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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open & Accepting!]

Ether had been completely absorbed into the battle raging ahead of him. He felt as if he had put so serious damage into that thing and he felt good about it. Though there comes a moment where Akime stirs in his arms and it breaks his concentration from the fight. He Is about to comment on if she was ok after being flung 40 ft before she suddenly kicks out of arms. "Ok fair enough yo-..." Ether was met with four rapier like shadows mere inches from his neck. The necromancer's eyes widen in surprise and he slowly raises his unarmed hand and drops his sword from the other, in a show of mercy. "Ok....ok I don't want to hurt you. Its ok. You're good . I promise. Don't like being touched I understand. Won't happen again." The dark girl's eyes seemed to focus at him and she retracts the shadows from his neck. With a breath, He relaxes and he realized that his body had completely tensed up. He was clearly not expecting that and even less so when Akime suddenly darted out into the nearby trees. "What th- WAIT!" Ether calls out as he picks up his weapon once again and takes off after her. He speed being almost tripled by his blood magic and enhanced dark powers, it doesn't take too long to catch up with her. He can feel her hiding in the shadows near him. After all, he was a dark sorcerer. Sensing his own element at work nearby was no surprise. "Akime where are you going? Hey I'm sorry alright I won't place a finger on you again ok? Really I didn't know you were that sensitive with that, honestly my apologies." Ether spoke out in general to the forest as he knew she was close and could hear him but he obviously couldn't pinpoint her exact location. He figured it was a bad idea to try if this had offended her so greatly.

Kuro Akime

As the girl ran into the forest, she propelled herself into the air using her shadows, and landed gently on a low handing branch a good fifteen feet up. She sat there, using her powers to converge the shadows on her, keeping her hidden from sight. The lone girl kept her eyes shut tight, trying to forget the memory that had resurfaced. It held way too much power over the girl, as clearly demonstrated just a few minutes ago when she attacked Ether. While she certainly didn't like to be touched by anyone, she wouldn't of attacked him had she not been under the affects of her dream. All of it was just too much for her, and she poured her anger out on the tree next to her. Several times, and she would skewer it with shadows, making clean stabs and cuts like it was nothing. Before long, it was reduced to nothing more then a stump. Kuro was about to do the same to another tree, when she heard Ether's voice. He was already under her current tree, reaching her far faster then expected. But to be fair, she wasn't anticipating him to follow her at all. Listening to his apologies, she felt compelled to speak with him. She lightly slipped off of the branch, landing without a sound. If there was anything the girl was good at, was keeping things quite. Though it might not of been the best choice in this situation, she landed behind him. The shadows emanating from her were seemingly growing restless, reflecting her own mood.

"It wasn't you, I should be the one apologizing. It's just...never mind. Point is, I'm sorry...Thank you for taking me out of the pond." Kuro held a hard stare at first, but she slowly lost it's intensity. He truly did sound sorry, even if it wasn't exactly his fault in the first place. Regardless, there was no way in hell she was about to explain why she reacted the way she did.
Ether spun around as he suddenly heard Anime's voice. Once again caught off guard by this girl. Ether was never caught off guard twice in a row by the same person. Much less back to back as she just did. He knew she was near him but not THAT near. At her approach , Ether sheaths his sword quickly and puts his hands up in a submissive gesture. She spoke saying it wasn't Ether's fault and that she should be the one apologizing. She even looked like she might tell him why but decided against it. Ether's eyes kept an eye on the shadows beneath her feet dancing around restlessly and by the expression she wore it looked like it might have been bad if she hasn't softened up a few seconds after revealing herself. " Ok yeah no worries. Like I said, I'm sorry as well. I probably shouldn't have done that and you were right to be mad at me after suddenly picking you up like that. Your welcome Akime. Its only natural to come back for friends right?" Ether gave her a tentative smile before lowering his hands by his sides slowly so as not to cause her to attack him again
The sling-bullet had worked pretty well, all things considered. Sure, it had exploded upon impact, but that was a feature, not a flaw, and quite inevitable, given the speeds that rock had been traveling at. Arin decided to try it again (if it ain't broke, don't fix it!). She grabbed another stone, put it in her sling, whirled it around, released it at her opponent... and misfired. Whoops. She didn't hit any of her teammates, but the rock did go screaming off into the horizon to ruin some unfortunate bird's day. Ah well. At least her illusion's lasers were hitting their target, and they were causing a lot of damage.

Kuro Akime

With her apologies out, and after Ether's own comments, she slightly bowed a little before backing away a few feet. Then deciding she didn't want a repeat of this situation, before turning away from him she stopped. Staring at him directly, she allowed the shadows to engulf her completely, making it seem she disappeared. Even if she hadn't. Using this cover, she propelled to another tree.

Before springing away, so spoke towards Ether's general direction, "Hey, shall we finish this thing off?" Without waiting for a response, Kuro extended her shadows from her tree branch to the neighboring tree, using them as a runway between the open gap. She kept on doing this, allowing her to run perfectly through the otherwise thick and branch ridden forest. It seemed the current companion was more then capable at keeping up, so she didn't fret. Emerging from the forest, she gave one mighty leap off of the last branch. She had just the right amount of angle to make one single somersault before landing perfectly on her feet, rolling over her shoulder to negate any pain. Once she was standing up straight, she looked back to see if Ether had caught up.


  • proxy.php

    Atraxia stood there as he watch Puellam act like, in his eyes, a little girl that didn't want to do anything but stay still, it was a eye rolling sight at best. Then it got interesting...the forest began to shake with the noise of fleeing animals, he caught the movement with his eyes as they came closer to them, passing them as if they weren't there; they were to preoccupied with trying to escape something else. He grabbed a bird that was flying past, his claws silencing it on the spot, before biting off the wing and beginning to chew it, bone and flesh alike. Crunch went the bones, as he watched wolves beginning to move about, true he was no predator but he was something far worse then that...

    Fang threw the bird onto the ground, forgetting his snack for what seemed to be something far more interesting, before following Puellam; staying a few feet back as it seemed she as "leading" the group somewhere. Unlike the girl who was traveling by the land, he decided to take a more efficient and profitable route, he was above them; hopping from tree to tree with relative ease, his clawed hands and feet helping him. After a bit of playing follow the leader, they finally arrived to a void seed in the middle of what seemed to be a crater, the snowy land and tree's burnt to a crisp.

    He watched from above as the girl began to fight a strange creature, one that made no noise nor smell; obviously an enchanted creatures. The red-eyed Fang looked back to the void seed, it didn't seem like there were that many, he counted two near Puellam and the possibility of others nearer the void see; he couldn't tell for sure, the void seed prevented him from doing so. He silently looked back to Puellam being surrounded by two of these creatures, deciding to fight close range with a bow, he mentally sighed. And here he thought the girl was starting to smarten up a bit...

    Without hesitation he launched himself from the burnt tree he was on, causing it to completely collapse and cause dust to settle in the air around it, and landed right on top of one of the creatures, his two blue energized daggers in the shoulders of the creature as he seemed to balance right on top of them, his red eyes staring straight down as he gave a fangy grin. He suddenly through his weight in one direction, causing the upper body of the creature to twist as his legs spun, before popping off and sending him to the ground, skidding into the snow a bit; the upper half of the creature on his blade. Atraxia flicked his wrists and it came off, both parts of the body dissolving. Since he was a void knight, his powers naturally allowed him to cancel out many other powers from others, and these guys were purely based off of powers and energy, easy enough for him to fight all day; in his mind. He looked up to the two, "These things are energy or power based" he informed them before quickly repeating the message in Puellam's native tongue, still sounding rough but getting the message across.

    Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: "Land of Snowy"

    Mood: Unimpressed -> Let Down -> Eager, Battle-thirsty

    With: ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax)

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


The Dark Knight froze as the entire atmosphere changed, the animals, prey and predator alike, scurrying away from an unknown enemy. The thought that even the more fierce predators were afraid of such an enemy made her realize that there was something terribly wrong. She chased after Puellam and Fang, her animalistic characteristics blessing her with the speed necessary to easily catch up and keep up.

Upon arriving to the area, she took a quick moment to study the situation. These enemies were energy-based, as the creature had established. Making sure to keep her momentum, the wolf-elf removed her daggers from their sheathes and charged for the other enemy. Calling upon the surroundings shadows, she surrounded her daggers in the darkness, making them more powerful towards the creature. The enemy attacked by slashing horizontally with its weapon, hoping to cut her off. But she slid to the ground, ducking underneath the attack, and slid past him. She shot back up and stabbed the creature in the back, pulling the blades downward in an 'x' motion. She pulled the blades out and hopped back, putting distance between her and it once again.

@MsPolite @Federoff
"Let's go then." Ether laughs and breaks off into a sprint behind Kuro as she disappears and returns to the battle. He is able to keep up with her rather easily. Ether's gaze snaps up as the Ice Dragon girl glides in and starts flying near them, claiming that she had a plan. Ether smiles more and call out to them both, "Sounds good Ice Drake! My dark magic is yours to command!"

Kuro Akime

It didn't take long for Ether to break the forest, coming up just a few feet short of the dark girl. Before either of them had anytime to talk, Lexy came over, gliding above the ground. It hadn't occurred to the lone girl that the ice dragon could actually use her wings to fly. Then she started wondering if she herself could...but before she had much time to think about it, she felt the affects of the other girl's cold atmosphere. Some might find it a bit off-putting, but Kuro quite liked it. To her, it was relaxing. She listened to Lexy's plan, and Ether's immediate support of said plan, but she wasn't quite as ready to jump in. Her shadows were able to cut through a thick tree, but what about the creature? The most she had done so far to it, was use her shadows to throw the beast to the side. But could she do any real damage? If this was any other person asking, the girl would just walk away. But for some odd reason that Kuro still has yet to identify, she felt compelled to listen to the ice dragon.

"Okay...I'll give it a shot. You have my dark powers as well." She tried to sound enthusiastic, but failed. She had no real faith in this plan, but anything's worth trying at this point.

@shadowz1995 @Federoff
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Lexy smiled and nodded when both of her friends agreed to help her with her plan, before turning around and started to fly back over to the rest of the group that was fighting the monster, they still trying to attack it to much no ail. She turned back over to Kuro and Ether, "I need you to get everyone away from the monster while I try, I don't wanna accidentally hurt a friend" she quickly stated before flying up and above the monster, who was currently being attacked by lasers by another knight. She focused on what she wanted and poured most of her energy and focus into changing the weather a substantial amount, and within a few seconds it started to cool all around. The temperature started to drop quickly, snow starting to fall, and within a few minutes it turned all out blizzard around the monster. Once the blizzard started and took full effect, it didn't take long for the creature to freeze from a gas into a stagnant solid. "Now" she whispered to herself before starting to slowly descend to the ground, snow already beginning to pile up on the ground as the blizzard roared, she had used all of her energy to create this.

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Outside the Temple fighting a monster

Mood: Determined -> Exhausted

With: Everyone outside the temple

Theme: Chuuritsu Toshi- Origin Spirits of the Past

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Before Puellam could let loose her frozen arrow, Fang jumped from seemingly no where and ripped the Dead creature hunter into two. One down. As she turned and aimed her bow at the other monster, Roxii Sliced it in an 'X" motion, killing it easily. But there was one more that the others didnt see, across the crater. Another axe flew straight towards Puellam, but missed as she effortlessly spun just shy of its path, Although two more came fro, the same area hurtling towards her companions but missed as they had fast reflexes, Puellam pulled the string taut, zoomed in on her target and let looses the Ice arrow. The arrow zoomed across the clearing and into the dead woods on the other side with a tail of sparkling snow trailing behind. Then she heard the faint crack of ice as it pierced the Undead's skull. It was done the guardians dead. It was easy, just a bit to easy. The feeling was unsettling, this did not feel like victory. Puellam crouched there for a whole minute longer, observing the area, making sure there were no more guardians. Then she noticed, the pulsing of the void seed had stopped. No sound was being made, more were there any sensations coming from it. Puellam stood up, slinging her bow around her shoulder as she cautiously walked towards the void seed. As she prowled closer to the void seed she formed an ice javelin I her palm and threw it at the void seed, striking it. Great sparks of energy came out as the void seed shattered her ice javelin, but a crack within the Crystal void see could be seen she formed another and threw it again and again until a piece of it crumbled away and with that the void seed became dull as if all the energy left. It was done. The first void seed destroyed. But again the nagging feeling of it being to easy continued to naw at her. Why did they seem to have it easy when the others seemed to have it harder. Was it because the trio were all true and seasoned warriors? Or was there something more?
"Let's do this.... Undead's Desire!" The four powerful Templars that Ether had raised were still locked in combat with the creature, not caring about any damage the creature did to them for they felt no pain. They did not tire and their assault had been completely relentless all this time. The armor on their bodies had been shattered, pieces of the steel embedded into their bodies from the impacts and damage of the monster and from Ether's Abysmal Bloom attack that didn't differentiate friend from foe. As Ether casts the spell, the pale blue glow underneath their skin begins to shine brilliantly. The zombies do something unnatural...the dead templars smile. They stagger forward towards the monster, through the hale of ice and snow, latch on to its now solidified body, and with a sigh of relief detonate violently. The explosion depends on how powerful the individuals were in life and all four templars were very powerful. The detonation was of raw arcana and decimates everything within 15 ft of each individual undead. A short range but an undeniably powerful explosion and Ether had casted it on four very powerful templar thralls.

The explosion should have done some damage to the creature, enough to send it reeling in pain. Regardless of whether or not it did, Ether launches himself into the air, augmented by his blood magic, while charging up a large area-of-effect Hex. He soars past Akime and the Ice girl, radiating with the power of the curse he was about to unleash. He holds his hands close together, forming an orb of swirling blood in between. The blood was being siphoned from the cut he had opened previously to activate his blood magic. Now he was draining his blood at an incredibly rapid pace to form the biggest Blood Hex he had ever casted. His purple irises now outright shining from underneath his dark hood, he raises his arms above his head and roars out the words, "I offer you the lifeblood of my body, Sanguine! Blood Incarnate! I beseech you, take my life and reduce my foes to nothing!" Ether throws his hands forward and cries out, "SANGUINE SABOTAGE!" A great crimson red seal appears beneath the beast and glows with a deep scarlet hue. The orb in Ether's hands explodes and rains down onto the massive seal below. As the first droplet of Ether's blood strikes the ground and splashes onto the seal, deep red streaks of pure mana fire out and dig into the beast. It burrows into the hide of the giant creature and drains away any and all energy the beast may contain.For each droplet of blood, three streaks burst forward and lash into the beast, draining it of everything it is. Ether had used up three whole pints of blood in his body for this spell to guarantee victory. With that much blood falling onto the seal, the monsters movements have been completely sealed. This will render it immobile and weaken the beast immensely, setting it up for a finishing blow. The necromancer stays static in the air for he has to hold the energy of the Blood Hex and it continues to drain him the longer he maintains the spell. Through a pained and exhausted body, Ether cries out to Akime, "AKIME FINISH IT OFF!!! I CAN'T HOLD THIS!!"

@Federoff @TheGossipLink
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Arin had just fired off a sling bullet when the monster turned to gas and the stone passed harmlessly through. Cheater. However, it left a tunnel of air through the creature, and it looked like it hurt, which served him right. The lasers also weren't doing him any favors, even when he was gas. An interesting effect seemed to be happening in the areas around them, but Arin didn't have the time to investigate. She just waited around invisibly and shot at the monster whenever he became solid. She didn't always hit, and when she did, the magic didn't always work. The battle looked to be becoming a war of attrition, and then another Knight proceeded to apply the principle of solids being cool gases and froze the thing until it was forced to take solid form. A few really good hits would do it in.

Arin wanted to provide the really good hit. She found another good stone for her sling, released it at the monster, and added a larger than normal helping of magic to the shot, which sped the thing up to a greater fraction of lightspeed (but still a tiny one. Arin was not stupid). The stone hit the monster and it really looked like that did the trick. The monster was not in good shape, to understate it.
Misako had wondered around Anam, not enjoying the darkness of the area. She had her bow drawn with the flame on the end of it dimly iluminatingher path, having her hood up. She kept an eye out, wanting to see some other soul out here. She yawned, exhaustion getting to her.

(I dunno where we are with jacolm. We still fighting the monster or not? The notifications REALLY fucked me over here.)

She shot a few more lightning bolts at it whenever she saw an opening. The dragon girl’s powers froze its gaseous state and formed the beast’s flesh into solid form. With everyone attacking it all at once, the monster was done for. The knight of light seemed to have finished it off. It was collapsed on the ground broken into chunks.

“We did it!” Jasmine laughed. She never imagined herself being able to take on such a beast and it made her feel powerful. That is until she looked at the remains of the beast and noticed that it was moving. Was it just the wind? She thought for a second but gasped as she realized that it was actually regenerating. Everyone put so much power into defeating it and it still wasn’t dead? Jasmine felt exasperated.


Mira could only watch the fight from where she sat on the ground. Her head was throbbing and her body ached from her collision with the temple walls. As the fight progressed, she felt her strength returning but it felt as if her mind was far away. Like she was watching the scene through a screen.

The others managed to finish off the beast but Mira felt something different within the realm of spirits. She knew that it wasn’t fully dead.

She stood up and started walking towards the monster. Mira didn’t even realize what she was doing. Everything was moving in slow motion for her. Her body was on the physical world but her mind was in another. In her state, she moved her hands in front of the monster’s ashes. Mira manipulated its spiritual energy. Her eyes suddenly glowed a pale purple and twisted her arms.

The chunks of the beast which were about to regenerate, fell to the ground, lifeless. Mira had completely destroyed its spirit. Exhausted from her display of power, she collapsed to the ground.

Monster is dead now
Jacolm collapsed, half asleep and half dead. He was totally exhausted, barely holding the grip of his flintlock. He coughed, some of his blood coming out. "Holy hell..."

Misako laid down on the ground, staring up into the sky.

@Anyone Really.


Atraxia let out a sigh of disappointment after all had ended, his daggers now long gone for now, waiting until he needed to summon them again. "Well that was disappointing, thought they would at least put up a fight" stated Atraxia as he began to look around a bit, scanning the horizon, animals were still moving away but some were starting to come back; he could see the heat they gave off from their movements. "Looks like my suspicions are true, this so called "Goddess" isn't telling us exactly everything" he scoffed at the end of his statement, resenting the word "goddess". He definitely did not like how it looked right now, if an all mighty being needed help to destroy something so simple and easy then there was definitely something else to the story, and he suspected that they would not get all the information for now; probably not at all. "We should probably head back and make acquaintances with the others, figure out the statistics and replenish before heading out again" the monster man stated to the rest of them, making it sound like a suggestion yet knowing Fang one could guess differently what it really was.

Celestial Knights [Open] | Page 4 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: "Land of Snow"

Mood: Disappointed -> Eager to know more

With: ( @MsPolite ) Roxii ( @Javax)

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


Well, Arin's slingshot had done the trick- the frozen monster shattered into bitty chunks. Arin was just celebrating their victory when a fellow knight's eyes glowed purple and she collapsed. Arin ran over to her and helped pick her up.

"Are you okay?" Arin asked the girl, "What did you just do?"
Ether watches as one of the nearby knights he hadn't seen finishes off the weakened and solidified monster of the void. With a roar, Ether cuts off the spell and the arcane blood circle along with the streaks of mana dissipate into the air. Ether falls from the sky, to weak to adjust his falling form and not having enough blood to activate blood magic , he hits the ground back first with a cringe worthy smack. Ether's breath leaves his lungs in a painful wheeze as he rolls to his side clutching his body. His body starts to shake and ether starts to feel increasingly cold, "Damned blood magic...why you have to leave me in such a sorry state heheheh..." This was not new and Ether has pushed himself too far before and has been alone during most of his life. He drags himself back to his feet while muttering curses under his breath and shivering heavily. He tries to make his way back to comrades he made recently though his steps are slow and his breath is coming quick and shallow.

Kuro Akime

Witnessing the fight, the lone girl hadn't done one thing. All of the others had dealt damage to the creature, some more then others, while Kuro for the most part did nothing. She liked it that way. No one, not even herself, knew the extent of her powers, and she planned from this moment on to hold that over them. Sure, she knows to a very short extent how her powers work, but not much even at this point is known about her. Whereas she now as witnessed most of the other Knight's powers. While the dark girl had little intention on harming any of the other Knight's, she could start getting an idea of how to if needed. But they don't, because other then shadow control, who knows what Kuro can do? When the creature was finally killed off, once again she slipped into the forest. No one would've seen where she went, and that's precisely what she wanted.

I'm immortal...I can never die through natural causes...but can I die through other means? Can I be shot, or stabbed to death?...

Slowly walking through the forest, the girl extended her sight with the use of her magic. By connecting with the shadows, she had a fair view of about a half-mile radius. There was nothing of interest here, at least not within her viewing range. Only trees, and a river. No one was following her, which was always nice. Finally figuring she could relax, Kuro let her mask and hood dissipate, allowing her hair to flow free. She then also let her armor fade away, as she had no need for it. Back in her clothes from Earth, it jolted the girl a bit. In this place, she still had what she wore before all of this. Deciding to let the past, be the past, she shed them. If anyone was here, they certainly would've had a good show for a moment. Using her magic, the lone girl created a black shirt, and making color pants. They, much like her armor, were form fitting. As someone who used stealth, it's kinda needed. Before moving on, she looked down at her discarded clothes. As a symbol of her moving forward, she shredded them with her shadows, reducing them to nearly nothing.

Once satisfied with this entire experience, she then continued with her walk. It lasted a wonderful hour, before she realized something. She wasn't hungry. Ever. Before coming here she was fairly hungry, having not eaten in a while. But since accepting the orb, she hasn't felt hunger. Before she had time to really contemplate it, there was a rustling to her right. Accessing her 'shadow vision', she seen it was nothing more then a harmless bunny. Passing it off, she continued on her way.

Just at the reach of her vision, the dark girl seen light filtering it's way into the forest. Which meant that she had come to it's end, after quite a while. She personally found the simplicity of the walk relaxing, but decided it was best not to keep going for too much longer. Picking up the pace, it only took a few minutes longer to reach the end of the treeline. It opened up to a field, as far as the eye could see. The sun seemed particularly strong here, and a warm breeze swept through Kuro's clothes. It seemed the exact opposite of who the girl was, in all aspects. Finding a bit disappointed with her the discovery of this land, she turned back around. It was getting a little later in the day, and there was most likely no one still at the temple. So following the same route as she used to get here, the dark girl back tracked all the way to the place she started her journey.

Mira groaned as the other picked her up. She gazed at the girl who she recognized as the one who used light magic against the beast. She asked if Mira was okay.

“I’m fine…” She said, barely standing on her feet. “I’m not even too sure what I just did… but remind me to never do it again.” She sighed. She tried to recall what just happened to her but it was all a blur. All she knew was that it involved using her spirit power. Mira made a promise to herself that she would never use her powers like that unless she needed to. It left her feeling so drained.



Jasmine stood around for a moment, trying to process what just happened. She looked around at a few of her fellow knights. Most of them were exhausted, herself included. There was more to do though. The void seed in the area still hasn’t been destroyed. They merely defeated the guardian. She took a deep breath.

“The rest of you can stay here and heal but I will need at least one other person to help me destroy the void seed.” She stated.

Jasmine walked off into the direction the monster came from, not looking back to see if anyone was following her. She felt the energy of the void not too far away and focused her attention on its location.
The hybrid gazed at the withering remains of the void seed, wondering why it seemed so... easy. She expected the seed and its protectors to put up more of a fight. Furrowing her brows in confusion, she had the same mindset as Puellam and Fang—in both instances. There was certainly something more that the three weren't seeing, whether it was hidden amongst the immediate shadows or hidden as withheld information. The wolf's right ear twitched as she thought, but Fang's words brought her out of her thoughts. She nodded in response; though she despised any type of interaction, physical and verbal, she knew that getting to know the other Celestial Knights may prove to be quite beneficial.

@MsPolite @Federoff
Allyator said:
Mira groaned as the other picked her up. She gazed at the girl who she recognized as the one who used light magic against the beast. She asked if Mira was okay.

“I’m fine…” She said, barely standing on her feet. “I’m not even too sure what I just did… but remind me to never do it again.” She sighed. She tried to recall what just happened to her but it was all a blur. All she knew was that it involved using her spirit power. Mira made a promise to herself that she would never use her powers like that unless she needed to. It left her feeling so drained.



Jasmine stood around for a moment, trying to process what just happened. She looked around at a few of her fellow knights. Most of them were exhausted, herself included. There was more to do though. The void seed in the area still hasn’t been destroyed. They merely defeated the guardian. She took a deep breath.

“The rest of you can stay here and heal but I will need at least one other person to help me destroy the void seed.” She stated.

Jasmine walked off into the direction the monster came from, not looking back to see if anyone was following her. She felt the energy of the void not too far away and focused her attention on its location.

The girl said "I'm fine" in the tone of voice that translated what she said from "I'm fine" to "I'm in bad shape, but won't require a hospital visit." She also said that she had no idea what happened. She then added to remind her never to do it again. Arin, who read enough to know about narrative irony, asked her:

"Wanna bet on how long that resolution will last?"

Arin had made sure that the Spirit Knight was recovering could stand on her own when she heard someone else ask for a volunteer to help destroy the Void Seed.

"I can do it," she said.

It was true. Because Arin hadn't been really fighting back there, her greatest physical exhaustion was some aches in her arms and a thumping headache from having to concentrate on so much at once (pity this world didn't have Advil), and that was clearing up. She didn't need healing, unlike the rest of the Knights, especially the ones who'd actually been taking hits from the monster.

Arin followed Jasmine to the void seed, despite her nerves telling her that the direction they were going in was a Bad Place, with capital letters.
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Ether laughs as two of the knights venture off to fight the void seed of the area. He can't believe they were going to take on the boss creature already when all of them together struggled so much with just the supposed cannon fodder of the Void Seed. These two think they can work it alone? "Good luck you two." He says this with some doubt showing in his voice but nonetheless the words were meaningful. Ether staggers up to the wall of the temple and presses his back against it, letting himself slide down to the floor with a pained groan and chattering teeth. With his new-found immortality Ether could literally feel his blood regenerating in his body but he was still exhausted and used a lot of power in three huge bursts. The necromancer was low on blood, energy, mana, and drive. He would try his hand against fate once he had some rest. He spent this time just gazing out at the other knights nearby

The void seed seemed further away than she thought and yet she could feel its power. They must have been walking for a while now. With each step, its presence felt stronger. Her mind felt blank and it became harder for her to think the closer she got to it. All Jasmine could do was focus on the energy the void gave off.

The sound of footsteps next to her reminded her that she had a traveling companion. Jasmine tried to recall her name but couldn’t think of it. Thinking too hard felt like walking through goo. Did fighting the monster really take that much out of her or was there something else going on? Either way, her gazed returned to the blonde girl next to her.

“I don’t recall ever introducing ourselves. My name is Jasmine Libra. And you are?”


She sat on the temple floor for a while, waiting for her strength to return. Frustration filled her mind. Mira wanted to be of more help against the monster but she was out for the majority of the battle. She was also annoyed at how much her spirit powers seemed to have taken out of her.

Standing up impatiently, she decided to take a little walk in the vicinity, see who else was sticking around. She exited the temple, a cold breeze brushed against her skin and the setting sun painted the sky a lively orange. Taking a deep breath of the cool air, Mira felt a bit refreshed. She was reminded that their adventures have only just begun.

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