Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

Silver gently picked Sesh up and moved him out of the way. In a quick movement, she stood, towering over the pups. A low growl started in her throat. She had dealt with unruly pups before and she knew just the right thing to do. She stepped forward to stand over the pups, blocking their chances to escape her motherly wrath.
Luna smiled and then quickly frowned when she noticed a chunk missing from Rian's ear. She whined softly and licked it, cocking her head as if to ask what happened. She cuddled her body further into his, making herself comfy, sighing with happiness.
May decided to lay down against the tree, hoping to get a little rest since she didn't get much last night She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off.
Rian grunted lightly and traveled his tongue along her neck, murmuring a soft "Wolf tore it with his claw, love." He pressed his nose against Luna's, winding his tail around hers, a light almost purr like noise starting up from Rian. He curled his body around hers protectively, his tail thumping along the ground.
-Haku stood up and faced Silver- ''Alright I see how it is. we cant play. well at least over here anyway'' -she growled. then she nudged Pepper slightly- '''lets go somewhere else I think we are disturbing Silver and Sesh and Sesh need rest since he's hurt.'' -She looked at Silver with one paw raised ready for if she attacked despite her chanses of winning being slim to none since she was a pup and Silver an adult.- 
(Is my Wolf Igasha accepted??? I posted him in the other thread.)
(yes! Sorry I forgot to check)

Luna whined softly and licked his ear, closing her eyes to relax. Suddenly she opened them back up to look at Rian. "Rian," she whispered softly. "I'd better go out to check on everyone..." she trailed away softly, not wanting to leave her spot. But as alpha she needed to make sure everyone was okay and behaving. She yawned and stood, motioning over to the exit. "C'mon."
-Igasho walked into the den as Luna was heading towards the exit.s "i see i must be in your terriory. sometimes my nose gets carried away and i dont pay attention o sents" -the solid black year old male was huge. his purple eyes gleaming-
May didn't notice the other wolf walk into the territory because she was in an unusually deep sleep, though she wishes that she could wake up from it because of the flashbacks and memories that were sure to resurface.
Luna instantly crouched down, her legs tensing up. "Who are you?" she snarled, looking the brute up and down. She took a step forward, her hackles raising and her teeth bared. To think this wolf would walk onto her territory so easily with no worry!? Ridiculous!
Rian walked out quietly by her side, his pelt bristling at the intruder, he used every nerve of self control in his body to keep himself from lunging. He folded back his ears, resting his head against his mate's lightly. He nuzzled her before flicking his ear and straightening up. He just smirked at Luna, rolling his eyes before approaching the intruder with a low sigh. "What're you doing here? I suggest you tell me nicely before I get angry." He was rather a threatening fello, with his ear torn, his light eyes unnatural and his large, muscular frame, well, he was obviously not one to mess with.
-Igasho growled at Rian- "i bet such imputance is what has you in such a torn state" -he said flicking his head toward the torn ear- "and to answer you" -he turned to Luna- "my name is Igasho. im just a lone wolf whos pack betrayed him." -memeries creeped into his mind but he pushed them back.-
Rian's hackles rose and he snarled at the remark. He flicked his tail "Get. Out. Of. My. Territory." His voice was low and harsh with a light growl to it. He flicked his ears back and carefully stepped forward, waiting to see if this 'hot shot' was gonna pick a fight.
-Igasho growled low.- "i think its up to your alpha what happens. if i am to leave i will. i was just passing through anyway." -the words were true but it pained Igasho to have to continue on-
Rian's ear flicked and he eyed Luna. He was her mate..therefor alpha..right? He furrowed his brow at the thought and shifted on his paws. He just sighed and turned, walking silently over to Kane and the others.
(pssssst. They aren't exactly mates yet:p but they're totally getting there ;D)

Kane instantly rose when he heard the snarling from Luna's mouth. Joining her free side, all three wolves were now crouched and growling at the intruder. Luna took another step closer, icily glaring at Igasho the way she once did with Rian. "Leave," she commanded, spitting at him. 
(o sheeeiiit I'm late)
-Igasho's tail drooped.- "i suppose alpha has spoken." -he nodded his head politely.- " in my old pack i was a delta and they more than anyshould understand the pack." -he sighed and turned- "the alphas of my pack died n a fire while the female hadjust had pups. e fought for supiriority and in the end to much blood was spilled"
Rian huffed to himself, he eyed the pups silently, his ears folding back. He laid himself down with a huff, closing his eyes. He placed his head on the ground, his tail flicking before relaxing, his hackles lowering.
Luna sighed heavily and froze. "Wait," she called. "You seem to be... useful. You may stay, but cause trouble and you're gone. Understood?" she said firmly, a low growl audible near the end. Turning, she padded over to Rian and sat herself next to him. "What's wrong, dear?" she whined. 
(oh my gosh, PLEASE no more pups hahaahah)
"Nothing, love." He murmured, leaning his head up, gliding his tongue over her ears softly. He gave her a nuzzle, nudging her down lightly with a soft smile. "Y'know how you got annoyed when I got angry about you invading my territory?" He smirked cockily, silently bugging her about how she got annoyed with the new guy.
May whimpered slightly and shifted in her sleep, whimpering again as she shivered and flinched while curling up into a small ball.
-Igasho froze when Luna spoke. joy filled him inside. his tail wagged before he could think to stop it. after a moment he climbed onto a narby rockpile in the direct liht from the holy light above. he nestled down and slept. h would meet the other wolves later.-

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