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Fantasy Chaos Academy

Ginger smiled. "Well then don't think that just because your my daughter I will go easy on you!" Ginger said before cracking her knuckles. She watched as Alexis went to put some gloves on and sighed Ginger hated gloves the extra weight is able to slow anyone down even if they weigh very little. Upon Alexis gloves going on "Begin." Ginger said instantly going for a kick towards Alexis ribs, just to make sure Ginger didn't do any major damage she was holding back she didn't want to break anything of Alexis.


The tapping on Nicolas sword got faster his fingers hitting it one after another. Upon seeing the mans reply Nic stopped the tapping and placed his hand over the hilt of his sword. "I w-ill t-es-t th-at" Nicolas said once again the disorientation showing in his voice. Nicolas instantly pulled out his Katana and watched the other man Nic wasn't someone to attack a unarmed man.

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Mason Flames

Mason sighed "I SAID I WILL HURT YOU!" he yells, and punches nic in the chest, sending him off to the other side of the long gym and up into the corner, flames on his clothes but they don't burn him, they soften his fall when he hits the ceiling and when he hits the gym floor. Mason covers his face and shakes. "i'm so sorry!" he exclaims "I-I warned you but...." he takes a deep, shuttering breath and stands straight, his hair falling over one eye.
Nicolas smiled upon being sent to the other side of the gym really did this guy think it was the first time someone had sent Nic flying, with his small body it happened often when fighting against people. Nic got up and whipped the single drop of blood that came out of his mouth off before standing up. His smile widening. Due to him being hit to the other side of the room a large amount of dust covered where Nic had flew from. One thing Nic had was speed and a hell of a lot of it. Within what seemed like a second Nic was already in whoever this guy was face and in the air. Spinning around Nic kicked the guy in the face sending the guy who punched Nic to the other side of the room. "Ginger's Pun-ches Hu-rt Mor-e" Nic said the one word he could fully say was Ginger.
Mason Flames

Mason landed softly. "I warned you..." is braclet went straight and he gripped it as it became a sword. a very well known sword actually. "TIME FOR HELL!" he yelled, his orange spiky hair grew and he flicked his wrist down, sword hitting the ground and the whole gym floor shattered. "I warned you.... but you let him come out..." mason sighed as he closed his eyes. when the reopened they where red and his sword was glowing green. something seemed off about how mason was now.


His Sword right now. this is only one of the swords....​
Nicolas smiled grew into a smirk. Nic judged people with a score ranging from F to SSS as normally Nic would assess himself as a A and this person when he is normal as an A but with whatever state this person is in he had been moved up to a SSS which meant Nic had to also. Nicolas smiled before placing his sword in front of him. One hand reached behind Nic and into his back pocket and pulled out a bottle of pills. These pills were made just for Nics unique body and were made to make him strong a normal dose does nothing to him however overdosing took weeks of his life. However when Nic overdoes he moved to a SSS as it nullifies his pain sensors, improves his strength and speed to a whole new level. Nic didn't saw a word but using his finger he told the person to come at him.


Whatever this person did Nic was ready to counter him however he made it look like he was not even defending by placing his hand and sword next to his body.
Alexis blocked her attack as she came to her fighting her training with her mother she heard the teacher who she wanted to train with her focus was on her mother her speed was fast as ahe blocks her mum attacks @Bills352
Brad Kaltenbach

Brad launches a flaming punch at a stack of papers and made them have a star burned through them. "they all should learn.... we will be training soon enough." he muttered.

Mason Flames

Mason's face was in a wide smirk as he convulsed and spluttered, his sword turning into a bracelet again. he sighed "oooh nic.... you fool." he rasped "you don't remember me do you?" Mason asks as his body goes back to normal. he spits a globule of blood onto the floor and looks pale.
Nicolas let out a loud and annoyed sigh before putting away his sword. It annoyed Nic he just shortened his life since he thought he was going to fight and then the other party goes back to normal how annoying. "I do-nt ca-re wh-o yo-u a-re" Nic said he knew it couldn't have been anyone that had defeated Nic before since the last person that defeated Nic was about 15 years ago and it was Ginger.

Ginger smirked her new daughter was rather strong...for her age anyway. The second Ginger's leg that she kicked with hit the floor and landed Ginger went right for another kick with the other leg this kick was a straight kick to the stomach.
Mason Flames

"it seems you don't..." mason sighed we went to school together. we broke apart after I... destroyed half of the collage and a chunk of the city...." mason gulps "you still use those pills though man?" mason asks, holding his arm as if it was hurting him.
Nicolas rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. He remembered him now where did the days go. "Fir-st t-ime in fift-hteen years." Nic stated he barely ever used the pills anymore unless he really needs to.
Mason Flames

"yea.... they never put me in jail actually. they blamed it on aliens or something." mason smiles as he lays down. jeesus..." he mutters he looked like a wreak
Alexis got kicked on the stomach as she hit the wall but that didn't stop her there she took off her gloves as she punched her mum back trying to knock her out her mum was strong as she continue fighting" mum is strong" she say while fighting her
Rei watched the to fight's in the gym from both sides in amazement mum V.S Alexis and Nic V.S Mason and she did't evan know they names she was part healer if some one needed help but that was all she could do is watch (i really hope you are in the gym because i would feel like a dumbhead)
Ashton just arrived on the school grounds because he got done with the death of his mother. So he skated through the gates wearing black dress pants, white button down shirt, and a black over coat and black tie. As he skate to the main building he still had some stray tears falling from his eyes. He saw kids going to what he thought was the gym so he just skated over towards it.
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Alexis got hit in the stomach again by her mom as she saw a kid walk in" hiya" she say coughing a bit as she saw a tear in his eyes" whats wrong" she asked
Uhh. Its nothing. I'm ok." I say as I wipe away the stray tears. But when he looks at your mom he just cries a little more because he remembered how his mother died.

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