Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

Mr. Lapwing

The knife disappears into the suit, and Lapwing dusts himself down, regaining his composure before following Watson. "That was impressively... evocative, Mr. Watson."

"The filthy bastard has two eye sockets. What does that suggest to you, Mr. Lapwing?"

Watson's words rumble out from behind gritted teeth, like a bear emerging from a jagged cave mouth.
Mr. Lapwing

"Teamwork, possibly." Lapwing continues merrily, as though oblivious to the Thorns.
To All

You'll walk some distance before coming across another path branching off your trod to the left. This path is quite short, and you can clearly see the charming cottage at the very end, surrounded by a cloud of peaceful blue butterflies and the sweet scent of honeysuckle (or something very like it, at least). Scratchy sounding music, like on an old record player, lingers in your ears.

Watson stops snarling for a moment. It is time for (sigh) sociability. "Hugo? Let's go chat. Lapwing? Want to back me up here? If whoever is there is unfriendly, we'll eat them."
Mr. Lapwing

"Very good." Lapwing puts on a unavoidably unsettling smile and approaches the door.

[intelligence + Composure, 4 dice, 2 successes]


"On second thoughts, back away from the cottage. Back away now. Then when we're far enough away, we run. This may be the home of a Fae."

Watson begins to practice what he preaches. This has not been a good day. Something out there is going to die.

Watson moves stealthily along the path. It's amazing how much moving stealthily can resemble stomping along in a fury. He pauses to rub Hugo behind the ears a little, and then continues along, taking point.

"Anyone else feeling fucking sickened by the Hedge today?" he rumbles, without looking around.
Mr. Lapwing

Following with more a feline gait, Lapwing nods. "Not one of its better days, I must admit."
Micah Sands

As Micah wanders along, he starts ticking off on his fingers. "Let's see. Since I got up this morning, I've been imprisoned, injured, lied to, tortured someone to death, wandered through a brothel, been attacked by vileshrikes and nearly eaten by a True Fae. Let's chalk this one up to 'not a good day,' shall we? I swear to god, this Magus better be fucking greatful."
To All

The Hedge opens up again. You barely glimpse a house in front of you, a rather stately affair.

This time, there's even less warning than before, merely an overpowering odour of rotting flesh and that voice again, like bloody entrails sloughing off a butcher's counter.

"Little children, I thought I said I'd deal with you later..!"

Right, NOW we can get back to the combat. I think Bronn has Initiative, then vileshrike itself and then the rest of ye..? I'm not entirely sure.
This counts as the same scene, I might add, since you neatly side-stepped the stripling Prince, so anything activated in the previous encounter with the vileshrike shall remain in effect.
Curse my awesome Initative rolls!


"Come! Come, you miserable bag of bones! Face the Mountain!" The ogre smashes his fists together, looking around the clearing, above and in the thorns. He waits. Suddenly, he sees the creature swooping down and smiles madly, winding back for the punch! Like a rock tumbling down the mountainside and crashing into the unsuspecting fool upon the path, the Mountain STRIKES!

Strength 3 + Brawl 4 + Sap Gloves 3 - 3 Defense = 7 dice. Results for 7 dice: 3 successes [ 4 7 3 0 8 4 8 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra). Re-roll ten: Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 0 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra). Woo! Re-roll ten! Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 0 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra) Sweet Jesus. Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 8 ] (TN: 8) (damage/extra)

Micah Sands

As Bronn's sledgehammer blow knocks the shrike to the earth, Micah deliberately steps forward and reaches out a hand. Hundreds and thousands of razor-sharp glass shards orbiting his fingers at dentist-drill whine speeds begin to throw off splatters of blood as he presses his hand against its putrid face.

Touch attack. Pool is Dex+Brawl+half Wyrd, damage is lethal. Spending 1wp.

Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 0 0 3 2 6 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Re-roll 10:Results for 2 dice: 0 successes [ 2 2 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Two lethal.

Bounding forward, shoulder to shoulder with Sands, Watson yells and swipes viciously at the creature.

[strength + Brawl + All Out Attack + Willpower - Defence of 3, reduced by 2 for the two attacks made already so 1, 12 dice. 3 successes [ 6 1 4 4 9 5 3 0 7 3 8 3 ], reroll 1, no. 3 lethal.]
To All

The mutilated beast groans weakly, twitching like a horse's hide all over - though it's eventually apparent this is not a voluntary action on its part, but rather that of the abused organs that once constituted a digestive system purging themselves as a flood of black, glimmering liquid vomits forth from the thing's cracked and broken beak, covering the ground in foul-smelling liquid.

And a few tatters of denim, and one single, severed thumb.

"Ha! Good show. Nicely done, Micah. Ah!" Bronn stretches and smiles, hopping from foot to foot, punching at the air. "That was the best warm up I've had in weeks!" The cut on his neck may hurt, but at the moment, he feels nothing. "Glorious."

Wits+Investigation: 5 Dice: Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 8 8 7 7 9 ]

Corri feels a twinge of dissapointment that the creature fell so easily, but looks around warily, not stupid enough to wish for more of them.
That thumb looks very fresh... and scraps of denim... who do you know who wears denim...

The Magus wore a denim jacket, didn't he?

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