Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]


Watson turns to Mistress Jasmine, looking calm, despite the worry lining the corners of his mouth and eyes.

"Please...wait just a little? We'd like to take a look here, and see if there is any sign. Someone has, I think, tried to cover their tracks here."

Before he makes any move to enter the room, Watson then crouches in front of Hugo, settling his palm on the crown of the dog's head.

[Fang and Talon 1, 4 dice, 2 successes, 1 Glamour.

He murmurs to Hugo. "Hugo, remember other lady? Remember her yesterday, and this morning? Young, fit, walked with us, ate with us, is back downstairs now, at the table we were at? Could you go get her? If you can, you're a good wee lad."
To Watson

"Hugo hunt? Other human? Find, yes?" He wags his tail briefly and patters off back the way you came, his low-height making the return trip through the bells significantly easier for him than it was for you.

Mistress Jasmine is clearly just a little bit distressed by the though of leaving the room in such a state, but steps back all the same, hands folded in front of her.

"Caber tossing? Big thick tree trunks right?" she nods with a sort of grudging respect. She looked the big man over, figuring he'd be good backup in a fight, once entered into a pledge of course.
Micah Sands

Micah blinks for a second. "Sorry, I tend to get absorbed in stories of hob interaction. The Hedge and its denizens are my area of scholarship, you see. Perhaps we could trade notes and so on at some point?"
To Corri

Something is gently pulling at your...well, shoe. Watson's collie is growling very softly and tugging at your foot insistently.
Corri looked down at the black and white dog, reaching to scratch it behind the ears. "Whats up Hugo?" she murmered to the dog. Feeling the insistant tugging continues she got up, crouching down beside the beast.
To Corri

The dog gives a distinctive "yap!" at you, runs away at a trot for a few paces, stops, and yaps at you again. He seems to be heading out towards the Foyer.

"I get it, I get it," she grumbles, getting to her feet and following the dog. Reaching back she grabs the apple she'd been in the middle of and takes another bite before leaving the common room after the collie.

Gingerly, Watson steps across the threshold. Eyes open and nostrils flared, he scans each patch of floor, taking short, sharp sniffs as he tilts his head towards each corner of the room.

[Wits + Investigation + 2, 7 dice, 3 successes]
To Corri

The canine trots along, glancing back every so often to ensure you are indeed following, leading you up a flight of decidely un-safe-looking stairs, before finally leading you into a large room full of bells... Weird.

However, if you squint, you think you can see Mistress Jasmine on the other side of the room.

To Watson

These markings - the scents, mostly - are old. Days old, at least. Magus Rex hasn't been here in several days (which you knew already, admittedly) but it also appears that the intruder (if intruder it was) trashed the room several days ago also.

Otherwise, the room doesn't seem to reveal much - you can't tell if anything was taken, obviously. The claw marks are very clean, though... perhaps they're not claws at all. They look almost like knife marks, the damage done is that sharp and that precise.
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing finishes breakfast, and announces cheerfully to those still at the table;

"At least Magus Rex should still be in one piece."
Old Man Willow

Willow walks into the ravaged room. His eyes roaming, as he tries to piece together if there's anything that might give a clue to the identity of the attacker, or the possible whereabouts of Magus Rex.


Wits + Investigation? Int + Investigation?
Either would apply, probably Wits moreso. You won't learn anything more than Watson, however, I might as well tell you in advance - nor would you have been close enough to your fellow Magus to know if anything's been taken.
Nina Ivy

She sometimes felt like she'd just like to step away from it all; watch from a distance without anything touching her, dip in and out of it like it was non-toxic mercury. She was living on borrowed time and was about to borrow some more. This place would have to do as a haven, for now.

She took in the morning with a sharp little breath, cold and crisp, as she looked out the latticed window. Time to make her way to the others. Pulling back her slender shoulders, she walked down the stairs towards the dining room, counting softly in her head with each step she took.

On tip-toes, she surveyed the room, looking for familiar faces. Spotting Micah & Mr. Lapwing at a table, she moved towards them, trying to avoid any bodily contact with random strangers in the way. This morning, she felt a bit more disconnected from her normally perceived reality than usual.

She smiled at both of them in a way that was almost apologetic. She was supposed to have been helping them and didn't like breaking a promise. "Good morning."
Old Man Willow

Realizing that Watson's sense of smell is better than his, Willow surveys the room, looking for signs of where the Magus might have recently been to, or clues to where in the Hedge he might be heading towards, scavenging whatever knowledge he's got that can prove useful.


Willow rolled 3 suxxes on 5 dice (Wits + Investigation)
Nina Ivy

"I guess that's one way of putting it..." she replied with a slightly pensive look. "There's something I'd like to talk with you about. It's about how I haven't been around much, lately. I'm sorry. I haven't seen any of you in such a long time. I hope the rest of our group are alright. They are, aren't they?" She realised a part of her genuinely missed them and was a bit surprised at herself, yet again.
Mr. Lapwing

"Mostly, they are." Notes Lapwing. "Mr. Watson even has a dog, now. Mr. Schreck appears to be missing, however - last seen pursued by some manner of beast. I expect Mr. Watson and Miss Corri know more."
To Old Man Willow

You catch sight of something Watson may have overlooked - a plate of half-finished meat of some kind, going fairly green with age. A careful prod or two reveals it to be bloodsausage - perhaps the good Mistress might know of its origin.
Old Man Willow

Bending down slowly, every movement languid, yet the thorns all around him give it an air of menace, Willow picks up what used to be a bloodsausage from the floor, going green already, and holds it to the Mistress "Pray tell me, have you any idea where this could have come from?"
Nina Ivy

"Oh... Did anyone try to find him? Where are Corri and Watson? I hope my barrage of questions doesn't annoy you."
To Old Man Willow

"Bring it closer - but not too close." Mistress Jasmine wrinkles her nose distastefully - which is impressive who someone with as reptilian a face as hers. "That is...ugh, was, some of the Sisters' bloodsausage, they were famed for it."

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