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Community [2024 World Low combat] Operation: Rico's Raid


| saxon saxon | @DragonSlayer57 | Voider Voider | Maverick Six Maverick Six | @Giftvi |

Baharius' conical teeth sunk deep into the giant bug's leg, piercing through the crunchy exoskeleton before ripping it off with a sickening snap. A volley of dank ichor sprayed across the floor, with some pattering Baharius' croc-like head. It was disgusting... but the saurian veteran wouldn't complain. So long as it bled, it could be killed. With a guttural snort, he tossed the leg away with a powerful thrust of his neck. They will have their victory. They must.

Though while his body was able to withstand the heavy gravitational force violently pressing on his form for now, his armor would be having a much tougher time. He could feel his bronze armor cracking and buckling underneath this abnormally intense pressure. It was falling apart. And if this kept up, he'd shed his armor completely, leaving only his sheer bulk to brace against the elements. Needless to say, he didn't want to go down flattened into a meat pancake in a gruesome and mortifying death like this.

Thankfully, Marcus was able to arrive just in time to deal the finishing blow. The bug withered and writhed with a blood-curdling screech - its mandibles flaying wildly and its compound eyes bulging out of their sockets - before going limp and crashing onto the floor. As he rose his head to peak at the carnage, Baharius swore he saw the bug's legs committing rigor mortis; curling inwards upon themselves in that classic curled-up death pose. Finally... the fight was done.

Or at least so he thought. Almost immediately after, Baharius heard rock cracking underneath where Marcus landed. His heart sank. Web-like cracks were rapidly forming outwards, heralding an ominous event. The saurian's eyes widened as he realized what was going on. "GET BACK!" the saurian bellowed to everyone as he attempted to hustle away. And with a thunderous tremor, the floor underneath the paladin and the bug gave way - sending them down the dark hole.

"Marcus!" the saurian cried out as he approached the hole's edge, "Are you alright?"

Baharius leaned over to inspect the situation. Thankfully, they didn't fall too far - just 10 feet down. However, it looked like Marcus had fallen to the next level under them rather than just some random hole or groundwater cave. Still, he could tell he needed help getting up... and thankfully it was just shallow enough that they didn't need rope. He had something better. "Grab my tail!" The saurian called to Marcus while he turned around, standing straight up at the edge as his long webbed tail flopped down the walls of the cavern to as far down as it could go. While it didn't deploy straight down like a floppy noodle, it would decline at a significant angle. The saurian hoped it would be enough. "I'll pull you up if you need to get back up."

HP: 5/5 [Vitality B]
1/3 [Heavy Bronze Armor D]
= 6 Total


  1. Deploy tail down hole for Marcus to grab.
  2. -
  3. -
Last edited:

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: @Giftvi Voider Voider Develius Develius @DragonSlayer57
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | [Terran] |


Optional Soundtrack:
Aparoid Homeworld

Another screech sung songs of victory. But it was not without cost.


A more ominous noise, as the ground beneath Marcus gave way. The torch in his hand was let go as he scrambled for the ledge with his hand. Alas, it had been in vane. And Marcus simply plummeted downward.

His head snapped below, and he oriented his feet to landing properly. His knees buckled and as he leaned forward and hit the ground with his palm. Looking up, he spotted rocks falling and shifted in place, causing the rock to strike the thicker portions of his armor. Though this was imperfect.


Dents formed within his armor as he was battered by rocks. He answered Baharius' question. "I have been through far worse." Looking left and right, he grabbed his torch off the ground -- He took a moment to observe his surroundings and catch his bearings. Once he looked around, he informed the group of where it appeared that he was.

"I've fallen into another tunnel. It seems they are most unstable." He takes a moment to scan his surroundings.

"Oh goddess Minerva. Guide me through this ordeal...." Marcus recited a small prayer, setting his senses of sight and sound into scanning the area -- choosing both this tunnel and the one above him. He did not have the same enhanced senses as many beasts did -- and yet his were ever keen. If he was able to detect something, he would seek to discern detail of it -- such as it's weight and distance. [Cup of Knowledge]

However, just as he was about to come up with another way to get out he heard Baharius voice and saw a tail being offered. He reaches behind himself, takes some of his rope, and ties his spear to his back to free up a hand.

"Be careful. This area is dangerous. Be weary of falling in yourself. But, I'll jump up then." With that, Marcus crouches down and leaps again. [Bound] Instead of grabbing the rather unreliable looking ledge....he'd seek to grab Baharius' tail. Baharius would feel a strong grip seize his sturdy tail, as Marcus would use it to pull himself up. With his great strength, he sought to pull himself up with merely one hand, keeping his other on the torch. [Herculean Task]

"More of the creatures seem apt to be upon us. Perhaps I will have time to look at hunter's wounds. Perhaps not. Regardless of what happens, we ought to not allow ourselves to be divided, if we can help it."

One thing at a time. First, he had to get back up.

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
Armor: 1/2 (E Grade Heavy)

Actions: 3/3

1. Cup of Knowledge - Perception F, Religion F, Area Knowledge [Eastern Empire] F, Energize F - Marcus sets his knowledge and all of his senses towards a task, seeking the correct answer. This can include detecting the nature of anything he senses, matters of various religions and knowledge of many parts of the Eastern Empire.- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Scan surroundings]

2. Bound - Jumping F, Energize F - Marcus propels his fully armored form into the air. Can jump up to 8'4" high and up to 25 feet away. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [8 FT 4 Height. 0 Distance]

3. Herculean Task - Super Strength F, Athletics F, Energize F - Marcus dedicates his might to a task, be it manipulating heavy objects, carrying things easily or applying pressure. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Grab Baharius' tail and pull himself up....]


F - 0 Posts Remaining
E - 0 Posts Remaining
D - 0 Posts Remaining

Resilient Surprise F
Duration Reduction F




Glacier's Battle Theme

Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Beast], [Glacial Fox], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Snowflake in a Blizzard], [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]

Interactions: saxon saxon , @DragonSlayer57 , @Giftvi , Develius Develius , Maverick Six Maverick Six

"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Glacier smiled as the Foxes of Ice toyed around with the ripped-off parts of the bug. "%You have done well.%" He transmitted to them as they dissipated. He then turned his head up to face Hunter, the man pumping a fist into the air and laying an arm on Glacier. "Indeed, I am Glacier... and it is good to see that your injury is not too severe."

The conversation was then interrupted, as Glacier's attention snapped to towards the big bug, or more specifically it's carcass. A tremor sounded throughout the tunnel, causing him to brace for impact, and watch with horror as Marcus fell into a newly made hole. However, Glacier untensed with relief upon hearing Marcus' words, and Baharius' help to get the fighter up and out.

Left with nothing immediate to do, Glacier made use of his thermal vision yet again to scan the area, ensuring that no second wave of bugs would surprise them during this moment of vulnerability [1]. Though he did keep an eye on the hole too, as he didn't want himself, or Hunter, to fall in should it suddenly destabilize further.

Hearing Marcus' comment, Glacier responded in agreement.
"Yes, it is important... that we all stay together throughout this." He also looked towards Watching, wondering if it would use this moment of respite to write on it's board to them.

Action [1]: Used Ability [Thermal Watch E]
Glacier looking around with his thermal vision, watching for any more threats as he stays by Hunter's side.

E Grade Cooldown: 0/0

HP: 3/3
Li. Na. Armor: 1/2
Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E

Thermal Watch E
- Energized E, Supersense [Thermal Vision] E - Glacier scans the area with his thermal vision in a [100ft] range. - 0 Post Cooldown

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