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Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine - OOC

Hence why I personally stuck with one character, I knew I personally wouldn't have been able to keep track with my shoddy memory.
it's not the number of characters I'm playing , it's the who's with who? Even if I was playing one character I'd have to constantly remind myself. I'm just that awesome. LOL.
Caffeinated Joy Caffeinated Joy Is Nyklas' human form the result of magic or is it a biological transformation? I'm asking to know if Neil would detect traces of transmutation magic on Nyklas' body.
It's a biological transformation brought on with the help of magic, if that makes sense. He's got a tremendous amount of mass to condense into a small, human shaped body, which is why he's a lot heavier than he looks.
I've been obsessively looking up the Backrooms wiki; I didn't expect them to be so large and expansive lolol

There are a lot of possible ways this rp can go and I'm all for it!
I've been obsessively looking up the Backrooms wiki; I didn't expect them to be so large and expansive lolol

There are a lot of possible ways this rp can go and I'm all for it!
Ikr? I'm going to have to work the smell of the carpet into Nyklas' dialogue.
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I didn't even know there was a wiki. My only exposure was watching a few playthroughs of different games on YouTube and I think they only thing they had in common was the yellow hallway area so I thought that was the entirety of the backrooms outside of the games XD
The Backrooms are community-made so there are a LOT of things. The Manila Maze we're all currently in is but a single level among hundreds.
how will the interactions with their characters be handled? phase the characters out i assume, but what about those in direct contact?
I was thinking that if the roleplayer doesn't want to write them out in a more natural way, their character can just disappear, perhaps noclipping back out.
Thank you! This seems like a lot of fun from what I've skimmed through. I'll have to do everything tomorrow though as it's getting kinda late here. Do have some ideas already but writing them down now would probably result in gibberish.
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StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus I’m kinda stuck on what to do for my character’s post. Since I assume vagabond isn’t writing characters out, how exactly would Alfred noclip back out? (So I can describe it)
That's why I keep tabs of critical threads I don't want to lose track of open in a browser at all times XD Granted I'm never in many RPs at once, maybe 2 max, so its fairly easy to do for me.
In Arlund's case, he could simply be too panicked and not follow the rest of the group when they go away.
I think it would be fun if Arlund just noclipped through the floor.
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus I’m kinda stuck on what to do for my character’s post. Since I assume vagabond isn’t writing characters out, how exactly would Alfred noclip back out? (So I can describe it)
Alfred's leaning against a right right now, isn't he? He could noclip through the wall. Eyes widen in shock, a small gawping sound of surprise, and there he goes.

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