Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

Micah Sands

Micah shouldered his travelling pack. Truthfully, he'd have liked a day or two to recuperate from his encounter with the Gloomdrake (mostly for his nerves) but he was bonded to Rex. That meant something. Almost subconsciously he starts humming to himself, a habit he's noticed he's developing. Snatches of poetry, prose and rhyme come back to him.

"If you go down to the woods to die, you better go in disguise..."
Mr. Lapwing

"Shall we, then?"

Lapwing is displeased at the prospect of venturing forth unarmed, but he needed to stop by the meadow anyway to correct that.
Old Man Willow

"I'm all ready to go." Willow says in his raspy voice. He picket up what little he needs from his room on the way to the entrance, which wasn't much.

Pulling out a cigar and clamping it between granite teeth, Bronn smiles. "Then let's be on with it, eh?"

Watson steps outside, laying a hand on Hugo's head to reassure him. "Good lad. We're going for a walk, that's all."

As is becoming his habit, he sniffs deeply, picking up traces of the breeze from deep in the Hedge.

[Fang and Talon 2, 5 dice, 2 successes [ 4 5 0 1 0 ], 2 rerolls, 1 success, so, 3]
OK, rather than start over after the reset, I'm just posting a summary - ye've reached the crossroads before the Sisters' clearing. To your left is the road to the Market (though only Watson should know this, really) and to your right is the Bay and a niche in the wall occupied by a hob who Micah and Bronn are sort of interrogating, owing to his bladder problems. Annnd...continue.
Old Man Willow

Old Man Willow rolled the following in his 3 dice:

3, 8, 6

Using 8 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.
To Micah

Giving up on appealing to the others, he focuses his attentions on you instead. "Oh please sir, can't you take pity on me? You passed me by once before but now's your second chance!" He's clearing getting more desperate. "Look, if you mind the shop for me for a while, I'll let you have this item, a once-in-a-lifetime offer!" He displays a somewhat insignificant item through the bars: a long thorn, black as ebony and unremarkable until it catches the light, sparkling with readily crackling ice, like diamond-dust. You can feel the cold from where you stand. "A hoarfrost spine, very valuable, very useful! Yours if you'll just let me out I've got to GO!!" He's practically jumping up and down.
Micah Sands

Micah can't help but feel sorry for the little guy...

"Oh, alright. But if this turns out badly I'll kill you. Go on then."
Old Man Willow

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" comes a screech from Willow. "You can't know what he might bring upon us"
Micah Sands

Micah glowers at him. "We're not Keepers, Willow. We have to be compassionate sometimes. Otherwise, what's the point?"

OOC: He beat my roll. :P
To Micah

Quick as a flas- well no, actually, it's quicker. One second you're standing outside the shop, the next you're in it, with the hob having taken your exact place outside, though admittedly not for long - the creature dashes off down the path towards the left, muttering "Gottagogottagogottago" under his breath before he turns the corner.
Micah Sands

Sighing, the Elemental takes a seat. "I don't suppose one of you would care to follow him to make sure he doesn't run off? I can get out of here, but I'd rather not have to."
Old Man Willow

"Compassionate? to an hob? Are you fucking insane?" Willow screechs again "If you were talking about a human, or another changeling, fine. But this is an hob. Why would you want to be compassionate towards it?"

After the transfer takes place "See?! And you were compassionate!"

OOC: I know you failed the roll. If is were possible he'd have used his intimidation on you.
Micah Sands

Micah stands up again and glares. "I would not take that tone with an Autumn Courtier if I were as made of plant-matter as you are...."

Taking a couple of deep breaths, Micah relaxes. "He said he was going for a piss. If he doesn't come back in two minutes, I'm going to leave this hole and kill him. Until then, he hasn't betrayed me. So why don't you calm down? It's not you in the cage."
Old Man Willow

Having never been too impressed with courtiers, the elemental doesn't seem impressed with Micah's words, but he decides to sit back, and watch the stuffy courtier in the cage. Maybe it will teach him some humility, though not likely.
Micah Sands

Fuming and feeling slightly stupid, Micah throws his hands up. "That does it!"

Twisting glamour and infusing his stare with the wasting effects of his season, Micah glares at the hedge-wall holding him in like it should die out of shame. it does so.

1 glamour spent to activate Withering Glare. Roll: Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 9 0 3 2 3 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Re-roll 10: Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 9 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

3 successes total.
To Micah

The prickly Hedge wall takes on a silvery sheen, like the fine edge of a blade...but doesn't move. One particularly long barb nicks you just below your arm in one long, shallow cut.

One point of lethal damage
Micah Sands

"Augh! Son of a...." Micah clamps a hand to the hairline cracks in his side, leaking crystalline blood.

And then he realises what this is.

"Oh.... oh fuck! Stupid, stupid, stupid.... Not a Niche!"

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