Chapter One: Sing, Goddess [Darkness Visible]

Sheila let out a sigh. "I'm hoping for the surprise party, myself. I'm not much of a fighter, myself. Though, I can defend myself alright, I guess." She looked back at the rest of them... And grinned mischievously. "The name's Sheila Kennedy. Most people just call me Kenny."
"I'm Shannon, Shannon Peterson. And well... i guess we'll be finding out soon enough why were here. If it gets a little rough, well i brought my bow..... " He looks to each in Turn. "It is truely a pleasure to meet you"
"A bow, huh? Interesting. I really don't own weapons. Though, I have taken self-defense courses." Sheila just looked over everyone again. "Where you guys from? I was born in New York but raised in Northern California."
Fu Shen

To nobody in particular he said, "I am Chien Fu Shen, although it seems this country expects me to say it their way, Fu Shen Chien. I am from Hong Kong. Yes, I know I do not look Chinese, but my father was Scottish and part of this country's military. And I prefer to speak with my Kung Fu and leave the words to others more patient."

By this stage, Toshio has turned and is tripping along the edge of the platform on his toes.

"I am from Nagoya. I came here to go to university. I found out about my origins a little while before I came here."

"I'm from London.... but my Father is American. he works at the American Embassy....I go to Uni too, what do you study? I'm studying semiotics, focusing primarily on Pragmatics, and how it relates to Syntactics...." Shannon blushes as his voice goes into a mumble.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_06/Shannon.jpg.22a2c81c0045375184504c233c436791.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_06/Shannon.jpg.22a2c81c0045375184504c233c436791.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"I am studying business...ics."

He grins, and idly flips into a handstand on the edge of the platform. Pens and scraps of paper and random crap cascade from his pockets.
She eyed Shannon with a slight grin. He's a shy one. She then grinned. "Well, back in high school, I was quite good at track. But, like I said, I'm a photographer. In fact, I'm still in school, but I pay my way through it by doing work for tabloids and the such."
"It seems you're all getting along nicely."

The platform is mostly deserted, and there are no tube trains around. The speaker is a woman you hadn't previously noticed. She's slender and petite, standing at no more than 5'1 or 5'2. She looks Arabic, and her accent has hints of that tongue, but somehow... other. It's hard to place. Long raven hair hangs loosely to the small of her back, contrasting with the white linen dress she's wearing. a simple garment that serves more to accentuate than conceal her figure.

She's one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen.

"Good evening. My name is Shamhat."

Toshio curls back to his feet and glances over at her.

"Toshio Sato. You know, there is a perfectly good mail service in this country."
Sheila's lips curls into a magnificently mischievous grin. "Sheila Kennedy, but people often call me Kenny. So you sent us these notes?" She took out the crumpled piece of paper from her pocket.
Shamhat smiles heartbreakingly and shakes her head. "No, those would be from your parents. They asked me to meet you here and explain the situation. I don't hold affiliation to any of your sire's particular cliques..." she pauses for a moment at this, seeming lost in thought "and they felt with the mix they had an outside mediator would be best to prevent... unnecessary tampering. They're something of a paranoid lot. Anyway, you can ask me any questions you like and I'll do my best to answer them while we wait for your train to arrive."

"So, I was incorrect. Ah, well, better paranoid than murdered."

He looks directly at her, catching her eye.

"What is this about? What is going on?"
She laughs sweetly. "You're all footsoldiers in the war for reality. Whether through brains, guile or brute force, the time has come for you to take up your arms. The forces of the titans are on the move in London, and you're needed to stem the tide here. Make no mistake. You are all walking in to grave danger. However, you're probably safe for now." She frowns slightly, peering down the gaping dark maw of the tube tunnel, clearly looking for the glimmer of light that would indicate the arriving train. "Probably. And we're one short, which can't be helped."
Fu Shen

He had simply just listened to all of this, taking his own mental notes about each individual while patiently waiting for whatever it was they were waiting for.

And the she appeared and his body took a natural fighting stance, hardly noticeable to anyone other than a fellow trained warrior. Nonetheless he patiently listened and waited before finally speaking. "Good, the sooner we move to deal with the threat the better. My question is that is this to be a temporary alliance or something of longer term?"
She shrugs. "I'm sure that's up to you. You're the only Scions living in London - bar one - and that means you'll probably be called on to work together from time to time. Whether or not you choose to form a Band is more your business, don't you think?"

A light appears in the distance of the tunnel, and the rumbling of the tube train grows louder.

"Excellent! Your train is here."

The train pulls up to the station. Through the windows, it seems to be eerily empty.
Fu Shen

He raised an eyebrow at the reoccurring mention of one other Scion, not to mention being the only Scions in London. "Who is this one Scion you continue to mention?"

Toshio ambles over to the train. "Where are we supposedly going, Ms. Shamhat?"

Just as he reaches the door of the carriage, he turns and looks to her. "Are you coming with us?"
She steps lightly on to the train by way of answer. The train is as deserted as it appeared.

"You'll encounter them eventually, I'm sure. I'm told they weren't invited because they were already engaged in some errand for their sire which has taken them out of the city briefly. Other than that, I don't really know anything about them. I'm just the guide."
Sheila stepped into the train and decided to sit down, fiddling with the camera around her neck. "So, is it safe to talk about our... Parents? I'm curious to who all of your divine sires are."

Toshio steps into the train and sits down just across from Kenny.

"My father revealed himself to me by pouring me a drink, giving me my first taste of violence and mayhem, and getting me arrested. There was no lasting harm done, although it did get me sent overseas to attend university. Susano-o encourages recklessness, and after my upbringing, I am not going to deny him."
"My father..." She paused. "Well, let's just say he's given me incentive to do stuff for him. Manannan Mac Lir is my father. He has some sense of humor, though, it can be dark at times."

"So, we have that in common."

He looks back out of the train to the platform, to the others.

"Do you wish to join us?"

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