Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)

Luna cocked her head and perked her ears. "Flatter me," she said simply, sitting down to get comfortable. "I've got all day," she growled, eyeing the irratible creature in front of her, his tone not even making her flinch. 
Kane looked at May and nodded, crouching low on his paws. "Lead the way," he offered, following the small fae in front of him. He caught the scent of the deer, and a faint smell of newborn danced through the air-- an easy target.
Rian's jaw clenched "Well, as you know I'm Zane's kid.." And Rian told the basic story of his life, how his father killed his mother, how he, as a child wasn't as strong as the other kids or as mean, how his father kicked him out at 5 months, how he found this place, how he fended for himself and basically taught himself everything. "So, next time don't make assumptions, think first." He then turned and walked silently into the cave.
May walked for a little bit longer before coming to the side of the clearing. "There are a few newborn but the mothers are protecting them. I'll distract them while you go in for the kill. Try to get 2 of them if you can." May bent down slightly, getting ready to leap out.
Luna flattened her ears and carefully listened to everything he had told her, letting it all sink in. She let out a soft growl, "just stop being an ass to me and we won't have any problems." A part of her felt somewhat sorry for him, but she also remembered she too came from a troubled past. They all did, and somehow they all ended up together. It was starting to make sense now, maybe it was fate. But this was their new reality now.

She turned from him and felt guilt rise in her, but quickly shook it from her system. She looked around for Kane to find he had disappeared with May. She lay in her newly fixed-up den in the ground, resting and waiting for their arrival back home.
Rian was just a orange tuff of fur in his cave, he folded back his ears, tucking his tail between his legs, he would not whimper. That.. that would never happen. He clenched his jaw and pulled his hinds up to his chest, the shadows overtaking his frame.
Kane nodded at May's instructions, watching as she made herself visible to the herd to cause a mixup. Instantly Kane leapt out of his crouched position, scaring mothers from their babies. There was an older fawn who'd lost it's mother in the mixup, one weakness. It wasn't long before his powerful legs caught up to the baby, his teeth sinking into its neck for a quick kill. He tossed the corpse to the side towards May, quickly turning and trying to find the next target.

He went after another young fawn but there was a buck who wouldn't leave it's side-- the last thing he wanted was to be injured along with the others. When all the deer had run, he paused and sniffed. A newborn scent was still in the air, and it must be hiding in the tall grass. He followed his nose and sniffed out the deer, growling and pouncing before that was the end of it.

Happily trotting back to May with the fawn in his mouth, he dropped it on top of his first kill, tongue lolling out in happiness. 
Luna huffed to herself, glancing behind her to try and catch a peek of Rian. She simply didn't know what to do about this situation anymore. She curled up into an even tighter ball and decided to clear all of her thoughts and wait for the food.
May yipped happily. "Well that went well." She grabbed one of the fawns with her mouth and started walking back to the others. "We should go get these over to the others quickly. I don't want anything to happen." She walked back into the dense forest and went the way they came from.
"Agreed," Kane spoke, his deep voice muffled by the fawn currently in his mouth. He carefully watched May's walking, still worried she wasn't completely okay yet. When they got to the meadow, he was surprised to see both wolves were peacefully waiting in their dens... and they were each in one peice. Odd.

He made sure May and Luna got the larger fawn, as they were injured the most and May needed it more anyways. So he left them to it as he brought the smaller fawn to the entrance of Rian's den. "Here," he barked. "We can share this," he offered kindly.
May thanked Kane and started to eat some of the meat. She couldn't eat much of it though because she was used to not eating or only eating very little so she left most of the meat to Luna and went back over to the pond to drink some of the water to help stomach her food a bit better.
"I'm fine." Rian said in a flat tone. He kept his eyes closed, he could fend for himself, he didn't need anyone to help him around. He rolled onto his side, flicking his tail.
Silver Moon lifted her head from its position on top of her paws. Something felt off. Her hackles rose, a low thrum of a growl starting in her chest. She could smell wolves, and not the ones she had discovered earlier. If her nose wasn't lying to her, it was a brute and a fae. Standing, she hushed her pups, telling them to stay in the den. She stepped out of her den to see two desperate looking wolves.

"What do you want?" Silver Moon growled, taking a defensive stance in front of her den. Without warning, the brute pounced, colliding with her at an angle meant to move her away from her den. She attempted to duck out of the way, but he caught her by the scruff of her neck, his jaws closing over the skin and fur. She yelped, feeling her body get pulled to the side. While she wasn't a bad fighter by any means, she was outmatched by the large brute and was quickly taken down as soon as she made to stand.

She watched in horror as the very pregnant fae walked towards her den. Her struggle started anew and by chance she managed to catch the brute in the throat, her back foot kicking hard to knock the wind out of him. As soon as he was off her she stood, attempting to run towards her den. The snap of jaws around one of her hind legs caused her to yelp in pain. She was stunned into motionless for a moment and gave the brute a chance to come up and clasp his teeth around her throat. The surprised yelps of her pups made her tense and the sudden silence afterwards was agony.

In her anger, she lashed out, her claws slashing against the stomach of the brute. He returned the favored before tossing her away from him. She slammed into a tree, her vision blurring. Slowly, she stood, realizing it was too late to save her pups. With a weak whine, she began to slowly walk away, a slight limp in her step. After putting a bit of distance between her and the murderers of her pups, she sat and released a long, pitiful howl.
Rian perked his ears at the obvious fight and the yips of pups set him off, he sprinted out of the cave, lunging at the brute who dared kill the innocent pups, he sunk his teeth deep into the brute's neck, tearing at it and swiftly tearing a big chunk from his neck, he sliced his talons through the brutes stomach and threw him against a nearby tree, his blazing eyes met with the fae's "Leave and you don't get killed next." He hissed, the only reason he didn't kill her was because she was pregnant. He nuzzled at the puppies, one dead, one barely hanging on. He picked up the living in his paw and jogged out to meet Silver "Silver! Come!" He spoke through a muffled tone, turning at a trot back to the cave.
May saw Rian take off and before she could get up and help he was back with a grief-stricken Silver following behind him. May also noticed the very injured pup in his mouth and then realized what happened. "Oh no..."
Rian huffed and shook his pelt, he got nailed in the shoulder, but he didn't really mind it. He motioned for Silver to follow him and he carefully walked into the cave and leaped up onto the ledge where he rest the Pup. He licked its fur to find the wounds and sighed lowly. He walked into his small cave and came out nosing some leafs and such. He cautiously placed some chewed up leafs on the pups main wounds, covering it with some water-covered leafs that he used as a bandage so to say. He sat by the pup, nosing it over a couple more times before sighing and walking back into his cave.
May watched Rian tend to the pup and sighed. What's Silver going to do now? May went into the pond and trudge around, trying to get some of the filth and blood stains off of her body.
Rian came out, picked the pup up and carried it back to Silver, his gaze dim. He set it down gently before walking back to his cave.
May got out of the water and sat down with her pelt still soaking wet. She licked her wounds some more before walking around the clearing, getting once again lost in her thoughts.
Silver Moon nuzzled her barely alive pup, his whimpers nearly tearing her heart out. The moment she had seen him take one of her pups out of the den she had felt a flicker of hope and had followed him. She stayed outside of him den in respect for him as he tended to her pup, something she couldn't have handled at the time.
Luna tore into the remaining meat, finishing off the large portion May had left. It had been awhile since she last got a full meal, so she was extremely grateful for Kane. She carefully licked her bloodied paws and around her muzzle, making sure she was clean. Her ears perked up in alert when she'd heard all of the commotion, her body instantly rising to check on what was going on. Kane was already at her feet, but suddenly started to pick up the pace as he saw a very upset Silver.

When both wolves had realized what just happened, they only sat and stared forward with sad faces. "I'm so sorry," Luna whined at Silver, brushing her face against hers for comfort.
Pepper trotted along through some tall grass her tail wagging quickly behind her as she pounced after the thing flying across the ground. It wouldn't stay under her paws, even when she landed on it and pushed all her weight into the ground. Somehow it managed to escape her paws. In reality a butterfly flew above and the pup was only chasing a shadow. The innocent little animal had no idea a shadow could not be caught. She kept yipping playfully and pouncing after the thing anyways enjoying herself.
May watched everyone interact, something she has been doing quite a lot, and looked towards the forest. She was still pretty injured and that bugged her a lot because that means she couldn't protect that easily. She paced back and forth while swishing her tail from side to side.
Kane padded over to May, always feeling the need to be by her side after the way he first encountered her. Kane's personality was always an over protective one, and it felt like it was stronger than ever around Luna and May. He sat his rump next to her, yipping softly at her. "You okay?" he asked, always wondering how she was doing.
Pepper pounces on the thing deciding this time she finally had it. She lifts her paws to find it was not there. She jumps up searching around for it, but it had gone. Disappointed, but not upset the pup searches to find a new game to play. Finally, being still she was able to hear voices. She pricks her ears toward the noise listening, they sounded nearby. The curious pup stumbled tripping over her paws making her way over. She laid down with the source of the noises in sight, watching from behind a tree. Her little head peers around sniffing for there scent, but it was out of reach.
May looked over at Kane and shrugged. "Yeah I'm fine. Still kind of sore but nothing we can do about that." She looks back out at the landscape and smiles slightly as the wind rustles her fur. " I just wish I didn't have these injuries so I could be more help.
Pepper couldn't understand the noises and what they meant, so it didn't take long for her to loose interest. She standing up walking out from behind the tree. She was hungry and thought she saw one of those crawlies in the dirt. Passing the large ones making noises by the trees, she digs at the ground and growls cutely before chomping down on the insect.

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