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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open & Accepting!]

Going with the flow Logan decided to go next. I'm am Logan Black and I am a knight of water. And it would be my pleasure to help you as much as I can. Logan then backed up blushing because of the pretty girls around him.


Denver grunted, "I suppose I should aswell, Im Denver.. Im the Celestial Knight of Metal." He looked around at the other Knight who have been demonstrating their powers.


"I'll go next, Im James... Celestial Knight... of the Void... not the bad guy... I hope." He said.

"Hmm, look at the all girls... Heheheh"

"OH SHUT UP!" He yelled to himself.

"MAKE ME!" His inner demon began taking control and hitting himself.

"Ow! Hey! Stop that!" James was unable to stop himself from hitting hiimself.
"Thank you Logan, but sadly this isn't what I really look like, since this is my another form." said Serena, as she went back to normal. "My name is Serena, and you might want to talk to Goddess Mir, since she knows why we're here." said Serena, since she knew that he was blushing at her another form. 'Logan is so cute when he is embarrass.' thought Serena, since she was slowly starting to like him.

She then heard someone speaking up like they were the leader of the celestial knights.
"Hiya Jasmine and Mira. My name is Serena Weaver, and I am the knight of light. I hope that I can be friends with almost everybody here." said Serena cheerfully, since she doesn't want to force someone, who doesn't like her to come her friend, because she wants to respect them.
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Ether staying back but he decided to speak up for the sake of working with his new.....teammates. "My name is Ether. I'm a necromancer and dark sorcerer." Ether said no more following this and watched everybody warily to gauge their reactions to that news.
"Ow! Stop that!" Dama turned to Serena. "Can you quit poking me with that? It's already hard enough to take you seriously as a Knight when you managed to make yourself look like a butterfly."

Dama then addressed the crowd. "Well, since everyone else is doing introductions, I might as well, too. I'm Dama, Knight of Fire. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Looking at Jasmine, she commented, 'You say you know where to find the void seed? Then lead us there. Time's wasting, and there's a whole world at stake.'

Kuro Akime

Watching all of the Knights introduce themselves made the lonely brunette extremely uncomfortable. She trusted no one here, so why would she just introduce herself to them? They had only just met, and the circumstances are insanely bizarre. The fact that Kuro wasn't questioning her sanity was a surprise. The girl from earlier, the other one with the powers of darkness left already. No one else seemed to notice, but Kuro sure did. She was watching every little thing happen, refusing to let something slip from her gaze. If it wasn't for the mask over her face, everyone else would've been able to see her untrustful look. Even still, she felt compelled to tell them her name, at the least. But every time she was just about to speak, she'd catch herself. Finally exhausted with it all, she just sat down. Testing her powers a little more, she tried making the shadows crawl over her completely, to conceal herself. It worked! She could see out easily enough, but no one else could see in. Granted, it must have looked a little silly. As much as the shadows covered her, it just made it look like a weird lump of nothing. She thought them away, but kept a little circle of it surround her legs. While the others talked, she causally kept making the shadows form little spikes, like she was constructing, and deconstructing a castle over and over again.
It is then that Ether once again notices the other dark user on the ground playing with her shadows. She is wearing a mask so he cannot see her face but then again Ether was wearing a dark cloak and no one could see his. The only thing they could see was probably his bright purple irises that marked him as a dark sorcerer. With a sigh, Ether slowly walks towards the other dark user and plops down next to her at a respectful distance so as not to make her uncomfortable. He glances her over, letting his purple eyes study her for a short time. The other dark user had already walked out and she was the only other one he felt some sort of kinship with. Ether speaks in a hushed voice to her, "Ether. The other dark user besides you and the assassin who left not too long ago. If you dont wish to speak then don't. You are the only one I trust here because you are being suspicious of everyone. That makes you smarter than them or at the very least more cautious."

Kuro Akime

The lone Celestial Knight find herself no longer alone. The only remaining Knight of Darkness, other then herself, was seated just a little ways from her. Before he even began talking, Kuro found that her shadows created a little wall between them. It wasn't tall, or wide. Just big enough to make it obvious that she wasn't going to trust anyone, not even another dark user. But his words got to her all the same. Dispersing her wall, she looked over at him. He was regarding her, his purple iris's gleaming from under the hood. While some would find it a little unsettling, Kuro found it oddly comforting. Like she was being looked at with a brothers eyes, not a strangers.

Perhaps...there's a connection between us? We are the same element, so maybe we are tied together somehow...

Regardless if she felt more at ease with Ether, she wasn't about to tell him her name. At least not her full name. "Call me Akime." Was all she said. Surprisingly, her voice wasn't muffled by the mask. It too, seemed to be made of shadows.

Ether nods in acknowledgement, "Akime." he repeats. He gives a small chuckle and regards the other knights in the room silently, only speaking to Akime. "One hell of a situation we have found ourselves in no? One moment I'm relaxing in a forest. Under the starlit sky with three undead sentries keeping watch for me. I gradually let sleep take me and then I'm speaking to a goddess of all things. Telling me that I'm some chosen one against the devourer of the realm. I also have teammates that share this fate with me. Then I wake up here in this temple. Heheh....can't help but laugh at the audacity of all this. I'm trying to save the world with a girl that turns into a mystical butterfly of light.....pffft hahahaha. I can't believe this." Ether wasn't expecting a response from Akime. He just wanted someone to talk to. Someone he felt he could trust in this room. So far there was only Akime simply because she didn't seem so wiling as the others. So blind. At least be slightly suspicious. Akime and the assassin who had left were the only ones he felt he could speak to and coincidentally they were all knights of darkness. Or maybe it wasn't a coincidence? At this point nothing would surprise Ether.

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Serena stop poking one of Dama's dragon wings with her wand. "Its not like I wanted to be taken seriously anyway, since the knight of light are either to be taken seriously or not, because we're too nice for our own good. I also never saw a dragon in Lumi before, so I just had to poke one of your wings with my wand, Dama." said Serena, since she was being honest about that.

She then heard what Dama had said, and she completely agreed with her.
"Dama is right, and lets go beat up the void seed, since I don't want Lumina to disappear." said Serena.

( xD I am really enjoying myself here, since Serena can't be taken seriously even if she wanted to.

Serena: If both the enemy and your teammates can't take you seriously, then that is a good thing, since they won't see the unexpected coming.

Magical girl: Jumps extremely high <- Serena is going to have no control over this yet. Strong, and fast: The gem has that already. )
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Awe. Awe is the only word that could describe what Puellam was feeling. Nothing made sense. One moment she was fighting a bear, then the next she was here in this heavenly place. Puellam sensed a being of great power approach her. As she spun to take in the most magnificent person she has ever seen. So powerful and so beautiful... Nothing like herself. Puellam could hardly bear the weight of the power The godly being extorted from her being. Puellam keeled showing a sign of submission. For the First time in a long time Puellam was afraid. She trembled as the Goddess spoke telling her many things that Puellam could not grasp, but as an obedient dog accepted the ask. as ten orbs of different powers hovered around Puellam, only one caught her attention as she gravitated to it choosing it because it felt like home. It was water, but it probably appeared different to her than others as to her it was a frozen orb of ice cold and chilling to the touch.Then suddenly without warning everything dissipated around her leaving a void of darkness, but as soon as the Heavens dissipated a temple appeared in its stead with a crowd of people wielding many different powers and looks. Instantly Puellam started to feel the anxiety that comes with being in a crowd. She shrunk back into the corner hoping none would notice. after Analyzing most of the other "celestial Knights" she came to the conclusions that very few of them were true warriors and therefore very little threat. Puellam now standing taller and allowing her senses roam the room a strange smell came from a woman clad in shadows. A smell all to common for her. She was a wolf... Yet she did not look like one,was her senses playing tricks on her? Or was this the truth, there may be another like her?As this warrior of shadows began to leave the temple Puellam followed, curios to see what this "thing" is. Puellam crouched low and Quietly stalked her prey, moving from shadow to shadow or behind any objects that could be found.

It was like no-one payed attention to Denver, he simply shrugged and went along his way, he left to go to where the Metal Knights go. "Well, this'll have to do." He said as he entered and appeared in his lands.


James didnt care that no-one payed attention to him.. In fact he use to it, he went into his partial transformation and flew out, "Its not like I cared no-one payed attention to me."

"I'm sure you secretly did, James."

"Bah..." He continued to fly out through an opening which lead to where the Void Beings go. "It not much... but its home."

"Yeah.. I wonder if there are any others like us."

"What do you mean.. 'Like us'?" he asked himself.

"You know who control the void like we do."

"Oh.. I dont know.." He said.

@Anyone who is Void
Jacolm awoke, breath leaving his mouth "Mmnph... Water... How am I standing on this?"Jacolm stomped on the water lightly a couple times, watching the ripples "Weird..."
Jacolm ran to the woman. "Hello? Is this just a sort of dream?" Jacolm said. With his beliefs and serious attitude, he didn't believe this was fantasy game scene. cut his finger with a pockt knife he had. "Seriously can't tell..."
Logan noticed Serena talking to this other pretty girl so he walked over to say hi. Though when Logan got over there all he could do was blush because he like Serena and now he like Dama. "Hey S. S. Serena who is your friend." Logan asks as he blush more because he stuttered.
"Her name is Dama, and she is still in transformed form, since she is a dragon girl right now." said Serena, since she can tell that Logan is blushing again. 'I guess he is either shy, or is embarrass to be around girls for some reason.' thought Serena, since he been acting strange when he is around them.

Serena then noticed that a new celestial knight was here.
"Hey guys, we got a new celestial knight buddy now." said Serena, as she pointed at Jacolm with one of her fingers.
@Blackrose& He's still with MIr, but I guess they'll see him :l Or do I just skip that and I wasted a shit ton of time?)
"Hm? I am honestly dumbfounded..." Jacolm sighed in frustration, pacing back and forth. "So, girl, I don't even know what a Celestial knight is. So you must got like the wrong person or something." Jacolm said. He was recollecting whatever hihs sanity was and pondered the possibilities
After leaving the temple, Roxii had begun heading towards the portal that lead to the land of "Dark Beings", Mina. The gnarled forests made her feel at home, as if she were meant to be here. However, she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that she was being watched and followed. For a while, she passed it off as paranoia, an issue she suffered with and dealt with for God knows how long. But then she began smelling another being. Another animal. But they weren't exactly animal... They were a hybrid, much like herself. Luckily, her pursuer wasn't intelligent enough to stay downwind of her, so it was easy for Roxii to pinpoint the location of her follower.

Thinking quickly, she decided to use her shadow powers. She absorbed some of the shadows around her, shrouded herself in them, and then imagined them to be invisible but not transparent. The shadowy cloak became invisible, taking Roxii along with it. The hybrid ignored the burning sigil on her chest as she pinpointed the location of her follower and ended up behind them. She released the shadows, the burning in her chest ceasing, and armed herself with one of her daggers. The anthropoid kept the point of the dagger against the spine of the pursuer, making sure that they didn't make any sudden movements.

Virȕ ōdǐ tuɇ?" she asked slowly, slipping into her native tongue. Her voice had a slight tinge of a foreign accent—one that we would call a "Russian" accent.


Kuro Akime

She listened to Ether talk, not making any comments herself. Just gleaming off of what he said, Kuro went ahead and assumed he wasn't from Earth like she was. There was no magic back there, so it was clearly obvious with that in mind. Slowly, while he talked, she found herself growing a mild smirk. More so just based off of the difference between them. Kuro, up till now, had been a thieving drunk, with no possible future. Only by this incredibly impossible event, did she get saved from dying a bleak and meaningless death. But Ether, seemed like he was good one way or the other.

"I don't like it here. No one seems to be focusing on any task, except that one girl who tried gathering everyone...I'm going to head out. Would you like to come with me?" As she said this, Kuro was screaming at herself. This was going against everything she ever learned! But in the end, she figured it would be better to travel with someone else. And who better then the only person she felt okay with?

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"I am sure that Goddess Mir didn't brought the wrong person, since we were all brought here for the same reason." said Serena. "A celestial knight is someone, who protects Lumina from harm. You were brought here, because there is a being named: Void, who is slowly absorbing Lumina into himself, since he wants to be powerful."

She then pointed at the ten orbs, since he needed to pick one. "You get to pick one of those ten elements over there, and Goddess Mir is also giving us immortality with this." said Serena.

@Krekire ( Goddess Mir disappeared so ya. )
@Blackrose7 (Dammit.)

"Erm... Explan which ones they are?" He said, already having the Sulfur Coloured one in mind. He looked confused, assuming only a few of the elements. Water, Fire, Dark, Earth... "This one I guess." He pointed at the Light One

She facepalmed as her idea of working together was ignored by a couple of people. Jasmine was at least happy that a few others introduced themselves.

“Okay. If you plan on destroying a void seed, you will need at least more than one person to help since I doubt any of them can be beaten by just one person. There are teleporters around this temple that can take you to its respective land.” Jasmine spoke up for everyone to hear. “I will be going to the void seed here in Anam. It’s not very far. So who’s with me? It would be great if the rest of us could stick together.” There was a pause. “Oh yeah, just to give everyone a heads up, I’m sure the Goddess wouldn’t take too kindly to people ignoring her mission.” She said with a sly grin on her face. "I guess others might show up to the temple while we're all gone as well. Ah, I'm sure a priestess here might be able to explain any of their questions."


Mira stood around awkwardly. She wasn’t at all familiar with this world and she didn’t feel a connection to anyone in particular. Thinking of the idea of wandering around this new world made her feel uncomfortable so she decided that it would be better if she stuck around with someone who knew their way around.

“I’ll join up with you!” She said to Jasmine.
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"Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Energy or Electric, Metal, Spirit or Psychic, Void, Light, and Dark. That is the order of these orbs, and yay, you're going to pick light." said Serena excitedly. "Now go touch it, and you will get light magic."

She was happy that she was going to get a light buddy, since almost everybody seems to have a buddy with the same element as them.

"By the way, have you never used magic before, since some of the people here are saying that they are from a place named Earth." said Serena, since it would be extremely bad if he doesn't know any magic.

She then heard Jasmine saying that Mir would be mad that them if they don't destroy those void seeds.
"I am trying to find a partner here, Jasmine." said Serena, since nobody asked to be her partner yet.

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