Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

Pepper looks up at the new voice finishing her meat. She wasn't used to all the attention and it started to get a bit overwhelming. Standing back onto her paws she stumbles away from the big ones and curiously makes her way over to the one sitting alone. She sits down in front of the big one with a huff.
Rian cocked his head lightly to the side, his eyebrow( can consider an eyebrow) raising. "Do you need something?" He asked flatly, his orange pelt swaying with the wind, causing him to huff and readjust himself.
Silver smiled and spoke, "I see no issue with that. Both of these girls look like they were weaned just a bit to early anyway. Also, you, the one who saved my boy, I've realized that I forgot to thank you. I'm sorry, I was just overcome with the joy that my boy may live. You have my sincerest gratitude."
May grabs some more of her meat and hands it to Haku. "Here you go." She watched Pepper go over and sit by Rian, hoping that the larger wolf wouldn't start anything. She shook her head and walked back to the pond, which happened to be her favorite place, and sat down near the waters edge.
Kane crouched down next to Pepper, nuzzling her for comfort. "Don't be nervous..." he trailed off, licking and grooming her face, "you just better learn your place." He looked right into her eyes and nodded one last time, hoping that would be enough for her to understand. 
Kane sat up and looked to Rian, "Just thinking, that's all."
Rian moved a white paw awkwardly and pressed it against her stomach, flicking it lightly. He was still completely oblivious to the social scene and pups were just a unknown creature to Rian. He flicked back his ears, eying Pepper with curious green eyes.
May looked around at all of the wolfs in the clearing and turned her head to the side. She wonders what the stories of these wolfs are, knowing that everyone here has a story because they were all alone when they either came here or were found. She wonders who else they will find or how many other wolfs were just like them, looking for a pack or just something to survive.
Luna and Rian are both such assholes but idk I'm so in love with them ugh

Luna silently thanked Silver by nodding her head and turning to observe Rian. She let one side of her muzzle tilt up in a smirk, enjoying watching him play. It seemed almost foreign to him, as well as the pup herself.
Pepper wags her tail rolling onto her side pausing to peer at the big one for a moment before suddenly springing to her paws. She jumps for his tail falling over in her attempt, she bats at it anyways.
Rian flinched and nearly snarled, so programmed to being attacked. His ears flattened and he eyed Pepper in silence, flicking his tail around for her to chase.
-Haku finished her meet and decided to join Pepper. She raised up on Rian- ''why don't you stay around us? I smell you all the time but you always lay alone somewhere its strange. These other wolves are nice!'
Luna let a laugh slip at Haku, eyeing Rian to see his response. She cocked her head and let a sly tongue loll out to lick her muzzle.
Pepper watches his tail with her eyes moving her head back and forth. She stands up following the tail jumping back and forth trying to catch it. Finally landing on it, she bites down on the tail teething.
May watched Haku and Pepper with a chuckle. Always so curious. She still watched on though so she could hear his response too.
Rian jolted and this time he did snarl. He sighed after he did and swatted at her small muzzle with his large paw. He eyed Haku, almost pouting "What, am I the nanny now?" He said flatly.
May walked over and picked up Pepper. "I don't think he likes that." She takes Pepper over to the lake and releases her.
Luna just scoffed at Rian. How did he ever expect to get a high rank with that attitude? He was an ass, he showed no respect for his alpha, and he had proven nothing to her. Every opportunity thrown at him he bats it away. She huffed to herself at his behavior and decided not to pull him aside to speak to him about his position. It would have been a waste of her time.
Pepper lifts her head startled by the snarl. Pinning her ears back against her head not liking the sound, she didn't see his paw until it hit her muzzle. She yelps in surprise shaking her head and lets out a sneeze for good measure already forgetting about the snarl. Looking at the big one's fur she noticed it was similar to the color of her own. It brought one of those noises to mind she tried to remember how to make the noise staring at the big one in concentration she opens her little mouth. "MAMA!"

Rian laid down and pawed at Haku, his ear twitching. He perked his head, his nares flaring for a moment before he stood and eyed Kane for a moment. He decided not to ask for help, but the damn wolves were trying to attack again. He jogged out into the forest and in minutes a wolf fight could be heard, Rian's yelp echoing through the forest followed by his growl and the yelps of others. Rian sighed lowly as he emerged out of the trees, muttering "They attack twice a month, on the full moon and the first of the month. Expect it." Part of his ear was torn and he had claw marks along his side, but overall he looked fine. He disappeared back into the den, his somewhat joyful personality with the pups gone.
May laughs at the word Pepper just says. "That's priceless." She shakes her head and looks at the little pup. 
May watched as Rian came back and nodded her head at the information. At least there were more wolfs to help.
Pepper looks at the water, an unfamiliar site. She was curious to go investigate it, but she was already feeling tired from all the mysteries she had already uncovered today. Curling up where she was set down she lets her eyes droop close feeling safe with the big wolves around she was able to fall deeply into a nap. Tucked safely in a ball her breathing evened and the pup was a peace.
-haku stood at rin's den enterance-"when i asked you to stay around you didnt have to be so imputant i was curious. im haku by the way. your name?"
May looked back over at Pepper and smiled when the little pup fell asleep. She must be tired after the day with how young she was and May was happy that the little pup actually ate some meat.
(YAY :D )

Luna ruffled her (ok screw this I'm just gonna keep saying eyebrows ._.) eyebrows together and watched Rian run away. She cocked her head but decided to let it go, until she smelled and heard wolves snarling in the distances. By the time she could even start to react he was already on his way back into the meadow, fight wounds and all. Her bottom jaw dropped at the sight, and then at the words coming out of his mouth.

She clenched her eyes shut and stood, her petite black frame carrying her closer and closer towards Rian's den. She paused at the door and barked quietly, trying to hold back a growl-- after all she'd never exactly spoken nicely to him. "May I come in?" She hoped the respect she showed for him would be returned, so she just flicked her tail back and forth waiting for an answer.

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