Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

"Mhm." Rian was resting atop of his ledge, grooming his wounds with a neutral expression. His ear flicked and he ignored the bothersome stinging lashing through it and down his spine. He watched Luna silently, his ears flicking faintly at his thoughts God, why does she have to be so damn attractive? He cringed to himself and jumped from the ledge, walking up next to her with a perked eyebrow.
(Sorry for the OOC delay, but Tank Youuuuuu!)

Pepper sleeps soundly in her ball in a dreamless slumber. She shivered slightly from the wind blowing her fur around. She stirs slightly in her sleep, but doesn't wake up.
-Haku sensed the tention as Luna entered. she turned away leaving with her unanswered quetion. she trotted over next to pepper and curled up with her. she lay until her breathing mimiced peppers as she to fell to sleep-
Luna widened her eyes at his answer. Did he just say yes? She cautiously padded in, her icy orbs running over the foreign area she hadn't the time to explore yet. "That was... Nice. What you did today," she commented, flicking her gaze up to look at Rian. "Thank you." She pawed at the ground, one of her nervous ticks. Wait, why was she nervous? Luna doesn't get nervous. She shook her head and glanced back up at him. 
(For what??? O.o hahaha)
Rian just sighed and nodded, he watched her paw at the ground, a smile threatening to tug at Rian's lips. Wait, Rian didn't smile. He shifted and eyed her awkwardly, muttering a low "Your..welcome.."
May watched the two pups fall sleep before going and curling up behind them, making sure they wouldn't get cold. She wondered what Rian and Luna were talking about but it was none of her business so she stayed where she was, content with the slight breeze in the air.
(technically that was me... yeah but that was funny.. Considering that she didn't remember the word 'father' or 'dad' but the word mom.)
Holy shit were they being nice to each other? Rian, and Luna? She couldn't believe it, she just couldn't. Her body froze still, tensing up more and more each second. This weird feeling felt... well, weird. She relaxed her body and raised her head towards Rian's, quickly brushing her tongue over his cheek. As quick as it happened, it was over, and she abruptly turned and left the den, running back over for the comfort of Kane. 
(ohhh okay! LOL)
(hehe it was.)

-Haku felt the warmth of May as she lay against her and Pepper and was gratful. her first sleep in a long time nestled beside other wolves. she whimpered a small sad whimper as she recalled when the fire took it all-
Rian's eyes nearly bulged out of his head as she licked his cheek, he opened his mouth to speak but just saw her run off. He flicked back his ears and sighed. He awkwardly climbed up onto his ledge, allowing a foreign smile to brace his face. He laid down silently, his head resting on his paws, he gazed out of his nook at everyone else, his tail thumping quietly against the wall, causing him to sigh.
May softly licked the Haku when she heard her whimper. She hasn't heard if what happened to the little pup but she could guess that Haku still remembers the day.
(ohhhhhhhhhhh shhhheeeeeiiiiiittttttt. can you say plot twist)

Luna cuddled her small ebony form into Kane's larger one, her heart seeming to thump out of her chest. "You, uh, okay?" Kane asked, looking down at her. She only shook her head, and knowing Luna he knew not to push any farther. He wrapped his large body around hers, grooming her ears gently as he only wondered what went on in Rian's cave.

(I'm thinking time skip to the next day? Just to keep things going and not to cram everything in one day. Agree?)

Rian gazed out of the cave, growling lightly at Kane and Luna. He clenched his jaw and his tail halted its thumping. He curled up, his back to the world. He closed his eyes, sighing and gazing down at the ground, a frown masking his face.
(Woop woop. TIME SKIP! Next morning everyone!) 
Luna awoke in her small den, rustling around in the leaves and letting a yawn slip. Her pools of blue slowly fluttered open, trying to think of how she'd ended up here-- Kane must have carried her here after she had fallen asleep. Her pads led her towards the pond, her mind still halfway in it's sleepy state. She craned her neck, bending down to lap at the cool water. It felt refreshing to her dry mouth, her tail lazily wagging.
May jumped up and looked around, her heart thumping and her heavy and haggard breathing the only thing she could hear at the moment. She closed her eyes but flinched and whimpered at the nightmare that was still fresh in her mind. She looked around and saw the two pups still asleep. Her breathing wasn't getting much better so she stayed where she was, working on getting that back to normal.
Pepper opened her little eyes uncurling from her ball. She sprung to her feet not waiting for the others to wake up. She stumbled over to the water looking at the strange surface. She paws toward it curiously wondering what it felt like. Surprised that he paw went right through the surface she jumps back and slinks forward again this time pouncing on the water and falling underneath.

It was surprisingly cold and she felt wet. It was a new sensation, but she wasn't at all in the mood to think about that. She suddenly realized she couldn't breath and kicked at the water trying to make it go away and get out from under whatever it was that wasn't allowing breath into her lungs.
"Morning." Rian said lightly, he was sitting calmly beside the river, it had looked like he'd been there for quite some time. He gazed down at the water in silence, his ear flicking lightly."How're you?" Rian watched Pepper, he sighed and grabbed her by the scruff, pulling her out of the water, muttering "Don't go near it." He set her down and nudged her rear with his nose.
Pepper stared up at the big one spitting out water. She shakes off her fur sending droplets of water flying all around her. Then it was cold, real cold. She felt colder then when the dark came. Her little body shivered both from nerves and from the cold water still clinging to her fur.
Rian sighed and lifted Pepper up, he padded over to May, nudging her before setting the wet pup down. He sighed and walked back to Luna, sitting silently beside her.
After May got her breathing under control, she turned to Pepper and shook her head while walking over and curling around the cold pup, drying off Pepper's fur and body with her own.
Luna let a growl slip at the naïve pup, to live with the rest of them they needed to learn and catch on quick. She tried to suppress her irritation by looking back at the water. Her ears perked when she heard a familiar voice. Had Rian been there the entire time? She shook her head to try and wake herself up fully, looking up at him. "I'm, er, fine," she said softly, still trying to adjust to the new friendly acts between them. "And yourself?" and involuntary thump of her tail was extremely noticeable; if she could blush, she definitely would be. 
Kane walked over to May and Pepper. "I think it's time you learn and be disciplined, eh?" he said to the pup. He could sense Luna's annoyance, and if that kept up they surely wouldn't last long in the pack, especially because they weren't even her pups. In Luna's eyes, they were useless mouths to feed who just got in the way...and she wasn't too sure she could afford that at the moment.

Shaking thoughts from his mind, he glanced back over at the two females. "Where do we begin?"
A faint smile tugged at Rian's lips and he swatted his tail against hers, "I'm good." now. He folded back his ears and looked downwards, which is..well, his own way of blushing. His ears perked up and he sighed lowly. Well, shes probably mated with Kane. I should back o-- What are you thinking Rian? God, make your move. He leaned over quickly and gave a light lick to her cheek, he flicked his ear with a shy smile before he turned his head and eyed the cave.
May rolled her eyes and got up when the pup was all dry, pushing Pepper up with her. May looked over at Luna to see Rian lick her cheek and walk away which made May smile. They would be good mates, but both are extremely stubborn.

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