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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

Lana climbs a tree and sits on it, singing softly to herself as she draws. Her friend left to go do some things and won't be back until later, but she didm't mind really. She focuses her time on the drawing, not being aware of her surroundings as she was sitting on a tree branch. Lana gets lost in what she does, not noticing somethings until its to late or she becomes her clumsy self again and does something that makes her feel embarrassed and would hide away until she felt as if it was over
Lorelei looked over at Aria as she walked away. "That's Aria. I was just showing her how to get to the dorm." She said, then started walking out of the girl's dorm. "Come on. You're getting stared at." It was true. Most girls in the common room was looking over in his direction. She couldn't blame them really, but rumor had it at their last school that he played for the other team.


Aellas looked up at the floating student. "Oh, dear." She sighed, shaking her head. She tried to rack her brain for a way to reassure him that they weren't going to hurt him further.
Lana soon finishes and puts away her things, sitting on the branch as she softly closes her eyes leaning against the tree. Flashes of her past appear in her dreams so she quickly woke up and the tree branch broke so she screams falling onto the ground. Lana sits up groaning and rubs her head, before looking up at the tree and sighs "Well....shouldn't have done that.." she mumbles as she gets up and starts to walk off, dusting herself off
Aria smiles, finally finding her dorm room. "Finally found it..." She says to herself, quickly pulling out a piece of paper and drawing a map of the girls dorms, marking down where her room was so she wouldn't forget. "Alright, now to go find out where all of my classes are..."
Lana goes to her dorm and looks at it, she opens it up and looks inside before entering it and closes the door behind her. She sits down on a bed and set her backpack down, she lies on the bed staring up and listens to music on her mp3 using her earphones
@PlaguedWithInsanity sorry, my computer deleted this twice >.<

Nahar looked up at the boy even more worried as he spoke. He seemed unused to anyone looking after him and desensitized to the fact that he was hurt. "We want to help you. Its our jobs. We all work here and want to take care of the people here. Please come down...." He looked around to see what tall things were in the room before realizing that everything was to short to reach the boy. Sighing, Nahar shook his head and climbed up on the table. He began to float up to the shedinja and winced at a pain in his back. He grabbed the boy's hands. "Come down. I promise we won't hurt you. We want to make it to where you won't hurt all the time. Please? You came to this school for a reason right?"


Lily giggled at the squeak her ,friend?, let out as she was poked. "Aw. That was cute!" Rolling her sightless eyes at the remark of asking being 'too much work', Lily stuck out her tongue in a little kid gesture. "it saves a lot of trouble you know. And you stole my first kiss!" She didn't protest the embrace however and even leaned against Pantera. The yawn that came out of her mouth was surprisingly big given her size. "Mmmmm I don't wanna be tired...."


Aeryn nodded before realizing that Angel was already in her room. That was sudden. And odd..... He shrugged and stood against the wall. It was the first time that Angel had almost asked him to wait for her. He knew about the dance tomorrow and was still trying to think of a way to see if she'd go with him. He was about ready to just take his sister's advice and flat out ask her.


Draco shrugged at Lory's words and looked at the other girls. "Let them stare. Its not like they catch my eye for more than a second." Drae knew that for the longest time most people he met had tried to learn of his sexuality. So far only Lily knew. But that was because she was so damn intuitive. He turned hi attention back to Lorelei and smirked. "So, what have you been up to my dear?"


Lue grabbed Kat by the arm and snickered. "You know, this year is going to be so much fun!" She began to plot even as she drug Kat across the campus. "I hope we room together. What about you?"


Anita shrugged at the girl's question. "Probably back in the nearest town. He won't leave the area for a while but he can't stay here so thats the only option."
@Jayden Kisubo

(Awwww that's why copy and paste is my best friend.)

Kasey frowned as the Mew continued to be worried about him. When the other male began to look around and tell him to get down from the ceiling, he was only that more reluctant to refuse to do so. He tried to coax the Shedinja, and then pulled out a table and crawled onto it to then float up to Kasey. He whimpered, but also felt bad for making the Mew come up to help him when all of this was his fault. He grabbed his hands with a gentle grasp and tried once more to get the Shedinja down. His voice was very gentle as well and it sounded as if he really cared, which was odd. Kasey finally obliged, meeting the Mew's eyes with many sorrow-based feelings. He floated down above the ground, oddly not touching it with his feet, but staying just above. "I-I'm s-sor-rry." Kasey mumbled almost inaudibly.


Pantera blushed at the compliment, finding the rolling off a bit demeaning but in a teasing manner. "Oh, well." she said with a laugh, her arms around Lily tight, one around her waist and another still grasping her hand. Once pulling away, the Leafeon let out a yawn. "Tired? It's in the middle of the day, dear." Pantera said with a smile, squeezing Lily's hand once again.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Angel delayed going back out of her room slightly longer than necessary. She wanted to make sure that she was completely calm before she went back out there. She sighed at herself and left the room- it only took her a second to locate Aeryn, which she didn't even really notice. "You waited." She commented. She wanted to say 'thanks for waiting', or something normal, but it didn't come easily.


"You're teasing the poor things." Lorelei told him, shaking her head with a sigh. "I haven't done too much. Just the same old." She stated with a shrug. 'The same old' being intensive training and being given a job that is nearly impossible to prepare for, but hey. Not everyone had her upbringing. "What about you?"


Katrina laughed. "Of course. I'm sure it'll be better than last year. There's a better variety here." She told Lue with a smirk, looking around the area.


Lyra tilted her head to the side. Why couldn't he just be here? She didn't quite understand, but didn't ask. "Oh." She looked around, noticing that they were coming across others their age now.


Aellas smiled slightly when the boy came down again. Good thing that worked, too. Otherwise I would have had to get Angel. She couldn't exactly get a flying kid down herself. Not without throwing something, anyway, and that would send the wrong message here. She gestured for the audino to help again and rubbed her forehead. She simply didn't have Nahar's gentle demeanor, and she didn't want to scare the boy. What was a girl to do, other than back off?
Nahar watched the boy float down and came back to the ground with him. He shook his head when Kasey apologized. "Its okay to be scared. But we really need to look you over. Please let the nurse help you, okay?" He squeezed the boy's hands and then stepped to the side while still staying close to him. He watched the Nurse look His charge over and sighed. He needed to know exactly what happened to him but it would probably take quite a while to get it out of the boy. Nahar shook his head and leaned back against a cabinet as he was starting to get dizzy again.


Lily grumbled a little before yawning again. "I'm sorry. I get tired very easily and I think the walk back down here took it out of me.." She blushed at how weak she was. It was embarassing that she couldn't even stay outside all day! She was always frustrated with this part of her. "I'm so sorry. I just need to get back to my room..."

@PlaguedWithInsanity omfg.... My notices are all wonky......


Lue nodded at Kats words. "I guess we should go find our rooms. What number is yours?" She just randomly took on the look of a student they passed and began to make funny faces.


Aeryn looked up at the ceiling and began to wonder about the dance the next day again. He knew he needed to just go ahead and ask Angel to it, or else Aellas might do it for him... He shuddered to think of how that would go.... He snapped out of it when Angel stepped out of her room. With an eyebrow raised he spoke. "Of course. We should spend more time together and you invited me to."


Draco grinned and shrugged at her first comment. "And you don't tease the guys that see you. I see the way they all look at you. You could have any of them wrapped around your finger but you don't even notice." He rolled his eyes at her very short explaination of her summer. She had been like this since they met. Always asking about his times but not answering very many of his questions. "My summer was pretty boring. Well mostly. I got cornered by a few idiots who wanted to force me to evolve. They each had a different stone and just kept coming. It was annoying. So I made a path through them. " He shrugged again. "Other than that it was just staying with Lily and making sure she doesn't get hurt."


Ann raised an eyebrow at all of the students. "There are more people here than I had imagined. " She looked around and tried to find someone who looked to be in control.
Rabbid said:
(Jayden, how in the world do take care of so many characters?)
(My question exactly.)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

(eeerrrrmmmmmm...... Practice? I don't know. I also want to do a couple of humans since we really don't have many. I am scrapping Azrael for now though since she really didn't get much interaction.)

(I just have so many ideas that float around in my head until I just simply must play them.)
(Kasey's an adult, goddangit xD a small and very boyish adult *laughter*)

@Jayden Kisubo

Kasey nodded at the Mew's words. No one was ever really as nice to him as this other male was, with his kind words and equally kind voice. He unexpectedly squeezed the Shedinja's hands in some sort of reassurance, thus forcing out a small blush from him. When he let go of his hands, one raised to cover his pink cheeks with embarrassment. He wasn't sure why, but when he realized that he would have to take his sweater and shirt of for examination, he felt plenty more embarrassed and flustered.

Even though pretty much all three of them had seen his bare abdomen when just briefly prodding while he was unconscious, he didn't feel okay with just stripping in front of them when awake and conscious. Kasey's hands gripped at the bottom edges of his sweater, clutching tightly at the fabric and balling it up between his fingers. He was becoming quite self-conscious, and didn't really care that these people were trying to help them, even if one was a certified school nurse. No one needed to look at him half naked, and that was final. So, he just floated there, holding tightly the sides and bottom of his sweater.


Pantera looked at the Leafeon as she yawned once again with grumbling noises. When she explained herself, the Hydreigon has racing thoughts. Did she have some sort of illness? She hushed the thoughts soon enough before nodding with understanding. Lily blushed, which was beyond adorable, and told Pantera that it would probably be best to go to her room for the rest of the day. "It's plenty alright, so there's no reason to apologize. We can just sit it your room." she said, turning around with her and beginning to walk back into the school. "What room number were you in, again?" Pantera asked, feeling a little bad for her that she couldn't just enjoy being outside. Now after mentioning some sort of illness in her head, the Hydreigon noticed to herself that Lily was a bit thinner than girls her size. Hmm.. But there was no use in just making assumptions. She would have to ask some time. But now that wasn't important.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Aellas looked over at Nahar and shook her head, walking over to him. "You're not in perfect shape, yourself. What happened?" She asked quietly, nervous about getting an overreaction from the student. She noticed the shedinja blushing and raised an eyebrow. Oh, boy. Nahar better be careful. She noticed that he was nervous and smiled at him. "If you like, we could just leave you with the nurse. Would that be easier for you?"


"Room 101." Katrina automatically answered. Most people would have to check their papers again- not her. To her, numbers were the easiest things in the world to remember. She laughed at Lue's antics.


"Oh. Right." Angel awkwardly linked her hands behind her back. There's that jittery feeling again. Maybe it's too much coffee. She thought, turning to walk down the hall again, signaling for him to follow. "It looks like this will be an interesting year." She said as they passed a window. "There are so many hyperactive students." Although it would be odd for her. Just this once, none of her clones were attending, not even her self-proclaimed bodyguard.


Lorelei smiled, somewhat amused-and surprised- at Draco's reaction when she mentioned teasing. "Oh? And here I thought that I wasn't even on your radar. There may be hope for me yet." She joked, looking around as she walked.


Lyra scowled.. There was no chance that she was going to avoid fights this year with so many people. She hated crowds with a passion.


Above the school, a Brivary cirled around until space was clear for him to land. On his back was a small human woman, and as soon as he landed, the human jumped off. "Thanks, Varric!" She said cheerfully, returning the pokemon. Alanna Stone was a well-known gijinka doctor, so was already getting stares. It didn't help that she was human. Oh, boy. This'll be fun.

( @Rabbid - this last one's the new teacher.)
(That's my cue!)

Vlad hovered over to the school. He stared at a human adult that was in front of him. "Human, what are you doing here? This school is not for the likes of you."
Rabbid said:
(That's my cue!)
Vlad hovered over to the school. He stared at a human adult that was in front of him. "Human, what are you doing here? This school is not for the likes of you."
((Much sass xD ))

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

"Excuse me?" Alanna frowned. "I'm pretty sure that this is a place for all races, or am I wrong?" Most people would have been surprised to see a darkrai. Alanna, however, had seen weirder things- such as zangoose-sharpedo twins. This was nothing. She shook her head and sighed. "Besides, I was invited by Angel to become a teacher here." She retrieved papers from her pocket and showed them to him. They were proof that she was indeed a teacher here- or so Angel told her. "But if you don't believe me, we can simply find her and ask."
"I do not agree with Angel's decision, but I will allow you to live. For now." Vlad narrowed his eyes and looked at the papers. "My name is Vlad. I teach the basics of Pokemon at this school. According to your papers, you're Alanna."
Aria smiles, staring at the detailed map she had drawn that showed her where all her classes were, where her dorm room was, and had each area of the school labeled. "Good, now I won't get lost." She says to herself, deciding to wander around a bit.
Alanna nodded. She was used to gijinka that had predispositions against humans. "Yes, my name is Alanna Stone. I'm here to teach human-gijinka relations, but I'm also a doctor." She smiled at him, ignoring the fact that he more-or-less threatened to kill her in the future. "I'm sure we'll get along in the future."
"I like your spunk." Vlad gave a small grin back. "I should warn you that I hate scientists, including doctors. Imagine getting pricked by hundreds of needles a day."
I don't have to. I've seen it. Alanna thought, then crossed her arms. "They weren't me. However, you don't know me, either, so I can't expect you to trust me immediately." She shrugged again. "I guess I should tell you that I hate being threatened, then, if we're giving warnings."
"As long as you don't try to catch me, we'll be good." Vlad started hovering again. "I've been wanting to get over my fear of science. I'll allow to study a legendary gijinka if you so wish." He stuck out his hand for a shake.
Alanna smiled at him again. "Sure. I'm sure that I could think of some questions for you." She definitely had no interest in catching a gijinka. She reached out and shook his hand.

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