• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine

“It’s you again! Damned demonic pries-” John started with a scowl, before stopping himself short when he realised she was the examiner of this round. Wouldn’t she just fail him if he was picking a fight with her?! “I mean… y… you beautiful and amazing holy priest.” He smiled at her with innocent sparkling eyes. Hopefully she would forgive him! She then asked him a difficult question. Damn it! Did she not buy into his flattery?

“Hmmmm… Accepting the dark artifact would be one of the options, and the other… leaving the dark artifact… Huh.” John paced back and forth, taking his time to ponder over the question. After a brief moment, he looked up at Eris with a smile on his face. “The answer is obvious, isn’t it? Let’s say I do take the artifact and manage to wipe out the looming evil. What happens then? Worst case scenario, I lose my humanity and end up becoming the new face of evil myself, turning into a monster that destroys all of humanity. That would defeat the point of using the artifact’s power in the first place, no?” He snapped his fingers, letting that sink in for a moment. Raising 2 fingers, he’d continue.

“Point number 2: who said that me and the others can’t defeat the looming evil without relying on the power of the artifact? This artifact sounds like something only the weak would end up falling for. Only those who lack the confidence in their own power or those greedy for power would choose to accept it. But I’m not one of those people. No matter how big the evil is, I believe that so long as we have the undying will in our hearts, we will be able to find the path to victory.” Saying this, he clutched at his chest where his heart lies.

“With that, the answer is clear. I will destroy the artifact so that no one else can be tempted by its power. To the looming evil that awaits, bring it on I say!” Grinning confidently, he’d clap a fist into his palm.
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| saxon saxon | Maxxob Maxxob |

With his indomitable resolve and perseverance, Baharius would finally make his way to the end of the course. Aside from the mere inconvenience of the fireballs, the saurian didn't feel too particularly challenged by this event. As he turned around to see who happened to be left still, he'd see that the fury of fireballs had ceased firing. It was achieved shortly after a dark-haired individual, being Adelhein, finally making it across. The saurian nodded silently at him before sheathing his blade against his sail and proceeded into the next room.

From the fiery orange hue of the previous room, Baharius would face a pitch black room. The saurian was perturbed for a moment, given he couldn't even see his own hands, as he attempted to gather his senses; until a floating lantern appeared roughly 10 feet ahead to guide him. Progressing through the passage way, he'd find himself approaching the doorway; quickly noticing the writings engraved upon the walls:

"In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through he doorway and be judged."

Baharius didn't seem to know quite exactly what it meant at first, but assumed it related to something regarding choice. Would he trust himself to figure out the right answer for whatever he was asked? The saurian believed so. With certainty in his step, Baharius proceeded to step through the doorway... awaiting whatever choice was offered to him.

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: saxon saxon

Griffin hadn't intended to sound unsure. Griffin could also have taken what was said after that as an insult. But instead, a decided it made more sense as constructive critique. So thinking of a better way to word it to recertify his point.

“I'd choose to look for a cure. Specifically, I would take safety precautions to make sure no one, including the kid gets hurt. Because it sounds like this kid could hurt themselves by accident too. Every innocent person should be able to live safely. I wouldn't discard one kid over a curse they could not help. Moreover, I would not ignore the safety others in the community would need. If there is a middle ground, I'll always do my best to find it. Disregarding how unlikely it may be. Trying is better than giving up and exiling a kid over something that cannot be helped is giving up. I would try my best to find a cure..”

Action 1: Answer the question (again)


"An ancient spell can revive a fallen hero crucial for the upcoming battle, but casting it requires a life sacrifice. Should the spell be used, and if so, who should be sacrificed?"

The Undertaker stood silent for a short while as she contemplated the question. Although, in truth, it would've been more accurate to say that she'd been contemplating the correct answer. Her mind compelled her to give on answer, but her heart compelled her to give another. And, though she wanted to ask Eris upwards of a dozen questions that would allow her to make an educated decision, one thing had already become increasingly clear to her. This wasn't about giving the correct answer. Things like that didn't often exist in this world.

So, she'd simply give her own answer.

"It would have to be the person who willingly chooses to give their life to the cause, and no one else."

The only answer she could give without regret.

"The logical decision would be to sacrifice one to ensure the safety of everyone else. To send that one man to the void so that The Hero can save us all. I won't deny that. I wouldn't oppose it in the slightest. But it's not my place to make that call for someone else and it never will be. It is a person's own duty to decide for themselves what to do with their life, and mine to support that to the best of my abilities. And should no one offer themselves up? Should everyone value their lives to the highest and dream of a day where we all make it out alive without sacrificing anyone? Then we will all march forward holding onto that hope. If that means our demise? So be it."

Ordella smiled.

"In the end, my sisters would be be proud to hear that story after my head made its way back to the abbey."

saxon saxon

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: saxon saxon Maxxob Maxxob

Kota was pleased to see that Aedrianna had made it through to the next path. As much as he wanted to assist he knew that this was her path to walk alone and prove her own strength. On the other hand he was a bit skeptical of Adelheins nice gestures after what had transpired earlier. He’d give the mage an glare before walking through the stairway.

As the air cooled to a comfortable level, the Kitsune felt a bit more at ease. Having big tails tends to attract more heat, and it will only get worse as he grows. After a small trek the Kitsune reached the bottom of the stairs to see the writing on the passage.

Kota understood what was to be expected and walked right through the door.

1.Head down staircase
2. Walk through door onto next trial
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
saxon saxon

Adelhein let out a sigh of relief, seeing that he had managed the lave filled room. The heat of the chamber was starting to get to him, droplets of sweat forming on his forehead and slowly dripping down on his face. As soon as he began walking down the stairs, he could feel not only the rumbling vibrations of the large lizard, but also the heat slowly seceding.

Finally, he would come before a door, seeing the warning, or maybe hint, on both sides of a passage that lead towards a door: 'In the beginning was yourself, and in the end there is also yourself. If you know thyself step through he doorway and be judged.'

That message didn't even make him pause. Despite being in his youth, Adelhein was sure that he knew himself better than anyone. After all, how could he not be? While shock and trauma of past events were still present in his mind, having forced him to mature in unexpected ways, he was still true to his family's tenets. And, without a single doubt in his mind, he pushed the door open and walked through it, his small steps being followed by the clanking of armor of his protector, just behind him.

Saber Alter silently follows Adelhein as he approaches the foreboding doorway, her golden eyes scanning the passage with a wary gaze. The warning inscribed upon the walls gives her pause, a hint of uncertainty flickering across her features.

"Master, this trial seems to be one of self-knowledge. Are you certain you are prepared to face what lies beyond this door?"

She places a hand on the hilt of Excalibur Morgan, her grip tightening slightly. Despite her loyalty to Adelhein, she cannot help but feel a twinge of concern for his wellbeing.

"I will be at your side, but the challenge ahead may require you to confront aspects of yourself that you have yet to fully embrace. Tread carefully, Master. I will not let any harm come to you, but the trial itself may be one you must face alone."

Saber Alter's gaze narrows, her expression hardening with determination. Whatever lies beyond that doorway, she will be there to protect Adelhein, no matter the cost.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six SixSense SixSense LightningJay LightningJay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Notes: Note for those on the third trial if you fail here you will not be allowed to continue due to the nature of this trial. One contestant has been removed.


Eris nodded as she listened to Marcus speak, though the night seemed to want to explain his whole thought process when the answer would have surfaced. But she wasn't going to stop him now that he had started it. "While I cannot fault you, you have answered with certainty and the lives are now in your hands brave paladin," Eris commented. She turned to look at the lantern as he confirmed his answer as the Lantern then shot out beams of light and Marcus now found himself in a tunnel by himself for the moment and there was the sounds of something coming from the far end of the tunnel.

Next was Adrianna who spoke up, Eris folded her arms across her chest as she listened to her explain her reasoning. "But do some beings need to be bound in order to do good? But you have made your decision, the consequences and rewards are yours alone." Eris concluded as she then turned to look at the lantern which then emitted a bright blinding light upon Adrianna finishing her explanation and she now appeared in the same tunnel as Marcus.

Eris squinted her eyes and folded her arms across her chest as she heard what John said and what he was about to say and then suddenly changed his tune. "Wow, did that correction hurt? Looked like you took a hard right turn and almost toppled the wagon," Eris responded as she observed the man with suspicion though one could maybe argue annoyance to a degree but there was more suspicion than anything. As he reached his first question Eris cleared her throat, "Some would argue that victory at any cost is required in this situation. In book of Sea, verses 1-5, Holfeel judged the twisted spirit for their actions and thus cast them back down as a demon to punish them for the rest of eternity. For the sacrifices of the fallen should be honored and not without reward given. However, her judgement of the soul that every soul is equally important and only the truly evil would argue for the highest loss scenario." Eris upon his completion of his question looked to the lantern, "The untraveled path leads to many unknowns that one previously didn't know, go and travel it to the ends of the world." Upon her final word the lantern shout out blinding light once again however John landed head first in the tunnel next to the other two.

When Griffin restated his answer Eris simply nodded, "Go fourth, the charity that you have shown will not be forgotten. The path of a hero no matter how small is a road that is perilous and can often be paved with good intentions that go wrong." Eris then bowed her head as the lantern shot out its blinding light and Griffin now found himself with the others.

Eris nodded her head after Ordella's answer. "It is often the clergy that will offer themselves first before others if they are true to their faith. Go bask in the light and know that for what is to come you must carry that same conviction," Eris concluded as the light appeared once again and she was now with the others in the tunnel with only one direction.

Eris appeared before Baharius with a smile on her face, "You have traveled far, despite the previous failure, commendable many would have thrown a tantrum saying it was rigged. But here is your question: A magical forest is the source of life for a town but is home to endangered mythical creatures. Exploiting its resources could save the town from famine but endanger the creatures."
Eris appeared to Kota next as the kitsune had finally decided to step through the doorway, "Is it right to create sentient beings through magic if they might suffer or be subjected to servitude?"

Finally Adelhein now appeared, "One would often question the authenticity of your answers especially since you have brought an uninvited guest with you." Eris smiled as Saber then appeared in a holy magic barrier off to the side unharmed but very much annoyed that she was now trapped in the barrier. "This is where she will remain until you complete the final test. Now for you answer me this, there exists a legendary Sword of Destiny, said to grant its wielder unparalleled power to shape the fate of nations. This sword was forged by the ancient gods and is hidden in the treacherous Dragon’s Peak. The sword is bound by a powerful enchantment that ensures only the most worthy can wield it, judged by their actions and intentions. you, having journeyed through numerous trials and tribulations, finally reach the Dragon’s Peak, where the Sword of Destiny is hidden. Upon your arrival you encounter a sage, who urges you to use the sword to overthrow a corrupt lord and restore peace to the kingdom. He believes you, with his noble heart and just cause, is the rightful wielder.However, a second sage appears and reveals a grave prophecy: the Sword of Destiny is cursed. While it grants immense power, it also brings uncontrollable destruction to those who wield it, driven by their deepest fears and desires. She warns that using the sword, even for a noble cause, could unleash catastrophic consequences upon the world.At this moment, you also learns that the lord’s forces are approaching the peak, determined to seize the sword for their master. you must make a critical decision. What do you do?"

For those in the tunnel, it goes up 20 ft and is dimly lit, you seem a single path which is streatching out in front of you. Further down this path you can hear something moving though it doesn't sound like it is coming toward you. However, you also feel an overwhelming sense of dread and fear. But there is only one way to go and you will be forced to push forward. Eris's voice is now heard, "Simply follow the tunnel and you will run into the next trial however I encourage you to wait until everyone has gathered or you may attempt it with your current strength the decision is up to you."
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
saxon saxon

Adelhein's crimson eyes met priestess Eris' ashen ones head-on. There was a subtle shift in his expression as he noticed Saber had been locked in a holy barrier, probably to eliminate any chance of interference. "One would often question the authenticity of your answers especially since you have brought an uninvited guest with you." Hearing her words, his face shifted slightly, as it was clear he had taken offense to it. "Is it not natural for me to do so, priestess Eris? I believe someone of your caliber already noticed that both mine and Saber's mana are in the same wavelength. But no, I wouldn't have relied on the King of the Britons' sage advice about myself." He offered to Eris in retort, a bit of wariness being felt on his voice and stance. It wasn't anything about Eris per se, but the simple fact that she was one of the cloth put him slightly on edge. The Holy Church had, after all, always hounded over magi from where he came from.

The teenager would then begin to listen to the question Eris had for him. Each word she spoke was absorbed by him with utmost attention, taking every nuance of in her words. The tale was, curiously enough, something that hit a little too close to home. A story of a sword that could bend fate itself, enormous power being granted to those who were fit to yield it. However, it would also come with a price: ruin and destruction to those who used it, regardless of intention.

At the end of it, the young magus crimson eyes shifted towards the golden ones in Artoria's pale face. Wasn't that all-too-familiar tale to her own story and tragedy? His eyes, however, didn't search for help or hint, no. It was merely a gaze of recognition. Recognition of what would by his own choices given to have been in her place. "The Sword of Promised Victory..." He murmured for a moment, eyes narrowing slightly and going back to Eris, before continuing. "... I would accept the charge that had been placed upon me, by destiny, as surely without fate's favor I wouldn't have arrived at the Dragon's Peak. I wouldn't, however, disregard the caution of the second sage. With the Sword of Destiny, I would rid the kingdom of its corrupt ruler and restore the peace. As the kingdom's new ruler, I would surround myself with those who are trustworthy, unafraid to be honest, to keep me in check. Maybe then, if corruption begins to grip at my heart, I will have those who will bring back lucidity and into the just path once more." Adelhein's voice matched the confidence in his expression. His views could be interpreted as both pragmatic and idealistic at the same time, for to leave the sword in the Peak would be to turn away from the chance to shape reality for the better. Afterward, he stood silent, waiting the Eris' and the lantern's verdict.


| saxon saxon |

Eris appeared before Baharius with a smile on her face, "You have traveled far, despite the previous failure, commendable many would have thrown a tantrum saying it was rigged. But here is your question: A magical forest is the source of life for a town but is home to endangered mythical creatures. Exploiting its resources could save the town from famine but endanger the creatures."

The saurian silently scoffed at her assumption with the first test. It wasn't so much he considered it rigged, just potentially faulty. At least regarding that specific dummy. Had Baharius given it his all thrice over and it deemed true with the following would he conclude that something wasn't right. But that was long in the past now. Regardless, he made sure to listen to the following question carefully. It revolved around a familiar theme; one revolving around the age old battle of "Nature VS Civilization". Something the old saurian was more than acquainted with back home. It would only take a few seconds to think it over before Baharius responded confidently.

"Balance." the saurian stated, folding his arms in, "There is a saying I've heard back home. A philosophy adopted by tribes living in the remote regions of my world. 'Take only what you need, not what you want'. All living things need resources to survive; let alone thrive. Yet over-exploiting these limited resources would spell doom for both parties. If the town takes too much, the creatures of the forest starve and die. Without them, the food chain breaks down and the whole ecosystem collapses. Magic, from my understanding, works similarly to some degree. And when that is affected, the forest is no longer able to provide for the town; thus it too suffers and dies."

He raised his head upon finishing, his arms now back to his side. "Achieving that balance between nature and civilization would ensure both parties thrive together in harmony without interfering with the natural order. The people of the town will be fed, while keeping the threatened creatures of the forest stable and free."
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Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human


He had given an answer, and he would receive judgment. As she could tell, her question had clearly stirred up something within him -- for him to give an answer as he did. His body tensed instinctively, and he assumed a defensive stance. Yet when the light washed over him, he did naught but shield his face from it. He'd appear in the next area in that slightly.

His vision had been blurry as blinding light had been replaced with a dim darkness. owever, he was now somewhere else. Once he realized this, the first thing he did was scan his surroundings. Old habits took in and he began to patrol the tunnel a short distance, making sure as to understand it. Particularly given the anxiety he felt for what was here. Still, he never proceeded forward. And simply sought to get a feel for the tunnel. It extended out 20 feet and there was something at the ending.

One by one, a few people appeared. First was Aedrianna. Then was the plain faced boy who warped into the area upside down. Then there was the beast who had run ahead. Then Ordella. "Congratulations." He said to those who'd made it.

We are missing a few.

Just as he thought that, Eris chimed in above to mention to that they should wait.

"So this next task is a team exercise, assuredly. I am Marcus for those who do not know." He motioned to his chest, hand hovering over his heart instinctively. "It is probably best we exchange names, as to avoid confusion. Though, if you call me "metal-man" or something of the sort...I'll probably know you refer to me." The first was one but relied primarily on one's own characteristics. The second was wholly on the individual. He could do naught to assist them in answering the question and he had no idea who'd appear next.

Marcus did not wish to go forward. However, he proceeded forward about 15 feet from the point in which he teleported in. He was 5 feet shy of leaving the tunnel. He would try to see out of it but that was not guaranteed. So he leaned into his hearing.

The Man-At-Arms didn't have hearing equal to a beast. He couldn't hear ultrasound nor infrasound. But he sharpened his senses so as to better decipher what he did hear. He sought to try to gain information on the noise using his keen senses [Perception F]. It's sound was movement, but what was it and where was it going? Was it coming from something large or small? If he could simply see it, all the better.

Hopefully, he could glean a preview of what was to come before it was upon them. If not, they'd just have plan on the go.

3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
1/1 (F Grade Armor)

Actions: 3/3

Defense - Marcus defends in vane, at an attack that never comes.
2. Movement - Marcus patrols the tunnel.
3. Other- Marcus uses [Perception F] to attempt to decipher the strange sound, 15 feet from the starting point.


F - 0 Posts Remain


Hearing the snarky response from Eris, John almost wanted to punch her in the face. He had to keep reminding himself that she was the examiner here!!! It seemed like he had perhaps left a bad impression too, with the bad look she was giving him. After John was done giving his magnificent speech, Eris started mentioning something about some goddess named Hold-Feel and she continued talking about some mumbo jumbo that John couldn’t make heads or tails of.

The first problem was that John was more of a free thinker himself. The other problem was that John could only understand short simple sentences. When she was finally done, he’d throw in a quick comment. “Sorry, I’m not interested in this Hold-Feel religion. Sounds kinda gross to be honest.” Just what did they intend to hold and feel exactly? John wanted nothing to do with it.

With that, light erupted from the lantern, engulfing John entirely! Oh no! Maybe he shouldn’t have pissed her off after all! “AHHHH! I’m sorry! It was just a joke! Please forgive me!” John begged desperately, however when he opened his eyes he’d find himself in a room with a couple of others. He hoped that they didn’t hear his pathetic crying from earlier, regaining his cool composure quickly. The first to introduce themself was a man clad in armor, named Marcus, or Metal-man for short. “Ahem, it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’m John, just a regular villager who’s out to become an adventurer. I may be lacking when it comes to combat, so I’ll be counting on you guys.” He said plainly. He then spotted Ordella amongst the others. “Oh hey, you made it too witch lady! Guess that round was just a breeze to you too, huh?”
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🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry Maverick Six Maverick Six LightningJay LightningJay Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

“We are missing Baharius, The kid and Kota”

Griffin answered in response to Marcus pointing out they were missing some people. He also nods in agreement to introduce themselves. After John introduced himself Griffin answered.

“My name is Griffin. Nice to meet you all. Except Aedriana…we already know each other. So, in that case, it’s nice to see her again. I am an apprentice from the adventurer's guild”

Then, when Marcus took off, he followed in suit, gesturing for the others to follow. However, it was really up to them in the end. They had a trial to get to, but in the end it was up to them if they, came. Griffin grabbed an arrow and made it into a shot in case of an attack.

Action 1:
Action 2:
Action 3:

Ordella was silent as Eris gave her reply.

She had little more than a grunt for a reply before the lantern sent her onwards to face the final trial. The instructor's words seemed rather pointed but, then again, she could've said the same for every reply that she'd heard before she'd been whisked away into the light. It made The Undertaker wonder if that's just how she communicated with people. Well, that and whether or not the instructor actually had any friends or loved ones to go back to after these trials were over. The thought didn't linger in her mind for long, however.

She had one more trial she needed to focus on for the moment.

"Hello again..." She greeted Marcus with a smile and a nod and a slight, contemplative pause, "Metal man. And hello, Griffin."

A slight chortle barely audible beneath her breath. And, before she could give her own introductions, John took the stage. A light nod and a smile sent his way as well. Though her smile faded for a short while as she heard his question; brow furrowing slightly.

"Truthfully, I thought that she was going to kick me out of here the moment I didn't offer up my life on a silver platter. It is nice to see that our instructor is... mildly reasonable."

As the sound of something moving about up ahead echoed through the hallway, Ordella glanced up towards the next room. Given Eris' words, she decided that it was wise to sit back and wait anyone who was going to pass to catch up.

"Although I could be wrong about that. Regardless," The undertaker turned to the others, lifted her right hand and placed it flat upon her chest, "It is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Ordella Caerwyn. Undertaker by trade. I would be more than happy to heal any one of you in the somewhat-likely situation that harm befalls you in the room up ahead. Oh, and..."

She unstrapped her lantern from her hip and held it up, glancing at the flame dancing within. To most, it would appear to be little more than a blue flame. Anyone more sensitive to spirits and the undead might sense a soul at rest within.

"I'm not much for fighting, but Cheshire here is. If it comes down to it. He seems to have a knack for it, really."

Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six LightningJay LightningJay DarkKitsune DarkKitsune saxon saxon

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: saxon saxon

As he entered the next chamber it took a moment for Kota's eyes to adjust to the room. Once he had acclimated to his surroundings, Eris appeared beside him issuing his question. The kitsune would internalize the assignment for a second before taking a deep breath and speaking confidently.

"It is wrong, I find that the creation of sentient creatures tends to only be for the creator's benefit. Constructs for example are usually created to serve a purpose and often overlooked as people who possess complex emotions, dreams, and desires. They're treated as though they are not worthy of respect and usually suffer or under servitude against their own will in this world. Furthermore, bringing a sentient creature into the world through magic would throw the world's order further out of balance as they try to make a place for themselves that was not initially intended to be there. It is painful as is to watch the construct race fight to be acknowledged as it, I couldn't imagine what would happen if another race were to be created." Kota spoke truthfully with conviction.

The thoughts of the constructs he had come across during his journeys poured into his mind, he would be willing to argue that they had blood flowing and a beating heart through the way they all lived their lives.
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Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna stumbled as she first appeared in the dark room, disoriented by the sudden shift in her surroundings. She wasn't sure if she'd been tossed into the darkness or if she had moved there herself. The vertigo was overwhelming, causing her to wobble precariously until she caught herself against Marcus's cold plate mail. Nervously, she apologized, taking a hesitant step backwards. His congratulations brought a weak smile to her lips, and she nodded in acknowledgment.

It was then that John appeared, landing headfirst on the ground with a noisy thud. Aedrianna couldn't help but take a cautious step away from the lively boy, instinctively hiding slightly behind Marcus. Soon after, Griffin emerged from the shadows, his voice echoing in the darkness. She squinted, trying to make out his features. When he called her name, a small squee of excitement escaped her, and she hurried forward with quick, eager steps.

Reaching out, she took Griffin's hands in hers, beaming up at him. "Griffin! I feel so much better with you here! It's good to hear your voice! I would say it's good to see you, but I'm afraid I can hardly make out your face." She giggled, gently releasing his hands after expressing her excitement. When Ordella joined them, Aedrianna gave her a warm smile, bowing her head respectfully.

As she glanced towards the distant light, the overwhelming feeling of fear gnawed at the back of her mind. The eerie sound in the distance filled her with dread, hinting at unseen dangers. Part of her wanted to run towards the light, desperate to escape the oppressive darkness. But Marcus's words echoed in her mind—they were still missing some of their companions. Nervously, she moved a touch closer to Griffin, her eyes darting around the room.

"I suppose we'll need to wait... just a bit longer. But I hope that noise isn't anything too bad... It's... it's kind of scary," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.


New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six SixSense SixSense LightningJay LightningJay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

Notes: Note for those on the third trial if you fail here you will not be allowed to continue due to the nature of this trial. One contestant has been removed.


Eris let out a sigh as Aldhein tried to explain the situation, "There have been many things I've noticed, though that doesn't excuse this whole situation." Eris remained where she did as her eyes shifted over toward Saber for a moment. The whole situation didn't anger her but there were ways things were done and that had been violated. "So you would take it upon yourself to wield the sword, though you may surround yourself with people you trust but, if a sword you have changes reality what chance do they have at stoping you? But that is neither here nor there, you answered the question," Eris stated as she turned to the lantern it grew brighter however Adelhein wouldn't be in the tunnels with the others he simply remained. "However, due to keeping the validity of this test, I cannot allow you to move on," Eris then snapped her fingers as Adelhein would find himself opening his eyes standing around the others in the same room they had started in. However, he would notice the others were in a trance-like state, and Saber would appear behind him.

As for Baharius and Kota, Eris nodded her head as she looked over at the lantern, which then emitted a bright light, and both of them joined the others in the tunnel. "Well that is now everyone, if you haven't moved on already follow the tunnel down!" Eris informed the participants in the fourth and final trial. As for those in the tunnel, the dimly lit tunnel seemed to amplify the sounds more now that the whole group had arrived at the next starting point.

For those that went forward to try and scout, Marcus could hear that something was moving, and it didn't sound like it was just a single thing moving. Based on what he could hear, he could assume that there might be more than one enemy up ahead of him. However, he wouldn't be able to tell the amount as it was dark in the chamber beyond the tunnel. Though he could tell that whatever it was didn't sound like something that would come from a human.

Having answered the question successfully, Baharius was permitted access to the next area. With a nod of her head, Eris turned towards the lantern as it emitted an incredibly bright light which overtook him. The next thing he knew, the saurian found himself in a tunnel alongside the rest of the candidates. He finally caught up with the rest of them! However, he noticed And just in time too; for before them was the final trial. Truthfully Baharius didn't truly know what to expect from it, though given the ominous nature of their current environment he had the feeling a climatic battle was coming up. A true test to showcase their strength, wits, and wisdom against what truly followed.

Given the command to move forward, Baharius would proceed forward with the others. He would find himself near the front of the group, whether by eagerness in his stride or those wishing to use his bulk as a makeshift wall; being fearful for what might come next. But he too could feel pressured by a sense of morbid dread and fear piercing into his skin. Something was moving up ahead... something monstrous-sounding. While it didn't seem like it was coming their way, the saurian knew that they were going to be in for quite a surprise. Taking a moment, he proceeded to sniff the air via [Heightened Smell E], hoping to clue in just what exactly they were going up against.

  1. [Heightened Smell E] the upcoming entity.
  2. Proceeds 20 feet to the tunnel's edge.

The Tunnel​

The "Brave Paladin" as Eris had taken to calling him was a bit quiet as others made their way in. He took in what Griffith mentioned with who was missing.

"I see." Slowly but assuredly, more began to pile in. Stereotypes and monikers ascribed to face turned into names. John. Griffin. A slight smile appeared on his face upon being called metal man. Though could only tell from the faintest of snickers from the armor wrapped man within. Soon the would be joined by two more. "Baharius and Kota, I presume." He says to the foxkin and reptile. He noted that the "kid" appeared to be missing. The cat was also nowhere to be seen as Eris announced all successful individuals were present.

There was a brief moment of silence as he listened to the noises ahead -- staring forward like a statue.

A slight sigh escaped Marcus as he looked ahead. Though at least he gleaned some potentially relevant information about what lay in store for them. "Adventuring is another animal from war, at times. I should have brought a torch or a lantern to see farther into the darkness" The Knight was not accustomed to fighting without light. At best, he was used to fighting in fairly well lit camps, but hardly was one for sneak attacks or traveling at night.

"But I can glean a few things. One is that it appears there multiple opponents ahead. And they don't seem to be closing or opening distance. I advise against underestimating the power of an enemy's teamwork and to remain in groups." Marcus vividly recounted being destroyed in but a single set of attacks during his indoctrination. He wasn't a leader, but he could offer them some advice.

"I suppose we'll need to wait... just a bit longer. But I hope that noise isn't anything too bad... It's... it's kind of scary,"

Marcus looks at Aedrianna, who'd moved behind Griffin. "I am scared too." He said simply, as though it was nothing.

"But bravery is not fearlessness. It is operating in spite of fear."

With a slow motion, Marcus draws his sword and turns forward to face the darkness.

"I offer no empty promises nor hollow reassurances, Aedrianna. I greatly dislike such things. However, it is through exposure to fear that one learns to be brave. Whether you succeed or fail, try to improve in those regards you find lacking. This is training, after all. Keep your fear, but conquer that body-freezing terror. " He said simply.

"I'll go first. If I go down, learn from whatever mistake I make and let it serve as a warning. " With that, Marcus would exit the tunnel, walking approximately 30 feet outward.

Despite what one might think, he didn't intend to go down at all. He held out his heavy metal arms to block -- ready to greet most whatever lay ahead with steel.

3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
1/1 (F Grade Armor)

Actions: 3/3

1. Movement -
Marcus walks forward 30 feet.
2. [Perception F] Marcus uses his sight and hearing to try to glean the location of things as he moves. He requires light to aid his vision.
3. Defend - Marcus defends as he walks forward. (Effectiveness = Vitality D + Heavy Armor F + N/A = 4).


F - 0 Posts Remain

Last edited:

Griffin would go on listing off all the missing people, and apparently he recognised the little girl who went by Aedrianna. Just how many connections did this little kid have?! And he was an apprentice at the adventurer’s guild too? This was great! This kid could probably carry them to victory! “With you on our side, this is going to be a breeze!” John told Griffin.

Hearing what Ordella had to say about Eris, John shrugged his shoulders. “Ehh, I dunno about that. She ended up giving me a whole lecture after I gave my answer. Just when I thought she was gonna kill me, I ended up here I guess.” The witch then revealed her powers. Was she a real necromancer?! That was sooo cool! John had never seen one before after coming to this world. Now he was looking forward to the upcoming battle!

When Eris mentioned that that was everyone, John did a quick scan of the crowd looking for Adelhein. “I see, so he didn’t make it, huh…” He muttered under his breath. He was kinda looking forward to getting to know his saviour better, but alas some things were not meant to be.

Next up, Marcus and Baharius would take the lead going into the chamber. John didn’t want to let them steal all the spotlight, and was about to follow in their footsteps till he heard some strange noises coming from up ahead. On second thought, maybe he’d remain near the back instead. Yup! No point getting all excited running headfirst into the enemy! “You guys go on ahead first, I’ll cover the rear.” He’d say, following behind the group.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
saxon saxon

And, in a snap of Eris' fingers, Adelhein found himself back at the starting chamber. He grimaced, seeing that Saber's presence had invalidated and cut the trial short for him. However, that only lasted a moment, as his expression quickly relaxed. There was something to be learned from this experience: it hadn't been a material one, but just inside their mind. He looked at the other participants, his curiosity palpable, saw them in some sort of mind-altering forces. Was it a group illusion? One thing was certain, though: he hadn't experienced any Reality Marbles. "What a curious way of testing others..." He murmured, looking at the corrupted King Arthur. "... still, I couldn't piece together it was a fabricated experience. Had you noticed anything odd while being in there?" He contemplated, as he couldn't really discern to have been under the effect of something.


Saber Alter's expression remains stoic as they find themselves suddenly back in the starting chamber, the priestess' illusory trial abruptly ending. Though no words pass her lips, her golden eyes narrow slightly in displeasure at having the experience cut short.

She meets Adelhein's questioning gaze, giving a small shake of her head.

"I did not detect any anomalies within the scenario, Master. The details and environment all seemed entirely realistic to my senses."

Saber Alter places her hand on the hilt of Excalibur Morgan, her grip tightening reflexively as she scans their surroundings with renewed caution.

"However, it is clear now that we were ensnared in some manner of illusion or shared hallucination. One created with formidable skill to deceive even my enhanced perception."

Her golden eyes narrow further as she contemplates the implications.

"To subject us to such a vivid mental landscape without our conscious awareness...it speaks to powers beyond mere human comprehension. We must remain vigilant, Master. There may be other such deceptions awaiting us."

Though her tone is even, there is an underlying edge of wariness. As a Servant accustomed to facing foes on the battlefield, being manipulated in such an insidious mental fashion does not sit well with the corrupted King of Knights. She falls silent, her gaze sweeping over the other participants, sizing up any potential threats while remaining ever-vigilant at Adelhein's side. Her jaw is set, eyes blazing with determination to protect her Master from any further treachery or deceit.

Adelhein paid close attention to every single word that came from his Servant. He remembered the priestess' words as when she was introducing herself to the participants. "The priestess, or better professor, Eris had mentioned that the machine which would be used for this training converted 'mana into solid objects', but it seems she lied." A small smile appeared on his lips as he walked over to Aedrianna, the girl he had 'helped' during the trial, seeing her in the trance-like state. "I suppose that was a way to ensure everyone would be acting as if their lives depended on it." Tilting his head slightly, he turned around towards Saber once more. "At any rate, let's leave. This experience was... enlightening enough." After having said that, he began making his way towards the exit of the chamber and also Celestine Academy. Whatever the results were for the remaining participants, they would likely be fine at the end of this trial.
Everyone who was going to join the party had gathered in the tunnel.

They all knew that battle was all but guaranteed up ahead. They each had a general idea of what each member of the group was capable of. Though the unknown creatures up ahead were many, their numbers remained unknown. The Undertaker would join John near the back of the party as they advanced. As far as she was concerned, she'd already said everything that needed to be said.

So she held silent and marched to the end of the tunnel to greet whatever had been awaiting them at the end.

Actions (1/3)
1. Marched 30ft forward at the back of the party.​

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry Maverick Six Maverick Six LightningJay LightningJay Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

“If it is anything bad, let’s look on the bright side. If we fail, at least we won’t die…but it will be painful.”

Griffin responded bluntly. He tried to look around, but unfortunately, he had no super senses besides appraisal and that was certainly not going to help him see what they were going up against. Although he kept his bow prepared, he asked.

“If someone can see anything, Can you tell me where to shoot if it’s an enemy?”

He would have to trust other people he hadn’t met yet. He was also caught off guard by John’s words. He was quick to respond.

“Just because I am an apprentice with some experience does not fully mean this will be a breeze. We will all have to contribute. I appreciate the faith though. But that kind of faith should be reserved for professionals and not adventurers still learning and navigating their career.”

Griffin stayed within the group. Waiting to shoot, hoping someone would be his eyes. Which was not much but all he could hope for. He followed Marcus.

Action 1:
Action 2:
Action 3:


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius Maverick Six Maverick Six Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay saxon saxon

Within a moment the room would flash brightly, his eyes were slightly sore for a second as he was blinded before he ended up in the room with the others finding himself to be the last one to join. He was a bit surprised that the teen from earlier was not there, perhaps he was also asked a moral question but failed to have a righteous heart. Regardless they’d have to move on without him.

Thanks to [Dark vision F], Kota was able to make out the faces he could see within the darkness that were nearby. The knight would be the first to greet both the beastkin, he would nod in acknowledgement. The knights strong sense of honor was rather contagious.

“Nice to see you made it, Aedrianna and Griffin, I knew you guys wouldn’t fail. Though I admit, you scare Aedrianna.” Kota chuckled before turning and seeing Baharius as well. “You to Baharius, you had a slow start but I know you are a capable beast nonetheless.” The kitsune would turn to the others and introduce himself.

“My name is Kota of the Valheria Clan, a group of kitsune Beastkin warriors. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. As a beast, senses are quite keen and I am adept at close quarters combat.” He’d bow instinctively however he was unsure of who would even notice his gesture.

“Allow me to assist as well at the front. It would be a disgrace to not use my gifts. I can act as our eyes in the dark. I’m counting on you all at the rear to provide great support.” Kota would move forward with Baharius and Marcus. Making use of his senses he had at his disposal in order to perceive what was at the end of the tunnel.

1.Use Dark Vision F to see in the dark
2.Move 30 ft forward with Marcus and Baharius
3. Try and see what creature is at the other end of the tunnel with Perception F.
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna glanced around nervously in the dark. Grateful for the dim light that Ordellas lantern gave. She listened respectfully as the sister gave her introduction and nodded thoughtfully. She listened quietly as the others joined them. Though it was hard to make all the details out. She could just barely see the large silhouette of the dinosuar that had cheered her on earlier. And then she heard Kotas familiar voice. She giggled, reaching out to touch Griffins arm unconsciously in the dark. As if to reassure herself that he was there. When Marcus stated he would head in first, she frowned. A bit of concern marring her expression though none could see.

"Oh, I would be sad if you fell Mister Marcus. We should work together if there are many ahead to oppose us. I... have...a little magic. I'm not..umm Strong. But....When I use my magic...it um..Lights up a bit so. I can try to help. " She glanced around, noticing now that the boy who'd helped her wasn't here. Nor was the little cat. She frowned, a bit of concern evident, though again no one could see it really. "Should we make a formation? Since we don't know what's ahead..." She spoke up a litle nervously. Not trying to be bossy, but not seeing that moving ahead all at once without a plan as the best idea. "Maybe..uhm...Mister Kota can be up front with Ser Marcus, Since..I think he can see better? And uhm...I...Well I don't know..." She muttered looking around in the dim light. She wasn't exactly a tactition. And it seemed that Marcus was already moving ahead anyhow. She pushed her shoulders back, letting her hand fall from Griffins arm. She had to be brave. Like Marcus said. Even if she was scared, she would have to fave that fear, to move forward. Or be stuck. So with her best efforts, she moved to follow behind Marcus.

New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six SixSense SixSense LightningJay LightningJay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

Notes: Boss fight time baby!

Rat Plume- The ratmancer causes a stream of rats to shoot up from the ground with the rats exploding. Ratmancer ???, Area of Effect ??? Rat Affinity ???, Energized ???, Magic Range ???, Continuing ???, Blight (Plauge) ???, ??? Grade, ??? Cooldown, 12 Effectiveness to beat

As the group exited the tunnel, they saw a stone platform with a dias in the center. On the dias was a stone-carved rose etched into the ground. However, there was a blackness that even those with dark vision couldn't see through. However, the sound of multiple squeaks and moving around sounded like it was coming from all around them. As the entire group stood on the stone platform, the way they had taken suddenly disappeared. The darkness continued to swirl around the dias, trapping them all, and it extended way up into the ceiling, so far up that the top was not in sight.

After a moment, the darkness disappeared, and the source of the squeaking rats was on the edge of the stone platform. It looked like there were thousands of them. Due to the walk of darkness, the room extended way further back than what they had seen. The stone platform was strangely illuminated, though the source of the light couldn't be determined at all. Then came the disembodied laughter that echoed throughout the room. It seemed to dance around each individual, with the source nowhere in sight.

That was when the ground was enough. The group rumbled for a second as rats shot up from the ground, and after a few seconds in the area, they exploded, fueled with mana. The group would need to quickly defend itself if they wanted to avoid taking any damage from the explosions that were going off from the rats. At the same time, a man finally emerged from the sea of rats. The laughter continued to echo, "Yes, yes, my pretties, looks like we have guests. Foul ones, by the look of it, come to me." The ratmancer stated as several rats started to run to him and soon converged on his body as they started to form an armor almost.

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