Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

To Watson

The grim little figure cocks his head at an angle to look at you (you hear the disturbing crack of bones, letting you know he's turned his head a lot farther than any mortal should...). "You should know we don't like fighting here, do we boys?" The crowd is silent, but he nods anyway (with more sickening crunches). "Yessir. What're you two fine gents talking about?"
Back shortly, beer run.

Watson is panting, his shoulders shifting up and down as he breathes. His face hurts from snarling so tightly, lips slowly relaxing back down.

"Right. Yes. Sorry, I'll be just, clear head, take care...Ok. He trapped a friend of mine in a hole in the Hedge. Can't get out. He's gotta come back with us. Sorry. Self defence, your honour, he tried to stab me when I came for him."

"I'm afraid not - I work with people, not plants."

He shrugs apologetically.

"Yes. He promised he'd come back in just a minute. That was several minutes' run from here. Unfaithful little bastard had no intention of keeping his promise."
To Watson

*Criiiiiikkkkuh* "We-ell now, ain't that interesting." His neck snaps back in the opposite direction to regard the hob. "Well now son, you know we don't tolerate oathbreakers round here." Snap back. "You can take this piece of shit and dump him anywhere you please, boy," the withered creature says with huge smile of sharp, canine teeth. "If you're still feeling mad, old Betsy there sure gets mighty hungry round about now."

A low growl emanates from the pit beside you, as the hob whimpers. "Buuuuutttt, I'm guessing you'll want to get him back to your friend, won't you?"

"Right. Thank ye."

Watson slaps the knife out of the hob's hands, and slips it into his jacket, before searching him for anything else nasty he's carrying.

Wits + Investigation, 5 dice, 1 success.

If carrying anything, he takes it out and tucks it away safely, before slinging the hob over his shoulder.

Watson then nods to the local sheriff/magistrate, and the two giants. "I'll be heading. Sorry about the mess.

"Hugo lad, come on, wee fella."

"Thanks for being there. I'da felt a fair bit less secure if I'd been alone. Not twitching, or anything, is he?"

Watson stops, and slings the hob to the ground, slamming him down, keeping a firm hold of him.

"Fuckhead says what?"

"Well someone's gotta stay here and keep an eye on you softies," she said, leaning against the wall of the shop.
Old Man Willow

"I don't need being babysitted. I'm not the one in trouble here." Says Willow in his raspy voice, sitting a bit of a ways from the shop, hiding a small smirk at the courtier's predicament.
The helpless hob squirms rather pathetically on the ground. "Alright, lemme up, you're gonna get my clothes dirty and my boss expects me to keep up a certain kind of appearance." He sniffles, and coughs up a fresh gob of black blood, apparently choosing to ignore the fact his clothes are already quite torn up as it is and somewhat covered in whatever he's got in his veins anyway...

"Come on scruffy. You're getting blood all over me."

Without relinquishing hold, Watson picks up the hob. Hoisting him into a fireman's carry, he resumes trudging down the path. Time to get Micah out of there.
Micah Sands

"Feel free to go fuck yourself with a Hedge-branch any time you like, Chuckles."
To Watson and Bronn

You arrive back in the clearing shortly to discover tempers have deteriorated just a smidge since you left.

Watson stumps into the clearing, and grins across at the niche.

"Now, what has Santa got in his sack for Mr. Sands..."
Micah Sands

Micah stops glaring at the mossy one and looks over at Watson. "Excellent. Thank you, Watson. Bring him here and stand him up."

Watson drags the hob across the clearing, and stands him up in front of the niche, with one arm across the counter. "And fucking stay, or beatings will continue." The he takes one step back, ready to pounce on the treacherous bugger.
Micah Sands

Micah Sands looked him up and down, snorting contemptuously. "One of you please do me a favour?"

Micah meets the Hob's eyes.

"I want you to carve my name into his skin."

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