Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]


"Aye, it's nice stuff. Allegedly."

Watson turns to Mistress Jasmine, away from the room's contents. "I appreciate that this isn't the best of times, but my offer to find you some staff stands. We'll be leaving soon again, but if you're feeling ok about it, just the names and suggestions of any other holdings, steadings or nearby..."

Wading and ducking her way through the bells Corri reached the door. Nodding to Mistress Jasmine, "Watson, you in there? I take it you sent the mutt?"
To Watson

Mistress Jasmine's smile is a little sad. "I could tell you where I remember things were, and where I think places might be now, if you wanted, dear Watson. not leave the Hostel-proper very often, and Hedge geography is an inexact science at best." She returns Corri's nod briefly. "Nevertheless, I can tell you what I know of the surrounding area if needs be.

"Let me see... on your way t'wards the Sisters, there is a crossroads of sorts - there should be a niche in the Hedge wall on your left as you enter it. Taking the left will lead you towards the local Market: the Sisters sold their wares there, don't you know. Mostly it's most active on Sundays, though a few traders tarry there for weeks on a whim. Taking the right, directly past that niche, takes one into the Bay area, a terribly difficult area of the local Hedge to pin down even at the best of times... it moves with the tides, and those tides aren't always regular. There's a series of boggart holes along the way - nice enough fellows, really. I think you can get from there - the Bay, I mean - to a gateway in Newcastle, in the local university...usually. A rather dingy place, though - in my youth we always imagined it was just waiting for something to move in.

"Beyond the Sisters, my memory is hazier yet... please try to avoid the Lupanar." She fixes you with a beady eye. "It's an unseemly sort of place, and I shan't house that sort of disreputable behaviour here. There are some old ruins nearby (I'm not sure exactly how far), with a nest of vileshrikes - nasty creatures. Don't stray from the path there, or surrender yourself to the Stripling Prince... he's planted his little home smack dab in the middle of a trod that used to lead all the way to Arcadia." She purses her lips in thought (what lips she has at least). "It's a wonder any of us live out here at all, really. Anyway, beyond that, there's a few more Hollows; one of them is just a collection of sprights and Hedge beasts, they shouldn't bother you. Another belongs to one of my...competitors, if you will - a Mr. Black. He runs a modestly adequate establishment," she adds, grudgingly. "If you take the left fork in the path after those two, you might end up back on that trod to Arcadia, so beware... I do not know much about my other neighbours. There was a town of sorts to the right of Mr. Black's, though I must be honest and admit I never ventured that far." She shrugs.
Micah Sands

Micah shrugs. "No, Nina, no-one tried to find him. If he's going to go around pissing off Werewolves, then there's not a lot we can do about it. Saving that one from his own idiocy is slightly beyond even the pledge's scope.

As for Watson and Corri, Mistress Jasmine took Watson to examine the Magus' room, and that dog of his took Corri a little bit ago. She's probably with him."

Micah starts muttering darkly to himself. "I can't believe he took a dog into the Hedge... he must know what it'll do to the poor animal..."

Bronn shrugs, "We cling to things we once had when we were human. I can agree that he shouldn't have brought it, but there isn't much we can do about it. As for this werewolf talk...what the hell happened and who was dumb enough to cavort with 'em?"
Micah Sands

Micah shrugs. "Seth Schreck. That one didn't have the sense he was born with... and he'd be just stupid enough to mouth off to something dangerous enough to kill him. As for the dog... you know what's going to happen to it! It's unconscionable that he would do such a thing."

He chews a bit of bacon fat thoughtfully, "Aye...aye that it is..." Bronn swallows it down with coffee. "As for wolves...nothing good can come of it for your friend. Or the Hedge. Good God, imagine that much anger out here."
Micah Sands

Micah shudders. "I've heard rumours. The Hedge warped by rage for miles... we can only hope it ran in to something nastier or escaped."
Micah Sands

"Well, it all started with myself, Mr. Lapwing and the aforementioned Schreck being chased through the Hedge by briarwolves...."

Micah then proceeds to give a summary of The Story So Far, or as much of it as he knows.

"Har! A damned fine tale. Does seem this place has gone to madness since the Courts thought it'd be a fine thing to start killing one another. One reason I don't take up with any of 'em."
To Old Man Willow, Corri and Watson

Mistrees Jasmine actually stamps her foot, a singularly elegant yet very childish gesture. "Imust protest this unseemly delay, this Hostel has a reputation to maintain! If you are done, move aside and I will begin repairing this damage."

Sorry guys, you're taking way too long. Roll Composure+Empathy or Subterfuge

To pretty much everyone else

The dining hall has filled up, meaning breakfast is well under way and that the morning is slipping away. Lord Syl will surely want you to get ready sooner rather than later, you should gather supplies quickly before he accuses you of tarrying...

"I am almost full, but what's say we get on with this endeavor? You Courtly folk are an impatient lot when it comes to work. And King Silence there may just be a bit more."
Micah Sands

Finishing his own breakfast, Micah nods. "Of course. I'm guessing you'll be taking the lead this time, but I'm fairly familiar with this part of the Hedge, so I should probably stick with you."

The man shrugs, gathering his plate and utensils to discard. "Really, I don't think any of us should have much issue getting our foot out the door to start dealing with whatever's afoot. I think your other companions who left us will need be informed. I have my things," he motions to the pack he slings over his shoulder.

Bronn discards the plates in a tub for plates and looks to Micah, "Is there anything specific we need other than fists and know how? That you need?"
Old Man Willow

Sighing, he exits the room, but not before making one last sweep with his gaze, hoping to catch some last clue.

He turns to Watson "Perhaps we should go and visit the Sisters, it might prove helpful in finding the Magus."


Willow rolled the following in his 4 dice:

10, 8, 1, 4

Using 8 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

Willow rolled the following in his 1 dice:


Using 8 as the target number, the roll resulted in 0 successes.

[Composure + Empathy (Looked through char sheet, found I had two dots of Empathy I had assigned and then forgotten), 4 dice, 1 success.]

"Apologies, Mistress Jasmine. I'll be heading, and I'll keep what you've said in mind."

Watson bows his head a little as he passes her.

He looks a little sheepish, weaving between the bells towards Corri. "Hey, Corri. Sorry about that, I sent Hugo to find you 'cos I thought we'd have a wee while to look over the room."

Watson crouches, and rubs Hugo briskly behind the ears, a broad grin across his face. "Good lad, Hugo. Well done."

"Um...yeah, don't know what happened, but sorry." People were not Corri's strong point.

Composure + Empathy: Results for 3 dice: 1 success [ 2 9 5 ] (TN: 8 )
You all fail miserably on that roll :P Ah well, it doesn't matter.

To Old Man Willow, Watson and Corri (and Hugo)

You wind your way back down the stairs, away from the belfry and back to the Foyer. The morning is growing staler, with much work left to be done.
Micah Sands

The elemental shrugs, shoulders audibly grinding. "A suit of cold-iron armour would be nice."

Grinning, he shakes his head.

"I'm no fighter, and any tricks I do have in that direction aren't the kind that you carry weapons for. As for anything else, I suppose basic supplies for trekking in the Hedge, really. You can arm yourself if it suits you. In my experience, trouble in the Hedge can either be dealt with without weapons or not at all. There's so little middle-ground... I know the way to where we're going, and we're Hedge-savvy enough to have as much a chance of coming back as anyone. Not a lot else to do, really."

"Har, true enough. I need nothing but my heavy gloves and my mitts." Bronn holds up his hand. "I can smite any man or beast that comes our way. Except the Others and their little pet dogs." Bronn shrugs. "Ain't much any of us can do there. Gah, now I'm impatient. Let's get on with this and damn the bloody Hedge."

Watson stops off at the basement long enough to pick up his rucksack, and then again at the dining room to snag a couple of sausages, wrapping them and tucking them away in a pouch. Ready to go, he waits in the Foyer, playing with Hugo.

"Balls to this. Let's go, folks! I'm ready to leave this lovely establishment. By God, it's time to hit something." With that Bronn, heads to the foyer. "Come now, I know you two are with us." Pointing to Lapwing and Nina.

Corri leaned against the wall, dressed in her typical jeans, tank and leather jacket, fidgeting with her brass knuckles. They hadn't seen much use yet and she hadn't forgotten her duty to Mistress Jasmine. She'd keep an eye out for the ingredients for the fox lady's cage.

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