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Community [Worlds Low tier Combat] Bombers or Face huggers?


SixSense saxon saxon

After being thrown into a wall in the darkness, John learnt something. He was severely underprepared for this entire mission.

Firstly, he didn’t have a reliable way to navigate or see in the darkness, so he was basically a sitting duck without Kota around or once his matchstick gets snuffed out. Even if he threw out a punch right now, it was likely for him to miss those disgusting bugs.

Secondly, he should have constantly kept his matchstick lit up (in the first action of every post), because apparently it doesn’t last long enough. Even then, the matchstick was always susceptible to being snuffed out by external forces, so a better and more reliable light source would be nice to have.

Thirdly, he was not versatile enough. He couldn’t hide or run from the threat before him, and so he got hit hard as a result. (Although he did wonder if he could just overpower the enemies if he was strong enough, and having the necessary means to see in the dark).

He could only hope that if someone were to venture into these dreadful caves in a future exploration, they would have ample preparation for it. But alas, it wasn’t as if anyone could read his thoughts and learn from his horrible mistakes.

With that said, John was hit with the realization that perhaps he would not make it out alive. It was a terrible situation, and yet, he couldn’t help but to crack a manic smile at his own plight. Perhaps he had already gone mad with fear.

"I knew I’d leave an impression, just didn’t think it’d be on the wall.” John snickered. He may not be able to take any of them down in this darkness, but he could try to buy as much time as possible by being a total turtle. “Bring it on, you filthy insects!” He yelled out, raising his guard once more.


  1. Raise guard with [Guard]
  2. Repeat [Guard II]
  3. Repeat [Guard II]
[Guard] - athletics F, fighting style E, energized E - user raises their guard up - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
[Guard II] - athletics F, fighting style F, energized F - user raises their guard up - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
jareth particle armor (2).jpgJareth Fletcher
[^^^It's a link to CS^^^]
| Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer D | Sandman | Mazerunner | Comrade |
Eyeglass Adept - D-grade artisan
Ryken Adventurer D - character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
Maze Runner - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.

Jareth could feel retreating movements from the bugs through the vibrations. He stood as Okami came beside him.

"The bugs are moving away for some reason. Now's our chance to advance further. We should still be careful." Jareth said, gesturing for Okami to take the lead. With her in front, Jareth would keep up as best he can.

Upon reaching the intersection that had just been vacated by the insects, a secondary sound aside from Jareth's and Okami's own footsteps could be heard. Jareth looked around, but the torchlight did not reveal anyone or anything.

"Did you hear something just now?" Jareth asked his partner. Regardless of whether she confirmed or denied it, Jareth's suspicion had been aroused. Without warning, he flicked his catalyst to the space in front of him and recited. "Sepulchre longed to consume them but wished to savor the moment. Thus he held them in his mouth."
[A zone of swirling sand above sinking mud is conjured in the area where the footsteps were heard. Upon a hostile stepping in the zone, they will be blinded by the sand as they partially sink, forcing them to use extra movement to escape the zone.]
The spell would be aimed in such a way to put the radius of the zone away from Jareth and Okami. Jareth would wait to see if he caught any flies in his trap.

"Fleet...Particle Armor." [Natural Armor (Heavy) D] Jareth said. A ripple went out from his chest as his entire form, clothes and all, began to conform to the contour of his body. Short black spikes jutted out at random intervals in the wave then receded as his form was encased in the pitch-colored armor. The darkness enshrouded his face last while simultaneously tainting his hair, leaving only two glowing white spots for his eyes.

Spell Components
  • Magic E
  • Magic School E (Meta Magic: AOE F (15ft radius), Range F (30 ft))
  • Magic Domain F (Spell Mastery: Tangle F)
  • Affinity (Element [Earth] E, Irritant F, Indirect E, Penetrating E)
  • Focus E
  • Energized E

Actions: 1. Move | 2. E-grade ability | 3. "Don" natural armor

Cooldowns: F (Ready), E (Active), D (2/2)

  • Vitality - A
  • Natural Armor (Heavy) C
  • Duration Reduction F
  • Resistance [Physical] E
  • Regeneration D
  • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E

  • E-grade slot perma-locked
  • Vitality - B
  • Feature: Amorphous - Creature is composed of a malleable substance such a liquid or gas and can change its form freely.
  • Change State E (21) - Limiter 1: Permanent - The skill is always active in an ability at all times.
    Character can change their state of being to a different state of matter for a limited amount of time. While changed, they may ignore certain physical requirements like breathing or eating. When they turn back into their regular forms, any damage or fatigue accrued that has not been resolved will impact the body.
    • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pickup solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
    • Change State E - can change into a gas. cannot affect things with more than a gentle wind. Is only minorly affected by attacks that don't affect the entirety of the character as determined by narrator.
  • Architecture F - Character has knowledge of construction methods, architectural drafting, and more. A successful use of this Skill can also find weak points in constructions.
  • Engineering F - The use of scientific principles and experimental data to design and build equipment, structures, and useful devices.
  • Mining F - The knowledge of the processes and techniques to extract minerals and gemstones from dense rock formations.
  • Investigation F - The talent for detective work – searching around for clues and making deductions based on those clues. Includes spotting the location of a hidden object and discerning from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it.

saxon saxon Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
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The duo continued their descent into the hive with... seemingly no resistance.

The other teams were, apparently, doing their jobs well. Or, at least, they were causing so much of a ruckus that most of the insects in the hive had mobilized. According to Jareth, the insects were actively moving away from their position. Yet, despite that, Okami couldn't help but hear footsteps slowly approaching as they advanced through the tunnel.

"Yeah. I did."

The Geomancer unleashed a wicked spell from below to bind and blind whoever it was that had been creeping through the hallway unseen. Perhaps it was an ally they’d stumbled upon. Perhaps it was the first insect they would encounter that evening, looking to strike them both down before they could realize that they weren’t alone. The light from the torch revealed nothing to them.

Jareth’s caution would inform her movements.

The Wolf would move neither forward towards the hazardous area of Jareth’s spell nor backwards towards him, but to the side until she was interposed between Jareth and the direction from which she’d heard the encroaching footsteps. Let him use her as cover. Better to take the hit herself if something was lying in wait to ambush them, especially with the sorcerer cradling that bomb of his.

Then, for the first time since she’d entered the nest, Okami would draw her sword.

Jareth’s suspicion would inform her movements. In a blur of motion, she would perform [Red River Flow] and send a blade of compressed air hurtling towards the unseen intruder to cleave into their flesh. There was no way to tell how accurate her strike would be or even if the sorcerer’s suspicions were well-founded, but there was certainly an easy way to find out.

Either Jareth’s spell would trap them, a spray of blood would fill the air from her own strike, or absolutely nothing would come from the two of them reacting to the echoes of distant footsteps.

With her torch held high in her left hand, The Wolf would then begin to [Appraise] the area before her for information on potential threats.

Only time would tell.

Actions (3/3)
1). Movement: Position herself between Jareth and the source of the footsteps so as to provide him with cover with her body.
2). Perform [Red River Flow] to launch a strike in the direction of the footsteps, and towards one of the hidden foes. [+1Team-up Bonus with Jareth's Spell]
3). Use [Appraisal F] to scan the area for information on any hidden threats or new arrivals.
Red River Flow- Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] E, Range E, Deflect (1) E- The Wolf draws and sheathes her sword with such speed so as to leave her blade unseen by untrained eyes as she attacks. The thunderous shockwave released from performing this kata acts as an extension to the strike, allowing Okami to cleave a man in two from distances far beyond the edge of her blade. The name of the form comes from the ominous spray of blood that often follows a successful strike.- Grade E- 1 Action- 30ft range- 1 post cooldown.

saxon saxon Clyvelle Clyvelle
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After walking through the damp tunnel for who know how long, they finally see something new in the tunnel: lit torch. There's two people there and it's obvious from their get up that they're part of the adventurer groups. Normally she would probably choose to hide herself, or even engage them on some small talk, but the cat suddenly felts movement beneath her feet as the ground shift. For a tiny creature like her whose body was always close to the ground, it's much easier for them to sense the ground, the woman also launched a wave strike towards them.

The hell you people! Eeriel cursed at them in her mind as she threw herself forward to dodge the attacks. Fine, if death is what you want. Then it's what you will get.

Rushing towards the torch holder, the cat leapt forward onto her and use her Pocket Dimension in an attempt to store the torch she was holding. Thus robbing them of the light source.

Actions (Energized E):
1) Use Speed B, Acrobatic F and Light Armor F to dodge attacks
2) Night Slink to rush towards Okami - Fast F, Speedburst F, Stealth F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized F + Acrobatic F - Move quickly and quietly across the terrain. Grade F, 0 turn cooldown
3) Pocket Dimension F to store Okami's torch

E: Occupied

saxon saxon Clyvelle Clyvelle Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

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