Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

To Corri

"...Ahhhh. I think I have an inkling now for what she must want."

Mrs. Aponi brushes aside what you assumed was a rather over-watered potted plant, but as she does, she reveals the bizarrely verdant nature of the rest of the 'room' and suddenly you feel like you've stepped into some sort of tropical jungle. A tiny spring burbles in the corner, filling the room with that ionised smell of spray and green growth; creepers hang from a great, crooked tree bent over but otherwise flourishing, bushes bearing soft blossoms and unmistakeably goblin fruits, whilst all about a number of large fluttering moths careen to-and-fro in dappled sunlight coming from a large open, window like crevasse in the wall.

"Please be seated. I have a feeling you have need of one of my little darlings."

To Lapwing

Mistress Jasmine purses her lips and sets aside her pen for a moment.

"An artificer - how queer, would you believe your friend Mr. Schreck asked me just the same thing this morning. My associate, Horatio, is staying with me at the moment, he is most skilled in craft some small (and not so small) items. My own skills lie elsewhere," she adds, caressing the countertop idly, "but I must acknowledge a fellow craftsman. He is dedicated to his work. If any here can help you, he can."

To Seth

The Wizened (a Soldier, possibly) gives you an odd look. "No, 'fraid not."
Seth Schreck

Sigh. "Thank you anyways"

He moves off to the reception, seeing both Jasmine and Lapwing he moves up beside them.

"Good morning"
Mr. Lapwing

"Ah" says Lapwing, noticing the Mirrorskin return "Speak of the devil - that he should be so worthy" he mutters, under his breath. Smiling brightly, he turns back to M. Jasmine.

"Thank you kindly, Mistress. I shall impinge on you no further, and leave you to your... masterful crafts. A good day to you."

Quick to leave M. Jasmine to her business, Lapwing turns to Seth.

"Good morning, Mr. Schreck, if I might have word in your so mutable ear?"
Seth Schreck

"Oh ok , sure I m just after meeting with this Wizened fellow.....interesting guy. Now what do you need?
Mr. Lapwing

"Marvellous! I'm looking for that chap - would you be so kind as to give me directions?"
Seth Schreck

"Ha funny story that, well you see he was in the stables but now he isn't? I know it sounds wierd but was in there and when I asked him something he walked into the stables and disappeared. If he is anywhere he is there I guess. Oh you might know what these things are? A joint snake or flowers from a cousins trumpet?"
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing drums his too-long fingers on his chin thoughtfully.

"I fear not, Mr. Schreck, my expertise lies elsewhere. Perhaps if you can locate Miss Ivy or Mr. Sands they can be of aid to you? I must be off, busy day and all that. Take care."

Lapwing strolls cheerfully and politely away from the buffoon, making his way out to the stables to check for Horatio. He has an inkling the Changeling in question probably hasn't gone far at all....
To Lawping

The stables are quiet... then a voice booms out in a stage whisper. "Is he gone?"
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing grins, toothily.

"He's gone. Mr. Horatio, I presume?"

Corri looks around her, somewhat awed by the strange indoor garden. "I'm not even going to ask how this works," she says, a slight smile on her face. She takes a seat on a wooden bench and waits for the woman. The garden makes her feel strangely at peace.
To Lapwing

A slight man wielding a rather large hammer steps out of the gloom. "Aye. You're not going to give me twenty questions on where to find what and where, are you?"

To Corri

Mrs. Aponi smiles, tail flickering. "Put simply, I breed the Moonwings you see around you." She spares a gentle glance for the large moths. "These can be used to locate certain goblin fruits, each breed specifically attuned to one particular breed of fruit. You're following me so far?"
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing shakes his head.

"Not at all - I'm a good listener. Mr. Lapwing." He extends his hand. Politeness is paramount in dealing with craftsmen, he's always held. That said, Lapwing generally considers politeness paramount. It's amazing what a scream he is at parties.
To Lapwing

"Good man." Horatio takes your hand in his, and grips it - tightly, just this side of pain. "What can I do you for, sir?"

Welp. Looks like Corri's going to be a bit. Watson wanders back into the dining room, and snags some sausages and fruit, quietly stowing them in pouches in his rucksack.

That done, he cracks open the door and wanders out, taking just a step onto the trod outside, sniffing deep. I have the right to do this. I've paid the price for it, now give me the boon...

[ Fang and Talon 2, five dice, 1 success, activates, 1 Glamour.

Wits + Composure + 4, taking a deep scent of the breeze blowing along the trod, 9 dice, 4 successes [ 4 0 0 2 4 1 0 2 8 ], 3 rerolls, 1 success, total 5 successes.

Smell anything?
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing extracts the razor from his pocket, flicking it open with his left hand and holding it delicately across his fingertips as he offers it for inspection.

"This weapon is like an old friend to me, but sadly prone to breakage and perhaps not as cutting as I should like. Would it be possible for you to dispel its fragility, and maybe give it a little more... bite? I'll procure the necessary ingredients, naturally."

"Okay," Corri looked around at the moths. "So one of these can help me find what Mistress Jasmine needs?"
Hmm, I'm going to have to split ye into your own sub-threads soon.
To Watson

You catch a whiff of...cinnamon, for some reason, but you disregard this. The Hedge has a curiously jungle-esque scent; fresh and somehow cramped at the same time, like living mildew or a fungus. In your head you can 'smell' the trod, and the distinctly unpleasant odour of briarwolf overpowering all.

To Lapwing

"Hmmm." Horatio takes the blade in his hand, viewing it from an agle which places it flat on its edge. "That shouldn't be too difficult..."

Out of curiosity, how much do you wish to increase the Durability in particular by> I'm unfamiliar with razor-stats.
To Corri

Mrs. Aponi nods. "It's quite simple really, just tell me which fruit you're looking for."
Mr. Lapwing

"Excellent - what do you need?"

Durability I'm unconcerned with - but a catch of the weapon is that it breaks on delivering more than 3L Damage. If that trait can be removed, and the damage buffed from -2L to 0L or 1L, I'll be happy.
Seth Schreck

Shaking that brief encounter off.

"Now Mistriss , sorry about that. Ah thank you for introducing me to Horacio, but there was one thing if you had a second?"
Seth Schreck

"Oh excellent, ah when I was talking to Horacio he mentioned two slightly odd ingredients that i ve never heard of. Any ideas what these two are?

Points to the list he wrote.
To Lapwing

"Bloodsuckle resin would do the trick, and a smattering of dust from a razor-edged butterfly, and words of encouragement."

To Corri

Mrs. Aponi's face falls (it's surprisingly expressive). "Ahhh... for that, we may have a problem. That is a particularly rare fruit, and thus a particularly rare Moonwing... we may have to take some safety precautions before I let you borrow one, no offense."

To Seth

"Surely one of the Autumn Court knows more of the Hedge than I, Mr. Schreck." She smiles winsomely.

Roll Wits+Academics
Seth Schreck



2 successes

"Ok thanks just thought I d ask, strangely Mr Lapwing didn t know. Thank you anyways. I will be heading into the real world today if there is anything you need?"

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