Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

To Seth

A rhythmic, ringing beat stops abruptly, and a cloud of steam gushes out from beneath the eaves of the old stables. It's dark within apart from a cherry red glow, blurred in the sudden mist.

A figure steps out from that mist, clad in a leather vest and wielding a massive hammer. "Yes?"

To Corri

M. Jasmine's expression isn't all that hard to read. "Corri, forgive me if this comes across as my trying to be deliberately difficult - I mean nothing of the sort - but put simply if you want to know more, you must speak with the person we've already discussed."

"My apologies, I didn't mean to pry."

He steps back a little, facing both Jasmine and Corri. "I can delay heading out for a while, if need be."
To Corri and Watson

"Now now, my friends, I meant no offense. I fear I'm merely fatigued." She touches one long white sleeve. "These developments have been trying." She shakes herself, and addresses Corri. "Do as you will, my dear, I shan't pressure you for time. Good morning." She smiles gently and glides off down the corridor.
Seth Schreck

"Good morning" Never seen a tailor with a hammer before......

"Miss Jasmine sent me to talk with you."

He explains what he was looking for, "Long story short my finer clothes were destroyed by an encounter with a hobgoblin. I understand that there are sets of clothing that can be made from the hedge. Being a mirrorskin i find it can be odd if I were to change appearence without a change in clothing. As you can possibly imagine changing to 6'4 then back to 5'1 can be hard to do without clothing to match. They also need to be able to suit the situation in that they should appear as I see fit. The hedge being phycoactive the control of this shouldn t be too difficult. In essence this clothing will be an extension of myself, flowing like moonsilver into the required shape and colour. I do hope you can help me, some thing like it would come very useful in my line of work" As he says it he moves his hand towards his hair, which changes shape, and colour strangley enough.

"So what say you? Can it be done?"

"Just a few minutes, Watson, then we can get to those promises you were talking about." She fished the note Mistress Jasmine had left her out of one of the pockets of her jacket. She headed off to find this Mrs. Aponi, knocking on the door of the woman's room.
To Seth

The changeling leans on his hammer nonchalantly and scratches at his baby-fine, white hair. "You want a jacket that just changes colour and size?" His voice is quite loud, despite his short stature.

To Corri

Roses sigh...langorously in the Luxuria apartments in a most unsettling manner. It's a relief when someone answers the door - a rather well-groomed fox-woman (clearly a Beast, perhaps a Hunterheart) peers out at you, dressed elegantly in an emerald sari. "May I help you?"

"Mrs. Aponi?" Corri asked, nodding to the fox woman. "Mistress Jasmine says that you can help me with a favor I owe her."
Mr. Lapwing

Mr. Lapwing emerges from the gloomy depths of the hostel. He likes the rooms he's been given. They make him feel at the top of their local food chain. Not that he would insult his hostess by eating anything else living down there.

He chomps his way through a sizeable breakfast, before sidling into the lobby. Lapwing has a cunning plan.

He'll venture to the human world, buy a disposable camera, snap a few pictures of people and children, and come back to the hostel. When night falls...

Content that he'll be able to spend his day relaxing, conversing, seeing if the hostel as a library, and searching for a Wizened to improve his weapon of choice, Lapwing lurks in the lobby briefly. He waves a good morning to Corri and Watson, from the far end of the room.
Seth Schreck

(REALLY wish i could have found the description of this in the book again!)

"No not quite, while it was mainly the jacket that was destroyed would it be possible that you make me a set of clothing? And not simply change shape and colour, more it needs to know what it has to be. For example."

He changes his features to look like Horacio.

"Now I look like you but the clothes don t suit the situation. Do you see? In effect I need this one piece of clothing to be like a wardrobe of disguises. The pants, jacket and shirt being able to morph into what ever is needed for the situation."

His features flow back into his own and he smiles.
To Seth

Horatio frowns. "Please don't do that."

He straightens up and swings his hammer back up onto his shoulder. "I will need a number of materials to accomplish this task, so pay attention." He begins to tick them on on his rather long fingers. "The skin of a joint-snake, some flowers from the Cousin's Trumpet, a bolt of good cloth (any kind you wish, but black for preference), and a Fairest's hair."

To Corri

The woman stares at you blankly. "A favour? She never mentioned anything of the sort to me." She opens the door wider - a surprising breath of warm air tinged heavily with the promise of rain breathes over you - and ushers you inside. "What is it she wished?"

To Lapwing

Mistress Jasmine waves at you gently from behind the counter, strangely-dressed in a white garment unlike her usual attire of scarlet. "Good morning, Mr. Lapwing. You slept well, I trust?"
Seth Schreck

"Sorry force of from the Cousin's Trumpet and a joint snake? Could you explain what they are and where you think I may find them? Bolt of cloth shouldn't be too hard, I'm on my way into the real world for a day as it happens. And a Fairest hair, just a lock yes?"
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing glances up from his vague reverie, and sidles over to M. Jasmine with fang-y smile.

"Very well, mistress, thank you." He tilts his head contemplatively, regarding her kimono in that obviously-circumspect way that is both subtle and flattering - and Lapwing has no doubt she notices. "And how does this morning find you, aside from so marvellously attired?"
To Seth

"Yes, I could." he salutes you with his hammer and returns into the darkness of the stables.

To Lapwing

"Tolerable, Mr. Lapwing, just tolerable." She gives you a tired smile. "Do you plan on venturing out once more, Mr. Lapwing?"
Seth Schreck

Ventures into the stables, slightly confused.

"Emm I m sorry, I was wondering if you could explain what those two things were? "
To Seth

There's no one there, but there's a note on a nearby table, ink still drying.
Seth Schreck

Very confused at the moment.

"I Could?" he whispers to himself

"Horacio? Horacio?" Goes looking in the stables
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing's features soften a little, in sympathy.

"I do intend to make a little jaunt out of the Hedge, today. But I plan on returning as soon as posible. If it would not be an imposition, I fancy there will be plenty to occupy me until nightfall here in the Hostel - in fact, Mistress Jasmine, I should be delighted to share lunch with you." His head tilts, inquisitively. He's plainly anticipating a polite rebuff, followed by a request for a favour. Changelings have become as predictable as mortals, he muses.
To Lapwing

"I fear I shall be fasting today, Mr. Lapwing, but perhaps I can take a raincheck." She scribbles something in one of her ledgers, lifting a white sleeve out of the way gently. "Can I help you with anything else?"

"Mistress Jasmine asked me to find a certain root for one of her other buisnesses in the Hedge and she told me you could help me." Corri shrugged, "I'm heading out to do some stuff and I thought maybe I could look for this root of hers along the way."
Mr. Lapwing

Unabashed, Lapwing continues to smile - albeit more faintly, but his catlike features are suffused with a level of concern uncommon to such a mien.

"Hm, well as much as I am loath to intrude on your time, perhaps you could direct me to an artificer on the grounds?"
Seth Schreck

"What a strange man......" he said to himself. He wanders back inside to the hall, passing the two standing in the corridor he salutes them. Hmmm maybe that medicine woman. Passing by another wisened he asks "Sorry have you seen the dreamhealer Jaidyn around?"

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