Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

If you're careful, you can catch a whiff of old blood on the wind here - not unusual in and of itself, this IS the Hedge after all. More telling perhaps is the drying blood on Thorns close by...the occasional feather...

Watson looks around the others, fangs peeking past his lips. "Feathers. Drying blood on Thorns. There's either prey or hunter here. I don't recommend staying."
Micah Sands

Micah nods. "I agree. We should take this with us, though. Anyone got a cloth?"

Oh, for fucks' sake, I know I had them in here, no, not you, ah, sausage - "Hugo lad, here's a good wee fella" - aha!

Watson roots in his rucksack, and produces a sock. One sock. Stripy, faintly musky.

Careful not to touch the stone, he quickly slips it into the end of the sock and rolls it up, before tucking it into the front pocket of his pack.
Micah Sands

Micah nods. "Thanks Watson. We should keep going, though. I'll examine that later." Micah continues on down the path.

Watson continues, a step behind and to the right of Sands, hands opening and closing, eyes, ears and nose open and alert. Fuck your Trod. Never should have given you metaphysical realms ontological reality.
Mr. Lapwing

Mr. Lapwing continues to keep uncharacteristically shtum as he plods along behind. Perhaps the Hedge is finally getting to him.

Alright. If this is what you want, then fucking come. I've had enough of this menace to me and mine.

Watson shrugs his rucksack to the ground, and moves to stand between Sands and the Thorns or the Trod ahead. "Hugo! Here!" He barks commands as he crouches.
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing pulls the purloined knife from a pocket and watches the Thorns above warily..
Corri whips around, facing the party's rear, hands up in a defensive position, brass knuckles ready. She mentally notes the weight of her axe on her belt, just in case.

"Mmmm, scrumptious runaways!!!"

Something plummets out of the Thorns from above, talons extended, tearing into your neck.

Results for 10 dice: 2 successes [ 5 3 6 1 7 9 3 4 9 4 ] (TN: 8)

Micah Sands

"Oh, fuck!" I never should have dropped that shield... fuuuuck.

Rolling initiative: Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 6 ] (TN: 7) + modifier 5 = Initiative 11


[initiative 11.]

Watson leaps through the air, instinctively bounding towards movement, hands unsure whether to be fists or claws.


[Hyrune, can I get a call on this thing's Defence/Armour? Watson likes Bronn. He likes most of the others. He's inclined to burn absolutely everything he has in him to produce a fistful of dice doing lethal because fuck you!!
Mr. Lapwing

With Initiative 6, our intrepid bedroom invader will heft his knife and look menacingly around the Thorns, just in case
"Not again!" Lapwing flicker-quicks the knife from one hand to the other and back, crouching low and casting around the Trod beside and before, trusting Watson to take the rear.
Micah Sands

As Watson rushes in to attack, Micah quickly channels glamour over his body, re-establishing the Armour of the Element's Fury. As the whirring of glass shards resumes, he falls into a defensive stance; he won't be much use here.

Results for 4 dice: 1 success [ 0 7 5 3 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Re-roll 10: Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 9 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

2 successes. 2 glamour spent.

Results for 1 dice: **BOTCH** [ 1 ] That makes six. Oh Fuck.

Corri hesitates, not sure whether to drop the brass knuckles and go for her axe with its longer reach. She curses as her hesitation costs her the first move and shouts a challenge that seems to echo throughout her body as muscle ripples.

Activating First Contract of Stone: Results for 5 dice: 1 success [ 9 7 4 1 5 ]

"Fuck all!" A neeat sheet of blood runs down his chest as the ogre rears back and readies. "Come! Come, you taloned fucker and face the Wayward Mountain!"

Results for 1 dice: [ 7 ] (TN: 7) + I.M. 5 = 12!

Sorry all, haven't seen updates on here in some time.
To All

As quick as it comes, it retreats with a flurry of foul-smelling plumage, like an open sewer. "Silly mortals... are the children lost? Following breadcrumbs only works in fairy-tales, boys and girls... I have other meals to check on, I'll come back later... Goodbye, little children..."


To Bronn

Stamina + Resolve roll, please.
To Micah

The Hedge merely swallows your words and replies with its own yawning silence as the trod opens invitingly in front of you.

Results for 5 dice: 1 success [ 8 4 6 5 5 ] (TN: 8) (damage/extra)

OOC: I somehow feel that won't be enough.
To Bronn

Oh, no, you're fine. If you'd failed the roll you'd have been horribly poisoned, is all.
The claw(talon?)-marks itch horribly but thankfully it seems to be a clean cut/gash.

Watson hits the ground rolling, and comes back to his feet snarling.


He picks up his rucksack, and moves to the front of the band. "Fucking coward. I'm going to tear your fucking wings off, you dickless, heartless, hopeless goat-sucking son of a syphilitic whore!! You will be crawling home crying fucking semen, knowing what fucking well happens when you attack us!"

He resumes walking, Hugo at his side, eyes, ears and nose open, straining to detect anything in the air of the Hedge.

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