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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open & Accepting!]

Misako stood, being cautious. "H-Hey!" She called out. Her bpw drawn completely, aimed at them. "Are you friendly with foreigners?" She asked.

@Allyator @anyone involved

Kuro Akime

Without saying another word, the girl walked out of the temple with Lexy following close by. It wasn't until she fully left the cover of the building did she flinch for a second. It was rather bright out, the sun at it's seemingly full strength. If it wasn't for the mask she wore, Kuro might have had to back away for a moment to get used to it. Bach where she lived before all of this, it was almost always raining. And as a by-product of that, was almost always dark. It fits though, doesn't it? Anyways, she caught the ice girl out of the corner of her eye, stretching out. She decided to stretch a bit too, but thought her armor would prevent her from doing so. But surprisingly, it gave no form of restraint. It merely molded over her movements, so as to not reveal any of her skin. It kept her safe. A few cracks could be heard as she stretched, but Kuro paid little mind to it. This whole time, she was trying to get the courage to say something to the girl. Her inner instincts still prevented the lone girl from saying anything without thought first.

Just as she was about to say something, the most unholiest of screeches could be heard. It sent a chill right through her, and she found herself frozen in place. A terrifying creature, seemingly made of...an odd, non-solid gas landed hard not too faraway. It looked like something from space, like a nebula in an odd draconic type-form. Instinctively, Kuro raised a tightly-nit shadow wall in front of her, but just under her field of vision. It was then, that she noticed she could see through the wall. So raising it a foot higher, she was completely concealed from the front. But she still had near perfect vision of the creature. Ether ran out during this realization, summoning a few undead to assist him, Then he used some type of...blood magic, to turn himself more powerful. The only reason she really knew any of this is because she could feel it. Perhaps not everyone could, but their connection certainly allowed her to know. It was a tad bit daunting, but she couldn't afford to think about it. At the moment, they were allied against something even stronger then them.

Kuro decided it was best to stay silent. While she knew this could only be accomplished through teamwork, she decided to play it by ear. Let them attack it, and then figure out it's weaknesses, and strengths. The last thing she was about to do was sacrifice herself, when it could be avoided altogether. She tried something knew, an idea that just popped out of nowhere. The dark girl extended her reach of magic, to a fair range. She could feel all of the shadows nearby, and how faraway they were. Using this, she now knew where to get her 'ammo' for the battle, if it was needed. Well...when it would be needed. Because she certainly wasn't going to just let the others fight, without stepping in for a hit or two.

@Federoff @shadowz1995 @Allyator

  • proxy.php

    Atraxia smirked a bit when Puellam finally smartened up and began to cooperate, at least slightly that is, now at least he knew what to call her instead of wolf girl. He was about to open his mouth and comment on how she finally smartened up, but something else distracted his mind... Suddenly he closed his eyes and inhaled a big whiff, as if he was smelling a great dinner that was just handed to him at a restaurant. The sniff lasted a few seconds before he reopened his glowing red eyes, he let out a ear to ear smile as he released a chuckle that was in octaves not normally attained by a normal person. His fangs were notably sharper for the duration of the smile and his statue became that of a predator standing over a meal...

    "I can smell your fear, it is simply...exquisite..." he started off in a much deeper, darker, and feral tone of voice; it belonging to the monster that layed dormant in Atraxia. His feral eyes continued to stare into Puellam's for a few moments, unwavering, and then suddenly his head turned to the side and he closed his eyes, shaking his head a bit before returning back to face the two girls, more particularly towards Roxii, back to normal; for now... "Sorry, it's always pounding at the doors of my mind, and sometimes it's just..." Atraxia paused before turning to face Puellam, "Overpowering" finished the man before returning to a neutral expression.


    Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

    Location: "Land of Shadow Beings

    Mood: Angered -> Taunting

    With: ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax )

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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Puellam's eagerness to leave somewhat amused Roxii. The hybrid wasn't too threatened by the creature's presence nor his behaviours or words, but that didn't mean she wasn't cautious. But then Fang seemed... different. As if another soul had broke through the surface and took control for a few. And when he went back to "normal", she couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. She knew what it was like to have two completely different minds—two different souls—trapped within one body. For Roxii, though, it was her human soul battling a wolf soul. Sometimes, it took control without her permission and it would seem like she had gone mad. Other times, she was able to make a deal with it and allow her wolf side to control her to give her an advantage. It all depended on the situation.

Dismissing the bubbling emotions that were sneaking up on her so that she could maintain her detached demeanor, she replied fairly quietly, "
I understand completely." She hadn't planned on speaking so freely, but the anthropoid felt as though she was compelled to do so. It was... unusual for the taciturn wolf-elf.

@Federoff @MsPolite
Venessa didn't flinch when she had heard the screech, it was probably bone chilling to others but she had summoned far worse. She went outside, following closely behind the others. Silently with her head still down, her white hood shadowing her face.

Atraxia turned to Roxii when she tried to offer him her sympathy, stating that she knew all to well of the feeling of something else trying to get out. Oh yeah, he had almost completely forgotten; the girl was a lycanthrope, so there was truth to her words...to an extent. He took another breath through his nose before smiling a bit, "You may know akin of what it's like lycanthrope, but what I am is far more ancient and far more powerful" he stated in a neutral tone, or as close as he could get to it, although instead this time of instead sounding like he was just trying to stand superior to them, that tone in his voice was gone for that statement; it was just the truth.

You are far to kind... the creature responded to him in his mind, causing Atraxia to turn to the side quickly and fiercely, a fierce snarl on his face directed at his inner spirit. "That was not a compliment" snapped the man before returning to face the group, his eyes no longer glowing as they returned back to their Icy blue form for now...

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: "Land of Shadow Beings"

Mood: Angered

With: ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

Puellam needed to calm down, her nerves were fraying and irrational fear was getting the better of her, and although she couldn't understand most of what the two said, the sudden change in Fangs demeanor almost made her strike the beast. She needed to calm down. Her breathing was beginning to get heavy and shallow. She shook as she strained to stay still instead of quivering in fear, and her eyes fought back the tears. Puellam was terrified. Encountering so many beings today in a short time and many with powers vastly beyond her strength, it seemed daunting and disheartening. But all with in a quick moment she took one large deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Her breath was cold, and ice began to form under the palm of her hand gripping the Halberd. Ice...so cool to the touch. It was a comfortable feeling; one that helped calm herself. She closed her eyes, slowing the fast beats of her heart, opened her eyes and locked on to the Beast. Her Pupils of her Hazel eyes narrowed into a sharp ellipse. She was focused now and will complete the hunt of the void. "I go hunt Roxii." Puellam said without straying from her death stare towards Fang. "I go Hunt for Goddess." and with that she turned and began to walk away with her back towards the beast showing him she was not afraid any longer. She began to head towards the portal back to the temple.

@Javax @Federoff
For a time after she had chosen to be a celestial knight of the Light element, Arin had just stood there taking everything in. The amount of weirdness since she had been yanked away from Earth had been through the roof, and Arin needed some time to adjust. Become a Celestial Knight? Of course she had- if she was needed to save the world, then she'd do that. It wasn't as if she could just leave a whole world to get sucked into a magical black hole. However, she still hadn't quite gotten her head around her new role, and so for the meantime, she decided to just stay inconspicuous and help out the group.

She left the temple with the rest of the crowd, blinking in the sudden sunlight before remembering that she had the power of light- couldn't she make it dimmer for herself? She didn't see why not- all it would involve was diverting a portion of the photons coming her way. With a little concentration, she was able to do just that, and the light faded to more manageable levels.

Arin smiled to herself. Perhaps being a Celestial Knight had some perks to go along with its duties.
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Atraxia smiled as Puellam continued to shake and shiver, he breath he noticed was becoming heavy and shallow. Oh boy did this tempt him so badly, what he wouldn't give right now to be able to kill something, anything...But sadly it seemed they were the only three around here and his contract prevented him from killing the two girls, he sighed to himself. Then something intriguing happened, the shaking girl began to calm down at an incredible rate, not many people could do that let alone that fast. He was slightly impressed, even more so as she seemed to hold a death gaze on him for a bit, but that did little more then amuse him.

"Vi vil komme , oh , og se opp for noen feller" replied the boy in his normal voice, now regaining his superiority tone that he held for most of the conversation. He began to trail after her, motioning for the lycanthrope to follow, "Would best to stay in a pack for now, if what the so called goddess said is true then we may yet need to" stated Atraxia to Roxii, putting emphasis on the word goddess as he suspected that there was much more to the story then they were told by this woman.

(We'll come, oh, and watch out for some traps)

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: "Land of Shadow Beings" -> Heading to portal back to Temple

Mood: Slightly impressed/Amused

With: ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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The lycanthrope's ears twitched in response, and she followed behind at a fair distance. She wasn't sure why she was complying; Roxii was a lone wolf, and she liked to keep it that way. She was sure she could destroy a void seed by herself; the hybrid had encountered many enemies from big to small, from dangerous to harmless, from magical to normal. All of them were vanquished—though not without receiving a few wounds, to make it fair. However, she couldn't help but know that Fang was correct; the Celestial Knight didn't know what exactly she was going to face when destroying the seed. It could be way worse than she'd ever imagined, resulting in her underestimating her opponent. That was asking for her will to be written immediately. So, instead of disobeying the creature and Puellam's wishes, she decided to overestimate the void seed. At least then there wouldn't be many surprises.

@MsPolite @Federoff
Jacolm fired at the beast quickly, the hammer being loud and obvious. (I DUNNO WHERE WE ARE. HELP I THINK WE'RE AT A MONSTER IDK e 3 e)

Ca Clang! The hammer sounded. He had his hood and mask up, loading the gun with one of his Purple bullets. He fired, the thing zooming through, hitting the monster's arm.
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Puellam continued to walk through the portal returning to the temple. She, only spending so little time with other people was sick of them. She was getting uncharacteristically angry, and needed to cool of. the best way was with a hunt. And to be honest she didn't expect the other to to follow her back. But with out giving any gesture any recognition of their presence she continued on to find herself in the temple once more. She walked around for a bit to find nine other portals all having a different scent and aura around them. But there was one that she was drawn to. the portal was an icy blue/white glowing color. It felt familiar, and homely, and soon without even realizing it she had begun to pass through the portal. On the other side was a small open temple of an architecture that was completely foreign to her. with wooden pillars decoded in jade green and gold, sharp curves and edges with a sturdy plank floor. But that is not what got her gaze fixated. Out beyond the Pillars of the open temple was a Alpine forest all covered in snow. The crisp cool air picked her cheek, and the light cool winds caressed her hips. It felt like home... She felt like she's been away for ages when in reality it might have been less than half a day. Or maybe more. Now to come to think of it, she didn't know how long he was gone... Puellam pushed that daunting that to the back of her mind and ran out of the temple, leaping over a flight of wide stairs tumbling in the snow, laughing. Oh how she had missed the snow. how she loved the soft gentle touch of the fluffy white snow. She pulled down her hood and scarf revealing her face, and allowing the light falling snow to kiss her longing plump pearl pink lips. Her hair was a jet black. But her ears were different. You could tell she wasn't human by the ears, they were sharp and pointed back, Elven ears, and her smile revealed a wolfish grin along a matching set of predator teeth. Puellam was happy laying in the snow letting the Environment envelope her in its soothing caring love while only whispering "Vakker snø, jeg har savnet deg."

*Beautiful Snow, i missed you

*(the architecture is of a japanese like culture)

@Javax @Federoff

Atraxia followed behind Puellam in suite, not making any noise as his clawed feet hit the ground, not even so much as a light patter or a light tink. As they got bcak to the temple, he continued to follow the wolf girl but stopped half way when he heard something going on outside and decided to quickly pop out his head to see that many of the other "knights" were trying to fight a gas based monster, he sighed at the stupidity. "Hey!" fang snapped at the others, yelling so he could be heard. "You can't hurt gas, why not turn it into a solid first?" advised the monster of a boy before heading back into the temple, shaking his head lightly at their actions, and headed through the portal.

When he got through and came to the next place, it was a snowy landscape; nice and cool, he looked around and already began to pick up traces of animal life, seeing the heat of their movement compared to the background. He chuckled a bit before turning to face Puellam, who was taking off her hood and scarf to reveal elf like ears and canine like teeth.
Like those of a dog's when compared to mine... thought Atraxia to himself as the girl began to talk to herself, becoming all sappy just because of a little snow. He rolled his eyes at this behavior.

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Back to Temple -> Snow land?

Mood: Let Down, amused

With: ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax ) + Group at the Temple for a short time

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

The hybrid followed at a fair distance as they passed through back to the main temple that all of the Celestial Knights had initially met. She listened to the creature's input as she gazed at the battle going on. Her feet itched to carry her over and to aid in the fight, her hands drumming on the sheathes on her sides, but she knew better. Roxii, Puellam, and Fang were to work together. Smaller groups were easier to manage, anyway. So, despite the growing temptation to try to take down the gaseous beast, she followed the wolf-girl and the "Manifestation of Anger" into the portal that led to an icy cold land.

As a Knight of darkness, Roxii couldn't help but feel at ease in the cold of this "Winter Wonderland". Shadows meant lack of heat, and lack of heat meant cold. The hybrid loved the cold, but not as much as the wolf-girl before her, who was enjoying more than a child who'd never encountered snow in their life. But she couldn't be too judgmental; the wolf-elf knew that she'd probably be the same way if she were still the innocent person she once was. Before...

The thoughts and memories were pushed away instantly. That was the past, and nothing can change that now. Fang's small chuckle brought her completely back to reality, and she stayed silent, keeping her distance form the others as she maintained her stoic demeanor.

@MsPolite @Federoff

Kuro Akime

Staring at the creature, the shadow wielder ever so carefully, and slowly, moved to her left. She was going to attempt circling it, but she only got a good five feet before it all went to hell. Several people had joined in the fight, and one of them had the dumb idea to shoot it's arm. While it did flinch for a split second, it then became enraged. It levitated off the ground, and shot straight forward. It was on a collision course with Lexy, and would've easily wounded her. But as soon as it launched itself, Kuro had guessed it's trajectory. She extended her shadows from the nearby temple, into a type of half-circle that the beast hit. It was tilted just so that the creature was thrown a few feet away from them. As it was about to hit some trees close by, it had abruptly stopped. Spinning around far faster then a creature of that size should be capable of, it blew past the others, right into the dark girl. She tried dodging out of the way, but barely succeeded. The thing still slammed into her right side, throwing her a few yards into the pond.

The once again lone girl slowly floated to the surface of the pool. If she was conscious, no one knew. In reality, the strike dealt to her knocked her out. It had hit just right, with enough force to do so. While it only lasted a few moments, a lot could happen in this time frame. It was up to the others right now.

The Creature

After it hit Kuro, knocking her a fair distance, it turned it's sites on the one who shot it first. The boy with the pistol. Arching it's back, it released it strange gas. The gas was traveling very fast towards the boy, and who knew what it did. The only logical thing to do right now is dodge. But it didn't stop there. After releasing the odd gas for a few seconds, it threw itself towards Ether.

@Federoff @Allyator @DarknessSpirit @Krekire @ActionPony
"Shit!" He pulled up the metal mask up farther, covering his nose. He dodged out of the way of the gas. As he saw Ether get attacked, he went to go atleast help her. Instead, his magical side took over and boosted her Reflexes and Strength.
Outside the temple there was a giant... thingummywhat... that defied Arin's attempts to describe it attacking Arin's fellow Knights. She was actually kind of relieved by this development- no tough questions or moral dilemnas here! This was the easiest situation in adventuring- monster attacks you, you kick monster's gluteus maximus. Arin stayed back for the first part of the fight, calculating her strategy. She swiftly hit upon one, and put it into action.

First things first, she concentrated a little change in the light that was reaching the monster. Specifically, a change in wavelength. Once she had finished the spell, everyone else vanished from its point of view. And that was only step one. Step two involved bright strobe flashes in random directions and sudden copies of all the combatants somewhere that they were not. Step three involved Arin personally. Her illusionary copy pointed at the monster and concentrated the nearby light into a very intense beam. Lasers ruled. Step four was to observe the situation and react to any surprises, as well as making new plans as they became needed.

She swung her spirit sword at the beast which did minimal damage. The Monster lifted its claws and swatted at Mira. She tried to dodge but it was to no avail. It hit her and she went flying. Her body crashed into the temple’s walls which left a human sized dent in it. Mira was thankful that she was immortal thanks to her new powers, but it was still incredibly painful. She sat on the ground watching the fight and waited for her strength to return. It would also be a good time to think of a strategy but she couldn’t really think of anything since she had a killer headache from the beating.


She continued to stare in shock. Her mind was blank and she had no idea what to do. The monster hit two of the others; one girl, Mira, hit the temple wall not too far from where Jasmine stood. The crash woke her up from her trance. She knew that she had to do something but her mind was racing and she still couldn’t think clearly. Finally, a girl that Jasmine never saw before appeared out of the blue and used her light powers to hide the others from the enemy's sight while distracting it.

Jasmine used this opportunity to charge up her lightning attack. After observing how the beast reacted to the other’s assault, she knew that they would need something more powerful.

“Everyone, let’s fire at the monster all at once!” She yelled. Hopefully it would do some serious damage to the thing, and with that thought she fired.
Jacolm fired two purple bullets at once with her Command. The gas hit him

(im tired. Sorry for the one liner, i gtg. Figured I'd get something in.
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Puellam Listened to the silence of the forest. Nothing disturbing its peace. All is quite while the animals sleep in there hibernation. A silent breeze flows throw the trees, only for the pines to soundlessly hush the reticent wind. But all is not calm throughout the woods, as energy begins to pulse in a steady beat with power and darkness. Far off a thum could be heard, Drumming the ground. The Forest begins to wake as animals start to move away. Birds fly in a fanatical speed, as deer run with haste. Little rodents scurvy across the snow as a fox whisks past the panicked animals. Wolves could be seen to lead the charge, everything Could be heard and seen to the trained eye, the eyes of predators, but invisible to those without. Puellam opens her eyes to the sudden commotion. She sits up to see the other two wolf-kin with her. Getting up and putting her scarf and hood back up she begins to run towards the origin of the disturbance, dodging trees, and jumping over logs and rocks She runs without a thought about the other two, and without concern for the terrible enemy she is about to face. The pulsing of energy and thum increases in beat the closer She gets. Her grip tightens around her halberd, Her breathing is calm and cold. Her eyes focused and her thighs tense. the environment slowly changes as well the farther from the temple she gets. she finds the trees are dieing and the snow is getting grayer. Then She could see it. the void seed, in the middle of a crater charred to a crisp with gray snow layering over the destroyed land. The void seed was what seemed to be purple-black shards embedded into the earth, wisps of visible energy hanging around it.But there isn't a guardian to be seen heard or smelled, as if it wasn't even there. Puellam hesitated to step into the clearing, preferring to crouch and hide behind a tree, observing her surroundings. Puellam slung her halberd on her back, taking out the bow she made a long time ago. She steadied her breathing, making it soundless. Then she saw it across the clearing a shadow behind a try released a projectile hurtling towards her, she leaps from behind one decaying tree to another, the flaying object hitting on the spot she once was. the Weapon thrown? an axe. Suddenly a blur came from her side charging at her slamming a Zweihander sword into the ground she once crouched.The monster could not be smeeled and had no soul or spirit to be detected. it was soundlessly breathing and each step could not be heard. This monster was death, and death was hunting. But there wasnt just one but two. She looked across the clearing to find another Deathly hunter walking across while the other was still in the shadows. Puellam felt no fear, no ragem nor bloodlust. only the urge to hunt.She drew her bow and formed an ice arrow, readying her bow.

@Javax @Federoff
One of the people fighting the monster yelled: "Let's fire at the monster all at once!"

Arin felt that this was an admirable sentiment, if a bit obvious, but given that she was already firing (from her illusionary double, who the monster was trying to attack as the source of the painful lasers), she couldn't really do much to follow that order. She needed to do something else to help out. She racked her brains attempting to figure out something light could do that would help out. Suddenly, she connected one of light's well-known qualities with the logic of what would happen if it had mass.

Light was fast. Really fast. In fact, it was so darned fast that anything with mass that tried to get near its speed would cause a really large explosion. Light traveled orders of magnitude faster than any bullet, and it was this quality (along with the explosions) that proved perfect for Arin's plans.

Arin had a sling with her and she was good with it- playing with her sling had been her way of letting off steam back home. She searched for a smooth rock on the ground, and when she found it, she put it in her sling, gave it some whirls, and let the stone fly towards the monster at a tiny fraction of the speed of light, which, by human frame of reference, translated as 'horrendously fast and red-hot from friction', but without explosions... yet.
Ether's body is practically humming with augmentative power and it was no real struggle to dash and incredible speed to Akime, who had gotten flung across some distance into a pond, staying out of the distance of the gas that had started targeting him now. He begins to focus his dark arcana into the palm of his hand and once again it becomes a large, lion-sized orb of pure darkness. The necromancer concentrates and condenses the magic into a much smaller and denser orb. Now with much more explosive power due to compacting the energy into the size of a marble, the energy coming off of the spell would make the skin on any sentient being crawl. A cold, involuntary chill would run down the spine of most who aren't accustomed to powerful magics in the works.

Ether scoops up Akime gently as he dashes by, ripping through the water like if it was only half as dense as it really was. As soon as Ether recovers her, he turns and casts his spell "Abysmal Bloom." The condensed, marble sized orb fires out like a bullet fired from a gun and as it connects with the monster's right shoulder it detonates. Normally Abysmal Bloom would cause a sudden burst of condensed dark arcana that virtually destroys everything within a 12 ft radius. But this one was different. The orb explodes violently and with a deep, thundering "Boom" as if a Bass drum had been struck by Thor's hammer and the sounds amplified several times. The radius was 40 ft and everything caught up in the blast is utterly decimated.

Ether had no idea if the creature could regenerate itself but by the way that hit he know it did some significant damage. With a flick of his wrist and a flash of deep indigo from his eyes, Ether bolsters the strength and vitality of the undead templars he had summoned, doubling it and sending them to attack in unison. Systematically, the undead swiped at the wounded beast with holy weapons of light and steel. Slashing in perfect tempo with each other, Two strike low and hard, the other two high and fast. Mixing up tactics, adding sweeping arcs and thrusts, constantly changing positions as the fight and best of all? Never tiring. The assault is relentless and would never end unless the creature found a way to rip through the templar armor, render them completely immobilized, or killed Ether. Ether had no plans to die either, so he kept himself in a stance that would allow him a wide variety of movement or combat despite carrying Akime.
Venessa coughed and got up, she had to hurry and she knew it. She tried simple spells but it did minimal damage against the monster, she pulled out her dagger, she cut her palm which leaked blood unto the ground. the blood formed a perfect circle then foamed up, as a large skeletal dragon crawled from the circle, Venessa chanted and it took of to the sky, distracting the monster, and the two began battling, both doing equal large amounts of dragons.

Kuro Akime

Over looming clouds, high above the city threatened more rain. It always rained here, the last clear day being over two months ago. Some of the town was already under water, with the rain having flooded the nearby lake. A lone girl walked the streets, heading home from school. Regardless of the bad weather, she was dancing along to some music she was playing through her earphones. Today had been a good day for her. Her best friend had become something...a little more then just a friend. And all of the gloom in the world couldn't rain on her parade! The walk took a good twenty minutes, but she didn't mind...it was when she got home, that things changed. It was never a fun place at her home. Just upon reaching the door, one would smell the liquor and smoke. Inside, you would normally find several men gathered around a poker table, betting more then they ever earned, smoking cigars and drinking cheap beer. If she didn't get yelled at, or get a disgusting 'compliment' on her appearance, she would just walk past them to the stairs that would lead to her room. Only there, could she once again find some peace. Only this day...would be a day she never would forget...

Kuro's eyes flew open, seeing only the open sky. Her heart was pounding. While she was out, she had been dreaming of that day...she found herself being carried by non-other then Ether. The last thing she remembered was getting thrown into the pond, after getting hit insanely hard. It's clear the goddess was telling the truth, about being stronger and immortal. Otherwise, she would've easily been killed from such a hit. While she was still in the semi-trance of her dream, she elbowed the man, and kicked off of him. Landing on her back, she expertly rolled onto her feet, drawing shadows to meet his neck. Four long, very sharp points where only an inch away from his neck. However, thankfully for both of them, the affect of the dream wore off. Kuro's mind came into focus, and realized just exactly it was that she almost did...again.

Retracting the shadows back to her side, she said nothing to the man. She had nothing to say, what she did happened, and there was no taking it back. While she didn't drop her guard towards Ether, she did look over at the other situation. It seemed the other Knights had everything under control, more or less. So the dark girl figured they didn't need her help. And after what she did to Ether...she just thought it best to leave. Letting her shadows absorb her, she retreated into the darkness of the nearby forest.


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