Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

Mr. Lapwing

"I... I'm sorry" Lapwing whispers, holding his ears. Abashed, he skulks back out of the meadow.
To Lapwing

"Tsk. Mortals." It feels like the entire meadow is staring at your for another second or so...and then the butterflies go back to feeding, fluttering.

"Pretty enough, I think my mother had a garden like this when I was little. Whenever that was." He shrugs, taking a swig of the canteen as well. "Would have been a lovely place to live, this. And what's this about penguins?"
Old Man Willow

After watching the garden, Willow turns to Bronn and says "It's a nice enough garden, but nothing more than that." He is clearly unimpressed.
Micah Sands

Micah looks the treeman up and down disdainfully, but shrugs and says nothing.

Reaching into her pouch she pulled out the blueprints that Mrs. Aponi had given her. "Hey Sands," she called at the elemental, "I don't know the first thing about plants. Can you see any of this stuff here?" she showed him the blueprints. "I need sixteen buttercups, some nightcap and buglewort, and something called 'Sif's gold'."
Micah Sands

Micah looks around. "Hmm... let me look in the garden." Micah ambles through the door to take a look around.

Roll to find stuff: Wits+Survival+Specialty= 7 dice

Results for 7 dice: 3 successes [ 9 9 7 4 2 8 5 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)

Roll to resist bluebells: Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 6 7 8 8 4 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)
To Micah

You successfully unearth two samples of the dastardly similar goblin fruits (one hidden beneath a suspiciously shaped 'rock' and another sitting cozily out in the open...), though it will require much closer inspection to determine which is which - if, indeed, you have one of each at all.
Micah Sands

Micah takes the fruit and brings them back to Corri. "This is nightcap. Buglewort looks similar. Take these two, and now you know what to look for, so later on you can find similar. However, we really don't have time for this, so if we can move on and you can come back later maybe...?"

She tucked the herbs in her pouch, "yeah sure, fine with me. I'm not the one who wanted to come here in the first place."
Micah Sands

The elemental shrugs. "I'd be more cheerful, but we've wasted a lot of time already. My fault, yes, but even so."

Shrugging, Bronn digs a small trench with the heel of his boot, "Not like Lord Silence back there is going to die of old age before we get back."
Micah Sands

Micah grimaces. "No, but the Magus might die a horrible death before we get there."

Not looking directly at Micah, Watson grits his teeth.

"Horrible death, huh? Well, we certainly wouldn't want anything like that to happen."

He shifts his pack, his momentary good humour fading.

Micah looks at the Beast coolly.

"I keep my word. And I'll thank someone who brought an an animal in to the Hedge to keep their sense of moral superiority to themselves."

Watson frowns. "What are you talking about? I took Hugo from a shelter. He was facing either spending the rest of his life in a cage, or being put down."
Micah Sands

Micah snorts. "Oh, I see. So you decided bringing him to a mystical realm that warps and mutates everything in it was a better idea?"

Studying the expression on the beast's face, he sighs, his face softening. "You didn't know, did you? Oh, boy... Hugo has a week, maybe two, before he completely transforms into a hedge beast. He won't be able to leave the Hedge, and there's a reasonably good chance the transformation will simply kill him."


Watson is perfectly still. His face doesn't move, not a muscle twitches.

"No, man, that's not right. Can't be..." But he's already sick. You know he is, you heard him...

Watson stares down at Hugo, seeing the beast look back up at him.

He snaps back to himself, focusing sharply on Micah.

"Is it reversible? Can it be stopped, can it be made so that he won't die?" Desperation rages in his voice, a quaver escaping his control.
Micah Sands

Micah shakes his head. "I don't know, but I can look into it for you when we get back to the Hostel."

Shrugging, he says "Which will be sooner if we move now. It's this way."

Micah begins leading the way down the trail the Magus went.

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