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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)


Fear the Fluff

Welcome to the world of pokemon. You know how it works. People are given or catch pokemon, and do whatever feels right with them, no matter if it's breeding, training, or putting them in contests.

But lately, things have been... different.

It seems to happen at random- some people are either born with traits of a pokemon, or gain them later in life. It never affects a trainer or anyone else that is often near pokemon. Why is this happening? The scientists and doctors seem to think that it's a virus. Since trainers, coordinators, and breeders don't get it, they believe that it is prevented by the presence of pokemon by building an immunity.

These half-people... gijinka, as they're sometimes called, seem to have the same abilities as the pokemon that they represent. However, there seems to be some discrimination between the gijinka and humans, sometimes at both sides. Eventually, someone decided to build a school for the gijinka, so that they wouldn't have to deal with their burden alone. They could get helpful advice or tips from more experienced gijinka, and rarely, certain humans. Whenever a new gijinka is discovered, an invitation to join the school is mysteriously sent the next day. No outsider knows for certain who founded the school. Not many care enough to find out. All that matters to the gijinka is that this safe haven has appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, even if the source is... unexpected.​
Angel paced in her office, scowling at the load of paperwork laying there. She hated paperwork, but it was the price of creating a school, apparently. We should be getting new arrivals here soon. She thought, glancing out the window. After a moment, she left without thinking it though. She needed a break, and seeing new students wasn't quite unexpected.

((We're open, everyone!))
Nahar was literally bouncing off the walls in his room. He couldn't wait to meet all of the new students! He grinned at a sudden idea then teleported to the kitchens. He grabbed a bucket and filled it with water before teleporting to Angel. Quickly he dumped the water on her and then popped off to the courtyard.
Mike walked up to the school with his swords sheathed. "Finally, a school that's not filled with only humans." He walked into the building only to see a MewTwo soaked in water.
Tyler walked through the lunchroom, looking around to make sure he was not seen yet... He was new, he just hoped someone would give him a chance. A chance to be a bit new...and not haunted... forever... He kept walking, his head held low, trembling.
(So we're keeping this rather casual and simple..? Booo...)

Pantera kept a rather calm and cool composure, hands in her pockets and keeping a straight gait. She approached the school that she was to be attending with a neutral expression still, as she made her way onto school grounds. She wasn't excited and joyous, but she wasn't too melancholy and saddened either. So, without complaint, she entered one of the main buildings. She wondered what would come of this school year.
Mike just shook his head and continued walking until he saw somebody that looked familiar. A boy with blond hair. "You! What might your name be?" He asked.

Anita ran through the forest and suddenly skidded to a stop. She turned and looked at the Zangoose pokemon that had been chasing her. She ran straight at it then dropped to slide under it. She slammed her sword into the ground and used her momentum to swing around with it as her anchor. She kept one leg out and used it to trip the Zangoose as it turned to face her. It swiped at her with its claws and she had to jump back quickly. She saw it fall down due to her kick and jumped towards it."Ice Punch!" She slammed her fist down on to its temple and it coughed and passed out. She grinned, strapped her sword to her back and began running to the school. She finally made it there and whistled. "Wow. Nice place we have here." It was almost castle like in its structure and it was HUGE
((I'm trying to be a better writer, but I need motivation. DAre me.))

He kept his head down and started to tremble a bit more. He couldn't show his face! Not now, dear lord! "L-l-Lewis...." He said and kept looking down at his class schedule. That's it, look busy. The busier you look, the more uninteresting you become...
He looks at the ground. Great...it's a Grijinka, This is the worst situation. He was probably on every Grijinka hit-list. He's had death threats before form activists and Grijinka alike. The rocks, the aura balls, sniper fire....this person could kill him right now!! he started to hyperventilate and his world went around and around....he has to keep consciousness...he heard the screams a bit...
"Is there something wrong?" He smiled. "You're a human, right? I'm one of the few people here who doesn't hate humans. Actually, I love humans." He stuck out his hand for a shake. "Stay near me and you'll be fine."
Lyra looked at the large building that the school was with a blank expression. She didn't really understand why it was supposed to be so impressive. She definitely liked the forest better. As she looked back at the forest, she saw a girl come charging out. Lyra tilted her head to the side, wacthing her. She, at least, seemed more interesting than cold walls that the school was made of.


Alexis was already in her dorm, sitting on her bed. She looked out the window, seeing people come in. Might as well see the newbies. She decided, getting up and leaving her room. She walked through the school until she saw two guys. "Hey." She looked at one guy- a Gallade- to the other, who seemed to be human... or human-ish. She then noticed the smaller guy hyperventilating. "Oh, shit." She began to look for a staff member, or a paper bag...


One minute Angel was walking, and the next she was soaked. She stopped, but she didn't keep herself from yelling. "NAHAR!" She shouted, then ran to the courtyards. He always did this!
He just shook his head, his world warping around and around, and he fell on the floor, passed out from all the stress, he started hyperventilating. Only mumbling was heard from him, as he's sweating. One of many of his old panic attacks.
Mike picked him up. "We need a Chansey! Or a nurse! Or something!" He shouted, barely able to continue holding him. "Great, I need to do this." Mike touched one of his swords and Mega Evolved, gaining enough strength to keep Tyler up.
Alex looked at the Gallade. "Here, come on." She said, pointing in the direction of the nurse's office. "This is my second year here. I know where to go." She said, gesturing for him to follow as she walked.
Mike followed him. "First year here. This guy probably is too, You know, considering he fainted upon seeing us."
As you walk through the halls, you see steel gazes, not at yourself, but the boy. Some people even seemed to scoff at him.
Mike walked into the nurse's office and set down Tyler on a table. "Great, the nurse isn't here." He went out of mega evolution and tended to Tyler by himself. "Wake up!"

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