an alley in the Seven Dials and one just off Soho Square. You're currently at the Tottenham Court Road station.
Fu Shen

"Was there anything left of the Mirror Man, some sort of evidence. I am decent at tracking prey and such would be useful to me if we had it."

"Well, why dont we look around the last crime scene. Perhaps we'll see something the authorities missed. Couldn't hurt i guess, right?"

"Well, Soho Square is the closest. It is just across the road and down an alley from here, we can start there and then proceed wherever else."

Toshio tucks his phone away, pulls his collar up against the rain, and shuffles off.
Soho is usually a busy place.

It's a vibrant part of London, a little bit sordid, a little bit on the wild side of life. Head shops and more risqué establishments tend to crop up here, and the place is generally full of drunken, happy noise at this time of night.

Not tonight. Tonight Soho is empty. Occasionally you pass furtive strangers with their collars up against a spiritual cold, melting through the streets like the last drops of blood from a suicide. There's no revelry, no parties. Something is wrong. The city holds its breath, straining with tension. No-one looks at you for more than a moment. No-one wants to attract anyone else's attention. Their fear caresses your spine.

Soho square is the dead heart of this unnatural quiet. A dog barks, and you hear the noises of the city in the distance, like pleading through fog.

The crime scene is largely untouched, marked off by yellow tape that glows redly in the neon of the signs around it.
Fu Shen

He smiled a bit to himself really as this was so much familiar to him, both with the place as it should be and as it was now. This is what he knew, and he thought nothing of it as he hardly knew anything else.

He looked around inspecting the area and using his own supernatural senses to take in every detail, especially the blood, the remnants of skin, scraps of clothing and more. He knew very well that a killer very rarely left no sign of their presence, usually because of carelessness or as a challenge to others. Both tended to be an unconscious thing more than anything else, but common all the same.

"Well, this doesn't scream unnatural at all" Shannon remarks sarcastically , while gently touching one of the black diamonds capping the end of his elaborate torc. His eyes dance across the area widening slightly at the crime scene his skin shivering slightly against the cold. "So Do we just go in?"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/Shannon.jpg.2a09638a511d5b4392c69709cacade3d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/Shannon.jpg.2a09638a511d5b4392c69709cacade3d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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((Results for 6 dice: 5 successes [ 6 8 1 9 0 7 ] (TN: 7) + 1 from Epic Perception = 6 total))

Shannon walks slowly around the crime scene, a soft breeze stirring his senses to shadowed corners and forgotten places. His steps lead him through this space of violence, and stop, waiting as if sensing the unseen.

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