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Fandom Chaos in Hoenn

Arcaeus said:
Henrik Wood

Henrik felt giddy with excitement as he stood all the way in the front on the upper deck and watched Slatport come into view. Every fiber of his being felt like it was vibrating with anticipation. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. He had the facial expression of a small child with an especially large Christmas present. You could safely say that he was more than ready to get off the boat and start his adventure. And so, when the ship docked, Henrik was among the first to get off it. "So this is Slatport huh?" Henrik said as he took his first few steps on Hoenn soil. He had done some research on the region and had learned where all the gym's where located, but other than that he had tried to avoid as much info as he could. He wanted to explore each new route, town or city and not have the joy spoiled by having read all about it in some book.
Arcaeus said:
He wanted to explore each new route, town or city and not have the joy spoiled by having read all about it in some book.
Max: *looks up from in-depth guide book* huh?
I feel the need to have something dramatic happen to Zak, but I don't know what. Perhaps it's because he's changed a bit and I wanna continue shaping him. Hmmmm....
Haha. Don't worry. I don't know what I'm gonna do with Baelok either. He's frustrated with Dante and his team, but other than that I don't know where to go. ><
Assailant said:
Max: *looks up from in-depth guide book* huh?
I have a feeling Henrik would get super annoyed if he meet Max and then Max started going in depth about the next place Henrik planned to visit.
Arcaeus said:
I have a feeling Henrik would get super annoyed if he meet Max and then Max started going in depth about the next place Henrik planned to visit.
If asked to stop, he would. But he might say a bit.
Haha. yeah, but I'd like to try and add just a smidge more to the plot than just "Your egg is now mine". I'm also trying to think of a way to get him involved with Ravyn and Gregor as well, but I'm having difficulty coming up with things that are in character. Honestly the only reason he interacts with Dante is a mixture of being made to kill him, pancakes, and shedinja mind-meld. He doesn't know what to do about Dante.
Well Dante and Ravyn seem to be the only two currently not intimidated by Baelok . . . idk how to involve her and Gregor xD
KageYuuki said:
Well Dante and Ravyn seem to be the only two currently not intimidated by Baelok . . . idk how to involve her and Gregor xD
Add Nyx to that list.

Also, I just realized. I'd like to see a double battle between a Psychic-type user and Nyx + Baelock. SO much ass would be kicked.
Onikmey said:
Also, pointing out the metal arm would be out of character. Tailing you to find out would be a bit closer.
Nyx and I think that's so slow and pointless. Just cut the arm off and work from there.
I really like how Baelok makes pokemon nervous and not humans. He looks human, but the pokemon (who usually have better senses), seem to be able to tell that something is wrong with him. I like it.
Storm even mentioned his aura's messed up. It's human but at the same time it isn't
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