Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]


"Huh," was all that came out of Corri's mouth as she crouched to examine the creature's...leavings. "Might have an idea what happened to the Magus..." Her voice didn't really express any real concern or sorrow, just like she was pointing out something mildly interesting.
Micah Sands

Micah kneels down, examining the... remains. "Huh. That's... unfortunate. We need to be sure though. If he's still alive and we break the oath, we're all crawling home."
The House beckons, a soft wind whispering through the razor-fine leaves overhead, rising to the crescendo of a verdant, organic waterfall before falling silent again.
Mr. Lapwing

"Well," Lapwing observes, "this hardly looks like a trap at all. Shall we? If I'm going to die horribly I would prefer to dispense with all the suspense."

With that he stalks towards the house, watching carefully.
To All

The House is some sort of Victorian affair, plucked from a Gothic novel and dropped incongruously into the Hedge. Peeling, bleached wooden planks cover it from top to bottom, the roof is covered in moss and strange, mobile blobs of lichen, inching over missing shingles. The rickety and dusty porch practically cries out for a creaking rocking chair, but alas, it lacks this particular cliché.

The great Door looms high above you. Perhaps the half on the right has a flair for the dramatic, as it soundlessly opens inwards, into a dimly lit foyer. You cannot see more than 6 feet inside from the porch, and all is quiet.

Watson pads forward, several paces behind Lapwing's left, Hugo at his heels. The preything has been slapped down. Now, there's a house to investigate. I can work with this. Hope nothing tries to jump us here, though.
Micah Sands

Micah kept slightly behind Watson, the dentist's whine of his armour breaking the so-called peace of the hedge. "Let's get it over with."

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