Chapter 2: Tiptoe Through The Thorns Part II [The Spurious Sanctuary]

Nina Ivy

She woke up late-ish again. The sun spilled into her room forming little pools of light on the floor. She sat up slowly & stretched as usual, before heading towards the shower, even though she'd already had one of those nice fruity-smelling, frothy baths the night before.

By the time she reached downstairs, she remembered how hungry she felt and headed straight for the meat. Lots of it, followed by whatever fruit she could find. After breakfast, she set off to find M. Jasmine. Standing on her toes, looking around the hall, she spotted her in a flash of white & headed towards her.
To Corri

"We-ell, essentially if a Moonwing were somewhat less rare, one seeking fruit would simply release them, and I would hope they would eventually return. For a bloodroot-attuned Moonwing... I'm afraid that's not an option." She rolls her eyes heavenwards. "Not to speak ill of a host, but Jasmine knew this, it's probably why she sent you." She gets up and retrieves a roll of paper from a nearby nook carved into the rock, safe from the spray.

"Luckily for us both, I have concocted a device which will allow us to contain a Moonwing safely and still let us use it to locate fruit." She hands over blueprints for a curious little cage, remarkably resembling an old-fashioned box-shaped lamp. "Unfortunately, I will need some materials to complete it, but nothing too onerous I can assure you."

To Seth

You remember joint snakes are a kind of hobgoblin, and that cousin's trumpets are a flower indigenous to jungle regions of the Hedge. Mistress Jasmine shakes her head and turns to your prior companion.

To Nina

"Miss Ivy, good morning." She smiles. "If I may be so bold, you look as if you wish to ask me something."
Nina Ivy

"Don't most people? You must get tired of it... Should I come back some other time, then?"
To Nina

This actually makes her laugh, but not unpleasantly. "No, not at all my dear! What is it you need? Is it your rooms? The servitors will be attending to your apartments shortly. Tea? More roses?"
Nina Ivy

She smiles back, happy to know that she did not upset M. Jasmine, whom she quite likes. "No, it isn't that. Everything's lovely, especially the new chocolates... I've been looking for two things: someone who can help me make a token, and other members of the Spring court."
Seth Schreck

"Ah good morning Miss Ivy. I couldn t help but over hear that you would be looking for members of the spring court, I will assume by that that you do not wish to venture into the real world? It may not be safe...well for anyone at the moment. It is no problem either way, I have a few things to do there. "
Nina Ivy

She looks at Seth for a moment, "I guess not. Good luck with that." She briefly considered having a talk with Seth about his habit of randomly interrupting conversations, before turning back to M. Jasmine, awaiting her response.

Corri nods, "what kind of materials? I'm beginning to think that this venture might best be handled after my trip out of the hedge..." she trails off thoughtfully. "But you might as well tell me what you need."
Seth Schreck

"Very good." Turns to Miss Jasmine. "Thank you again for your help" He makes his way for a quick breakfast before packing his backpack. Taking a single small mirror shard, his jellied slugs and a small bottle of nightcap (might come in useful) before heading into the hedge. He would look for the closest gateway into the real world but he wouldn t mind coming across that market again but it wasn t really that important....
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing nods.

"Excellent, I already have a good idea where to acquire two of these items, and the resin shouldn't take too much longer. Will you need to work with the razor ahead of time, or may I carry it with me until I return with the materials?"
Sorry, some of my posts may be less detailed than usual. I'll be putting ye into sub-threads of your own as soon as possible, it's getting hard to keep up :P
To Nina

Mistress Jasmine smiles more broadly. "Horatio will be quite busy today, but I imagine he'll love the opportunity to stretch himself, he's been complaining of boredom. It just so happens Mr. Schreck and Mr. Lapwing have also availed of the craftsman's services this morning also, so I believe he'd be more than happy to help."

She gives very brief directions to the stables, which are located just to the side of the Hostel. "Regarding other members of your Court, I can tell you there are many members located here - many are even lodged in your own apartments, the Luxuria Wing. Were you looking for someone in particular..?"

To Corri

She hands you your own copy of the blueprints: they're quite compact and everything Mrs. Aponi still needs is highlighted: sixteen buttercups, some nightcap and buglewort, and something called 'Sif's gold'. "I have everything else I need right here," she explains, pointing briefly to another list where items like "shaded-glass (thick)" and "will o' the wisp flame?" written in the same neat little handwriting have been scratched out.

To Lapwing

"You may keep it with you, the actual workings will not take hold 'till all I need is in place." He hands the razor back, competently and confidently.
Nina Ivy

"Hmm Horatio..." she said softly to herself before looking up with a bright smile. "Thanks very much! I was looking for someone whom I could learn more from. I would like to learn some form of hedge self-defense."
To Nina

"Hmmm... I believe a leechfinger in your won Court is offering such lessons at the moment; killing two birds with one stone, in essence, no?"
To Nina

Mistress Jasmine nods. "Him," she confirms. "I can't tell you his precise location," she adds with a grin, "but I imagine a trip to the dining hall would be a fruitful venture, given the time of day."
Mr. Lapwing

Lapwing takes his weapon back; secretes it in a pocket.

"Thank you, Horatio. I'd best be off, let you get back to work. Good day."

Contented for the moment, Lapwing stands near the entrance to the hostel and thumbs through his wallet. About twenty euro - good, no standing around near ATMs back in the real world. He thinks hard for a moment, and decides he has everything he'll need. He travels light, and has a sure idea of what he wants.

The materials can wait an hour or two. For now, it's into the Hedge and back to Galway.
Nina Ivy

She beams at M. Jasmine, as she pushes back as strand of wayward hair. "Thanks so much, yet again! I don't know how you have the patience for all of this," she says, while looking a bit apologetic.
To Nina

Mistress Jasmine merely shrugs. "These are trying times; I have endured such before, and will endure such again, no doubt. If you'll excuse me." The innkeeper rises gracefully, her garb pure and without a single crease, and glides into the back-room.

The clock in the corner continues to portion out time with its regular tick, tick, tick...
Nina Ivy

She decides to try to find Master Myx and heads back into the dining hall, determination shining in her violet eyes. She felt like today was a good day: one of those on which she could get a lot accomplished. She picked up a candied slug from one of the dishes nearby and popped it into her mouth. She decided she quite liked those. They reminded her of friendly old women.

"Myx, Myx, Myx..." she mumbled softly to herself as she made her way through the room, occasionally standing on tiptoes occasionally in order to spot him over the heads of others in the crowd.

Am I supposed to roll to find him, as he's a complete stranger?
To Nina

Ahhh... is that him? Over there, by the fireplace? He's on his own, nursing a small wooden cup and some minor wounds, by the looks of things. You can't see anyone else who matches the description the good innkeeper gave you, it must be him...
Nina Ivy

She spotted someone who looked a lot like M. Jasmine's description by the fireplace and walked over to him. "Hello. I'm Nina Ivy. Are you master Myx?" she said softly but firmly, as she offered her hand with another one of her bright smiles. "Mistress Jasmine said I could talk to you about some form of hedge combat training, you being a fellow member of the Spring court..." She suddenly realised she was being a bit too pushy again and a bit embarrassed, decided to rein herself in. "I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself here. I'm sorry if I am" she said, smiling again, by way of an apology.

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