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Realistic or Modern Changed World (A Zombie Roleplay)

Nathan snatched the gun out of Red's hand, "What in God's name do you think you're doing?"

Red let out a flustered sigh, and leaned up against the door of on of the apartments.

"Looks like we're having a meet and greet." he mumbled angrily. Behind him he could hear Nayla starting to bark again, and Gracie's loud whispers attempting to silence her. Nathan raised his palm up to the girl who had raised a gun on his kid brother, "We aren't looking for trouble here.." he said in a steady voice, opening the gun to show it had no bullets.
Valarie sticks her pistol back in it's holster and crosses her arms.

"She's right." She says, pointing to the girl with the axe. "Also, I'm sorry for the pistol. I'm not looking for trouble either, you can't really trust a bunch of people nowadays." Valarie says, giving the girl an apologetic glance before grabbing Nick's arm. "Come on, I think we should get back before dinner gets, well, lets just get back." She was going to joke, but she didn't think it was the time.

"But I want to get to know them." Nick whines and Valarie rolls her eyes, but lets him go.

"Fine, you get to eat the dried corn when we get back." She hisses, before a kind smile shows up on her face.
Nathan cocked his head a little, wrinkling his nose and looking at a even more confused Red. "People still eat dinner?" Red asked angrily. It was now that Gracie ran out, and an unleashed Nayla slid out past her, barking from shock of the new strangers. "Hi..." Gracie said grabbing Nayla's harness and squeezing the dogs muzzle shut with her free hand.

Red rolled his eyes and helped her pull the dog back into the apartment and slammed the door.

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Autumn watched as a young girl ran out after their dog. "I knew I heard a dog."She said softly. "I know this unheard of but is there some way I can stay with someone.. Just for the night I feel as though I'm going crazy being all alone."She said softly looking down.
Everyone's leaving already? We just got here! Remy thought sulkingly. She loved Kato but he didn't have the ability to hold a conversation for very long. She perked up when one of them, a girl it sounded like, asked if anyone would allow her to stay with them. She knew it was risky but she wanted to be around actual people. "You can stay with me!"
Autumn turned around and smiled at a girl in the back. "Well then I guess I've found my canadate."She said. She walked over to the girl. "And your name is?"She asked softly.
Harley looked over her shoulder at Kendall and Kyron. She'd met them only several days earlier, and still didn't trust them. However, Harley was confident she could take them. Kendall was a former makeup artist, a girly girl. However she seemed to be decent with her hunting rifle, which Harley had decided was useful. As for Kyron he looked like a pretty boy. Definitely not Harley's type. She snorted to herself, putting an inbud in one of her ears as she and the siblings made their way through the undergrowth of the forest.


Kendall yawned. Kyron seemed eager, bounding through the underbrush like a puppy after its master. How could he even find a girl like that attractive. Dark hair, dark makeup with a permanent mischevious grin and lots of tattoos. A rebel. Those were the girls to stay away from. That and Harley was much older than him. Kendall flicked a bug off the hem of her skirt, readjusting her weapon so it didn't dig into her back so much.
Nathan looked around astonished. This was the most people he had seen in one place since the apocalypse began.

"Wait stop.." he said in attempts to stop all the people who were about to leave. "We can't just meet like this and not stick together. It's rare to find people like this during a time like this. A group means extra security..." he said ending his proposal quietly. After hearing Nathan, Red groaned a bit and began slamming his head into the metal door of the apartment repeatedly. Gracie looked at her eldest brother with wide eyes. This was all happening way too fast.
Autumn looked up at the man that welcomed them to stay together. "Hang on and ill be back."She said softly. She walked over to the man chuckling at the boy that was hitting his head on the door. "Thank you very much. My name is Autumn."She said holding out her hand for him to shake.
"You tapped that cane 31 times." Marcy said, slinging the backpack over her shoulder as she marched right by him, not waiting for him as he scrambled after her. She was in high spirits, having found several cans of peaces in the final aisle, and a few flavor packets for their water. Unfortunately all the candy had been ransacked, leaving bubblegum craving unfulfilled. She went down an alley, her machete in hand as she waited for her twin to catch up. They'd need a place to settle for a bit, he didn't say anything but she knew his knee pain was getting worse.

As Mason neared the alley, he saw three infected shamble out onto the street, finally coming to investigate the shots he had fired earlier. He held his cane above the ground and limped towards his sister. He was much to exhausted to fight another mini horde, and there were probably a lot more lurking about so he didn't want to risk siccing Marcy on them.

"Where to now, boss?" He huffed, voice lowered as he didn't want to draw any attention to them. She picked up on his behavior, and spoke quietly too.

"I'm about to collapse in exhaustion, we need to find a place to stay." She said, though it wasn't true about her being tired. She had another few hours of energy left, but if she pointed out his own sleepiness then he'd get all defensive. She might not be observant of others, but she knew her brother well and learned how to deal with him.
Nick tensed up at Red's first statement. The tone in the boy's voice made Valarie want to grab him around the neck and teach him to hold his tongue every once in a while, but she said nothing. Instead she leaned against the wall of the hallway and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She wasn't paying very much attention until Nick elbowed her. "Do you think we should do it?" He whispers to her, and she raises her eyebrows. "Do what?" She asks, and Nick quietly explained all that Nathan had said and she sighed, her eyebrows furrowing in thought. She didn't quite like the idea of joining up with a bunch of strangers, but of course everyone was a stranger nowadays. "You've got a point, dude." She says, walking closer to the eldest brother of the bratty one. "If you're looking to make a group, my cousin and I are in."
"If you're looking to make a group, count me out. I operate better alone." He walked into his room and shut the door.
A group? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. It's a big change to being alone. Remy thought uncomfortably tightening her grip on Kato's leesh her excitement dwindling away. Then again it would be good to have others watch my back. Especially with my...disability. Knowing others have my back would be a relief. Sighing she knew her decision. "I'm cool with that. "
Autumn looked back at the girl who she was speaking to earlier. She smiled slightly. "Then I guess its settled everyone but grumpypuss is in this group. "She said softly. She looked back at the boy who came out in the first place and pointed his gun at her. She swiftly turned her axe and put it in one of the pockets of the back pack that was on her back.
Nathan felt relief wash over him as people began to agree to join up with him.

When the one man disagreed and went back his room, Red smirked, "That guy is the smartest person i've met in ages." he said laughing a bit.

Nathan elbowed him in the side and turned to his new group. "Well then it's settled, my name is Nathan," he gestures to his sister who was smiling slightly, "this is Gracie," he messes with his younger brother's hair, "and this brat is Red. We also have a dog inside, but she's in shock, so i'll introduce her later."

Red pushed his brother's hand away and went back into the apartment.
"I'm Remy!" Remy chirped shrugging off her discomfort. What was done was done. Gesturing toward were Kato was pressed against her leg she introduced him. "This is Kato. "

Recognizing his name Kato barked.
Autumn smiled and turned towards Remy. She would like her to be her friend she seemed really nice and Autumn loved animals. She frowned when the boy named Red went back in their apartment. He reminded her of her little brother. She looked at the girl Gracie and smiled. She looked back up at Nathan. "May I go inside?"She asked softly.
"Um, " Remy chewed her bottom lip as she realized she would have to get her things from the tree house. She would miss the tree house. "I have to get my things come on Kato. Lets head back to base. "

Barking once Kato began leading the way.

"Um, " Remy chewed her bottom lip as she realized she would have to get her things from the tree house. She would miss the tree house. "I have to get my things come on Kato. Lets head back to base. "

Barking once Kato began leading the way.
Nathan waved at everyone in his new group, and smiled.

"Well I guess it's getting late.. we should probably all get some sleep tonight, and the we'll all meet back up tomorrow."

Nathan said putting his hands in his pockets.

Gracie waved bye to everyone and slipped back into the apartment just as she'd came; quietly.

As she walked in she noticed that Red had already passed out on the couch,

and he was snoring loudly, whilist Nayla lay close to him, his hand in her fur.

Gracie smiled at the scene, Nayla usually slept with her, but she figured she'd let Red have

her for the night.

She walked to the back room, picked up her blanket of the floor, and laid down, wrapping the blanket around her.

She heard the door to the apartment open and close, meaning Nathan was inside. Not long after hearing him come in,

Nathan came in the room and plopped down beside her." Looks like we're room mates for the night", he said quietly as he laid back, stealing some of her blanket.

New Day, Day 2

All players should be waking up.

(You can include anything else you did that night before going to bed, just please mention going asleep and waking up;P)
Autumn smiled and walked back to her own apartment. She went inside and frowned. "This place really is sad and dark."She said sadly. She walked around searching for some food and water. She sighed not finding anything. She did find a nice fluffy blanket. She smiled "Finally something warm and cozy."It was the only bright thing in this damn place. She wrapped it around her and quickly fell asleep. She dreamt of the dead and new friends. She had nightmares as usual. She's had them since she was five. She woke up when the light from the sun shines through her window. She groaned at the sun. She listened carefully seeing if anyone else was awake. She didn't hear anything so she packed up and ran her fingers through her messy hair. And packed up all of her stuff including the soft blanket she found. She smiled and French braided her hair messily. She walked out into the lobby of the apartments. She sighed and took her axe out and started to clean the dried blood off of it.
Remy quickly gathered her things and was relieved when she made it safely back to the apartments. Finding a comforter, with Kato's help, to sleep on She curled up in the corner of the living room using Kato as a pillow and quickly fell asleep.

Waking up she felm more rested then she had in a while. Maybe in a group ain't so bad if I can sleep so good. Smiling she got up to stretch the tiredness out of her body before sitting back down on her blanket. Grabbing a can and the can opener she began to eat breakfast waiting for the others to wake up.

Kato sniffed out the small bag of dog food in her bag and made himself some breakfast, basically meaning eating right out of the bag making Remy giggle.
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Once they all agreed to join together, other than that random man, Nick and Valarie went back to their apartment and ate their food. Talking merrily about what being in a group might be like. It was late, and there was only one bedroom in the apartment.

"I'll take the couch." Valarie says, but Nick rolled his eyes and threw her over his shoulder, walking into the bedroom. There was a double bed, which left room for the both of them and Nick threw his cousin onto the bed and lay down next to her.

"It's not like I kick in my sleep." Nick chuckles as he removes his boots, and Valarie removes her sneakers before crawling under the covers of the bed and snuggling into the pillow. Nick soon joined her and wrapped a protective arm around her, falling asleep rather quickly.

When they woke sunlight streamed through the window and Valarie could only hear the loud snoring of her younger cousin.

"Wake up." She groans, slamming a pillow into Nick's face and jumping up before he could chase her. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her weapons before running into the living room laughing.
Red stretched out on the couch yawning,

it didn't sound like anyone else was awake yet. He stood up, looking around for Nayla, but it looked like she had woken up and ran off.

After thinking about it, he actually recalled waking up last night to the sound of Nayla's paws on the hard wood floor.

He walked across the room, and squatted as he unzipped his backpack.

He pulled out his water bottle and took a long sip, he would replace the water with some of Nathan's later.

He continued to dig around for a shirt that he had not made filthy yet, but to no avail.

He let out a sigh and zipped it back up, then stood and began walking around the apartment

hopefully he would find some men's clothes that didn't look like something

Alphalfa would wear. He walked to a small room that contained a washer and dryer and dug around for some

clean clothes that would fit him.

He managed to come up with some khaki shorts that fitted him very loosely, so he

dug out a belt, and also found a v neck while going through the clothes that were in the washer.

A tad damp, but they would dry fast, the sun seemed to be out today.

After getting dressed, he collected his stuff and walked outside. He planned to go through the other apartments for supplies for himself.
Autumn saw the boy from yesterday. She didn't remember his name. Red maybe? She looked back down hoping he didn't see her staring. She blushed slightly and smiled. "Hello"She said softly. She continued to clean her axe.

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