Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

To Nina

Master Myx unwinds from his seat in a slow but deliberate movement; his coat gapes to expose his bare chest and the exquisitely detailed tattoo of a cherry tree in blossom emblazoned across his skin. He takes your hand in his own - his skin is cool, his body temperature evidently colder than your own but not unpleasantly so - an d lays a single kiss across the back of your hand. "Miss Ivy," he says with an absolutely straight face, "I am indeed called by that name. What's this that brings you to me; combat? Surely you must have a cadre of admirers aching to protect that beautiful frame of yours."

Corri nods to the fox woman, "I'll see what I can do about getting you the materials as soon as possible." She excuses herself and heads back down to the foyer to find Watson.
To Corri

The clock ticks... but apart from that the Foyer is unmanned - M. Jasmine appears to have absconded elsewhere

I'm aware that chronologically she's probably still talking to one of ye - this is the difficulty with play by post, I suppose. Don't poke holes at the timing, I'm doing my best.

Watson's ears, still sharpened from his agreement with Dog, pick up footsteps from the foyer behind him.

Ah, good, she's here.

He turns, smiling slightly, trying to hide his concern over the reek of Briarwolves. "Corri? Want to head out?"
Corri folds up the plans and puts them in her pouch. "Yeah, gonna have to keep my eye out for some things along the way, but lets get outta here." Sifs gold, she thought, what the hell is that?

Intelligence + Occult: Results for 3 dice: 2 successes (TN: 8 )

"Great. First things first, though. I want an oath not to betray each other, and to watch each other's backs. You ok with that?"

"Fair 'nuff.

We swear to watch each others' backs and not drive the knife into them. So long as we keep to this oath, may our fists be stronger for it, our feet faster, and our shadows more elusive, and may the one who breaks it get what's coming to 'em at the hands of the other."

He holds his hand out to Corri.

"Ok then. Lets go. First stop is my Hollow."

Watson turns back, and sets out into the Hedge, all senses alert.
Nina Ivy

With the faintest hint of a blush, she replies, "I should rather think I'm capable of doing a lot more than the eye can tell; so long as there's someone experienced to teach me."
To Nina

"Hmmm, an excellent answer. And what would you be willing to offer in exchange for" He doesn't wink - but his tone almost insists that he should have done so.
Nina Ivy

"Hmn... How open are we to a bargain? Name your price..." she replied, with a playful smile.
To Nina

"We-ell, I could use a quick pick-me-up." He raises his hands, bandaged as they are. "I ran out of glamour the last time I left the Hostel, still haven't had a chance to get any back. If you give me just a little, I can show you how to get a whole lot more - and help you out with surviving in the Hedge, besides."

This is a very, very basic pledge. Basically he just wants one point of glamour, and he'll teach you.
You can just edit it, it's such a simple pledge we don't really need to formalise it.
To Nina

With your agreement, you feel the slightest of tugs, and Master Myx shuts his eyes."Therrrrre we go. Right!" He claps his hands (gingerly). "Let's get started."

Over the next few hours, Master Myx teaches you the poorly misunderstood art of Hedge-Sculpting, teaching you how to ensnare foes and craft weapons using the Hedge itself, and more besides, simply by investing glamour in the Thorns when you wish to shape it to your needs.

+1 to all Hedge-Scultping rolls. See Pg. 127 onwards of Rites of Spring, or talk to me about it for exact details.
He also tells you (in slightly more hushed tones) how to siphon glamour from any fae creature or object, using the same method as with sculpting, only now removing glamour rather than donating it. This even works on the Hedge, though he cautions its use, as it can occasionally draw attention to oneself. Properly used, 'reaping' as he calls it can be fatal to fae creatures (hobgoblins, even True Fae etc.) Reaping another changeling, however, is obviously frowned upon.

Mechanically speaking, reaping requires a successful touch attack, then roll Wits+Wyrd vs. your victims Resolve+Wyrd.
To Lapwing

Something catches your attention in the corner of your eye - Corri and Watson are making their way towards you. They appear to have picked up some sort of...mutt along the way. Mistress Jasmine may have a few things to say about that...
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing glances up, glances down, and flashes fangs briefly at the dog before his smile returns.

Couldn't he have gotten a cat?

"Ah, afternoon Miss Corri, Mr. Watson. Good hunting?"

"Sort of. This," Watson crouches and rubs Hugo behind the ears, "is Hugo. Say hello to, Hugo."

Straightening up and looking Lapwing in the eye, the grin fades from Watson's face. "I've got some bad news about Seth..."

Insert tale of woe and nine-foot walls of furry death here. Smashing head on closing doorway optional.
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing remains silent through the missive, listening intently.

A little part of him will miss the Darkling.

Just a small one.

"Clearly someone has wished us interesting times." He notes.

He glances around. "Have you seen Micah? I'd rather fill you in on my end when we find him. Lord Syl has asked another... task. Not to be presumptuous, but I know the two of you relish the adventure, as it were."

"Haven't seen him, no. I'm gonna go get some lunch, then take a look around the Hostel, see if I can find him."

Watson turns to lead Hugo towards the dining room. Proper deportment towards ladies is important, but now is the time for a lesson in table manners.
Lunch comes and goes, and 'afternoon tea' (Today's Special: Blueberry-Mint Surprise!), and finally supper... no sign of Micah all day. People begin to filter out, in twos and threes, and finally you all decide to retire to your your respective apartments, well-sated though troubled with a choice question or two - then again, what else is new.

All too soon, what passes for night in the Hedge...passes, and dawn breaks. Silently, as is its wont and custom.
A small "goooong" resonates throughout the hostel, quiet yet penetrating, announcing breakfast is served.
Micah Sands

The glitterglass walks in to the common room, stretching and looking around for the good juice. He feels a lot better after his day's sleep.

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