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Community [2024 Worlds,Combat,High Tier] Quit Buggn Me

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"There really is no end to this bullshit." The knight girded himself and considered his options. With the spear incoming, Finn took second to counter it's incoming flight... He could swear he was fighting his allies and the bugs at this rate... Foolishness... They could barely see, but yet people wanted to blast and throw...!?

Foolishness, foolishness, if they had simply just listened and not gone insane from the get go two people would be still alive! And where was that sneaking one? And that guy with the fashionable coat had been kicking Eris, a thing Finn was admittably wanting to do himself after that foolishness... But now wasn't the time for complaining.

With a flick up with his sword he used an ability to counter the incoming spear, he would then focus on leaving the hazard as soon as possible, this had gone straight into a damn mess... He had expected competence again and was met with chaos...

Not a single one having or following a plan, reactiveness and foolishness...

Ability 1 versus Incoming ability: Crushing strike Grade E effectiveness 12(B+B+E)
Ability 2: Escape Jumping F, Fast F (Down from D), attempt to avoid hazards by leaping and running around or over them to safety.
Ability 3: Healing F on self to recover damage from anything

B 1/3
Cooldown C grade recovered
D 0/1
E 1 per turn
F free
Hiroshi Nakamura
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Hiroshi suddenly felt reinvigorated, little by little gaining the usage of his legs once more. Did it have to do with that bright chapel that formed the zealot? He would cast a last glance towards the group, which seemed to be deep in the mud. Even some bizarre, humanoid looking bug apparently had a beef with them. Its appearance was bizarre... looking like some hero from a sentai Japanese show.

Well, that wasn't his problem. With a long puff of gray smoke from his lips, he chose to resume his walking. Every second he wasted there was another chance for the group to catch up with him, and then who knew what was going to happen. With that, he continued moving forward, carefully, step-after-step.

1 - Moved forward
2 - Moved forward
3 - Moved forward

C - 2/3
Regeneration F - 5/6

Yukan Koyake

Apparently Yukan struck so hard he managed to throw his spear which hadn’t exactly been the plan, nevertheless With it being too dangerous to reasonably clear the area to get the spear with the large degree of hazard in play on the battlefield his options were more limited, so he’d move with a passive fast skill grade of D over to Deliverance, using the light of the ongoing magic to see and he’d position himself in such a way as to avoid the magic that Deliverance was casting from his hand which was sticking out, before he’d use an action to try to uncover his face from the debris to better his chance of being able to see and speak.

Yukan would then focus on using another action to uncover as much of Deliverance’s body as possible working his way down. He’d then call out to Finnegan.

“Finnegan! If you aren’t going to use that shield toss it over!” Presuming that Finn was capable of doing so at this point.

1. Move over to Deliverance using the light from magic to see the largely buried caster to such a position where he is out of the way of the magic that Deliverance is trying to cast.
2. Use an action to work on unburying Deliverance's face/head so he can see, speak, and breathe better.
3. Use another action uncovering as much of Deliverance's body as possible.

C: Cooldown for 1 Round
D: Cooldown for 1 Round
E Ready
F: Ready
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Novama Novama @Rev IX Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

1. Used Beacon - Magic E, Divine Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Magic Range F, Energized E, Focus E - The caster can touch an object which then casts a light that creates bright light at 5 feet and dim light at 10 feet lasting for 1 hour - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Used Holfeels Divine Weapon - Religion F, Magic F, Divine Affinity F, Energized F, Focus F - The user channels their mana into a medium and takes the shape of a melee weapon of their choice on striking a target dealing divine damage to the target. - F Grade - 0 Post cooldown
3. Moved closer to Yukan to help provide more light.

E grade ?/0
C Grade 2/3
B Grade 1/4

Eris watched as the light from her cathedral and the walls started to crack and splinter until being left with the light from the divine weapon. She know that they were going to need more light than just her weapon. ""Goddess Holfeel let me be the light in the dark so that I can be a beacon to guide the lost souls!" Eris recited as she touched her robes which she hoped the already latent glow would amplify the rest. A this point in time she knew one person was still missing with one being trapped under rocks and that was when she noticed the wannabe mobster was gone.

Letting out a small sigh of relief at least now she could help with the recovery and keep the area light for the others. "Book of Icarus verse 9-11, Be my weapon and deliver those to the light for I command you. Take up arms and bet he bear of my holy weapon!" She chanted but this time the divine energy took the form of a shield that she used to add to the light she was already generating.

Eris then moved back slightly to provide Yukan with a bit more light, "Once you free them, we are going to have to make a choice: find our other comrade or focus on the bug next." Eris spoke to Yukan.
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Elvario Elvario @Rev IX Orikanyo Orikanyo
OOC: Eris has Deliverance's ring catalyst. Only Deliverance's hand was exposed, so all the magic shots were done blindly. To find Ninelle, the party will have to search for her under the rubble. Homing is not a substitute for selective. Spells without specified ranges typically go full range. Regen countdown resets when character is full healed and doesn't continue counting down. Be mindful of cooldowns since you can't use ability grades still on cooldown.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
TLDR: party defends themselves and regroups. Hiroshi retreats into darkness. the elite bug approaches, its presence alone too intense to stand by.
Post Listening:

Shadow Descent


In the claustrophobic darkness of the tunnel, Deliverance found his vision constricted to mere slivers of the dim, oppressive surroundings. With his ring catalyst on Eris's finger, he was left with limited magical options. He conjured small balls of fire that spiraled upward, briefly illuminating the cavernous space. The fleeting light revealed the jagged contours of the tunnel ceiling before the fireballs struck it, dislodging chunks of stone that cascaded down. Although his rocky barrier shielded him from the worst, a sharp stone nicked his exposed hand. Deliverance unleashed a barrage of ethereal blight—vivid, colorful orbs of magic—that streaked down the tunnel in the loose direction of the elite bug and those confronting him: Yukan and Finn. [Finn and Yukan must defend themselves from Deliverance's spell] The elite bug, with a casual gesture, directed the orbs downward where they burrowed into the dirt and were extinguished.

Nearby, Finn reacted with lightning reflexes as Yukan’s spear hurtled toward him. With a skilled parry, his sword met the spear, but the impact left his blade cracked and vulnerable. [Finn's sword takes 5 damage] As the elite bug exerted its powerful gravitational force, Finn leaped away, landing near Deliverance's rock pile. Finn would find he had no wounds that needed healing. Meanwhile, the spear that had helped fight the elite bug and was stuck in the stone was swiftly splittered and shattered before the Elite bug left its place in the tunnel, its force enough to break the weapon. [Yukan's spear takes 5 damage]

In the backdrop of this turmoil, Hiroshi had vanished into the deeper shadows of the tunnel, wandering aimlessly. The sparse glowing moss offered little guidance, barely piercing the overwhelming darkness. Disoriented, HIroshi would need to decide what to do with himself, his situation growing increasingly dire the longer he wondered the tunnels. [Challenge B]

Meanwhile, Yukan, his energy drained from the previous encounters, managed only a slow dash to Deliverance’s side. He lifted the mage from the rubble with great effort, only to discover the grim reality of Deliverance's condition—his left leg was missing below the thigh. As Yukan supported Deliverance, the mage leaned heavily on him, their progress halting and labored. [Deliverance will be moving at half speed so long as he has something to lean on. If it's a person, they will be restricted to moving at deliverance's speed]

As the crisis unfolded, Eris, her robes made to glow with an intensified light, gave the party means to see by. The stark brightness contrasted sharply with the encroaching gloom, making the elite bug's approach all the more sinister. The figure of the bug emerged from the shadows just beyond the circle of light, its power it exuded grinding stone in its wake.

The elite bug advanced, its presence alone enough to make the debris underfoot crumble. The air grew heavy, thick with the threat of crushing force as it neared the huddled group. Eris, Deliverance, Yukan, and Ori stood together, illuminated starkly against the darkness, the light from Eris’s robes drawing stark lines across their faces. The tunnel echoed with the sound of retreating bugs, their maimed bodies dragging and clattering away from the overwhelming might of the elite adversary. [B grade hazard]

"Fucking... THREE TIMES!? Traitors the lot!" Finn was loseing it, three times now he had been attacked by his own allies! He rose up the shield and channeled healing into himself to try and outlast the damage.

1st action
Defenses: Orichalicum shield B Strength A
ability: Healing C energized C grade to recover from incoming blasts.
Versus incoming D grade spell

"Wretched fucking gods damned... Thats it, retreat and do not look back." His hand

"Stay and die, this mission is a failure from the moment somebody blasted us. We LEAVE!"

2nd action give Yukan his shield.

And.... with a lowered stance, Finn began to dash the very same way to entered the accursed place. "Now MOVE!"

3rd action
Ability: Skidifuck daddle out Fast D, Energized D, Jumping F, Warfare F, Insight D beating a swift escape the user utilizes their own memory to plot an ezcape route the way they came.

B 2/3
C 0/2
D 0/1
E 1 Per round
F free
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Active titles: Ophenia Groupie, Ethereal Luminary Student D, Hero of Lodeli, Ally of Goroboch the Fungal Guardian, Etherealness, Plaguebearing Heart Slayer, Novice Academist, Novice Arcanist, Student of Ethereal Magic E, Caster, Spellweaver
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers saxon saxon Orikanyo Orikanyo

Having been dragged out of the rubble, it'd be clear to the others that Deliverance's wasn't in the right mind right now. With Ninelle missing, his leg missing, past trauma from his time as a slave arising and the circumstances becoming too much, he'd just call out. “Get out!” It wasn't entirely clear whom he shouted at, but should his teammates pay any attention, they might realise they'd best start getting out. Assuming Yukan let go of him, he'd attempt to [Focus B] just cast regardless as he feared wasting time to sit down or lean against something would only allow the incoming hazard to kill him before he'd finish casting.

A quick look around told him he wasn't going to find Ninelle in there. If this had to be how it ends... so be it. Perhaps they could find their Ethereal ending together in the afterlife. He started chanting, trying to use the glow of Eris' armour, Finn's shield and whatever light Eris' had created or his own former spells might have remain to avoid allies with [Selective], although it'd failed them more often than not by now. Perhaps they'd be smart enough to start running in the opposite direction of the bug, which was where he was aiming his magic at. That way he could at least selectively avoid the area behind him. Especially since he'd not be surprised if he'd end up collapsing the tunnels soon...

He wasn't sure what to expect from a bug, but if this bug had any intellect, perhaps it'd see a hint of madness and fury in his eyes as he'd attempt challenge the bug head-on. Perhaps it'd even allow him to go down in some glory? Not that he cared, his mind was empty of most thoughts, other than a wish to end it all and go to wherever Ninelle might be. He'd grab hold of his amulet, having realised his ring had been stolen at some point.

“A looming light dazzles in these darkened tunnels.
I call upon it to make its colours that of my revenge.
May it heed my call and form upon my beckoning wrath.
To fly, to rush, to destroy all I face and leave nothing.
With this I end it, [Ethereal Blight]!”

Ethereal Blight B (+ Duration & Area of Effect) – Magic B, Energised B, Focus B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Area of Effect D, Magic Duration D, Magic School [Ethereal Magic] E, Ethereal [Blight] E, Ethereal [Continuing] E, Homing E, Tangle E, Strength [Drain] E – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional blighting, continuing, homing, tangle and strength-draining firepower. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
Magic Circle - When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
Magic Weave - While your magic circle perk from Caster is active and you are casting a C grade magic or greater, the mana immediately around you in the circle takes on the nature of the spell you are casting. Healing spells and buffing spells will also target you as if you were the spell target. Debuff and Damaging spells will act as a hazard and inflict 1 point of damage on any object or creature that comes into contact with you. Effect only lasts so long as Magic Circle remains active or spell duration (whichever is shortest).

Should he be able to do so, he'd follow it up with another attack. His mind even more broken than his body was, at this point.

Ethereal Blight C (+ Duration & Area of Effect) – Magic C, Energised C, Focus C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Magic Area of Effect D, Magic Duration D, Magic School [Ethereal Magic] E, Ethereal [Blight] E, Ethereal [Continuing] E, Homing E, Tangle E, Strength [Drain] E – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional blighting, continuing, homing, tangle and strength-draining firepower. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.
Magic Circle - When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
Magic Weave - While your magic circle perk from Caster is active and you are casting a C grade magic or greater, the mana immediately around you in the circle takes on the nature of the spell you are casting. Healing spells and buffing spells will also target you as if you were the spell target. Debuff and Damaging spells will act as a hazard and inflict 1 point of damage on any object or creature that comes into contact with you. Effect only lasts so long as Magic Circle remains active or spell duration (whichever is shortest).

Finally, should he somehow still be alive and going, he'd look for Ninelle. Desperately digging through the rubble to spot any sign of glowing that might be her dress, so that he at least could hold her in his hand one last time.

[1] Ethereal Blight B
[2] Ethereal Blight C
[3] Look for Ninelle

Be = duration?
Ce = duration?
De = 0/1
Ee = duration?
Fe = 0/0
Yukan Koyake
Everything was going to hell in a hand basket really quickly. It was apparent that Deliverance had pretty well lost his state of well being after the events that had occurred and was lobbing spells around that much had been clear when Yukan had to dodge the magic attacks.

He'd hear Deliverance call out to get out and he knew full well that he'd need too, while Yukan generally didn't believe in turning his back on the enemy, sometimes a strategic movement was necessary to not die so the fight could be resumed later and in this case he wasn't about to get himself killed by friendly fire if it could be avoided. Yukan would have to stop Supporting Deliverance upright and first use Darkvision F + Sixth Sense Danger F + Acrobatics D to dodge the oncoming magical onslaught.

For his second action Yukan would attempt to grab the shield that Finn attempted to give him and have it equipped.

Then Yukan would use a combination of Darkvision F + Acrobatics C + Speed D + Sixth sense Danger F To follow Finn to get away from the blast and the possible ensuing damage that was going to happen as a result of it presumably. Depending on how catastrophic the blast was that transpired it would depend if Yukan was able to stay and fight the enemy or not, probably largely depending on structural damage and who was left.

1. Tanuki Shuffle - Darkvision F + Sixth Sense Danger F + Acrobatics D, D Grade Ability 2 Post Cooldown. to dodge magic friendly fire.
2. Grab Finn's shield.
3. Strategic Move - Darkvision F + Acrobatics C + Speed D + Sixth Sense Danger F C Grade Ability 3 Post cool Down To avoid the rest of the incoming damage and follow Finn.

C: Cooldown for 3 Round
D: Cooldown for 2 Round
E Ready
F: Ready
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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

At some point, Hiroshi stopped and began scratching his head. The dark tunnels, with so little visibility, looked more like labyrinths. Actually, they were exactly like those. "Heh, that nun's glowing tunic would have been a good way to see through this darkness." He would mutter to his crooks companions, with at least one saving grace: the fungi at least allowed him for some sliver of vision. Maybe it was time to put his knowledge of the streets into use again? As they say, second time is the charm.

With those thoughts on his mind, he crouched down, forming a shell with his hand, placing it right behind his ear. With his eyes darting around, what he could see, he attempted to hone his senses to any clue of direction. "See if you guys pick up on anything that could give us a hint through this fuck-fest." Telling thus for the others, he concentrated in his own verification of their surroundings.

1 - Street Sense F, Appraisal E - Hiroshi is attempting to gather some sort of knowledge of what path to take within the treacherous depths of the cavern - Grade E Cooldown 1
2 - Street Sense F, Appraisal F - Hiroshi is attempting to gather some sort of knowledge of what path to take within the treacherous depths of the cavern - Grade F Cooldown 0
3 - Ordered his companions to give him a hand.

E - 0/1
Regeneration F - 4/6

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