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Realistic or Modern Changed World (A Zombie Roleplay)

It sounds like some of the others have woken up. Remy thought hearing the others moving about in the apartments next to hers and in the lobby. Stretching as she stood she changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top before shrugging her jacket, boots, and bag back on. Grabbing Kato's leash they headed out to the lobby we're she heard the girl from earlier speaking. So another person was probably there. "Hi, you guys. "
Red jumped a bit hearing the girl's voice. "Uhm.. hey" he said as he continued to walk.

He headed up some nearby stairs which led to the top part of the apartment complex.

He picked a random door, and tried the door knob, only to find that it was locked, he'd have to find

another way in.

He went to the window and broke the glass out, however the wooden frame

blocked him from climbing in fluently.

He attempted to kick it down, but it was to strong.

"Well ain't this a damn bitch...." he said backing away from the windows.

He looked at the stairs and remembered the girl downstairs... the girl with the axe in particular.

He looked down over the barrier and yelled to the girl, "Hey, you have an axe?" he asked as he heard the girl...

Remmy was her name? Say hello.

Nathan rolled out of bed, giving Gracie a little shake to tell her he was getting up.

On Gracie's side of the bed, he could hear Nayla's whimpering. She probably needed to relieve herself.

He walked over to the dog, and grabbed her harness, which he had laid on

the bedside table, and slid it on her. Beside them, Gracie ran her hand through her hair and sat up.

"Hey.. i'm gonna take Nayla for a bathroom run okay? Why don't you clear this place out so we can leave?" Nathan said as

he hooked Nayla up. Gracie shook her head in agreement and stood up.
Autumn looked up at Red and smiled. "Yeah you need it?"She asked him. She turned back to Remy. "Hang on just a bit."She said to the girl smiling.
They found a house, though he thought it looked more of a shack than anything. Still, they stopped inside and baracaded the doors and covered the windows with heavy blankets. They lit a few candles and he brought out his flashlight, settling in front if each other while he dug around their bag. "What color?" He asked, pulling out three little bottles of nail polish.

She squinted at them for a moment, before pointing to the sparkly green. "Let's go with the usual." She said, her lips quirking up into a smile as his expression because focused. It was a rare sight, but easily summoned when he was doing something he enjoyed and required concentration. They didn't speak until he was done with her right hand, blowing on the nails so they dried earlier. "Do you think there are other survivors?"

Pausing, her pulled back to stare at the ceiling for a few seconds, "Absolutely. Thinking that we're the last people alive would be arrogant, dear sister." He said, somewhat condescendingly.

"Alive and not insane or extremely aggressive?"

"Probably.." He said, looking disinterested, and they were quiet once again. He finished her left hand and soon he was out cold. She stayed up, blowing out the candles, turning the flashlight off and peeking out the windows occasionally, but she fell asleep soon enough.


Waking up to her brother shrieking was absolutely horrifying. Jolting up in a sitting position, her brother's name on her lips as she brandished her machete, she caught sight of him forcing an infected out the window with his cane. He barely managed to do it, and by the time she was on her feet he was keeping it from climbing back in.

"Good to see you're awake! Pass me one of my guns, if you please." Ignoring him she pushed him back, driving her machete into it's face, tugging the blade out and repeating the process a few times.

Afterwards, they were drenched in complete silence. Her heart was still racing, her ears still ringing with his screams, and to top it off she had a cramp building in her arm. "That's one way to start the morning." They said at the same time, dissolving into somewhat hysterical giggles.
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Harry's head hurt, a constant throb from where the man had connected the nine millimeter pistol the day before. The men who had wronged Harry were new to this, they had tied his hands in front him and had not tied his feet. He walked around the shed and found a flathead screwdriver. Grabbing it ,he waited, when he heard one of the men coming he sat back down. The man was fat, and had a five o'clock shadow. On his head sat a baseball cap with the confederate flag proudly shown. "I'm gonna make you squeal, boy."

"You red neck son of a bitch."

The fat man walked toward Harry, he was slow. Harry jumped up, and jammed the screw driver into the side of the man's neck with all the force he could muster. The Fat man tried to call out, but his throat was now burdened with blood and the flat head. Harry pulled the flat head out, then jammed it into the fatman's eye, with a twist the fatman was still, laying of the floor of the shed. Harry looked up at the door. The other two men that were there heard nothing from inside the house. Freeing his hands and rolling the fatman over, Harry found a prize, a Beretta M9. Harry was use to the pistol from his days in the service and gripped it with an odd familiarity. He could have left the other two men alone, they would have found the fat man dead eventually, but Harry had a debt to be paid.

He walked to the door of the house, it was run down, but clearly boarded up to avoid the infected from coming in. Harry twisted the knob to the door and walked in. He heard the other two men talking in the kitchen.

"Yeah, group a kids in town it looks like, in that old apartment complex? Figur' we oughta go show them whats what. They got a couple of girlies there too, we can get rid of the boy in the shed, once Forest is done wit'em." Harry showed himself. The man talking had his back to Harry, the other hick was facing him, eyes wide. Harry raised the pistol and popped off a round into the man's throat, his chair fell back and the hick grabbed at his throat, choking. The other man stood quickly and turned, "Oh shit." Harry shot his knees quickly, the second man fell to the ground, "Christ man! Wait! Wait!"

Harry walked over to the man grabbing his throat, aimed and squeezed again ending his life. Then looked toward the final man. "Whats your name?"

"Its... Its Bubba." The man said through gritted teeth.

"Bubba? Christ, could you be any more red neck?" Harry paused, "You're the one who... who took advantage of my wife, made me watch before you cut her throat."

"L-Look man! It wasn't nothing personal."

"Oh? It was business huh? Thats it? Thats all this is Bubba. Business."

Harry took his time, when he'd finished with Bubba, the hick was hardly recognizable. When it was all said and done, Harry walked out of the dead men's house with the Beretta and fresh clothes. He had nothing, but he'd made his choice. He'd die eventually be reunited with his family, but for now he'd watch others. Make the tough decisions wouldn't be able to make. The kill those who needed to die. He remembered the hicks talking about the kids in town and started to make his way toward the group.
"Will do. " Remy nodded. Hearing Kato whine she allowed him to lead her outside so he could use the bathroom. Standing by the door she idly wondered aloud. "I wonder if anyone here has any candy they wouldn't mind trading?"
Red smirked and replied sarcastically, "Uh.. No not at all. I was totally just wondering if you had one."

He rolled his eyes and hopped down the steps, holding his hand out for the axe.

"I need it to get in that apartment up there, so I need to borrow that." he said

Nathan opened the door to the apartment and walked out, shivering a bit realizing it was a tad bit chilly.

To his left, he saw Red chatting with a girl they met last night, and the girl named Remy.

He waved, glad to see they didn't decide to break out of the group idea. Nayla began leaping towards

Remy's dog Kato, and Nathan quickly jerked back, apologizing.

Gracie lifted herself out of bed and picked up her backpack, sliding it unto her shoulders.

She began to do as her brother said and dig around, but it looked like mostly everything had been raided.
Roxii awoke from her nap at the sound of footsteps and groaning. Placing her hand on the branch beneath her to steady herself, she carefully sat up, gazing below her. A walker was stumbling to the trunk of the tree she had climbed up, throwing himself at the trunk as if he'd be able to climb up it easily with teeth gnashing hungrily. She huffed at the thought of a walker climbing a tree; it would surely look ridiculous, especially with the fact that they can hardly stay upright when standing. Averting her gaze upward to where her crossbow and quiver of bolts were hanging, she pulled them down and slung the quiver over her shoulder. She retrieved a bolt and loaded it in the crossbow, aiming at the walker below. She shot the bolt and it pierced the walker's skull with ease. The force of the bolt caused it to fall backwards and slump to the ground, ceasing all noise and movement. Satisfied, Roxii began carefully climbing down, eager to start a new day of adventure.
Autumn rolled her eyes. She handed him the axe."Careful that was my fathers."She said to him. She walks to the apartment door with him and said "You really don't like people do you?"She aaked
Remy jerked back into reality as Kato suddenly barked at first confused she understood when she heard someone apologizing and the sounds of the other dog. "Oh, don't worry about it. Kato likes other dogs and I'm sure he is just waiting to play with Nayla. If you don't mind of course. "
Red took the axe gladly, and began hopping back up the stairs,

he groaned slightly when he saw Autumn was following him. "No, not really.." he mumbled as he began hacking at the window's frame,

after finally knocking it out he turned to Autumn and put his hand on his hip, tossing the axe at her feet,

"Especially not ones who like to ask questions." he finished in a sassy tone,

as he began to climb into the apartment.

Nathan looked down at Nayla who was panting heavily trying to get to Kato,

"Well I don't see why not.." he unclipped Nayla's leash and she ran to Kato happily.
Autumn frowned and picked up her axe. "Well I only wanted to be friendly but if you are going to be an asshole never ask for my axe again."She said. Autumn followed his lead hoping to find clothing in the apartment. She had run out of clothes and the ones she was wearing was covered in dirt and blood.
"Great!" Remy exclaimed happily. Knowing Kato was struggling with the want to play with the other dog but didn't want to leave her Remy decided for him by letting go of his leash. Tail ragging Kato barked and ran toward the other dog beginning a game of Chase. Sitting down beside the building Remy kept her ears out for any signs of the brain dead.
"Well, pretty sure survivors in Russia heard you screaming bloody murder, so we'd better leave. Like, right now." Marcy said after catching her breath, feeling at ease after sharing a laugh with her twin. He rolled his eyes, about to make a snarky comment but the creaking of the house/shack stopped him.

"Yeah. Four sips of water, we leave and a find a good place to take a piss. And hopefully raid for clothing, you look like shit, sis." He wrinkled his nose, grinning when she swatted his head before hobbling towards their meager supplies. Scoffing, she shoved the water bottle to him before tightening her machete sheath around her hips and holstering her blade. He did the same for his guns, after take a few careful sips from the bottle, while she waited by the window towards the back of the house.

"Quick, look at this!" She looked genuinely excited, pulling a dusty old box out from the mess under the table. "Remember when dad used to read us these stories before bed?" Her tone was nostalgic, as she regarded the book with an almost sad expression. In her hands was a tattered old thing, children stories hidden inside those pages. He smirked, though it softened as she handed him the book.

"Yeah... Let's take it and read a story every night." Not even waiting for her reply, he forced her to turn around so he had access to the backpack, slipping the book inside with utter care before moving to the shabby back door. "Now move this table so we can get the hell out of here." He said, leaning against the wall while she good naturedly grumbled under her breath but made short work of the table.

Stepping out first and scanning the area with keen eyes, she held the door open for him, bowing dramatically. "Announcing his lordship, the Duke of Douchebaginus, first born son of-" She grunted, his cane whacking her thigh as he stepped out, squinting at her.

Kendall laid down, blinking, eyes staring vacantly at the darkening sky above. Kyron had gone to gather wood and other supplies for a fire, and Harley stood nearby, sharpening a stick with one of her knives. Kendall didn't quite trust the girl well enough. She was scared of her, to be honest. A rebel like her had the capability to do horrible things, or so Kendall believed. Harley had no loyalty to her and her brother. Nothing stopped her from leaving them behind if something went awry. She closed her eyes.

Sleep. Just sleep.
Harry was walking through a neighborhood now, not really sure what apartment building he was going too. He'd found a map and found where he was and decided he'd start with the closest one. He didn't figure the rednecks were the type to plan things out and would just go for the easiest, closest prize.

He heard the two siblings before he saw them, he ducked behind cover and listened to them for only a moment,

"Announcing his lordship, the Duke of Douchebaginus, first born son of-" A soft whack, then, "Loser."

Harry was in a bit of a dilemma, he wasn't sure where these two were going, or if they could be trusted. Also he would probably make a terrible first impression covered in the blood of another man. "We have nothing to offer, why would they share with us?"

No. Not We. Not Us. Its I now. Its Me now. Im alone.

No friend, its Us.

Us? Okay.

We need friends. We can't lose ourselves. Reveal yourself.

Harry stood his left hand in the air, his right hand holding the Baretta "Dont shoot. I know Im covered in blood, but its not mine." Not the best thing to say. "I mean, I got it... in self defense, long story. Look I wont hurt you, I just need friends. Jesus Christ you two are tall." Maria always was the one to make first impressions, now We remember why.

@ghoul queen
A gleeful smile spread over Marcy's face, even as Mason pointed his guns in the direction of the speaker. "And you have a big fuzzy beard! Seriously, did you glue that shit on? Wow!" Not taking her eyes off the man, she forcefully made her twin lower one of his guns, taking in the rest of the strangers appearance. "Friends, aye? Well..."

"What she means is; well, we struggle enough as it is. I would kindly ask you to turn around else be shot in the face. You choice, really!-"

Looking severely unimpressed, Marcy turned to her brother, "No, more people means more protection and a better scav team." She whispered harshly, "You can't always threaten everyone you meet, especially people covered in blood! Maybe he has a crew of cannibals surrounding us, ready to snipe your head off."

"Don't put those thoughts into my head!" He said in a hysterical whisper, "You know I hate the thought of someone sniping me before I can get them." He muttered, turning away from her sulkily.

"Exactly. Now shut up and let me handle this. Do not shoot." She said, glaring at him before turning with what she thought was a friendly expression on her face. "Um yes. Are you a cannibal? Because if I wake up one morning with my leg missing, I know who to blame, Bob." She squinted, "You look like a Bob."
Red rolled his eyes at the girl and stepped in the building regardless. Looking around the apartment looked untouched, it was almost weird to see a house that hadn't been raided already. He went to the kitchen first, and looked around the cabinets for anything edible. Surprisingly, he didn't come up empty handed at all. In fact, he found a lot of food laying around. Water bottles included. He hurried up and stuffed the things in his bag, he didn't need anyone seeing him and asking for him to share any of his stuff. This was for him and for him only.

Nathan laughed a little as he watched the two dogs play happily. "He's fixed right?" He asked a bit worried. Nayla wasn't, and it wouldn't be much help having to drag a pregnant dog around. He'd probably have to abandon her sadly.

Gracie searched the apartment for anything they might've missed the first search. She came up empty handed, save a set of kitchen knives which she planned to share with Nathan. She walked out the apartment and looked at her brother shrugging. "Nothing left" she said with a hint of a smile as she saw Nayla playing.

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"Oh, of course. " Remy nodded listening to the two dogs play. Her mom insured Kato was neutered as soon as possible. She didn't think it would come in handy later on though. Then again as a kid all she wanted was a bunch of little puppies to play with.
Nathan smiled a bit and lightly grabbed Nayla's tail as she ran by. "Well good, that's one less dog to worry about when she goes in heat in a few weeks." He sighed a bit, "if only I studied to become a vet instead of a photographer". At this he pulled out his camera, and snapped a quick picture of the two dogs playing. He shook it a bit and took a look. It was actually a good shot.

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Harry watched the twins bicker with each other. Why are they wasting so much time. He kept his eyes focused on the brother, the one who was eager to shoot. Harry had decided the sister was the more intelligent of the two, and his eyes went to her, watching her calm her brother down. "Bob?"

It will do. Harry might as well be dead.

Fair point.

Harry nodded, "Bob will do. And No, Im not a cannibal, this blood is payment from a few friends of mine who owed me. Just..." A pause, Business. "Business." Harry shook his head for a moment. "There are others... I think, in an apartment complex near here. I was heading there, but first do you have clothes in that house? It wouldn't exactly do me well to walk up to every group covered in blood. People may act stupidly, and point their weapons at me." His eyes darted to the brother, then back to the sister.

They're both idiots.

The brother, maybe.

No, Both.

No, the sister is the diplomat. The brother the soldier. He will get them killed.

We could kill him.

We can't. Not yet, maybe not ever. He is just a protector.

He is weak, wounded. His leg.

Just means we can run slower, when the time comes.

Cruel. Effective, but cruel.

We have to be.

Do we? We could be protectors.

We... We could, I suppose.
Marcy nodded, a smirk on her face as she regarded their overnight base. "Yup, baggy as hell though." She said, gesturing to the olive colored sweater she wore, her shoulders made it hang around her torso, though it wasn't a bad thing. "All the clothes should be in a pile by the over turned TV stand." She said, tugging her brother out of the way so the guy could pass, Mason stumbling somewhere behind her. She didn't look to see if he was still standing, because if the guy tried anything while walking by at least Mason would have some distance to kill him.

Meanwhile, Mason was keeping an eye on the man, one hand still holding a pistol firmly. He wasn't like his sister, didn't like people at all, though he was careful it didn't show in his expression. Regarding the man, who was apparently now dubbed Bob, Mason couldn't help but feel something was.... off, about the him, and it wasn't even the blood anymore. They'd have to play it safe around the guy, and a gun would always be loaded and ready to fire. In his mind, his own and Marcy's safety were far more important than a possible deranged strangers.

While pulling Cassie along, Rosy had her knife out, ready to attack.


"Let GO!" Cassie yelled at her sister, yanking her arm away furiously. "Hello? Anyone? Get me away from my crazy sister!"
Roxii looked around at her surroundings. She had been adventuring for a while, laying low and staying silent enough to where she had no run-ins with neither walkers or living. Her mindless wandering led her to a poorly paved road that wound through the countryside, twisting and turning at points and then going on a straight path for miles upon miles. It looked fairly empty; she couldn't hear or see any other living or undead creatures within range. She wasn't exactly sure where she was going; her main goal was to find somewhere she could loot so that she could find some supplies that would prolong her life and increase her chances of survival. So, using a childish way of elimination, Roxii began going down the road to her left, sticking to the side of the road and in the shadows so that she could make an escape if need be.
Red fumbled around for a moment after gathering anything there was to gather, he finally slid back out the window. He looked over the railing of the up stairs and began to notice figures moving aimlessly in the distance. He squinted a little, at first thinking they were people, but as realization struck he looked down over the railing, "anyone got a knife??" He yelled as he looked back up at the far off walkers.

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