Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

Micah Sands

Startled, Micah looks around for any sign of the errant changeling.

"God damn it! All he had to do was stick with us... and we can't go looking for him! Idiot. Well, he's reasonably Hedge-savvy, and he might be back in the Lupanar. In which case, i doubt he wants to be disturbed..."

"One would hope he knows how to get around out here. Push on?" Bronn stares at the drab building a tick longer before turning to the Elemental.
Micah Sands

Micah shrugs. "Personal issues aside, we can't go looking for him. If we deliberately stop looking for the magus to look for someone else, we break the pledge, and then those of us that swore it get to crawl home on legs that don't work anymore and no-one gets saved. Including me. We can look for him on the way back. Let's move out."

Shouldering his pack, Micah starts heading down the trod.

"Watson, where did you say this other Hostel was? We should probably look there first."

"Mistress Jasmine didn't know. She just said it was somewhere along the trod, beyond those shagnasties I've mentioned."
To Fuzz (gah, so late, sorry)

You detect no sign of the Old Man, nothing but the deep, lingering scent of sex, deep drifts of red and the diagonally-absracted vanilla and rubber toast-flavoured toads... considering the latter in particular, you probably shouldn't inhale too deeply...

"Bollocks." Watson sighs. "I can't get any scent of him. What now? You're the ones with the plan."

Watson turns, and gazes down the shadowy trod. "Yeah, I think so. Sorry Willow. If I can, I'll keep an eye out for you."
Micah Sands

Micah shrugs his pack up on to his shoulders. "Let's get moving." He heads off down the trod.
You plod along the path once more, with the feeling of claustrophobia greater than before, brambles and vines snaking their way across the trod itself. Cobblestones occasionally work their way to the surface as before, sinking into seemingly solid earth like vegtables in a stew...

Wits+Investigation iffen you please
Micah Sands

Results for 4 dice: 1 success [ 0 5 6 6 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 2 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Watson lets his head swing from side to side, as he sniffs the air and peers down the path.

[Wits + Investigation, 5 dice, 2 successes]
Ah... there's something small swinging in the branches above you...softly chiming, glittering...and dripping, gently.

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea?"

Watson stares balefully up the glittering thing. Right now, he is feeling less than charitable towards the Hedge.
Wits + Investigation: Results for 5 dice: 4 successes [ 9 0 3 8 9 ]

Reroll 10s: Results for 1 dice: 0 successes [ 2 ]

Corri stops, clenching her fists around her brass knuckles and looks up, squinting through the branches and vines of the Hedge.
To Corri

Your eyes catch on the item definitively as the light dims more significantly (it's as if clouds have passed overhead). It's a...well, it looks like a rough diamond, for all intents and purposes. It just happens to be caught in the Thorns. On a rapidly unravelling thread of bleeding viscera.

Ooops, there it goes. Watch your heads.

Corri jumps back, fists coming up in case the thing morphed into some hideous hedge beast with fangs on the way down. "Sands!"

Oh, shit.

Watson crouches, allowing Hugo to uncurl and jump from his arms to the ground. Legs tense, he prepares to bound, either back and away, or forward....

[This depends on where Sands is. Is he still right under the falling thing? If he is, and he's not getting out of the way in time, Watson's probably going to dive forward, and try to either get him out of the way, or get between him and the thing.]
Micah Sands

Micah's head snaps up. Muttering a curse, he takes a step back, letting the oversized diamond-like object fall in front of him, landing with a dull thunk in to the ground below.
To Micah

The object vibrates slightly, glimmering in the twilight of the Hedge with a silvery sheen of its own: it's...a rock. Might actually be silver, or a rough diamond, it's hard to tell under the blood.

Fuck shiny rock. Where did the blood come from?

Resting his hand on Hugo's head, Watson narrows his eyes and sniffs deeply, staring back up through the foliage. This bothers him, greatly, and he wants to know.

[Fang and Talon 2, 5 dice, 3 successes.

Wits + Composure + 4, 9 dice, 1 success]
Micah Sands

Still muttering to himself, Micah looks up at where it fell from, trying to discern what the source of the blood and worse is.

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