Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

-Haku wagged her tail excitedly remaining laying on her back- ''I bet it would be nice to ride on them. Birds can. If we did we would have to eat birds. Have you ever eaten a bird? Are they tasty?''
May chuckled and shook her head. "I haven't eaten a bird before but that don't have much meat so I don't think they would be that good. I bet that falling asleep wouldn't be a problem if we lived on a cloud."
-Haku rolled over onto her belly- ''suppose so.'' -she stretched out- ''do you think Luna will have Rian's pups? Then me and Pepper wouldn't be the only pups!''
May was taken completely off guard by this question. "Um... Well I suppose they would. If they do then you and Pepper could help take care of them."
(AHHH. Sorry I like passed out I was so tired ugh. and sure! preferably it'd be one that's not a pup though, haha)

Luna grinned, nuzzling her snout deep into Rian's chest. Her tongue ran over his soft fur, her mouth emitting almost a purring sound. Her small black paws playfully swung at him, giggling as she did so. "It's quite cozy in here," she whispered, licking his nose.
Pepper uncurls stretching out her front paws, her behind sticking up into the air. Opening her little mouth in a yawn, her tongue rolling out of her mouth. She opens and closes her mouth a few times blinking her eyes open waking up. The pup looks around feeling hungry after her nap. Sniffing at the air with her wet black nose, she searches for the smell of the crawlies.

Scrambling to her paws, she pads over to the dirt and digs at the ground. Pepper licks her muzzle, her mouth watering spotting the crawlies in the dirt. She eats the bugs swallowing a few of them.
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Kane crouches nearby, his eyes narrowed on a fat rabbit in front of him. He smelled May nearby, so he turns and shushes her before turning his attention back to the rabbit. Creeping just a bit closer, he leaps and pounces, his teeth latching on to the rabbit's neck. After a few seconds all is silent, he turns proudly to show off his kill to May. "I think the pups would like this."
May laughs when Kane turns around with a rabbit in his mouth. "Probably. Go take it to them, I'll be in this area looking for more in case they need it."
-Haku pounced around happily. she smelled fresh kill and hoped it was for her and Pepper-
May walked around the forest until she found a decent sized fox further up ahead. She crouched down when she saw the fox, she positioned herself to attack, and leaped up out of the bush, biting her prey in the neck and killing it instantly.
Rian made a light nod, a soft, loving growl erupting from his chest. He slid his tongue over her ears, he plopped down beside her and curled his larger body around hers, his nose nuzzling against her chest, breathing in her scent before traveling his tongue along her upper body, nuzzling her in the process.
May grabbed the fox with her mouth and walked back in the direction she came from. A few minutes later she arrived in the clearing and dropped the fox near the pups, planning to go hunting for the other wolfs later.
-Haku sniffed the fox timidly then took o bite. It was a strong meaty taste unlike that of the herbivores she was used to eating- ''What animal is this?'' -she asked May taking another bite. The strong meaty flavor was delectable-
May looked down at Haku as she ate. "It's a fox. I didn't know if you would like it or not but I got it just in case. Any good?"
((So sorry for not posting today, I've been a bit under the weather))

Silver woke up suddenly. She didn't remember falling asleep, but because of her injuries she didn't doubt that she had been sleeping for at least half day. She raised her head, her eyes drawn to the couple that Luna and Rian made. "Ah, young love. I wonder what it feels like?" came her soft, motherly voice.

She let her eyes drift away from the couple to rest on the other four wolves in the clearing. She watched them for a moment before turning to check on her pup. He seemed stable but she knew it could change. She gently picked him up and laid him at her stomach so he could nurse.
May looked around and saw that Silver had woken up which was good. She cast everyone one last glance before going to sit under a tree on the outskirts of the clearing so she could somewhat relax but also have a good view of everyone else.
Pepper catches the scent of the fox and makes her way over picking up a piece. She lays down eating the meat, tearing her little teeth into the food. She shreds the meat keeping her paw down to hold it in place. She swallows eating it piece by piece until she was full. Standing up, she wanders over to Silver noticing that she had woken up. She sniffs at the familiar scent of milk curiously.

Finding a little wolf she hadn't noticed before, she wags her tail and nudges it playfully.
Silver Moon smiled at Pepper, carefully watching her interaction with her pup, who she decided needed a name. His pure white coat reminded her of his father and she knew what she would name him. "This is my little boy, Sesh. Rian over there saved him. Now now, don't jostle him, he's still healing," her voice was quiet and kind.
"Sesh!" she copies and nudges the pup with her nose again playfully. She huffs when he didn't play back. Why didn't he want to play too. She found the small wolf to be quit rude.
Silver Moon shook her head. She would have some teaching to do with these pups. "No no, he can't play right now. He's injured and he doesn't have the energy. He has to rest if you want him to get better," she said, gently nudging Pepper away from him.
Pepper whimpers startled and lifts her paw pawing at the air. "Play Play!" she repeats recognizing the word. She rolls over showing off for Silver. She looks at her from her back "Play" she squeals wagging her tail back and forth.
(I think that pups should be energetic and stuff, but when I was like a child, when someone told me no playing I wouldn't flip out because they said a word. I would calm myself down and rest beside them or do whatever. I feel like your taking her playful energy to the point where its annoying.)
-Haku looked at May after she finished- ''It was good'' -She noticed Pepper and her readiness to play. Haku bounced over to her and jostled Pepper slightly in the side then rolled around wagging her tail.- ''Hehehe Pepper learned a new word I like. Play!'' -Haku said ready to play herself-

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