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Fantasy Chaos Academy

Rei new she was going to do a two katanas hit so she jump out of the way went behind Alexis elbow hit her in the back.
Alexis just started training but she knew rei was good she fell on the ground as she grabbed her katans again and let her attack her
Rei wanted to do one her moves that she made up but she said no in her head she did a replay of her move but did it diffent before she went behind Alexis and elbow her Rei was a very skiled warrior than she tried to hit in the frount.
Alexis just let her heit her as she was learning from the experince she couldn't wait when class starts she just practice with her friend
Rei was waiting for her to hit her with her swords waiting she felt like she needed a snack and she had some candy in her bag but she waited.

Races castle/school is waiting for you
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Rei felt little pain in her body But she really needed food so she asked do you need a snack Rei asked.
Alexis smiled looking at her" sure" she say getting up sitting down on the beaches" thanks for training with me your strong" she say smiling" i'm just a beginner but i'm trying to get strong like mom and dad" she see a girl come in as she smiled maybe a teacher or a student she didn't know" hiya" she say to the @GoldenCharizard4
Peach Crawford

Peach sighed, walking into a room. "where could I be...?" she asks herself before yawning.

Mason Flames

Mason comes out of the janiotor's room in the gym and waves "c ya david" he says. he yawns, his lanyard having a blank picture of him. his sword was around his arm today, in the form of a braclet. "I shall have to teach the kids respect...." he mutters. he noticed some of the kids who where talking in his class and he stared at them.

Brad Kaltenbach

Brad ruffled his red hair and launched another punching bag out the window. "SHIT! " he yelled. "I need to use less power and move my palm upwards..." he muttered, fiddling with his lanyard. he knew of a new swords teacher. he and this guy where new here.
*hugs godie* thanks for joining)

Alexis just streatched as she was bored she had to do a lot of triaining to become strong like her adopted parents she saw a man maybe a jaintor as she smiled to him
Mason Flames

Mason walked over to a girl "you there! you sat in my class today and laughed at me while you where busy talking to some people huh? yeeeea I remember you." Mason snorts "Alexis was the name"

Peach Crawford

Peach runs around the open room and does not notice the other's in it as she scurries around, chasing a braclet. "g-get back here!" her quiet voice squeaks out
Alexis looked at him" um no....I just started school today and i wouldn't laugh at you" she say to him" you seem pretty nice" she say to him" i'm alexis Arcangelo must be a diffrent alexis plus i'm shy so i don't really talk to people" she say to the teacher
Mason Flames

Mason snorts "you better hope it was... anyways." Mason bows "I am the new Swords Teacher, Mason Flames. pleasure to meet you." he stands up and grins as if he just thought of something awesome but he didn't. he just smiled like that at times
Alexis looks at him as she smiled" wanna help me train i just got adopted by Nickolas and gringer Arcangelo" she say to him
Alexis looks at him" its all about become strong i take whatever you give me" she say to him" plus one of my friends is a healer" she say
Mason Flames

"That would not save you...." Mason says, as he summons a flame from his fingertips and extinguishes it, looking rather depressed
Alexis looks at the flame" cool" she say to him" than just use swords to fight me" she say
Ginger let out a little while herself and Nic were caught in a conversation their daughter had ran off somewhere Ginger didn't notice her go. Well the conversation with Nic had finally ended and it seemed that Nic was inching to do something. Ginger simply began heading over to the place where the gym was giving Nic the sign to follow.

Nicolas let out a agitated sigh, him and ginger always got into conversations you wouldn't expect it made them sound like an old married couple, well one of the two like an old married person the other just rapidly moving his hands. Nic's hand began tapping his sword something he often did when bored and it seemed that Ginger caught on. Ginger to Nic to follow him and he lead the two to the gym. Where both Ginger and Nic noticed their daughter was training or about to or something. Nic and Ginger both decided to watch since neither knew how strong Alexis really was.
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Alexis just frowned as she notice her mom and dad was her" hey ma daddy train with me" she asked" i need to get stronger" she say to them
@Bills352 why not have your char be like a dick to mason to start a fight? like he won't really mean too but he feels like to start it he needs to act like a dick xD
Alexis just ran to where her new parents was as she smiled" hey gi i mean mum can you help me train" she gets mad when she calls her by name so she had to call her mum" can you help me train i wanna see how strong is my mum and i'm not that strong" she say sighing a little bit @Bills352
Nicolas eyes narrowed he just caught the last part of the conversation or more clearly only seeing the mouth of the last few words being 'Won't work' before he walked off. Nic grabbed his sword tighter and he smirked.

Ginger sighed upon seeing the look in Nic's eyes it meant one thing he wanted to fight and who he had his target on was the man who seemed to refuse to train with their daughter which for a change Ginger agreed with. Giving Nic a tap on the shoulder before giving him the thumbs up Ginger turned to her daughter and smiled. "I would love to help you train darling, however." Ginger paused for a second before pulling out a M9 I only use guns." Ginger said before something popped into her head. "However how are you hand to hand wise?" When it came down to hand to hand combat Ginger was about the same as Nic which made her fantastic.

Nic smirked for a change he was given the all clear. "H-E-Y YO-U" Nic spoke his speech was distorted and barely seemed like words, however it just made his voice seem all the more threatening. It only occured to Nic that this would be the first time Alexis would have heard him talk but that was for another time. Nic walked towards the male who walked away from his daughter. "Wh-y y-ou n-o train dau-gh-ter?" Nic asked it proved that his real voice was the distorted voice that was heard before.

@Zeldafangirl @GoldenCharizard4
Alexis heard her dad spoke his voice as she smiled" sure mum i good at hand to hand combat" she say placing her katanas on the bench where her bag was at as she put on her gloves as she smiled

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