Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]


Corri barely hesitated to roll out of her soft bed in the Slightly Beige Room that morning. She was curious to see what Lapwing's associate wanted, though she'd probably agree to most anything at the moment as she was itching for a good fight that she wasn't likely to find in the hospital (and probably wouldn't indulge in even if she did, out of respect for Mistress Jasmine's hospitality. Sliding into her jeans and boots she grabbed a tight v-necked black t-shirt and slipped it on. Barely pausing to look in the mirror she left her room and headed down to breakfast, glancing around the common room for Lapwing.

Stirring awake, Watson sniffs. Morning. Morning means breakfast, means maybe Micah's back. Moar expeditions into the Hedge today, apparently. Very well.

Rolling to his feet, he looks to the room's other dusty couch, with its other shaggy occupant. Gently patting the dog's neck, he murmurs "Hugo? Breakfast time..."

Dressing quickly, he heads upstairs to let Hugo outside for a few minutes, before heading in for breakfast. Time to find the others. Also, some fish.
Old Man Willow

Old Man Willow woke up early, as was his habit. He even managed to go outside the inn, to stretch his legs, but also, he felt it was a ritual of sorts to get "in touch" with the Hedge. After his morning walk, he returned to the inn to get some breakfast.

Lord Syl has mentioned he might have some new mission for him, and while he wasn't too eager to talk to the changeling who didn't even have the full authority of the Court, he knew that that changeling was still the most powerful of the Court to be found nearby. For now.
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing emerges from the depths of the Hostel with a grin, dressed in his customary, freshly cleaned suit.

One of these days, he's going to pick up some manner of combat-appropriate clothing. Just in case this sort of madness descends again.

First things first - Lapwing heartily demolishes a plate of breakfast before worrying about his... companions.
Micah Sands

Seeing Lapwing enter, Micah walks over to him. "Morning. You would not believe the day I had yesterday..."
Mr. Lapwing

A sausage disappears into Lapwing's fanged maw.

"Do tell," he invites, "More exciting than mine, I expect."
To Watson and Corri

You'll spot Lapwing and Micah seated together (and each other, for that matter) in the dining hall, close to one of the walls.

...and yes, the Feasting Tables have a platter of smoked kippers, freshly prepared.

To Willow

A glance is all you need to find Lord Syl - as always he's surrounded by a coterie of hangers-on, literally hanging on every whispered word, inaudible from this distance, of course. Ah, he's spotted you; without looking up, he raises his hand, clearly indicating he does not wish for you to approach just yet.

Other Lost veer wide of his group, leaving them in a perfect circle of empty silence... oh well, you might as well get some breakfast in the mean-time. The buffet tables look well-stocked.
Old Man Willow

Heaving a sigh of relief, Willow makes his way to thebuffet, to get some breakfast in him. It seems that lately every time Lord Syl asks for something from him, it takes him further and further afield.

Watson, whistling through his teeth, fills a plate with kippers and fresh fruit, before also snagging a saucer and putting some sausages on it. Leaving the saucer down beside the table, he sits.

"Morning gents. Mr. Sands, has Mr. Lapwing passed along either set of news?"

Watson reaches for his fish.
Micah Sands

Micah shakes his head. "Nope. I was just about to tell him some news of my own. What happened?"

Seeing Watson (with dog in tow) and Micah Sands sitting at a table in the common room she walks over, setting her plate of eggs and what seemed to resemble bacon down and taking a seat next to Micah.

Watson replies, casually waving a piece of banana around to punctuate his words.

"Well, Mr Lapwing's news is his to tell, but I'll give you mine: yesterday, I saw our associate, Mr. Schreck, fleeing into the Hedge, with some sort of enormous furry monster pegging it after him. They both made it into the gateway, but I got there too late to follow. I haven't seen him since, and, well, I don't think that it could have ended well for him."

He pauses for a moment.

"Morning Corri."
Micah Sands

Enormous furry monster..? "Outside the Hedge?? I dunno wha... well, it could be... nah... hmm. The only thing I can think of is he mouthed off to one of the werewolves, but surely he wouldn't be that stupid..."

Micah stops for a second. "He would be, wouldn't he?"
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing shakes his head in a fair imitation of dismay.

"Safe to assume an angry werewolf is not still wandering the Hedge, at least."

He downs a cup of a tea.

"Oh, Micah, do you recall that Sprint fellow? I ran into his girlfriend yesterday - seems she's taken up drinking and brandishing knives at people."
Micah Sands

"Ah well. I'll shed a silent tear."

Micah stops. "Wait... Eleanor? She's alright? I was at the Aula, the tolltakers had attacked there. She killed Boris with a Bible and escaped. Or so his shade claimed, anyway."
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing continues placidly eating breakfast.

"A dangerous woman to know, clearly. I'm rather impressed." He munches contemplatively on some bacon.

"Hmph, power of the word of god, eh?" He notes, and chuckles.

Moving onto his fish, Watson grins.

"So, the solution to our werewolf problem is clear. We need to recruit this woman and give her the biggest holy text we can find.

"Oh, yes. Speaking of furry monsters."

He reaches below the table and rubs Hugo's ears, letting him know he isn't being neglected. "Hugo, this is Mr. Sands. Mr. Sands, this is my new associate Hugo."
A weight of silence washes over your table, pulling the clinking of cutlery against crockery into some invisible depth of soundlessness. "The Good Book has helped many lost souls such as ourselves over the years, Mr. Lapwing." Lord Syl, apparently, has rather good hearing, approaching from two or three tables away with a tall, craggy looking Ogre in tow. "And you see, Mr. Sands," he continues, "our Eleanor is perfectly fine, and continues to prove she is all too-capble of taking care of herself."

His whispering tones curl softly around your party as he stops by your table. "Enjoying breakfast, I see. Have you briefed your friends on that conversation you and I shared, Mr. Lapwing?" he asks, once more addressing the leechfinger, pausing briefly to give Hugo a blank stare.
Mr. Lapwing

"I was just about to, Lord Syl. How auspicious is your arrival."

Lapwing turns to the others, slightly.

"Magus Rex, who accompanied us into the Hedge the other day, is missing. Step two is obvious, is it not?"

"Yes. We hunt."

Watson turns to Lord Syl, letting any amusement slip from his face. "At the risk of sounding cliched, is there anything of his in your possession, which would carry his scent?"
To Watson

Lord Syl taps his fingers against his jaw - quietly, needless to say. "I do not possess such an item... but perhaps with Mistress Jasmine's express permission you could search his rooms for an article of clothing, or some such."

"Ah, but where are my manners? This is Bronn," he says, indicating the man by his side, "he will be joining you on this expedition, along with one other..." He looks around him briefly.

To Old Man Willow

From across the room, you see Lord Syl finally waving towards you, in the company of some others - evidently he has need of your presence.
Old Man Willow

The tall and extremely lean green man stands up from his chair, his breakfast only half-eaten. He walks towards Lord Syl, his movement fluid, yet strangely as if he's ready to fall at the slighest touch.

As he approaches the group, he greets them "Good morning to you Lord Syl, and associates. What can I do for you today?" His voice is raspy, but is of almost normal volume.
Lord Syl nods in response. "My associate will be joining you also on your little escapade - his talents lie in the same grain as Rex, and should prove invaluable when traversing the Hedge."

To Lapwing

"You know the drill. I'll leave you to get acquainted." Without another word, he slinks off into the crowd, people moving aside without even noticing his presence.
Willow's face turns into a slight frown as Lord Syl turns away. He never did like hanging around with other changelings, and he prefered to traverse the Hedge by himself, but then again, these strange times mean he'd better help them, so they will leave him alone faster, hopefully.

His thoughts hidden, he turns to the assmebled group "Hello, my name is Old Man Willow, and I'll be your guide into the Hedge."

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