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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open & Accepting!]

"I'm from Earth..." Jacolm said, poking the Orb. His armor wrapped around him violently and quickly. "Whoa... I don't want this cape." He said, with his voice having a Metallic Sting through the mouth cover, and unlatching the cape. He let down his hood, his hair popping out. The flintlock pistol formed in his hands. "Cool... Kinda..." He said, observing the pistol.
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Serena was surprise that this boy is from earth. "That is pretty cool then, since I never heard of that place before." said Serena. She then watched the boy unlatching the cape, and looking at his pistol. "You might want to be careful with that pistol, since I don't know if that weapon is fused with your element yet." said Serena, since she doesn't want him to accidentally fire his element at someone. "Light can do another cool things, but I am just learning how to use them just like you." said Serena. "Now, do you want to follow Jasmine, so we can destroy the void seed, or do you want to practice your powers, since you don't know to use them yet." asked Serena, since they needed to destroy those void seeds as soon as possible.
Dama nodded to Jasmine. 'I'm with you. The sooner we destroy these seeds, the better off everyone will be." She conjured a ball of flame in her hand. Despite the fact that she had never used magic before, it seemed she was a natural.
"I'll practice while we're going there..." He said, firing up at the sky once. It was already infused with it, the red bolt and trail blazing off into the sky. "Hm." Jacolm made the sound in a Intrigued tone. A satchel of rounds appeared. He put one of the rounds inside the barrel, then pushed it in and fired. A purple round was fired. "Are the discolored bullets a good sign?..."
"I would appreciate that Akime". Ether stands up and stretches out his arms. He rolls his shoulders a few times and offers his hand towards the fellow Knight of Darkness. She cannot see it but he has a kind smile upon his face. "Let's take a look around this place shall we? What kind of world have we ended up in?" Ether is rather motivated to have a partner on his travels, even if it's only for a little while.

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Venessa looked around panicked, everything was so peaceful and just.... Beautiful. She was however confused. One moment she was reading a book then... Here. She touched the ground, and it rippled... Like water. She heard a wan and looked up. The woman explained everything.

When the time came to pick her element and she looked around, she saw all the orbs but the one that really called to her was a very dark purple one. She touched it and it was like a nothing she ever experienced, a feeling of power surged through her and she felt herself fall through, all of a sudden she was in a temple. And she saw a few people exiting. I guess I'll just follow quietly, she though to herself. Waiting for everyone to leave so she could be last.
-Ether turns his head as a new Knight arrives in the temple. Something about her reminded him of his parents and....himself? His eyes narrow under the shadowy hood and he regards her with interest. She had something, some kind of energy or power that resembled his own. With a shake of his head, Ether returns to waiting for Akime.

@TheGossipLink @DarknessSpirit
Serena was following Jasmine and Jacolm, since she needed to destroy those void seeds, and keep a eye on Jacolm, so he won't end up hurting someone by accident.

Everything was doing just fine, until Jacolm fired the purple bullets from his pistol.
"Why did you have to fire those bullets, and of course, it's not a good sign. Just don't let those bullets hit you, because if those purple bullets hit you, they make your muscles relax so much that they become unusable, or even worst: heart failure." said Serena, since those bullets can come down, and hit a unexpected person by accident.

Kim had just come to feeling like she had the worst hang over. Was it a dream? A warped version of reality? Did she get knocked out in a fight. But it was then when she woke up surrounded by people she had never seen before she drew her swords to them. "Who are you people?" She asked, more of a small murmur then a demand. It was rather disorienting and she just wished she knew what was going on. When they appeared non hostile, she lowered her swords... a little.
"O-Oh." Jacolm had holstered the pistol. Jacolm decided not to screw up again and fire them, and he was calculating the possibilities of where they could land. Jacolm figured since that he fired them a slight angle away from where they were going, they'd be fine. I feel way crazy. Is this a dream? Is my mental health okay?

@Blackrose7 (Didn't know she'd already find out what he can do, lol.)
Venessa stole a quick glance with her eyes, she hung her head a little so that her white hood would cover any seeable facial features from all angles, and that it would shadow her face. She stole a glance at someone... Who was he? There was setting about him, like they were similar? She glanced back down at the people that were to distracted to notice her.

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Jacolm continued to follow, on task. Even if this was a dream, he'd help save this planet. He pondered how he'd learn to use his power, if he even could. He raised his hood, tugging it down, as his face became covered. He looked around, examining the area. "What's this place called?"
Puellam Followed her target into a portal, something she has never seen before and hesitated a second before she entered the portal. She was instantly transported to a place of gnarled trees, a dieing forest, so dark and ominous. Puellam did not like the feeling it gave her. A feeling of insecurity. She continued to stalk the person of shadows. Suddenly she stopped, and Puellam did the same. Puellam could tell she was beginning to detect her as Puellam knew she was standing , and any who are like herself would be able to. But something she did not anticipate was her disapearance. in a blink of an eye she vanished. Puellam could not precieve her target any longer and began to panic. How could she allow her to disappear so quickly? was She herself loosing her touch? Or could it be the strange witchery that the Goddess gave the others?. A Minute passed when she felt a blade on her back, then Puellam knew where her target had gone.

"VirΘ• ōd’ǐ tuΙ‡?" the Person of shadows asked slowly, slipping into a foreign tongue, one Puellam could not understand. without any sudden movements asked

"Jeg forstΓ₯r ikke, du er ulv pΓ₯rΓΈrende som meg, nei?" in her own butched language

(I not understand, you are wolf kin like me, no?)

The anthropoid recognized the foreign language, but she was not fluent in it. Instead, she gathered some of the more important words that she could understandβ€”"forstΓ₯r" and "ikke" meant "understand" and "not" which translated to "do not understand", "ulv" meant "wolf" and "pΓ₯rΓΈrende" meant "relative"β€”and attempted to piece together what this stranger had said. Wolf kin? Did this stranger know that she was part wolf? Was her pursuer like her, being part humanoid and part wolf?

Roxii didn't falter, however, and kept her composure. The blade stayed against the stranger's back, but it wasn't as threateningly close as before. She decided to test her English. "
Who are you?" The anthropoid enunciated each word slowly, hoping that her lack of knowledge in the well-known English language wasn't too noticeable.

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"Jasmine said that we are heading to Anam, since there is probably a void seed there." said Serena, as she was playing catch with her light ball, since she was pretty bored here. "By the way, I never asked you for your name. My name is Serena, and we might end up visiting my home later, since Anam is near Lumi." said Serena.

"Anam. Got it." Jacolm said. He fiddled with his pistol, his hands off the Hammer and Trigger. He sighed, bored with Serena.
Dama drew her sword, trying to see if her knowledge of swordplay was as innate as her knowledge of magic. To her surprise, the metal of the sword instantly transmuted into flame. She looked down at the fiery blade in disbelief. "Now this is interesting, to say the least." She swung it a few times, feeling the perfect balance.
Ether decided to let his curiosity get the better of him with the hooded newcomer. Though he couldnt resist smiling underneath his cloak, despite that nobody could see it. He could see that she had felt the same similar presence. It couldn't be a coincidence that her power felt like his parents and his own. "Are you a.... Well ...practitioner of the dead miss? As I am? It certainly feels that way."

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Jacolm followed the group, not really caring anymore. He pulled own his mask and hood, his face coming out again. "You gonna teach me how to use my powers later?" Jacolm asked

Misako woke up, weirded out.
Misako met the goddess.

When the orbs appeared, and the elements were explained to her, she was drawn to the fire. She always thought fire was beautiful, and mysterious. So she poked the red orb, and the power went through her. The dress whipped around her and onto her body. "A... dress? Is it supposed to fit my personality?" She assumed that, as it was the coolest and most logical reason to her. She didn't have her weapon at first, she shrugged it off as normal. She was then put into Fax. "...Hot..." From her experience of reading books, and knowing that she was able to fly, she focused hard to attempt to fly. She wanted to go to Lumi, it sounded like her perfect happy place.
"Of course, I will teach you, since I also need to learn how to use my light magic, because I'm just playing with a light sphere here." said Serena, as she started to think that she has a spell book about light magic somewhere in her room. But sadly, she never got the chance to read it properly, because she would be too busy of doing another things.
Fritz opened his eyes to a new world... no, it was the same world but he could see so much more and feel so much more, even sense so much more. He had met with the goddess, that much he remembered. And now, he'd awoken in a different sense. He could feel the dead as well as the spiritual energy inside himself. Not to mention, he'd awoke in a rather itchy patch of leaves on the borders of a forest. He looked around and didn't see much at first. But it was as if he could feel others somewhat nearby by sensing their spiritual energy. It was enough to unsettle him but he tried to keep a level head.
Misako took flight, testing around a bit. She got the hang of it rather quickly, her Photographic memory remembering how fictional characters did it. She flew swiftly over to Lumi, and landed. She breathed in tightly, feeling relaxed and not as tense for once.

  • proxy.php

    Atraxia watched from behind the scenes as the rest of the so called "Celestial Knights" began to appear and respond to the present situation, giving him insight to each person's response stimuli, useful information he might need later; his glowing red eyes scanning each and every one as they seemed to not even notice him here. Each of them responded differently, some freaking out while most remained opened and confused, almost all of them quickly inclined themselves to help out the goddess while others questioned why; they were the smarter ones of that group. It sickened him at how so many just decided to leap in and become the hero so foolishly and quickly, doomed to die was his thought on that. He continued to look around, not many were interesting enough to catch his attention at the moment, so his thoughts went back to his previous encounter. As long as she keeps up her end of the deal... he thought to himself coldly, remembering how he had just completed a contract, a death of a noble from some boring small village, and was about to go reap in his reward when he was casted here a while back, this caused him to scowl a bit.

    Suddenly, a boy began to out right yell at himself as if he was in an argument with someone else Atraxia's first thought was that he was mentally insane but after a quick sniff it became clear he was not that, but rather some sort of demon was with him. Great, even more sheep to heard... the clawed boy thought to himself as he continued to watch from the side lines, his eyes losing their glowing red and returning back to their Icy blue state as he watched an anthropoid leave the temple, followed by another being. And it looks like two sheep are already going astray thought Atraxia to himself before another, more darker thought emerged from the depth of his mind; Stray sheep deserve to be killed and ate... was the though that ambushed him, although he didn't agree with that thought at the moment, he would definitely keep up to date with these two, as they seemed more interesting then the others to say the least.

    And with that he took his leave, silently following the two as they made there way to the land of "Dark beings" and it appeared he was not the only one stalking, as the second girl seemed to be busy stalking the first girl, this caused him to grin as she watched her do so. Her form was sloppy and untrained, it was raw; yet it had potential. He would be surprised if it fooled anybody really. Atraxia followed the girl's footsteps to avoid detection for now, choosing to sty in the shadow's in a nonchalant manner to avoid suspicious and detection from other people in case any others decided to follow, laying small pellets of gas every now and again as traps to help elude anyone else; it would buy him some time before they would pick up on his scent for now...

    A undetermined amount of time passed as he slowly followed the girls through the land, making sure to keep his distance while still being able to view both of the girls, and suddenly the two stopped, prompting him to stop as well before using his invisibility, even if they could now detect his overpowering scent of bloodshed or his aura of anger it would do them no good for he was no where to be seen for now. His decision to stay within the footprints of the second wolf-girl would grant him a boon of mystery as he stayed perfectly still inside two footprints, a third set no where to be found. Atraxia watched with more intrigue now as the scene unfolded, the first girl was good; he had to give her that at least.

    Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: Death Sight of Noble-> Temple -> "Land of Dark Beings"

    Mood: Disappointed, Angry (As always), Intrigued

    With: Puellam ( @MsPolite ) & Roxii ( @Javax )

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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Peullam felt the tension leave from the shadow being as she spoke. But this language she spoke was one she knew vseeery little of. "I Puellam. My speak very bad." Puellam said. Puellam decided to take a gamble and submit to this stranger. She was like herself wasn't she.. She branded to slowly crouch down to put her halberd, sword, daggers and bow and arrows down on the gray earth which they stood upon, then carefully turning around to face up to the being of shadow. Puellam then began to stand up and get closer and sniff the stranger, taking in her scent and being. She smelled strange. "You, person of shadow. You like wolf and like human. But not like wolf. You not like human. What you? Who you?" Puellam asked in a very broken English. But as she did Puellam picked up on another scent. A dark scent of anger and blood. Someone else was close by as she turned and looked around she didn't see anyone, yet she knew. Her muscled tensed waiting for any sudden changes.

@Javax @Federoff
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