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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open & Accepting!]

The shadow-wielder took note of her pursuer's broken English. Roxii wasn't the best at English, no, but she could form most complete sentences. However, she was more fluent in her native language than anything.

This person, Puellam, who seemed to submit fully to her in surrender, seemed to act much like an animal. However, she didn't
smell of an animal. It was as if she had the mindset of an animal, but the body of a human. The way she scented Roxii and behaved reminded her of a wolf, but she didn't have any physical characteristics of a wolf. It confused the anthropoid.

As she scented the follower silently, she could smell another scent amongst the two. It was unfamiliar and smelled of neither human nor animal. It was more... beast-like. Anger and rage boiled in its blood, and for once, Roxii felt anxious. Despite the lack of comfort, the hybrid kept her reticent composure and called out, just loud enough for anyone around to hear, "
I know you are watching." She was grateful that she still remembered most English. "Reveal yourself." The wolf-elf didn't expect the other stranger to comply, but now they knew that they had been detected.

@MsPolite @Federoff


The semi-man watched as the interaction took place, indeed it was quite different then how he thought it would go down. If he was in Roxii's spot, he would of killed the girl without so much as thinking about it, let alone twice. After all, there's no reason to let stalkers live...then again he had no right to speak at the current moment. The irony of the situation caused a sly smile to form on his face as it continued to happen. Then it turned to something else, the wolf girl who was pinned lowered her weapons and pointed him out, asking him to reveal himself to their little dou. He was somewhat impressed they were able to detect him so early, he'd thought at least a fight would break out between the two first before that happened.

He chuckled a bit, his voice abnormally below what is normal levels of the speaking octave, when he saw how her muscles tightened at the thought of something mysterious and dark lurking just around the corner, a natural sign of fear in most of the animal kingdom. But that sly smile soon vanished when the second girl turned around and commanded him to reveal himself, this angered the boy a bit, but in the end he would concede to their wishes.

Atraxia began to move forward, his invisibility slowly disappearing as he inched ever so closer to them, a neutral expression was on his face as he stopped a few feet away from them; the camo gone for now. He offered a semi smile of acknowledgement at them, showing off his more monstrous and feral fangs as he did so, looking sharp enough to be used rawly as hunting knives.
"I am Atraxia, also known as Fang, for good reasons" the monster of a child greeted them as his Icy blue eyes kept track of both of them, not letting a single movement pass by him. He paused for a few moment's to consider the other question of what he was to register in his psyche before speaking again. "I have been declared many things, clan slayer ,wrongfully they have called me a lycanthrope, some have even proclaimed me to be death itself, but all of those are not even close to what I am" claimed Fang as he smiled like an amused stuck up child, obviously these things have fueled his ego, but the question is were these names for good reason?

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: "Land of Dark Beings"

Mood: Narcissistic, Angry (Just always assume this one xD ), Impressed

With: Roxii (@Javax ) & Puellam (@MsPolite )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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Puellam quickly dashed for her halberd and sword grabbing them and getting into a guarded stance once the Beast man fully revealed himself. This being is so filled with bloodlust and rage, it spooked her. Puellam growled and low growl, steadily getting louder , then barking warning the intruder to back off. He spoke many words she did not understand. It was all noise coming from his mouth. With the Halberd in her left hand pointed towards the newcomer and the sword outstretched pointed downwards Puellam spoke in a harsh tone.

"Jeg vet ikke hva du sier eller hva du er. Person eller stor raseri, du er fiendtlig?"*

*(I know not what you say or what you are. Person or great rage, you are hostile?)

@Javax @Federoff


His eyes and face followed the girl dashing for her weapons, chuckling a bit as she pointed them towards him; he remained as stagnant as a statue, calm and collective but still bearing his "I'm better then you" attitude. Great... it seemed to be a communication issue between us, English would not work here... thought Atraxia to himself as he continued to stare bluntly into the girl's eyes, making sure to be ready if she did decide to strike, Not that it will happen anyway... he continued to think to himself, causing a sly smile to form on his face once again. He needed to salvage this situation and fast, killing a teammate would look very bad on his contract details once everything was said and done.

He replayed what the girl had said in his mind, the language was one he was familiar with but not one he openly practiced as he had never had to deal with many people from that language, but still, his years of freelancing have shown him it was best to learn as many languages as possible so one could make more deals.

Atraxia began to slowly walked towards the girl, keeping his composure the entire time with each step, stopping at where the point of the halberd was at, keeping his sly smile the entire time. If the girl knew anything about herself, she would of recognized that it was how she moved during the time he was following them, he had copied the girl just as a way of saying I'm invisible to the invisible, what does that say about you?.

"Ser kjent ut?" asked Atraxia with a small chuckle, sounding like how a foreigner would sound like when speaking a language, even though it was slightly wrong in certain aspects the gist of the information would be received. Then his right hand moved towards his neck, and with two of his claws he pinched some sort of necklace that hid behind his clothing. When he pulled it out it resembled the one that she had, but instead there was a black Opal as the gemstone, he smiled at the girl, he too was a Celestial Knight.

(Look familiar?)

Just for reference, he does not have any weapons on him at the moment

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

Location: "Land of Shadow Beings:

Mood: Intrigued, Arrogant, Angry

With: Roxii (@Javax ) & Puellam (@MsPolite )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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The anthropoid didn't expect the other to reveal himself, so she was fairly surprised that he complied. Unlike the pursuer she had pinned, she felt much more at ease once he revealed himself. Coming from somewhere other than Earth—which is where most of the Celestial Knights seem to be from—and being an assassin, adventurer, and the like, seeing abnormal beasts and creatures was something she had done every day. The wolf learned how to never be surprised by anything; being shocked can put you in dangerous situations, if you weren't in one already.

After the male introduced himself, she felt a similar connection to him in some way. She felt as though they had similar feelings towards many things and have been put into similar situations, such as being outcasted. She was always the "big, bad wolf". The bloodthirsty monster. The flesh-eating beast. The creature filled with anger and hate and simple-mindedness. But that was not Roxii at all. No one ever cared to listen, though.

Puellam quickly armed herself and began speaking in her foreign language again. Then the stranger began conversing with her. The hybrid decided to stay silent and allow the two to conversate themselves, allowing her to keep track of their every movement.

@MsPolite @Federoff
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Venessa looked up, unveiling her face, although her hood was still up, now you could see her soft skin, bright turquoise colored eyes and her long pinkish hair. She studied the guy before answering "I thought there was something similar to you. Yes Im a necromancer" her face was blank, and her tone serious.

Ether let's out a light hearted chuckle and meets her eyes evenly behind his cloak. His luminescent purple eyes lock with hers as he speaks with an amused tone that she was taking him so "deathly" serious. He however did not remove his cloak. He wasn't comfortable doing so. Not with so many people around. Nonetheless, he felt happier knowing he wasn't the only necromancer. He was the only one he had known in years. He had found to members he could consider kin now and that was more than he could say in years.

“If everyone is ready, we can get going now.” Jasmine said. She noticed that a couple of other people have arrived. “Anyone is still welcome to join us.” She turned her back to the group and started to walk out the temple, expecting the others to follow her.

“If I’m right about its location, then it should only be a little walk from here. We can practise our new powers on the way there.”


She noticed a couple of interesting people join them. One of them had the look of an ice dragon but yet she was still a girl. @Stamper

Jasmine started to leave and Mira wanted to follow after her. She called out to the new celestial knights that had just arrived.

“Why don’t you come with us?” She waved to the others. “We’re off to go destroy our first void seed. If you have any questions, I’m sure we can help!” Mira said with a big warm smile.

Kuro Akime

The girl of shadows stared at Ether's outstretched hand, with a mild look of insecurity. No matter if she found a partner, she certainly wasn't going to let him, or herself touch him. She felt no where near comfortable enough to do that. Mostly because of her...past experiences, handshakes can lead to being stabbed. Both figuratively, and literally. Thankfully, Kuro was spared the awkwardness of turning him down, when another hooded girl approached them. She seemed to be only interested in Ether, and visa versa. So the lone girl shuffled away a bit, but not to far. She wanted to be able to hear the two talk, and gather as much information about them as possible. Because unlike Ether, she felt no connection with this new girl. Letting them talk in what they would think private, Kuro just absentmindedly kept on playing with her shadows.

It's odd...they seem to be emanating from me. And I can feel through them, like they were an arm or leg...perhaps they are an extension of myself?

The two didn't seem to be ceasing their conversation, so Kuro was just about to take her leave. But before she could, yet another girl walked over to them. She however, was immensely different from...well pretty much anyone Kuro's ever seen. She had pure white hair and...really tall ears. And...long, ice-like wings? And that's not even touching base on her clothing. And unlike the fire girl who transformed into having wings...this new girl's seemed natural. She was trying to talk to Ether and his new...whatever you would call her. But they were clearly into each other. If only for the fact that the shadow girl was massively intrigued, she approached the ice girl.

"Hey, Lexy? Let me apologize for those two...they seem to be really into one another..anyways, to be honest, I don't. I've never been here before, and I'm going to assume you haven't either. Is there anything I can help you with though?" Despite keeping her appearance straight, she was clawing herself in her head. None of what she just said, was okay. Not for her. She's learned that if you talk, there will be consequences. But regardless, her curiosity won over in the end.

Misako walked around the fields happily, enjoying the sight.

Jacolm listened to the conversation, making sure he didn't miss any important details.

Jacolm tried seeing if he had any other powers, a slight glow came from his hand, only to dissapate nearly immediatly after.

While grazing the fields, Misako spotted the group. She felt alarmed, unsure if she was safe. She reached for an arrow, and grabbed one, drawng the bow that had appeared in her hand randomly. She didn't question it, she just wanted to stay safe. She had the bow slightly drawn while crouching in the tall fields, near the edge of Anam.
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"Pfft hahaha! Akime she's a necromancer like myself. I haven't met one since.....well its been a very long time. Its nice to meet someone of the same profession. We are a very rare one after all." It was then that Ether turned towards the Ice Dragon that had apparently been talking to him. His tone became apologetic as he spoke, " Oh I apologize. If you had spoken I didn't even hear you in the slightest. Sorry about that. The name is Ether. What had you said? Sorry about that again."


Lexy waited there for a while, two people were talking back and forth in what seemed to be there own little world while a third person stayed quiet, it was kinda saddening. Not even here five minutes and already labeled an outcast... She was about to try and speak again but someone had yelled at her general direction, and it sounded like she wanted her to come with, at least one person would have her in their group. Lexy opened her mouth and began to turn to speak to them, but before she could turn the silent person from the original group she tried to talk to, Kuro, spoke to her, apologizing for not responding right away. How does she know my name? Were they already informed about me? thought the girl to herself, somewhat spooked abut her already having her name, but at the same time she was curious, it was weird. She opened her mouth once again to try and speak but yet once more she was cut off, this time by the boy she tried to speak with earlier, who now revealed himself to be Ether.

The halfling girl kept her mouth closed and quiet, somewhat freaking out at all the people trying to talk to her at once, it was flustering to try and decipher who to talk to at first. This was shown physically as her Light Blue eyes jumped back and forth between all the people who talked to her, and her ears perked up, much like a cat's would when they either sense something or feel threatened. Ultimately she decided to speak to Kuro and Ether first as they both seemed to have the same response, albeit somewhat different each.
"I'm just kinda overwhelmed and confused at what just happened, that's all" Lexy replied with a small smile as her eyes darted between the two, unable to decide who they should focus on.

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Inside Temple

Mood: Curious, Flustered, Overwhelmed

With: Ether (@shadowz1995 ) Kuro (@TheGossipLink ) Venessa (@DarknessSpirit )

Theme: Chuuritsu Toshi- Origin Spirits of the Past

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Misako crouched, on the alert. She head her breath steady, causing a slight un natural wave in the grass infront of her. She drew the bow further, unsure if they're allied or against her. She stayed hidden to remain sure.

Jacolm tried summoning his power again, to succeed. HIs hand glowed a sulfer yellow for a bit, then burned out.

@Allyator @Blackrose7 @Anyone Else Involved

Kuro Akime

Before Lexy had a chance to respond, Ether broke his conversation to speak to the lone dark girl. He attempted to state that he had merely been enjoyed to find another of his kind. Which giving what she heard, Kuro deduced was a summoner of sorts. It didn't change the fact that she felt a bit down at the moment. The only person she felt a connection with had just casted her aside. Much like some other people...But, she did try to get over it. After all, she couldn't really be upset by it. Though she herself didn't understand, she assumed it would be nice to come across one of the same after a seemingly longtime. Even still, Kuro didn't both reply, as Ether then went on to talk with Lexy.

It wasn't until this moment, did she notice how freaked out the ice girl was. Her eyes were darting around, mostly between Ether and Kuro. Not to mention, that the shadow girl finished connecting the dots, and realized the person shouting just a bit ago was addressing the newcomer as well. Though no one could see it through her mask, Kuro grew a bright blush. She had caused the poor girl to become flustered, and the overall situation wasn't helping her out either. Just because the lonely girl was taking things calmly, didn't mean others were. Taking a quick breath, she looked back up at the ice dragon.

"I'm sure you are. I am as well...would you like to step outside? To get a breath of fresh air?" Again, the inner screaming wouldn't stop. All of the instincts Kuro has developed told her that this idea was the stupidest yet, and that's saying something. But she felt...compelled. Why? Good question...she just did.



"Umm...Sure?" replied Lexy after blinking a few times at the masker girl, raising her eyebrow at her as she did so; she was so confused and caught off guard by her sudden question of going outside. She wasn't expecting that sort of reply from someone, but after taking it into consideration she deemed it to be a good idea, who would of thought to explore the new surroundings surrounding them? Her ear's relaxed a bit as her flusteredness past, being replaced with a cautious feeling, she didn't know much about the others yet; but they definitely weren't bad, that much she could tell...except for that one guy she saw earlier, he gave her the chills...

And with that, she began to follow the other girl outside, her tail slithering back and forth at an even slow pace, as if it were a snake; as she stepped her heels made light thumping sounds of footsteps as they existed the temple. At first, she had to shield her eyes with her delicate hands as it was somewhat blinding, the earlier room had been dim to her and so the change in light somewhat stunned her for a few (I'm just assuming it is still daytime, at least here near the temple). Once Lexy's eyes regained clarity, she placed her hands back down and behind her, intertwining her fingers as they came into place, before taking a deep calming breath and taking in the view.

@Allyator : Perhaps you could supply us with a picture of your choosing of how the temple/town (Or whatever the surrounding area is)? It would be nice to have a visual guide on the world around our characters.

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

Location: Temple -> Outside Temple

Mood: Flustered, Curious, weary -> Cal, Curious

With: Kuro ( @TheGossipLink )

Theme: Chuuritsu Toshi- Origin Spirits of the Past


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The necromancer watches her, his glowing purple eyes locking with her eyes. He nods lightly and takes a step to the side respectfully to allow her to focus more on Akime than Ether himself. He didn't want to overwhelm her, he just wanted her to know that he hadnt heard her and wanted to apologize for it and speak to her now of course. "Haha. No worries miss. Believe me when I say we all are. This all happened very suddenly. Out of curiosity where are you from?" His are practically twinkling with violet intrigue. "Never seen a being like you before."

(Uhh void that last one. My internet kind of made that one come in late)
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Puellam Watched the Fang as he walked in a different manner getting closer to her, and pacing around her like a predator waiting to strike it's prey. "Ser kjent ut?" Said the male in a mocking tone. Then to Puellam's horrid realization he has completely mimicked her way of stalking. Copying her as if it were mere child's play, telling her that he was superior in everyway. But then he pulled a necklace and showed a jewel. A unique one much like hers yet the opposite where hers was a bright opal, his was dark. He was a Celestial Knight as Puellam and Roxii.

"You knight? You friend?" Puellam struggled in her best English straining her vocal cords.

She stepped outside and took a deep breath. It’s been a long time since she left the temple and it would be her first time going out into the unknown. Jasmine knew that she couldn’t be scared just yet. She has knowledge on many things from all the books she’s read so she took solace in the fact that there will probably never be a situation that she didn’t know how to handle. That is of course, until now.

Screech! There was suddenly an inhuman cry. It was incredibly loud and it felt like it could pierce her soul.

Jasmine froze. Her eyes went wide and she glanced in the direction that the sound came from. Her confidence was broken as she saw a beast fly towards the temple.

It must be trying to guard the void seed. She thought.

Never in any of her books did she ever see something like that. Jasmine never fought a battle in her entire life and so her hands were shaking. For once, she had no idea what to do so she just stood there; watching the threat get closer and closer.


“Holy shit!” Mira exclaimed as she heard the beast screech. It flew towards the temple and landed on the ground ahead of them. It felt like an earthquake when it hit the ground.

Her full attention was now on the monster instead of the other knights. Mira’s heart was racing and yet despite the unknown terror in front of them, she had a huge smile on her face. This was the adventure and excitement she had always longed for.

“Now’s a good time as ever to test out our new powers!” She shouted.

Concentrating on visualizing her powers, she managed to summon a large sword but its ghostly nature made it easy to wield. With her weapon held firmly with both her hands, she charged at the beast, yelling at the top of her lungs.

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Atraxia smirked when he saw the dawning realization of horror on the girl's face, it was clear she got the message from his little show, good. Now then that was over with, he could continue onward with the conversation, metaphorically speaking that is. His two claws put the necklace back to underneath his shirt, protecting it from harm at the moment; before nodding his head slightly. "Knight? Yes, Friend? We've yet to see" replied the man as he continued to stare unflinchingly into the girl's eyes, his cold Icy stare never leaving, a drilling type force it was.

He then preceded to place one of his black claws onto the point of the Halberd that was pointed directly at him and began to lower it for the girl,
"So let's lower our weapons so we may chat" stated Fang in a neutral tone, or at least as neutral as his voice could get for no matter how he tried, he could not just hide the pure anger and malice in his voice; he repeating his message in the girl's tongue so that way the message would be clear.

(Så la oss senke våpnene våre , slik at vi kan chatte)

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: "Land of Shadow Beings"

Mood: Neutral

With: Puellam (@MsPolite ) Roxii (@Javax )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

Puellam lifted her Halberd up as if to defy Fang, showing him, she is not to be test, then giving a shallow thrust to convey the message she will hurt him if he tries anything. "Fin, vil vi snakke, men la det være kjent er jeg ikke noen tispe som kan lekt med."* Puellam responded. "Person of Shadows, Fang. Us help powerful Woman?" She then asked referring to the Goddess.


Fine, we will talk, but let it be known I am not some bitch That Can be toyed with.

@Javax @Federoff
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Feisty... that was the nicest word he could use to describe how he felt about the girl at the moment, he was not use to people disobeying him, or flat-out challenging him. True that years ago he was use to people trying to fight and kill him, but his reputation soon deterred anyone who sought to even try and kill him, and for good reason at that; he was ruthless in the way he killed them. Now if only he could use that ruthlessness to end the lives of these two girls, his inner beast was urging him to do it... but he couldn't, not if he wanted to be payed... Part of the contract... he reminded himself, through out the entire day, knowing that it would soon end and then he wouldn't have to deal with these people anymore...

But that little act the wolf girl just pulled on him angered him so, the moment the shallow jab was given off by her his eyes went from Icy blue to a hateful glowing red. He just stared for a few moments as Puellam pointed her Halberd at him, assessing the situation at hand. Then after a few seconds of silence, he spoke again,
"Yes, I am helping her, just as you two are. Did you no notice me back there in that temple as you hid and analyzed fro that corner?" his reply had a bit of edge to it.

Atraxia continued to stare at the girl, the red growing deeper in color as he did so, deciding it was his turn to have some questions answered he began to speak once more,
"hva er ditt navn?" he asked her, thinking this would be a place to start. He then raised his other hand and motioned for the other girl to come closer so he can view them both together, "And your name?" he asked her, not taking his gaze off Puellam but pointing at Roxii to clarify that question was for her,

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: "Land of Shadow Beings"

Mood: Angered

With: Puellam (@MsPolite ) Roxii (@Javax )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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Ether's spine receives a huge chill down its length when he hears the ungodly screech of some kind of creature. Breaking off all conversation, Ether rushes outside to where the girls had stepped out. His movement stops dead when he sees the massive monster before him. Ether had fought some large creatures in the past but this thing was something else entirely. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Ether draws his longsword while simultaneously reciting a chant, ''Cerberus, curator of silenti, sino phasmatis venire contra mihi. Phasmatis, radix quod causa of vita, commodo adeo suffragium mihi in meus negotium.'' With a thrust of his left arm, four undead rise from the shadows he had created with his new powers. He didn't detect any corpses buried around him so he caused a rift of darkness back to his original world and resummoned the dead he had guarding him while he slept. He was quite proud of these ones. Four heavily armored templars that had been hunting him down for sometime now served him without question. Their skin seemingly has a corporeal blue glow, Like if a light was shining just under their skin. Their eyes white and completely devoid of any form of life or consciousness. Their moans begin to fill the air and Ether preforms another spell. Using his blood magic, Ether slices into his hand and lets it spill openly on to the ground. "Using my blood as a catalyst for your rage, bestow unto me your power arcane forces of the darkness!" Ether's body begins to take a red glow and those who are sensitive to magic could feel the essence of dark magic at work. Ether then got the idea to use his new dark powers to boost his magic. It takes a moment of concentration for shadows to burst forth from his person and the glow around him to take a deeper hue of red. Tendrils of darkness now dance around shadow, seemingly eager and begging to bleed the enemy before them. Dark laughter escapes Ether's throat as he looks up towards the massive threat, his eyes filled with excitement. This is the first time he has felt this much POWER. "Ohhh...Im going to enjoy this heheheh...."
Fang's behaviour intrigued the hybrid. The way he carried himself and treated Puellam revealed how much he was used to being regarded as superior and being feared. But the way Puellam defended herself and challenged him must have caught him by surprise and angered him. The drastic change in eye colour made Roxii curious; this creature was once human, judging by his characterics and behaviours. So how did he become like this?

The manifestation of anger gestured for Roxii to move into his view. Despite her short stature, she made sure to stand tall and keep an air of courage. Moving beside Puellam while keeping her distance, she responded, "

@Federoff @MsPolite

Atraxia let out a small smile at the other girl, revealing his fangs once again to the two girls, as Roxii followed his "request" and came over to them before revealing her name to them to be Roxii, before turning back to Puellam with a neutral expression on; his eyes still glowing red. "See? It isn't that hard is it? Your turn" stated the man, if you could call him that anymore, as he extended his hand out to the girl as a gesture to speak , his eyes never having to leave the girl now as Roxii was now within his vision now. He had no problem with extending his arm towards the girl as most of his body was covered in armor that would protect him from her backlash, and the position he was in now gave him a better chance to counter if the nameless wolf girl tried anything.

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: "Land of Shadow Beings"

Mood: Slightly Angered

With: Puellam ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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Puellam growled lowly as she stayed static gripping her Halberd tighter. "I Puellam. We go? Help goddess? Kills void?" Puellam answer while clenching her teeth. The hairs on her neck where standing up, there was something about Fang that drove her mad. Something within him that is not him she could feel it, the aura of rage hate and blood. It terrified her. But not the person. "Roxii? We go?" She asked the person of shadows that stood next to her. The only person she slightly trusted right now.

@Javax @Federoff
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